Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 4 Chapter 5: Aural Town (Part 1)

Departing from Chimone Mountain to the New Castle in Montina, you have to pass through a land about forty miles wide. In this land, because of the perennial coverage of lush forests, it seems that the sky is dark and not seeing the sun. .

There have been many legends about this virgin forest, among which the story of Rose Cave is the most widely circulated in the area.

In this story, there are not only stubborn but still kind old kings, but also beautiful and brave princesses. Naturally, there are young and handsome princes, witches and accomplices who are hated and rejected by everyone.

But these legendary stories with obvious pagan styles cannot impress Giovanni Pogia. He is now watching the forest and the forest between the forest and the forest. The thick brows are twisted together. At this time, Giovanni's mood was no better than the frustrated prince because of the frustration of love in the legendary story.

"If I have to pass through here to reach Montina, I prefer to go a long way." Giovanni said to the people around him. "Such a place is a nightmare for the army. I can imagine that as long as a few sticks The old lady with a dog can make my army suffer a big loss in this forest. "

"Adult, if we detour, we may lose a lot of time, and there is no place on the road that can provide us with so many military supplies."

Some of them anxiously reminded them that they didn't quite understand why Giovanni insisted on detouring. Although passing through the forest was indeed a dangerous option, but seriously speaking, the danger was almost the same for both parties.

If their enemies are going to organize attacks in the forest, they must also consider that the dense and dark terrain will also affect themselves while considering how to strike the enemies.

So as long as you are cautious during the march, walking through the forest is not completely infeasible.

But now Giovanni's stubbornness confused his men, as if he knew that the enemy would surely ambush him in this forest.

"Bypass," Giovanni ordered stubbornly. He looked at a few hesitant generals in a low voice and said, "Listen, I don't ask you to understand what I think, but you must obey my orders."

The words of Duke Gandino made several still hesitant generals immediately realize that the temper of the Duke was clearly on the verge of anger, which made them immediately nod and express their willingness to obey the Duke's order.

Looking at the generals who had left, Giovanni exhaled silently. He reached out and stroked the half mask on his face. The pain of the broken wound on his face that was pulled by his anger made him feel very bad. After the waiter took the hip flask and slammed it in two, he looked at the dark forest in front of him, but his face looked slightly better.

Giovanni did not really care whether this forest would bring danger. He was not a newcomer to the battlefield for the first time, nor was he a student who followed the teacher ’s completely dogmatic learning of various military knowledge. He once followed his half-brother Louis Borgia in the battle of regaining lost ground in Castile, and has been sent to Queen Isabella as his brother's messenger for many times. Important military meeting.

So he knows that the forest is not a good battlefield for both warring parties, especially for the troops of Venice and Milan who like to rely on heavy armoured infantry to crush their opponents. The forest threatens them more terrible.

Giovanni hoped that he would arrive a little later, preferably after the Genoese had already engaged the enemy, and he felt that the best time to appear on the battlefield at that moment was.

Just imagine that the enemy ’s formation has been unfolded, and the unprotected wings are almost completely exposed in front of his army, and only one charge, or at most a few violent attacks, can tear the enemy a little bit apart. This result made Giovanni excited.

Of course, it would be more satisfying if that nasty Gombre was inexplicably killed in battle.

When he heard that Alexander and Lucrezia were in love, Giovanni felt that he had been fooled by himself.

He was too aware of the importance of Lucrezia in their father's mind, which made Giovanni think it would be too bad if that Gombre became his brother-in-law.

Although understanding that this may be really small, their father is unlikely to accept such a son-in-law who is useless to their family because of Lucrezia, but Giovanni dare not bet that this will not happen.

What's more, he knew that there was no harmony between Alexander and him.

The most important thing is that Giovanni beware of Alexander and Caesar coming together!

Giovanni knew that his previous attempts to use Alexander must have caused Alexander's resentment.

As for Caesar, although the relationship with Alexander is also tense, if you think about it, you will find that the contradiction between them seems fierce, but in fact it is far from the point of life and death.

Since Caesar announced his renunciation, Giovanni has felt the tremendous pressure from his brother. At this time, he naturally does not want to have another family member who may stand on Caesar's side.

Although there is no basis, Giovanni is convinced that if Alexander is to choose, then he will definitely stand on Caesar's side.

Giovanni thought that the Genoese, Alexander and Milan-Venice's coalition would fight for life and death.

In fact, from the beginning, Giovanni had expressed dissatisfaction in front of his father more than once when Alexander participated in the war as the Earl of Montina.

The Venetian certainly coveted Montina, and Giovanni had been staring at it for a long time, but when he heard that Old Rovere actually used Montina as the dowry of Barendi, he thought about it more than once, I do n’t know which lucky The guy will become Montina's new owner.

What surprised Giovanni was that the lucky guy was Alexander.

According to Giovanni ’s orders, the Holy See army turned east along the forest. They will once again pass through the foothills of the Chimone Mountains, and then after a march of 80 to 100 phas, they will be stationed in Realo from east to west. The Miwe Allied Forces launched an attack.

At this time, Giovanni did not know that Pitiliuno had issued various orders to break, nor did he know that in fact, in front of him, about 18,000 coalition forces were waiting for him in Realo.

Scouts ran back and forth quickly, and one after another news came from the front without interruption. This frequent act of transmitting information made the Genoa people who were around Alexander feel fresh and funny.

Although they do not deny the role of scouts, the Genoese still think that this kind of action that almost makes the scouts run away is somewhat redundant.

"We will meet our main force soon, they will be waiting for us in Aral, and the best Genoa fragrant pear wine will entertain you."

The Genoese officer riding the horse looked at Alexandria with a slightly arrogant look, but he was not really worthy of the lucky guy who had obtained the Count Montina by marriage, although Barendi's appearance was nothing to be proud of. , But her illustrious background is enough to make her one of the most sought-after goals.

If it weren't for Old Rovere, who seemed to have been not very keen to marry this favorite daughter, how could it be cheaper for a country lord in Naples, and said to be a poor boy from Sicily.

"Oral is said to be a very wealthy place?" Alexander asked with interest.

"Of course, the place is very rich," the Genoese licked their tongues. "There is the main route from Genoa to Tuscany, so this place was very lively many years ago. Know the famous harvest festival of Aral But there is a tradition for many years. Every year, a person will be selected as a harvest angel in the town, and then men and women will go to the field after the blessing of this guardian angel. "

"Is there such a thing? Isn't this a pagan move?" Gompati, who had been looking at a picture book in his hand, raised his head in amazement. "Don't the women's fathers care?"

The Genoese smiled ambiguously and said: "The fathers of those women also like this kind of festival"

The Genoese words caused a burst of laughter. For a time, people seemed to forget that an enemy army of tens of thousands of people might appear at any time. Many Agrigians and Bohemians urged them to know about Aura. The customary Genoese talk about what's going on.

Alexander did not discuss the strange customs of Olar with his men. He beckoned Gompati to let him go with him.

"You have to let your artillery go quickly."

Alexander instructed that the reason why he had not forcibly crossed the river was that the artillery was also the key.

In order to get the artillery from the Pizza, Alexander paid a lot of money, so of course he was not willing to give up the artillery.

If you want to cross the river with those artillery, once you reach the other side of the North Arno River, you may encounter the Miwei Allied Forces at any time. At that time, the artillery may become a burden.

Because of this, Alexander decided to follow the left bank of the river all the way north, but the heavy artillery still made the whole team move forward a lot slower.

"Adult, I think we should probably modify the gun car," Gompati looked back at the gun car that was going on the road. "Now the four wheels of the gun car seem to be unable to bear the heavy artillery, or we should add more Several pairs of wheels. "

How many more pairs of wheels?

A flash of artillery flashed in the brain of Alexander's brain. A monster with five pairs of wheels rumbling forward, crushing the enemy, and then he watched Gompati shook his head helplessly.

"I said to my friend, why can't you think about it the other way around, if your car's wheels are reduced, it might be better."

Gompati looked at Alexander a little puzzled. He didn't understand why he had to reduce the wheels at this time, but looking at the arrogant smile on Alexander's face, he suddenly remembered that while guarding the gate of Pisa, This expression appeared to appear on Alexander's face when people made the artillery transformation.

Maybe reducing wheels is really useful? Gompati couldn't help but doubt the letter.

Alexandre did not want to make too many suggestions for the reconstruction of artillery and artillery by Gompati. Any kind of technological development has its background. It is difficult for Alexander to imagine what will happen to a group of weapons that can shoot quickly , But this does not prevent him from rebuilding the rifle of the hunting guard slightly on the road.

After scrapping several muskets, Alexander used a few tooth springs from a watch merchant in Pisa to equip the musket with a mechanism that looked more labor-saving and reliable than a simple trigger. Stiffly pulling the trigger outside the gun barrel, the musket instantly roared, and Alexander wiped off the contaminated sludge on his hand.

"Sir, your soldiers shoot faster than others," Gompati said in surprise. He was attracted by the gunshots. When he heard the intensive shooting, he would have been in a row. Gompati, who was shooting, looked at the three-row squatting or standing Musketeers and opened his mouth in surprise. "I can even guess how terrible you are standing opposite these Musketeers."

"No, what's really scary is your artillery." Alexander looked at the gunners who were busy in the distance.

Because of his trust in the murderous miracle Alexander made in Pisa, Gompati decided to take a risk and try the two-wheeled artillery.

Remove the coupling in the middle of the gun car, assume the artillery on the reinforced two-wheeled crossbar, watch and then spread the rope cover on the horse, a simple two-wheeled gun car began to walk carefully on the road.

"You can make some holes for calculating the distance on the bracket of the gun car," Alexander said casually while looking at the straight artillery. "In this way, you only need to fix the different holes with the wooden wedge, you can easily adjust the height of the gun. Now. "

Gompati froze for a moment, then he nodded suddenly. Obviously he already understood the meaning of Alexandria, and he began to mutter to himself: "Yes, it is so, and we can have other than this method. To change the artillery angle, you must know that some artillery is very heavy, and you ca n’t rely on human power to lift and fix the wooden wedge, so can we use a winch, or simply use a large winch to adjust the angle of the artillery? "

Gompati asked Alexander while speaking, but when he did not get a response, he was not discouraged, but continued to chatter and talk to himself.

Alexander smiled slightly, although he didn't force the emergence of any new technology, but if he could promote more changes under his own inspiration, he would be happy to see it.

Flexible adjustment of the firing angle of the artillery and changes in the structure of the artillery cannon do not seem to be any remarkable changes. What kind of reaction will this bring in this era, and who will know?

While thinking indifferently, Alexander followed the team.

When another scout came to him in front of the horse, it was getting dark.

"Sir, we saw the town of Aural," the scout yelled first, and then he raised his head and poured two sips of water, before continuing. "And we also saw the platform outside the town you said ~ www. ~ platform, what platform? "

The Genoese officer who had just heard heard some strange questions.

"The terrace outside the town of Oral," the scout explained, "Adult let us notice if there is a terrace."

"It seems that my memory is not bad," Alexander mumbled in a voice that no one else could hear, and then turned back to Gumpati who came over. "It seems that we are going to break up temporarily. You follow the scout and put all the artillery. Set up on that platform, and we are going to meet the Genoese in the town. "

Despite his doubts, Gompati took his artillery force to climb the platform with difficulty according to Alexander's order.

As he gasped and pushed the remodeled two-wheeled artillery to the edge of the platform, looking at the almost unobstructed town below, Gumpatti's face could not help but a trace of doubt.

"Erect the artillery here, don't you want to bomb the town?"

Compatibi muttered to himself.

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