Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 4 Chapter 26: test

Giovanni should be very happy that when Alexander scolded in anger, he and Lukrezija were not nearby. Otherwise, Alexander, who was agitated with some headaches, was likely to be angry and let him enjoy being a cheap uncle in front of him. Treated.

Alexander was very angry, but more helpless.

The military food that I carried for a quick march was only enough to eat for 4 days, and now it is the next day. What ’s worse is that the Venetians who refused to guard the hillside camp actually have artillery, and it seems that there are still a lot of ammunition, if not The Genoese who had tried to attack before did not threaten too much, maybe the Venetian had already taught them with artillery.

Things that were simple at first became complicated, and Alexander felt a buzzing forehead.

After losing his temper, Alexander finally walked out of the tent with no expression, watching the uneasy attendant on the opposite side snort slightly, and then took Carlo and Aufrei out of the camp.

The close attendant wanted to keep up, but was stopped by Paul Busako under the name "Adult needs to be quiet at this time".

The waiter turned a few circles uncomfortably. He could understand Alexander's angry mood at this time. After all, the embarrassment in front of him was indeed a headache, but for the purpose of his mission, he still hoped that Alexander could solve the problem at hand.

Only now, in addition to staring at the disappearing direction of Alexander, he could only wait anxiously.

After walking away from the camp, Alexander looked back and made sure that he could no longer see the pitiful face of the servant ’s eyes. He waved to Carlo and Aufrei: "Well, now tell me if you can do me What I want you to do. "

"Sir, this seems a little difficult," Carlo squatted on the hillside and looked at the incredibly steep **** not too far away. "This place is not wide enough, and our team cannot gather."

"Yeah, there isn't enough place for us to be a cover," O'Leary stretched out his hand to cover the front of his eyebrows and looked at the opposite side. "In addition, we among the Agri people can pick this out and probably won't too much."

"Do n’t forget that your hometown, Agrig, is a mountain," Alexander sat on a stone and looked at the opposite slope. From here, I saw that the opposite camp was not far from the camp occupied by the Venetians. First go down to the valley below, and then climb up a small mountain path. After seeing the road, Alexander felt that Giovanni seemed to want to pit him.

Although knowing this kind of thinking is a little bit more arduous, after all, Giovanni is unlikely to risk him being cut off in order to deal with him.

Not only is the mountain road very difficult to walk, some places are completely exposed to the enemy ’s firearms or crossbows, and even a few stones from there can be a threat, which made Alexander from the beginning He gave up the plan to attack from the front.

As for the artillery that Giovanni was in the camp, Alexander looked at the swaying figure in the camp on the opposite **** and decided to retreat a little back.

"Those artillery not only blocked the entire valley, but if they shot at us, it could even directly threaten our camp."

Although Gumpati was not there, Aufrei, who had some knowledge of the artillery during this time, was still able to say something.

"So we can't attack the camp as decided before."

Alexander took a few people to a thick grass, he did not want to be inexplicably bombed to death by a sudden shell.

"Tell me how many people can you mobilize?" Alexander looked at the camp opposite, although it seemed to be less than 1 mile, but it was really difficult to climb.

"There are only less than 60 people," Carlo said a little helplessly. "You know that although they are all Agri people, some are not good at climbing up and down."

"It's more than enough. Odysseus's Trojan horse doesn't have so many people yet," Alexander said disapprovingly. "Now get them all together, but you have to launch an attack before then."

"There will be adults with no small losses," Aufrei said a bit dimly. "The mountain road on the **** is too bad to go. Maybe we can think of something else."

"There is no other way," Alexander said helplessly. "Carlo, after this battle, I want you to return to Agrig immediately. I want you to recruit enough soldiers for me. It is best to expand now." After the Agri phalanx was enough to make as many soldiers as a phalanx. "

"Adherence, I will definitely do a good job." Carlo replied with excitement. He had been worried that he might be slowly squeezed out of Alexander. Now it seems that Lord Lord still values ​​him very much. of.

"Then next, let's see if those Venetians are hard to deal with."

Following Alexander's order, the Genoese and Agri forces began to gather, and at the same time there was a harsh horn on the hillside opposite.

"The Venetian found us?"

A soldier screamed and was immediately whispered by the leading officer.

Here is the shady side of the hillside where the Alexander army is stationed. A small group of Aggris is carefully moving along the hillside shadow to the narrow valley between the two mountain beams.

Looking down the **** from here, you can see the shadow of the left-most Agri team on the hillside facing the enemy, continue along the valley, and after reaching the bottom of the valley, this small team walks away along the rugged valley. .

On the hillside, the movement of Alexander ’s army immediately caught the attention of the Venetians. As the horn just stopped, accompanied by a sharp roar of torn mountain winds, a shell flew from the Venetian position across the deep valleys between the hillsides Directly hit the army that is gathering opposite.

"Be careful!"

An Aggri soldier shouted that the Agrig after the Battle of Oral knew better than any army the terrible artillery, especially in Gompati, who always tirelessly preached how awesome the artillery is. After the weapons, the Agri naturally had a heartfelt awe of the artillery.

The shells hit the debris on the hillside and directly hit the two Agri soldiers who had no time to escape. The debris was close to the exploded debris, and the loose large rocks were rolled down the slope.

The Agri team was a bit chaotic. Some people yelled to help their companions in the pool of blood, and the officers shouted loudly at the urging of Carlo to maintain discipline.

"Sir, this won't work."

The captain of Genoa ran ugly in front of Alexandria. He was a little dissatisfied with the Genoese who first asked Alexander for his attack on the enemy. Now he sees that Alexander will use the Agri to attack again after he suffered losses. The honest Genoese thought it necessary to persuade the Earl, who looked a little stubborn.

"That road is too difficult for us, and the valley below is completely under the eyes of the Venetian. You are doing this to let your soldiers die."

Alexander looked at the captain with interest, and when he got along for a while, he felt that the Genoese were not the kind of sloppy soldiers. At least he was willing to give up his life when he needed to fight.

Of course, perhaps it was because of such a person that he was sent to him by Old Rovere.

"Captain, tell your people and let them spread the formation as far as possible," Alexander felt it necessary to remind the captain. "And the Agris who looked at me. If they did not attack, they would not easily kill."

Despite the surprise, the captain nodded. He had already guessed that the earl already had a way to deal with the enemy, but for no reason, he did not seem to want everyone to know so early.

And this "everyone" seems to refer only to the nearby attendant of the Duke of Gandino.

Guessing this, the captain immediately took a look at Ambassador Alexander's eyes, and the ambiguous look made Alexander suddenly feel a little uncomfortable.

Another sound of artillery sounded from the opposite hillside, and the rumbling echoes expanded throughout the valley, sounding like the roar of the dragon in the legendary ancient abyss.

However, this time the landing point of the shells was slightly shifted. After falling into a tall tree, apart from the large splashes of dirt and dust, it did not pose any threat to Alexander's army.

"Those Venetians don't seem to use those artillery at all," Captain Genoa exclaimed excitedly. "We should probably rush straight into the valley, at least then their artillery is useless."

"Do n’t worry too much about the captain," Alexander looked inadvertently in the direction of the valley on the left side of the slope. 'S weapon. "

The captain froze a little, then nodded slightly blankly.

Although vaguely guessing that Alexandria seemed to have a solution, he couldn't figure out how to escape the casualties caused by the enemy in that extremely unfavorable terrain without launching the attack quickly.

Just lose as few people as possible.

Alexander thought helplessly, he knew that this idea was actually not realistic, and the only way to attract the attention of the Venetians was to constantly attack.

"Carlo, let our people not be too slow when attacking," Alexander looked at the hillside opposite. "It may be dangerous to tell them to rush up, but be brave if you don't want to be killed by the enemy."


Carlo took a deep breath and touched the saber in his waist. He felt his heart beating faster. Carlo knew that he was actually very nervous like those soldiers.

Agrig has experienced battles with enemies in the wild, and has also experienced the danger of being besieged by enemies that are many times his own, but so far there has not been a real tough battle.

Now they have an enemy with well-equipped and occupied favorable terrain in front of them. Whether the Agri can stand the test of an offensive battle that may cause great casualties, the results will soon come out.

An Agri cavalry with a horn came carefully in front of the team along the hillside. In order to avoid the shells fired from the opposite side, the formation of the Agri people was much more evacuated than before, which made the signal soldiers uncomfortable. The strongest tone that was blown out without effort.

"go ahead."

Alexander gave a low command, his eyes fixed on the opposite hillside, and when he saw the shaking figure of the Venetian on the opposite hillside, Alexander looked to the side of Aufrei, who remained silent.

"Tell me Aufrei, you have not spoken, do you think there is something wrong with my plan?"

"Adult, since you have decided to do this, I can only help you get things done as much as possible," Aufrei said slightly helplessly, "but you know that although I am also an Agri, I am like a card Captain Luo said that he is not very good at climbing mountains. "

"So you wonder if my plan will succeed, right?" Alexander nodded, then his gaze turned to the valley on the side of the mountain. "Trust me, what Odysseus could do thousands of years ago, we The same can be done. "

There was another roar swaying down into the valley. The people on the hillside obviously would not feel the feeling of being subjected to the huge sound of a head-on wave in the valley.

A soldier clutched his ears tightly and groaned in pain. He had to tear off the corner of his body to block his ears.

"Don't do stupid things," a slightly older soldier stopped him. "If you block your ears and climb the mountain, you will feel that every step under your feet is empty. Maybe you will have fallen into the mud before you climb up."

"It's really unbearable. Let's leave this ghost place quickly," the soldier whispered to the people in front. "At least leave this place, I feel as if all sounds are drilling into my ears."

"That won't work. According to the order of the adults, we can only reach the top of the mountain before dark," the soldier walking in front turned back and said, "The Venetians are very vigilant, maybe they will find us, only safer at night. "

"Are we listening to this voice all the time, my ears are almost deaf."

Another soldier complained that at this time they believed that no one would find them even if they shouted loudly, because apart from the deafening sound of gunfire, they had reached the foot of a mountain with a protruding rock.

The people on the mountain cannot find them below unless they venture out of the whole rock.

"Then climb up quickly," the leading soldier threw the rope he had already prepared to a nearby companion. "Now let's see who is the best of us."

The soldier who had used his clothes angle to plug his ears first grabbed the front. When he had just left the bottom of the valley and climbed up the steep **** following a few protruding stone cracks, a fierce shout of kill suddenly came from the hillside not far away!

"It's started." The leading soldier murmured, and then turned to urge the companion next to him. "Okay, let's start crawling."

In the valley between the two hillsides, shells fell one after another, and there were bombs scattered all over the place. The narrow valley bottom could not maintain its formation.

A team of Agris advanced along the rugged mountain road. When they came to the corner, as the front-most soldier had just appeared on the corner, a messy but unusually dense gunshot had suddenly sounded from the top of the mountain. .

The first few soldiers were directly smashed with muskets and their bodies were obliquely planted down the **** along the mountain road, and the splatters of blood splashed on the companions behind.

The Agri's face changed suddenly. They looked at the people next to each other, and the sudden death made them wonder for a while.

"A test that has never been done."

Carlo, who was standing behind the team, muttered something. This was what Alexander said to him before he set off. At that time, Carlo did not understand what it meant. Now, when he saw the soldiers' embarrassment, he only Finally understood the meaning of this.

In fact, the nervous heart beats to let Carlo know that he is also nervous. Looking at the body that is still falling down the hillside, he even thinks that Alexander is too cruel to say this "test".

"Our army is not mature enough, Ofrei, not mature enough."

Standing on the hillside and looking at the team in front, Alexander looked at the side of the face with the tension on the battlefield, and said with the tension of the army, he said.

"Adult, they played bravely in Aural before," Aufrei couldn't help defending his fellow countrymen. "And it is very good in other places. After all, they were just a group of farmers less than a year ago. "

"And you were just a stonemason apprentice at that time," Alexander glanced at the commander of the army. "Maybe you can think about it, but I can't. I believe in Orpheus. After this battle, we must start retraining us. 'S army ~ ~ because soon there will be more intense wars waiting for us, and that will be something no one has experienced before. "

Aufolai looked at Alexandria in surprise. He knew that his earl could always judge some things very accurately. Just like the battle of Aural, the earl seemed to have some kind of keen insensitivity to the battlefield, but for Alexander said the new war, but he did not know how to understand.

At this time, the brief silence on the opposite hillside attracted Alexander's attention. He carefully watched the slow-moving team on the hillside. After sighing helplessly, he gave orders to the hunting guards who were responsible for the order:

"Blow the trumpet and attack."

"Adult!" O'Fairy could not help but whispered. His eyes looked a little difficult on the opposite hillside, and then whispered: "Adult, can we attack later, maybe ..."

"There is no possibility that Aufrei," Alexander ’s eyes were fixed on the forefront of the Agri on the opposite hillside. "If we cannot launch a real attack this time, then we may lose the courage to launch any attack in the future. Ofrei, that is not a camp. I also fought for Giovanni. This is a test, a test for all of us. "

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