Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 4 Chapter 57: Work hard, adults!

Piazza Tomno, the Marino Palace, left in a slightly dizzy state.

In other words, he was almost too excited to trigger high blood pressure.

"I hope your consul will take another step forward."

When Zuosha said this intentionally or unintentionally, Tomno felt that his forehead was swollen and his breath was short. He had to take the liberty to ask the countess in front of him for a glass of wine.

When the countess asked him with some anxiety, whether he was uncomfortable, the answer of ‘admiral your governor’ was almost: “No, I ’m too comfortable”.

To become the Duke of Pisa again is the long-cherished wish of the Tomnio family.

Since 1419, after the Tomoni ’s family was ousted from the prominent Duke ’s throne by the Zaroni ’s family, he has experienced a life that had to be breathed in for decades. When the Republic overthrew the Zaroni ’s and established a new government, What awaits the Tomnio family is not the opportunity to rise again, but the same distrust of the old rulers.

The people of the Tomnio family are eager to return to the prestigious circle of Pisa, and they hope to obtain at least a reasonable position in the new government, but they are waiting for disappointment again and again.

The governor who overthrew them did not trust the Tomnio family, but the Republic seemed to treat them all the same. Tomnio had only obtained the position of a parliamentarian, which is even less than the people who overthrew the Zaroni family.

This almost completely disappointed Tomnio. He felt that the hope of reviving the family had become so slim that even when he was speaking in Parliament, he only expressed his dissatisfaction with venting.

But he never imagined that the new republic was suddenly overthrown, just as the Zaroni family was driven away inexplicably, and an outsider became the new owner of Pisa.

What makes Tomnio even more unexpected is that this person finally chose him as his agent.

That's right, Tomnio knows his identity.

He was an agent, replacing the Naples named Alexander Juliant Gumbre who ruled or guarded Pisa.

He knew he was not capable of becoming a powerful consul. When the lawmakers clamored and quarreled in front of him, most of the time he sat on the throne like an invisible man, when those people forced When he made his choice, he would first find a way to blame him. When it was absolutely necessary, he would ask him to give him some time to consider. Then, as soon as those people left, Tomno immediately sent someone to the Montina. The count wrote and asked for his opinion.

Tomnio did not think of becoming a real consul, but his attempt only lasted for one day and failed. When he decided to obey the requests of some members of the parliament, he temporarily suspended the payment of Montina that month. In the dividend of trading shares, the mercenaries who had previously claimed to protect him suddenly submitted their resignations, and even the old fellow who had been the captain of the mercenary of Pisa refused his request for silence in silence.

At this time, Tomnio remembered that Alexander had promised that mercenaries could receive a dividend from Pisa ’s annual trade profit, and if Pisa tears up the agreement with Alexander, it means that those people will soon be unable to The trade union gets their share of the benefits.

It was only then that Tomnio finally understood why Alexander had so generously proposed a nearly 7-point tax share to the mercenaries, because that means that the mercenaries have actually been from the moment they agreed to this condition. Not for Pisa, but for the free trade zone in Alexandria.

Tomno ’s free and powerful pizza dream only made a start and was awakened by a stick. When he finally realized that he was in the government or in the army, he had no say at all. After the puppet, Tomnio finally fully understood the reality in front of him.

But even so, as a descendant of the Tomnio family, he still hopes to win something for himself and his descendants, so when he noticed that there was such a wave of disturbing him in the parliament, he first sent someone Immediately wrote to Montina, and then when he learned that Alexander had gone to Rome, he immediately rushed to Rome.

His efforts clearly paid off. After hearing what he said about the possibility of someone in the parliament proposing to oppose the trade agreement with Alexander, and even someone secretly frowning with the Florentines, Ruosha was immediately The dual identity of Count Tina ’s sister and Countess Cosenza assured him that this would never happen.

For the ruling lord who can value the friendship with his brother so much, he even resolutely exposes the small group of diehards who tried to destroy the good situation and the strong friendship that has been tested by the blood of both sides. The young lady not only gave a very high evaluation, but also showed a rare enthusiasm.

It was after the frank exchanges between the host and the guest that they had reached a high degree of consensus that the Countess of Cosenza did not miss the opportunity to reveal to the ruling master the idea that made Tomny almost excited and passed out.

"My brother believes that in order to better strengthen our alliance, it is necessary to contribute to the ruling lord at an appropriate time," Ruosha said as she leaned forward slightly, which made Tomny Ao not only saw her slender and beautiful neck, but also saw a fascinating snow white, but Ruosha's next words completely made the consul who was obsessed with the beauty almost fainted because of excitement. "If necessary, my brother and I can help You have fulfilled your long-cherished wish, and at the right time, we hope that your consul will take another step forward. "

Tomno can hardly remember how he walked out of the Marino Palace. At least when a man in a hurrying servant-like man nearly collided with him, he was not angry because the other party was so rude.

Instead, the servant stooped and stood on the side of the road with a slight panic, but looking at the back of the noble man stepping like a wave of waves under his feet, the servant could only froze for a while, and then hurried again. Turned around and ran until he ran up the steps of the Palace of Marino, where he was stopped by Agrig soldiers who were guarding the door.

Unlike other noble palaces, in Marino Palace, in addition to Joanna ’s servants and servants, there are more soldiers like the Agrig.

When the servant reported that the Imperial Palace sent someone to invite, Alexander, who had just sent away Tomnio, was ready to reward his outstanding sister.

His hand rested on Ruosha's waist, so that her body had to be close to him, and the other hand supported Ruosha's jaw, so that her head was slightly raised, so he You can easily catch her lips.

But the annoying knock on the door sounded again, but fortunately the Moorish legs and feet seemed to have some problems, so even when it was far away from the room, the suddenly heavy and loud footsteps were enough to give the pair of siblings time to keep At a safe distance, I pack myself up a little bit.

"Invited by the Prime Minister of Kotschah," Alexander was not surprised. When Nomelo brought news about the war between Poland and Moldova, he knew he would be busy for a while. "Tell Miyazaki that I will Visit him at dinner, of course it would be better if I could see Lord Gonzalo at his house. "

Watching the servant leave under the guidance of Uliu, whose legs and feet suddenly became flexible, Alexander tilted his head and looked at Ruosha, whose face gradually darkened.

"He is my servant, who has suffered with me together."

Alexander said a little helplessly that he knew that the life of a Moorish person could not be compared with her reputation for Ruosha, or that she did not take this Moorish person as a person at all.

"Can you guarantee that he will not say it?" Ruosha stared at Alexander. "Or do you think trusting him is more important than me?"

While secretly lamenting that his temperamental sister and temperamental lover were different, Alexander whispered softly until he whispered in Ruosha's ear: "Trust me, Uliu himself knows what is most important to him. Of course, compared to spreading an unfounded rumor, he must feel that it will be more cost-effective to become a court administrator in the future. "

Ruosha's lips opened slightly, and she looked at Alexander in amazement. This was the first time she officially heard Alexander say such ambitious words.

Ruosha knew very well that the palace that Alexander said was definitely not the little palace in the castle of Montina, so what kind of court did he want?

Ruosha looked at Alexander with a little excitement, but she only waited for a slightly doted kiss on her forehead.

"I might be back very late, and now there must be many people waiting for me," Alexander knew that his new identity as a prophet should have shaken those who had just received the news of the war, although it might require him to waste a lot Words, to explain why such a war can be expected so accurately, but also, by this accident, he believes that there should be some promotion of his plan.

It's just that, as he and Zuosha have analyzed before, because the situation is developing too fast, maybe they are too late to make too full preparations for the plan afterwards.

Money, money, is really something that people love and hate.

Alexander scratched his head slightly.

The Kotschah family is still very lively. Even if there is such a terrible murder of Giovanni, it can be used as one of the actual rulers in the eastern part of Rome. The home of the Imperial Palace is obviously not only safe, but also slightly turbulent. The current situation is even more important.

When Alexander came to the home that had been named Helen Palace in Kotschah, Tian Gang slightly blackened.

The rose-red sunset dotted the entire Helen Palace brightly and magnificently. The large red and gold reflections of the large glass windows made the whole house seem to be wrapped in a piece of auspicious light, which made many people involuntarily look at it. The statue of the Nativity, carved on the marble lintel in the middle of the house, seemed to see what happened from there.

The Helen Palace in Kotschah is not very big, but there are a lot of good things in it. Alexander has reason to believe that the origin of some of these things may not be innocent, but this has something to do with him, not to mention Gonzalo Compared with robbery-like behavior, Gong Xiang is already very clean.

After entering Rome as a victor, except for being slightly discouraged by Alexander under the Arch of Constantine, Gonzalo can be said to be infinitely beautiful.

The blatant reprimand of Alexander VI not only made him famous, but also made the entire coalition arrogant.

Under his command, the coalition forces ran rampant around the city of Rome as a savior, and even the entire eastern city of Rome became the territory of the coalition forces.

This made many Romans hate and fear this foreigner, but they had to admit that this person was indeed the savior who rescued them from French rule.

Gonzalo has vaguely become the emperor of Rome.

However, only Alexander knows that Gonzalo, who now seems to have achieved fame, has not actually reached the peak of his own life. In a few years, this genius military strategist from the Castilian nobility will create More brilliant achievements, until in the future people call him "the great Gonzalo".

The crowd in Helen Palace was woven, but when Alexander appeared, people seemed to be silent for a moment.

Alexander has seen the palace image surrounded by a group of people. From the clothes and appearance of those people, he can see that these people should not be the nobles who usually flatter and want to hold thick legs, and it seems that the topics they discuss are not Easy.

The strange surroundings seemed to attract Kotzach ’s attention, and he looked towards the door. When he saw Alexander, Miyazaki immediately got rid of those who surrounded him, and quickly came to Alexander.

"Count, I must say that it is very difficult to invite you," Kotzach said intentionally with a slightly dissatisfied tone. "You seem to be busier than anyone in the city of Rome. You know that sentence is What did you say, Rome ... "

"Rome was not built in a day," Alexander smiled, and then he looked at Miyazaki's smiling face and continued, "But a murder must find the murderer as soon as possible, and your army prevents my people from tracking down the prisoner."

Kotzach ’s face sank slightly, and he knew that Alexander said that he had previously discovered a masked man who was said to have been associated with the murder of Giovanni appeared in the east of Rome, but the Roman official who was responsible for the tracing was blocked by the coalition. thing.

Speaking of which, the matter did have a very bad influence on the relationship between the coalition and Rome. In addition to making the Romans more angry about the arrogance of the coalition, there was also a rumor that the murder might be planned by the coalition. The city is full of excitement.

"I'm really sorry about that," Gong responded indifferently, and then he looked at Alexander with interest. "But what makes me even more strange is your relationship with the Roman princess, tell me you Is it now her lover? "

Alexander frowned slightly. He knew that Gong Xiang asked this question, of course, not interested in his romantic affairs, but implied that he should not offend his powerful opponent for the sake of the Borgia family.

Has the conflict between the Empire and the Vatican been so deep?

Alexander thought about it, but for a moment he could not remember when the conflict between Emperor Maximian and Alexander VI really broke out, but as long as you think about two years, Caesar desperately fought for the French. With that vigour, he shouldn't be too far away to scratch the face of both sides.

"We are not talking about those unpleasant things, there are more important things waiting for us."

Gong Xiang was obviously a bit impatient. He raised his hand to signal the people who had surrounded him before, then first introduced Alexander to them, and then introduced them to Alexander one by one.

A messenger from Denmark, a messenger from the Netherlands, an ambassador from Brandenburg and a priest sent by the Archbishop of Mainz.

These people surrounded Kotschah and formed a tiny epitome of a national alliance.

The enemies confronted by this alliance can actually be guessed with a little thought.

Alexandria seems to have seen the prototype of the Italian war known as the small world war. These countries and princes will form a new sacred alliance for many years to come, and then wage a protracted and long war with several generations of French kings.

But now these countries are obviously not worried about Charles VIII, who is still licking his wounds at home, but the eastern behemoth that suddenly showed sharp teeth.

The sudden war between Poland and Moldova disrupted too many things. At least the emperor who was not so nervous about the crisis from the east should be uneasy.

"Tell us, how did you guess that war would break out," Kotschah stared at Alexander with a fierce glance, at this time the distinguished palace from the Kulai family in Austria was not like a faint old man, but like An energetic fox "Don't tell me that you know all this from the prophecy of a Bohemian woman, I want to know how you know it."

Looking at several people around him with similar gaze, Alexander secretly apologized to Nashan.

From the moment he decided to say "prophecy", he had long thought about how to deal with the ensuing questions.

Although this may seem a little too kind, Alexander knew that there must be a basis for these people to believe his words.

It's just that he never expected that the "prophecy" would become a reality so quickly, which made Alexander feel good luck and annoyed that he couldn't arrange it easily.

"In fact, these news came from the palace of Prague," Alexander looked at Kotzchah helplessly, and then he pondered a little before he said slowly, "You know, the current Queen of Bohemia is Frederick, King of Naples. Cousin. "

"Or his aunt is more suitable ~ ~ Standing next to someone corrects" Uncle Frederick married his mother's aunt Saffona in Aragon, you know that it should be from him The second marriage ... "

"Well, it's his aunt and cousin," Alexander said with a bit of a headache following the man's words. "And as you said, Mr. Gong Xiang, the father of the Bohemian woman I knew was the queen. The captain of the court guards around him, and the queen not only trusted him, but ... "Speaking of which, Alexander paused a little, then watched the people around and said slowly" very intimate. "

As Alexander's voice fell, the look on the faces of several people around became queer.

But then, Kotzach seemed to think of something.

"Are you saying that Bohemia is also involved in this war?"

Gong Xiang's face changed!

Kotzach's words made all the people around him look helpless.

While Alexander looked at the already somber Kotzach, he could not help whispering secretly: "It seems that things are getting bigger and bigger."

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