Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 4 Chapter 72: Fugger family

When Alexander talked about the word Fugger family, Kotzach couldn't help but stunned for a while, and then the exclamation of "it was like this" came up.

Fugger, a legendary family in this era.

This family in the central German city has created enormous wealth and fame in a short period of time, which most people can't imagine in a lifetime, and for the people of the Fugel family, it is only their life. Part of the most glorious cause.

Just less than half a century ago, many people did not yet know what the surname Fugel meant, but since a dye merchant named Hans Fogel gradually became rich, and then the business became bigger and bigger became After the influential rich man in the German mainland, this surname became a symbol of good luck and wealth.

Unlike the Medici family who once ruled Florence, the Fugger family did not take the initiative to stand up and become a person in power. They prefer to hide behind the scenes and use the gold that they can never use to determine the seemingly magnificent big figures. fate.

When the French arrived, the people who were driven out of the Medici family in Florence by the angry people because of their weak surrender sought help everywhere, the brothers of the Fugel family were discussing what to do. How to expand their already prosperous family business.

Fugel never blindly blended into any politics, they would only look for the objects they thought were worth investing in the dignitaries who were eager to perform on stage, and once selected, they would not hesitate to smash this person Make an astonishing amount of money, and then let the agent they chose become a little chatter standing at the front desk waving their flags for them.

Yes, the monarchs and kings, who are extremely noble to the ordinary people, in the eyes of the Fugels, are just a group of acts that can be used to make them perform with money.

Kottschacher knew the details of the Fugel family because, as the lord of Salzburg, the Kotzczah family was the creation of Fugel's money magic.

As early as a few years ago, when the Archbishop of Salzburg capriciously added two turnips to the family badge, he was fiercely opposed by another ancient family that also had this family logo. When the archbishop could not withstand the pressure of the other With hints from the Vienna court, when preparing to grievances and remove the two turnips, it was the Fugel family who helped them through the difficulties.

So far, Kottschacher did not know how much Fugel spent on this matter. In short, since then, the Kotschah family has become one of the firmest allies of the Fugels.

Another reason for the Kotszach family to fall completely to Fugel is that when the Vienna court heard that there was a vacancy by the emperor, the Fugel family immediately bought this position for them. Because of this, there will be the birth of the palace phase now standing opposite Alexander.

In return, the Kotzczah family fully supported Fügel in Austria as the Grand Duke of Austria, the imperial merchant of the Holy Roman Emperor Maximian, when the emperor was unable to do anything because of his poor economic situation. At that time, it was the timely support of Fugel's family that made him go through all the difficulties.

And all these huge investments were exchanged for the enviable business opportunities endowed by the Fugel family, as well as many preferential privileges and privileges not available to others.

But even so, the Fugger family has always maintained a distance that makes others puzzled by the power. At least in Kotschah ’s view, if the Fugger family wants to obtain a prominent status, there is no problem. Yes, even if this identity may make many people look sideways and despise, but with the horrific wealth of this family, you can get a title from the emperor.

But the Fugel family never made such a request, and people who are familiar with them have always been surprised that even among merchants, this family looks much lower-key than other families.

So when Alexander said the name of Fugger, Kotzczah was surprised first, and then there was the only way to explain what Alexander meant to them.

Alexandria showed the two people in Kotschah exactly his "Free Trade Area Unification Plan."

When the plan first appeared, Alexander knew that the biggest problem he eventually encountered was "funding."

The huge amount of funds, the almost desperate astronomical figures, this is not a problem that Alexander can solve now.

It will be a number that will be dazed for anyone who listens to it. Even the construction cost of Montina Castle is compared with this number, but it is only a comparison between a magnificent palace and thatched hut.

And if really needed, the castle of Montina may not even be thatched cottage.

Where does such a sum of money come from?

Alexandria did not think that his free trade zone, which had just taken shape, could provide such funds, because it involved more than just the use of a coastal city terminal, or the lease of several port warehouses or sites , But trade quotas for the entire port.

Such a thing cannot be solved by Alexander, even if Ruosha joins as the Earl of Cosenza.

The huge amount of money, the huge power, and the channels through which this money can be truly used and circulated smoothly are all indispensable conditions for the realization of this plan.

"Do you want the help of the Fugger family?" Kotschah pushed those materials back to Alexander indifferently. "I don't know how you think you can get their attention. Know the plan you put forward. Not only is it whimsical and even full of danger, but as far as I know, the Fugels never take unnecessary risks. "

Alexander nodded, knowing that Kotszach said it well, compared with the Medici family, the richest family in the modern era, Fugger was much more cautious.

"I just need you to help me hand this plan to the people of the Fugger family," about Alexander smiled. "I know it might be a little arrogant to say that, but I believe they will be interested in my plan. They did that before, only because there was no chance that they could take such a big risk. "

Gong Xiang hesitated a little and then took the documents back slowly.

Although he didn't quite understand how much benefit this plan could bring, but just looking at the names of the cities, he had realized that Alexander's plan seemed to be different from any business he said he knew.

In other words, this is no longer a simple business transaction, Gong Xiang thoughtfully looked at Alexander.

Kotzach suddenly discovered that, unconsciously, this young man was different from the young knight who had ventured to lead the army into the coalition camp and captured all of them.

"So what are you going to do with that girl?"

Gonzalo, who had been listening after talking about Fugger, suddenly opened his mouth, looking at Alexander with a smile on his face.

"Now everyone in Rome knows that you have hijacked Lucrezia Borgia, and what's interesting is that when she returned to the messenger of the Duke of Billichelli, I didn't know that the Duke What the news will look like, but I assure you, if it is, I will immediately mount the horse from Billiche to Rome and then fight you. "

"Then I should thank God I didn't meet you," Alexander smiled, and then he glanced at the seemingly faint shadow of the stairwell. "But I'm also ready to withstand a storm," said At this point, he seriously looked at the two people in front of him. "I want to take Lucrezia out of Rome."

"Oh ~"

Gonzalo made an exaggerated coax, but Kotzach shook his head slightly in disapproval.

"You may not understand that she is a Borgia, not a country girl or a noble mistress that you have seen," Kotzach pointed upstairs. "Her father is the most in the world." One of the powerful people, believe me if you take her away like this, he will send someone mercilessly to catch up and kill you. "

This doesn't need you to say, the Borgia's son-in-law never killed.

Alexander wanted to answer this, but before he could speak, a rapid horseshoe sound suddenly moved from far to near, and then with the noise outside, an Agri man walked into the house under the guard of Gonzalo.

"Sir," the Agri soldier walked quickly to Alexandria and handed him a tightly sealed envelope. "It was news from Montina. The messenger is now in the Palace of Marino and has passed out."

Alexander nodded. He knew that the soldier was explaining the importance of the letter. Looking at the letter, Alexander thought about it secretly. Perhaps the thing he had been waiting for a long time should finally come.

Just looking back at the slightly shaking figure at the entrance of the stairs, Alexander felt a little bit suddenly at this moment.

Seeming to be aware of his distraction, Gonzalo stood up, he violently hugged Alexander, and then said in his ear: "Remember your promise, whether it is perfume or the big business you said, I want to get involved no matter what it is. "

"Relax that I said it can help you solve your money problem." Alexander also lowered his voice. "But I will definitely need your help by then."

Gonzalo gave a slightly rough laugh. He took off his hat to Kotzach and then turned around neatly, leaving Olgala's small but ambiguous and beautiful house.

"I don't know what exactly you want to do, but I all admit that if this is really successful, maybe Solomon will envy the people who own this wealth, so I still hope to succeed," Kotzach patted with his hand He patted the thick document in his hand, and then lowered his voice while greeting each other with Alexander "But because of this, I think you are whimsical unless ..."

Speaking of this, Kotschach's face was slightly sluggish, and then he looked at Alexander with a very weird look.

Unless what?

Unless this plan will not be threatened by the Ottomans.

But is this possible?

Kotzach looked at Alexander strangely, but this was obviously not the time and place to talk about these things.

Looking at the two teams going away, Alexander exhaled gently.

Gonzalo and Kotzach, neither of these two people, is by any means as good as they look.

Kotszach is not just a seemingly faint old man, but is Gonzalo just a reckless warrior?

Alexander never thought that a person who could be called "the great Gonzalo" by future generations would be a warrior who only knew how to play with swords and guns.

This only happened after many years before Ferdinand, and even gradually evolved into a fierce contradiction between the princes and ministers, so that Ferdinand ordered the people to list more than a dozen major crimes, and then completely robbed of their powers and released their duties. This person can still be seen enjoying the rest of his life in peace.

There was a soft footstep behind him, and Alexander turned to see Lucrezia standing in the corridor accompanied by Olgala.

Alexander walked over, he ignored the others, but took Lukreziah into his arms and gently kissed her lips. Feeling a slight trembling in his arms, he gently asked in Lukreziah's ear: "What are you worried about, are you afraid that I will send you back?"

"No, I'm just worried that Caesar won't let us go," Lucrezia said worriedly. "You don't know, many things you don't know ..."

"No, I know, but you can rest assured, and I know what to do." Alexander gently took Lucrezia's cheek and kissed it.

If you do n’t know, Giovanni Sforza, Peroto Cardron, and Alfonso of Billy Shelly, just look at the names of these people, and the Borgia family is born with son-in-law There is hatred.

It seemed that the father and son did not want to see their daughter-in-law live a stable life, so at least so far, it seems that all men involved with Lucrezia have no good results.

Now, this list, although not long but not short, has added the name of Alexander.

"We are going now." Alexander said suddenly.

"Leave Rome?" Lucrezia asked slightly excitedly.

"Yes, leaving Rome, my people should be ready, I believe if Caesar really wants to catch up, he will find that he is facing a nightmare."

When Alexander said this, a sharp flash in his eyes made the two women not doubt his words seriously.

In fact, Alexander was indeed prepared. He did n’t mind if Caesar really did n’t catch up, he would take the opportunity to teach this big uncle.

"That won't work!" Lucrezia was obviously frightened by Alexander's look. She grabbed him by the shoulder and couldn't shake her head. "I don't want to see you fight, nor want to see any of you injured, promise me Alexander. Rome, do n’t let Caesar catch up. "

Looking at the panicked Lucrezia, Alexander slightly pampered her lips slightly.

"That's right, we won't let them catch up, so we will leave Rome now and go back to Montina, I will lock you in the basement deep in my castle, and maybe even put a chain on you. "

Alexander said jokingly, but looking at Lucrezia's slightly nervous and joyful look, he suddenly felt that the idea was not bad.

Olgala stood silently and watched the two until Alexander went to her.

"I think all my efforts in Rome were destroyed by you," Olgala said angrily. "Maybe I will be kicked out of the city of Rome tomorrow morning, don't you want to compensate me?"

"Madam, you should thank me, because tomorrow morning you will become the hottest person in this city. I believe many people will be willing to see for themselves what this place that laid a legendary love looks like." Alexandra's complaint left Alexander unmoved.

"Then you are not going to compensate him, Mr. Grogening, you know he has great hopes for me," said Olgara, and smiled softly. "And he also held you very much. Great expectations. "

Alexander looked at the charming face of Mrs. Olgala for a while ~ ~ and then nodded slightly: "Madam, you can tell your master, if it is convenient for me to meet him at any time, I miss us There are still many places to talk about. "

If you remember correctly, that Grogening came from the lowland provinces, and the rulers in those places were the beautiful Philip, the son of the emperor Maximian.

And his wife, is the nominal cousin of Alexandria, Joel Modillo, Juana of Castile.

Mrs. Olgala's face showed a look of joy. She knew that after discovering the changes brought about by the free trade zone in those ports, Grogening had always hoped to meet with this Gombre again.

As he watched the sight of Alexander riding on Pagasos's back and Lucrezia walking side by side, Olgala took a deep breath.

She knew that the meeting between Alexander and Grogening would definitely be very different from the last time.

On the street, Alexander, who urged the horse to move forward, was giving orders to the sending soldier: "Go to the pier."

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