Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 4 Chapter 82: The power of capital

At noon, Xia Sang came out of the small prayer room, and there was a faint sadness on her face, which matched with the dark dress on her body, more like a widow who had just lost her husband.

In fact, many people said secretly that she was indeed mourning for a man, because in some ways, Giovanni was actually more like her husband than Jeffrey.

Giovanni's death made Xia Sang very painful, so from that day on, she took off her gorgeous clothes, took off her jewelry, put on a black dress, and mourned the man who was more important than her husband.

This behavior of course made Jeffrey very unhappy, but although he was a bear child, Jeffrey knew that some things should not be too much.

He knew that his father didn't like him. This was related to his disliked personality. The real important reason was that Alexander VI suspected that he was not his own son.

This makes Jeffrey's identity awkward.

'S marriage to Xia Sang did not bring him any practical benefits. Although the rich marriages gave him a lot of territory, Jeffrey still hated the relationship between his wife and Giovanni.

Especially after Giovanni's death, Xia Sang put on clothes like a mourning suit, which made Jeffrey even more angry.

So Jeffrey refused to go into any public occasion with Xia Sang. Although he heard some of the worse things, such as rumors between his wife and that Gonzalo, the bear child still insisted on his own opinion.

Xia Sang is indeed very sad. She feels that her life has become gray since Giovanni died.

Although it is clear that Giovanni and her are more just the desire of men and women, but even then Xia Sang still can't forget the man who fascinated her once.

She feels that she is very lonely now, and she ca n’t find a friend who can speak in the city of Rome. Lucrezia, who was originally quite good, is not in Rome now, and what annoys her is that the tribute Bray also ruined the good thing that her aunt and her brother got married.

Xia Sang walked forward aimlessly while deliberately thinking. She had always been so lazy during this time, even those interesting banquets did not want to attend.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Xia Sang, which surprised her, and then she saw that this person was Julia Farne.

For this mistress of her father-in-law, Xia Sang could not express any good feelings but had no bad feelings. The only thing that made her more concerned was that Julia Farne did not seem to approve of Lucrezia being with that Gombré. Xia Sang felt quite satisfied with her attitude.

Julia apparently had something to come to Xia Sang. After a few gossips, Julia suddenly started Lucrezia.

"We have to get her back," Julia said in a strong tone. "We can't watch Lucrezia ruin herself. She and that Gombray will have no good results. Caesar will not agree, nor will the pope. meeting."

To Julia's statement, Xia Sang absolutely supports it. As long as he thinks about his engagement, his brother loses all because of that Gombre. Xia Sang curses God more than once in his heart to punish the abominable Naples.

Because of this, Xia Sang even hated Modillo, the Earl of Naples. She believed that Gombre dared to ignore the royal family of Naples so boldly because he was instigated by his uncle who was in power.

So Xia Sang wrote a letter to Frederick, King of Naples, hoping that the uncle would warn Modillo to restrain his hateful nephew.

But the letter apparently did not play any role, Lucrezia still did not return, and her brother Alfonso sent the messenger to determine the date of the engagement has arrived in Rome.

This made Xia Sang inevitably anxious, so now when he heard Julia's words, Xia Sang couldn't help but find a rare ally.

"So when will your brother come to Rome?" Julia said again with a little concern, and then she looked around, and after sending off the servant maid, Julia whispered, "I want to remind you, Lucrezia She is very naive, but she is also very stubborn. If she falls in love with someone, she will be desperate. Before that, she and Giovanni Sforza did not get along well, which means that she has n’t met her until now. A man who can really make her fall in love, so I think the Duke of Billy Shelley should come to Rome as soon as possible, otherwise the time around that Gumbre will be long, and it will only make Lucrezia sink deeper and deeper, which is very unfavorable. . "

Julia's words made Xia Sang nodded. She knew that Julia was right, and she also felt the stubbornness of Lucrezia.

Especially in the attitude towards that Gombre, Xia Sang felt that his brother's situation was obviously a bit bad.

However, Xia Sang was not very anxious. She had confidence in her brother. As long as she thought about Alfonso ’s handsome appearance and demeanor enough to captivate thousands of women, Xia Sang believed that as long as Lucrezia saw him, she would definitely He will also be hooked.

"You're right, I have to write a letter to Alfonso to let him come to Rome as soon as possible," said Xia Sang but stopped and looked at Julia a little embarrassedly. "But Lucrezia is not in Rome now, You know if my brother personally went to Rome to attend the engagement ceremony, but Lucrezia was with a man, which was a shame for Alfonso. "

"Then let Lucrezia come back," Julia glanced at Xia Sang. "You can rest assured that I will find a way. I will tell you when there is news, and then you can write to your brother."

"God, I should thank you very much," Xia Sang hugged Julia excitedly. Before speaking, she had an average impression of Julia, and she was somewhat unworthy of the Pope's mistress, but now she thinks Nothing in Rome is more worthy of friendship than Julia Farne. "I have good news for you, God, let Lucrezia come back quickly. This fact is embarrassing to us all. . "

Listening to Xia Sang ’s words, Julia ’s lips were slightly imperceptible,

If the Duke of Billy Shelly did experience embarrassment in this matter, then it should be more appropriate for the Borgia family to be a shame.

But even so, Alexander VI did not jump like a thunder, nor did he allow his son to immediately send troops to Montina or Alexandria's Pisa. This actually shows that the pope is not very concerned about this matter.

So Xia Sang's words are actually a bit pretentious.

As for why the Pope ’s ambiguous attitude toward this matter, Julia is not very clear, but she ’s unusually enthusiastic about this matter, not just for the sake of the marriage of good friends.

And Julia, who had left with Xia Sang, did not return to her permanent residence at the Portico Palace, but came to the home of the Roman Order Conference herald Skop.

Skop and his countess lived on the hill of Silian, southeast of Rome, not too far from the city hall of Rome. If the weather is good, standing on the top of the hill can easily see the building and the shadow of the street near the city hall .

Compared with the other famous Qiqiu, the villas and palaces on the Xilian Mountain are somewhat new. Here are some luxurious palaces newly built by the nobles. Among them, the Mencho Palace where Skop and his countess live is the most famous. The designer of this palace happened to be Master Bramont who was designing the new Marino Palace for Alexandria.

Skop didn't show any surprises about Julia's visit. He just waited patiently until Julia and her aunt Countess chatted for a while before he came over and asked if he could occupy Ju. Leah for a moment.

The Countess knew that her niece had suddenly come to visit herself not only to come to the door, so she found a reason to leave.

"Are you and my aunt still happy?" After the aunt left, Julia Farne smiled and asked Skop "Speaking of our family, there are not many real gains, but you are the smartest of them. "

"That's why I have to do things for the family," Skop shook his head indifferently. "I know you always want your brother to do these things."

Hearing Skop ’s words, Julia ’s face was dim, and she shook her head immediately.

"No, although I had high hopes for David, but I know that he is not the material, and he is dead now, isn't he."

"Please forgive me for making you sad again, but you know that some things must be looked away," Skop said secretly, watching the change in Julia's face. He knew that some things would not be good for everyone in the future if they were not explained "Are you ready to meet those people?"

"I think I'm ready," Julia took a breath. "But do you think I can really see them? The pope can't forgive them if they commit crimes."

"But they are very important to our family now," Skop said in a low voice. "We can't just rely on the support you got from the pope. You know that the pope is old and he has sons."

Julia's look changed slightly, she knew what Skop meant.

Although he was very beloved, after all, Alexander VI wanted to care for his son, so it was obviously much more difficult for the Farnese to benefit from the Pope, and as Alexander VI grew older Maybe he will gradually lose the charm that fascinated him, which is obviously very unfavorable for Julia or her family.

Must focus on the future and interests of the family, Julia reminds herself.

Skop made an inviting gesture. Under his guidance, Julia walked across the hallway to a room door and stopped.

Gasped again to calm her emotions slightly. Julia reminded herself secretly that the people they were meeting were hard-to-get-up guys, and they were definitely up in the face of them.

The door opened, and several old men who stood up looked respectfully at Julia, who was also looking at them at the door.

"It's an honor to be summoned by you, ma'am."

An old man took off the soft tweed flat hat on his head, and ten thin fingers pinched the brim tightly.

He looks very respectful, but Julia knows that there should be a lot of disguise. These people are like a group of hungry wolves. As long as there is a chance, they will not hesitate to pounce on the prey, and then eat without bones. Fine.

"I have done what you asked me to do," Julia sat down a little away from the old men, she felt very uncomfortable near them "Now tell me what you are doing, dare to steal Triple crown, do n’t you know that it ’s the pope and ca n’t forgive your felony? ”

Listening to Julia's scolding, the old man on the opposite face calmed down without showing a trace of panic. He looked at Julia with muddy eyes and said carefully:

"Madam, we did not steal the triple crown, we just accepted a collateral."

"So where is the triple crown now, I want you to hand it over."

Hearing the old man did not deny that Julia's voice could not help but a little hurried.

The significance of the triple crown is too great. When I heard that the Jews actually got this treasure that symbolizes the authority of the entire Christ world, it was Alexander VI who sighed more than once because of accident and envy.

This is also the reason why Julia is willing to see these Jews. Alexander VI has revealed to her more than once that the Jews are required to give a triple crown, but since their mysterious disappearance, they have never appeared again, even if it is a law The people of the Erne family did not inquire about their whereabouts.

And these Jews not only suddenly found Skop, but also made a request that seemed to have nothing to do with them.

That is, as long as Julia can find a way to convince Xia Sang and urge him to come to Rome as soon as possible, they are willing to meet her.

This request is completely acceptable to Julia. Although it is strange that they made the purpose of this request, Julia quickly and faithfully did it.

Now, looking at the old Jewish men, Julia tried to calm down the excitement in her heart, and she put forward her own conditions.

"I can ask the Pope to forgive you," Julia said first, and then quickly added "But I think you will be expelled from Rome, but this should be a good thing for you. After all, even if you are forgiven, you can Your actions have angered too many people, and there will always be people who want to avenge you. "

"Of course, the Jews will always be the victims of all anger," the old man whispered to himself, and then he looked up at Julia. "But ma'am, I can't agree to your request. We have to abide by the credit of being a businessman. There is no clear in the customer. I ca n’t give you the triple crown until I renounce my rights. It ’s about our credibility and dignity. ”

"Your credibility?" Julia stood up in amazement. "You are a group of Jews who can kneel down and beg for even a copper plate. Do you think I will believe you have the virtue of credibility and dignity?"

The shrivelled face of the old Jewish man twitched slightly, but then he calmed down slowly.

Jews are always lowly, even if they have accumulated huge amounts of wealth, but in the eyes of nobles and churches, they are just a group of money bags that can be looted at any time. Their original sin is not out of religious belief, but the coveted Great wealth.

But this time, the old Jewish man did not flinch. He raised his head bravely and looked at Julia.

"Madam, I think you misunderstood. We asked to meet you not to get pardon. We just hope to do business with you. I would like to ask you to listen to me patiently. I believe you will listen to our suggestions. I will not regret giving this opportunity to us. "

Julia looked at the Jewish man a little confused. She didn't know what chips these Jews have to do business with herself. Is there anything more persuasive than the triple crown?

Know that as long as the triple crown can be given to Alexander VI, then she no longer needs to worry about the possibility of losing the pope ’s favor, even Caesar, but also to respect her more than ever before.

"Madam, you know that we have been serving the interests of the Farnese family in Rome before, so your family has received a lot of benefits ..."

"I know this, and I am very grateful for everything you did for the Farnese family, but this is not a reason to replace the triple crown."

Julia interrupted the old Jewish man impatiently. She felt that she might have really thought about it before. These Jews just wanted to use the previous relationship with Farne ’s family to beg, maybe there is still threats, but these are simply insignificant Even if all the people in Rome knew how they were related to the Farnese family, as long as they could find a triple crown, then the Farnese family is the one who the Holy See should be most grateful for.

"Mrs. No, I am not asking or threatening with this," the old Jewish man stood up slightly, this was the first time he had shown such a confident look since Julia entered the door. "I want to say, if I promise that your family will get more than ten times the benefits that are obtained in Rome today, or dozens of times or even hundreds of times. Are you willing to accept our suggestions? "

Julia looked blankly at the old Jewish man in front of her. Her head was buzzing, and her heart was beating because she could not bear the news that she suddenly heard.

What is the interest of the Farnese family in Rome, Julia is not very clear, she is not Barenti, her interest in spending money is far greater than making money, but even then she knows the meaning of the old Jewish words .

If the old man did not lie to her, then the Farne family seems to be facing a golden opportunity, and the choice of whether to seize this opportunity seems to be in her hands.

Julia looked back at Skop in a daze. She always felt that when her aunt was looking for a man who was much younger than her, her husband should be more than strong and powerful, but this person was indeed very smart.

"I think I can listen," Skop nodded in favor of "what they can give us."

Saw Julia nod slightly, and the old Jewish man finally sat down with several companions.

"Madam, you must have heard of the Fogel family," the old man smiled at Julia. "Fortunately, we have some good business dealings with this family, and as far as we know, the Fogel family is brewing. There is a big plan ~ ~ If this plan is successful, even the emperor of the empire cannot ignore everyone involved. "

Julia looked at the old Jewish man in amazement. Of course she knew the origin of the Fugger family, but she didn't understand how it happened for a while, which involved the family that is famous for the entire Christian world with wealth.

"In fact, this matter is also related to the Earl of Montina," the old Jew shrugged slightly, and then threw a news that made Julia stunned. "Please don't be so surprised, Madam, I know you It must be strange how this is going on. After all, the Earl had desperately pursued us a while ago, but this is not a problem. Any differences and contradictions can be vanished in front of gold, although we have n’t seen that one. Earl, but I believe that the Fogels will certainly agree with us. "

The old man said with a slight smile: "And just now, we have done something for this Earl Lord, I believe he will be willing to cooperate with us because of this."

"What are you talking about?" Julia suddenly became alert, and she faintly felt that she seemed to be calculating.

"Madam, haven't you just visited Mrs. Xia Sang and asked her to urge the Duke of Billy Shelley to come to Rome as soon as possible? This request was actually made by the Earl of Montina," the old man's shrivelled face showed a proud look "You see, this is the power of money. If it doesn't work, it's just because the weight is not enough." ...

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