Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 4 Chapter 198: Uliu's chores

When Uliu dragged a little tired body into Pisa City, the sky had just gone dark.

In addition to the long bells from the city, the pizza was quiet at this time.

Most people are holding dinner at home, and the smoke of cooking rises from the street and floats above the city.

A golden sunset reflected through the undulating roof and dry branches, everything in the distance seemed to glow red.

Uliu was a little distracted. He remembered that when he fled from the last old man's house, it was exactly this time when he ran and looked back. He saw the red mansion of the old man's house burning in the fire.

Uliu shook his head and shook his memories that had become blurred. He is now next to Lord Gumbre, who trusted him, so he kept telling himself not to think about those things anymore. .

The Ducal Palace of Pisa has been rearranged a bit.

I do n’t know if it was intentional. When Lucrezia ordered to repaint and repair the palace, he deliberately or unintentionally erased all traces related to Tomnio.

This early descendant of the Duke of Pisa eventually stayed in the history of Pisa, not in the Duke's Palace of Pisa.

Everything about Tomnio ’s short life in this palace was quietly moved away, except for his original house in Pisa and his family, it seems that no one ever existed. Mark of.

Lucrezia apparently does not want her daughter and her predecessor to have any problems. If it is not necessary for Tomnio ’s existence to set off and prove the legitimacy of her daughter ’s inheritance, she does not even want to see and hear everything about this person anywhere. .

Lucrezia feels that her daughter is the real ruler of Pisa, especially after accepting the holy bone sent by her father, she feels that Estrez is Pisa's natural heir.

The daughter has been several months old, and after putting on the dress she designed herself, she can sit firmly beside her.

The duke's throne is not wide, but enough for their mother and daughter to sit on it.

The nobles of Pisa are very smart, or rather wise, they know what to do with a duchess who has a tough father and a powerful grandfather, even if the duke is still not seated, and her mother does not seem to be So smart.

Lucrezia met Uliu in the hallway instead of the living room. This was because the news that the Moors had arrived on the way from the main hall just after the end of the day, Lucrezia couldn't wait to go back to her room.

She quickly hurriedly walked through the corridor, and then saw Uliu standing under the fountain in the far cross, waiting to hear the call to prepare to walk towards the living room.

"What news did you bring me?"

Lucrezia took a few steps in a hurry and saw that the Moors bowed and saluted, only slightly restrained and slowed down.

"Master asked me to send you a letter." Uliu lowered his head and straightened his mouth. He didn't know what the lady would look like after reading the letter, but think about why this is the old man. The reason is to send him.

As a faithful servant, you always have to share all kinds of troubles for your master.

Lucrezia became very excited, especially when she heard that there was a letter, she was more happy, but soon she showed a trace of surprise.

Although Alexander wrote to her almost every day before, she sent other messengers. Now that she saw Uliu, she vaguely realized that the letter was obviously unusual.

"Can you tell me what's the matter, don't say you don't know." Lucrezia cut off the Moore's back path as soon as she opened her mouth. "I know you know everything about Alexander. Now I want you to tell me first. What is it, if nothing happens, Alexander cannot send you to deliver the letter in person. "

The Moor looked up at Lucrezia. He hoped that he was somewhere else instead of Pizza at this time, but this illusion obviously could not help him a little.

"Madam, maybe we should go to a more suitable place, I will report to you in detail."

Uliu also wanted to make some efforts.

But Lucrezia's expression had changed, and she looked at Uliu suspiciously.

She can be sure that it was n’t Alexander ’s accident, otherwise the Moors would n’t look like this, so what would happen?

This has never happened before, and there are obviously things that are hard to say when you look at the Moors.

Lucrezia almost instinctively guessed another person who made her unhappy.

"Is this related to that woman?" Lucrezia asked coldly.

"Madam, this thing, this thing ..." Uliu paused and thought about it, and finally decided to speak out in one breath. Marry, their marriage date may be set at the beginning of next year. "

After that, Uliu glanced at Lucrezia quickly, then bent down and bowed his head.

Quiet, unexpected quiet, neither screaming in conjecture nor crying because of accidents and anger, and then only Uliu was silent for a while.

The Moors raised their heads slightly and saw Lukreziya's blank expression. She just stood still and motionless. Her eyes looked at the front, but as long as she noticed, her eyes were completely unfocused. It's a daze.

"Madam?" Uliu whispered.

As if suddenly awakened, Lucrezia's gaze flickered before it seemed to notice the Moors in front of him.

"He is going to marry that woman?"


"Just at the beginning of next year?"


"Then they will live in Montina?"

"It seems, right."

"Oh, ah ... ah ~~"

With a rather calm tone first, followed by a sighing tone, the hallway finally broke out with a scream of Uliu's guess for a long time!

Even if he had been prepared for a long time, when this screamer rang in the empty corridor, the Moors were stimulated by the sharp shouts that rang through the corridor at that moment, and his ears felt like a needle.

"Ah! ~"

Another time, Lucrezia was not scared enough by her maid ’s daughter who was held in a bad cry, but she screamed alone, and even the maid beside her hurriedly hugged her in her arms. Still shouting.

Uliu stood there on Khan's forehead, and he knew that what he said at this time was useless.

He quickly looked into the corridor, then waved to the overwhelmed waitresses. A group of women hurried towards the living room in a panicking help of a group of women.

But it didn't help. The news of the duke's mother suddenly screaming in the hallway, like the cold wind of late autumn, blew the streets of Pisa.

Lucrezia didn't know how she came to the living room. When she was held up on the soft slump, she still kept yelling.

Looking at her like this, the waitresses could only look at Uliu innocently, and then they saw that the Moors frowned first, and then seemed to remember what had turned around in the room, and picked up one in the corner. The jug poured a glass of water.

Then in the consternation of the waitresses, Uliou splashed the glass of water directly on Lukrezija's face!

The shout stopped instantly.

Lucrezia, who was covered in water, looked at the Moor with a mouth in front of him, with an empty glass bowed to her, except for the still cry of Estrez, the whole room There was no other voice.

"Madam, please calm down. Please look at the letter from the adult to you first."

Uliu took out the letter from his carrying bag a little helplessly. Although he felt that it was not appropriate to take out this letter at this time, he had to do other things while Lukrezija read the letter.

The story of Lucrezia's shouting in the hallway has been spread before, and soon the whole city of Pisa will know what happened in the Ducal Palace.

Uliu knew he had to suppress the rumors before things got worse.

The other is that he did not want to appear in front of Lucrezia at this time.

Uliou almost fled out of the Ducal Palace, but when he came to the courtyard of the palace, he saw the figure of Bishop Pisa walking around in front of the flower bed outside.

It looked like he was meditating like that, but from the look that he couldn't stop glancing at the skin near the gate, the thought of the bishop's adult was obviously not about comprehending the doctrine.

"Master Bishop." Uliu walked by himself voluntarily, he saluted respectfully, then straightened up and looked quietly at the bishop.

"The Earl's personal servant," the bishop glanced at Uliou, as if he had just recognized him. "I know you, a Moor."

"I am a Moorish adult, but this does not hinder my loyalty to my master."

Uliu bowed his head lower this time, and then he saw the bishop reach out to him with a gem ring in his hand.

"That's why I allowed you to kiss my hand. This is my forgiveness to you."

Uliu's mouth twitched imperceptibly, but he still took the bishop's hand and kissed the back of his hand.

"Okay, it makes me feel more convenient for us to talk," the bishop withdrew his hand, and then motioned Uliu to walk slowly with him in the courtyard in front of the palace. "Tell me what happened, know the Duke now. Being young and making the Duke grow up healthily is the most important thing now. This is not only related to the Duke himself but also to the stability of Pisa, so I must know what just happened, and to know that Mrs. Lukreziya is the closest to the Duke It ’s very inappropriate for people to be so disoriented. "

"Master Bishop, I am about to report this to you," Uliu, who had already thought of a large number of inquiries, said unhurriedly, "First of all, I have to explain to you that I think Lucrezia Madam ’s reaction is not excessive, after all, it is related to the matter that my old man is about to get married. "

"Your lord is about to knot ..." The casually asked bishop suddenly paused. He turned his head in amazement and looked at the humble Moorish man next to him. "You mean the Earl of Montina and the Rovere ...

"It's such a bishop, do you think so about this matter?"

"Ah ... this thing is of course a good thing. This is arranged by God. I mean this marriage is perfect and very good. Oh, I still have some things to go back to the church first. God bless the count."

The bishop said something that didn't follow the foreword. His look was getting uglier. Afterwards, he dealt with a few very vague words, and then left in a hurry.

"I will bring your blessings to my lord." Uliu bowed down humblely and respectfully, and when he raised his head, he saw the back of the bishop who had hurried away.

It was easier than imagined, the Moors grasped, and then looked back at the palace behind him, and then his shoulders collapsed.

Obviously, it was much harder to deal with Lucrezia than the pizza nobles.

Uliu's guess is good, and the strangeness that Lucrezia suddenly showed has indeed spread throughout the city of Pisa. With the rumor that her emotions are out of control, there are various speculations about what happened between her and Alexander. .

Soon, someone guessed that Alexander was about to get married.

In fact, this is not a secret. When the Genoese attacked Montina, Barenti suddenly arrived at Montina. Then Alexander announced that during his expedition, the series of events in which Barenti took charge of Montina has proved The relationship between them is inseparable.

The wedding is obviously just a matter of time.

Only in this way, the status of Lucrezia's mother and daughter seemed awkward.

Some people who were a little familiar with the passing of the Republic of Pisa before knew that it was because Lucrezia and Alexander appeared together at the time that the Republic was eventually overthrown, and Alexander became the actual owner of Pisa.

It can be said that without Lucrezia, whether Alexander can rule Pisa so smoothly is still unknown.

And Alexander took Lucrezia away from Caesar for the second time, almost abducted, and then took her directly to Pisa, and the two of them built a warm love nest in the little house that is now called the Palace of Lucrezia. After passing, it was even talked about by the pizza people.

In the minds of many people, I still thought that Lucrezia would eventually become the Countess of Montina, but now suddenly came the news that Alexander was going to marry Barenti. Anyone who heard what happened was stunned. Then began various speculations and doubts.

When Ulliu began to extinguish fire everywhere in the city of Pisa, Lucrezia was shutting herself in the room and weeping.

Although she also knew that Alexandria was finally going to get married, and if he wanted to become the Earl of Montina, he must marry Barenti, but when she finally heard the news, she found that she could not accept this reality at all.

The nanny had brought Estelas before, but for the first time, Lucrezia ignored the daughter who wanted to pounce on her arms again and again, but asked the nanny to send Estelas back to her own room.

Lucrezia was lying on the bed in the corner of the room, just crying.

She remembered the wonders when Alexander was robbed from the monastery. She could n’t remember whether she was scared or just an accident. She did n’t remember exactly when she started. This supposedly uncomfortable trip became the two of them. There is a competition to conquer each other.

It was a race full of excitement and danger. The whole process was very thrilling. Think about the "sealing kiss" that almost killed the lives of the two of them, and then think about their adventure of drifting all night on the river, Lukrezi Ya suddenly felt that today in the noble and gorgeous day of Pisa, it was the culprit that separated them.

Feeling a little damp on the bridge of her nose, Lucrezia wiped the corners of her eyes. She knew she was crying nonstop, but she just couldn't stop.

Why cry? Is it because Alexander is getting married?

Isn't it known from the beginning that this would be the result?

Lucrezia remembered the scene when they woke up on the beach when they crossed the river and were chased by the Venetians.

She believed that Alexander, who she had n’t finished at the time, said, “You can propose to my father”, understood.

But he didn't respond at the time, and Lucrezia already knew what he was.

Both of them have been carefully avoiding this problem for a long time, even if their daughter was born, they have not mentioned this again.

Now that I know Alexander is always going to get married, why is it so sad?

Lucrezia couldn't understand it, but she just couldn't control the panic emotions in her heart, so that even after hearing the news, even if she kept telling herself not to lose her mind, she must be calm, but she still couldn't control herself. Screaming.

Lucrezia picked up the tossed letter again and looked at it.

"I know to tell you how much damage these will cause you. I do n’t even have the guts to walk in front of you and say these words to you, but we all know that this is an inevitable result. Before we were attracted to each other, I would With this marriage contract, you were my enemy at that time ... "

Lucrezia frowned slightly, and of course she did n’t know that Alexander used to disguise Caesar and let Nashan assassinate her in disguise. All she thought was that Alexander said that he was hostile to her father at that time ~ ~ Maybe it will hurt you without hesitation, but now even if it makes you sad, it will make me feel uncomfortable, not to mention that we have such a lovely daughter, which makes me think that you are indeed a treasure that God has given me. "

Lucrezia's eyes were slightly wet, she didn't know how the person who would write such words could abandon herself and marry another woman without hesitation so much, which made her sad and raised a anger from the bottom of her heart. .

Lucrezia got up from the bed, she walked back and forth in the room, when her eyes fell on the beautiful ivory carved four-sided painting on the table, because of anger she held up the valuable artwork high, and ruthlessly towards the ground Smash it!

The dull sound of heavy objects hitting the carpet rang in the room, but this masked the sound of the door being opened from the outside almost at the same time.

"Alexander, if I were to see you, I would kill you!"

Lucrezia issued an angry curse until her waist was suddenly hugged from behind!

"Are you going to kill me? This is not like you."

A very familiar voice came from behind, and Lucrezia's body froze instantly, then she suddenly turned around and saw the familiar figure in front of her.

"You see me now, are you going to kill me?"

Looking at the person in front of him dullly for a while, Lucrezia suddenly reached out and clasped Alexander's head tightly, and pressed his lips tightly.

Outside the door, Uliu, who watched the two people hugging each other, cleverly closed the door quietly, and then wiped the sweat on the head with his sleeve.

"It finally solved one," the Moor murmured, but then he touched the other letter in his pocket with a bitter face on his dark face. "But what else to do."

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