Conquer the World

Chapter 1191: Sea of ​​fire

Chapter 1191 The Sea of ​​Fire

Suddenly, Buicko found himself feeling powerless for the first time. At one time, he always felt that there was no difference between these yellow-skinned black-haired Han Chinese and pig-like. He thought it wouldn't take long for the empire's army to conquer the place as it had conquered other countries in the past. As an occupant and master, he felt that it was disgusting to say one more word to these Han Chinese.

This is a concept that has been formed for a long time, and the conqueror is always high.

But now, he found that his conqueror's dream on this continent seemed to be shattered.

The Han's counterattack was stable.

Yes, it is stable.

Counterattack with such a tactic was beyond everyone's expectation, and this tactic currently seems unsolvable. Unless the Oppus begin to withdraw from the battle, the Hans will counterattack the issue of timing.


Buick said angrily: "This is a bunch of gophers!"

But he could do nothing but scold.

He turned to look at the high platform, hoping for new instructions. But apparently, even the supreme Emperor Lehman could not cope.

Although Buicko doesn't treat Han people as people, he knows one thing well. The Opulian advantage lies in weapons, and advanced weapons are the key to gaining an overwhelming advantage on the battlefield. Once the Hans were allowed to approach by digging trenches, then close-fighted melee ... the consequences were unthinkable.

Those Han people have far more rich experience in close killing than they do.

Previously, this was why the Oppus believed that the Han people were savagely backward. But now, this barbarity and backwardness are threatening their lives.

No withdrawal order.

Buicko can only insist on it.

Suddenly he had an idea in his heart, and he did not dare to say it.

Perhaps the Emperor Lehman was not always right. Previously, Lehman ordered him to take the team forward one meter, and then dug a horizontal trench to block the Han ... This is simply an urgent and unthinking command, without any reason. What's the use of digging a horizontal trench? Not working for the Han people!

If Lyman knew what he was thinking at this time, he would have killed him personally.

Buick is not a smart person, nor is he a flexible person. In this situation, he did not understand the meaning of Lehman's order. If Lehman told him one more word, he would understand. Lehman meant to dig out a horizontal trench and use gunpowder to stop the Han people from moving forward. But Buick was stupid, he didn't expect it.

This is just a small detail on the battlefield, but it affects the battle situation.

Buick knows what the Opulian advantage is. It is a firearm. But at the most critical moment, he forgot how to use this advantage.

If Buick has ordered the concentration of gunpowder packs to stop the Han people, the army will immediately stop the counterattack, and it can even be advanced quickly in the trenches dug by the Han people. After all, in long-range weapons, they have an unshakable advantage.

But he didn't.

Therefore, the battle entered the melee that the Opulians did not want to fight.

As Buekdo was preparing to retreat regardless of the military order, the soldiers of the Black Flag rushed down the trenches like wild animals. The weapon in their hands was a backward spear, but in this case the spear was better than the Opulu. Much better musket! The Black Flag soldiers who rushed over first stabbed the front stabs with dense spears, and stabbed the opulians there. The shouting black flag soldiers stormed into the opulian defense line without fear. .

Buicko did not complete Lyman's layout and failed to stop the Han from coming.

Before dark.

The real fight began.



After seeing his companion split his head by a heavy machete, an Opulian screamed, even if it wasn't the first time he saw bleeding, not the first time he saw himself. Companions died in battle, but never before have they been as terrible as they are today.

As the brain flowed, the Han man smirked through the blood mist and looked at the back of the Oplu with a stab. A sharp knife cut the clothes on the back, then opened the flesh wrapped around the spine, and Bai Sensen's bones were immediately exposed to the air.

As the blade passed, flesh and blood rolled out.

The Opulu fell forward in wailing, crawling forward with hands and feet trying to escape death. Where can he care about the pain in his back, gnawing his teeth forward and crawling away.

How could the black flag soldiers behind him give him a chance to catch up and put a foot on his back, and then raised the horizontal knife to poke down. The blade ripped through the muscles and penetrated the internal organs, then stabbed from the front chest and plunged into the mud underneath. The Opulians twisted violently like an earthworm pinned to the ground.

The Black Flag soldier twisted the knife back and forth in the foreigner's body a few times, the foreigner's twist gradually subsided, and soon became a soft collapsed corpse, which would soon become stiff again.

The Black Flag soldier looked up, looking for the next target.

As soon as he looked up, he saw an array of defensive rifles consisting of at least twenty Opulans firing. He was penetrated by bullets, and his body shook back a few steps. The power of the bomb was not enough to penetrate his body, but it was fatal.

Before he fell down, he was still waving his crossblade, and seemed to want to hack all the enemies in front of him.

The body that had not closed his eyes fell down, but Hengdao did not leave his palm.

Twenty foreigners were organized in haste. After a burst of rifles, they killed several Black Flag soldiers and immediately retreated to leave. But in such a chaotic battlefield, it is impossible for them to leave easily. Seeing a small group of foreigners gathered here, many Black Flag soldiers rolled over here.

Dozens of corpses were on the ground after the black crowds rolled over.

"Kill my family, take my land!"

An East Xinjiang soldier born on a green forest road carried a heavy ghost-headed sword, removed one half of the enemy's half body with a knife, and strode through the **** blood. Each knife would take a life. He shouted angrily in his mouth, shouting out a knife.

Obviously, he is a warrior who can practice, but because his qualifications are limited, his cultivation is not high. But Xiuwei brought him a stronger body, greater strength, and flexible response. He rushed left and killed in the crowd, avoiding the weapon stabbed by the enemy, and turned his blade to harvest the enemy's head.

"I used to be a robber, and I did a lot to kill and set fire to women."

It was as if he had fallen into a very crazy state, and there was no other in his eyes, only the enemy. He talked to himself, but the knife in his hand did not stop.

"I used to think that this was enough to be smart and powerful enough so that others would be afraid ... but after you came, the old man really realized the pain of the loved ones being killed and snatched away. So I also knew that those people had Hate me so much, I don't want to be such a person anymore! "

He slashed, splitting the body of an Opul from the center.

Stepping on the internal organs of a floor, he strode forward.

"Always forgive me!"

He swept the knife across, cutting his head while flying off the enemy's neck.

With a bang, his body shook violently.

Then he saw a blood hole in his lower abdomen, and blood immediately poured out from the hole's eyes. He held the ghost knife in his mouth, and then ripped his coat and severely wounded ...

Strangled. He was naked and his eyes had turned red. Holding the ghost-knife back in his hand, he rushed forward again.

Where he walked, scarlet footprints were left.

That was the blood of the enemy as well as his blood.

Buick shot the brave Han with a single shot. He thought the Han would fall down.

However, after the Han man tore his clothes and caught the wound, he strode towards him. Buick's hand trembled, and he wanted to reload the bomb as soon as possible, but the more nervous he was, the more he shook his hand. By the time he filled the bomb and raised his gun, the Han man had already killed.

The two Opuls who were standing in front of Buick Dorado were cut neatly with a slash, and at this time the second shot of Buick Dorman also sounded.

With such a short distance, there is no need to aim at all.

The bullet penetrated into the chest of the sturdy soldier, his figure paused for a moment, then he grinned and smiled at Buicko. The blood in his mouth was in sharp contrast with the white teeth.

He raised his knife and slashed fiercely.

His body was shaking, and his strength was not enough, but he slashed on Buicko's shoulder with the force of the forward flutter, and the ghost-headed sword was deeply cut into the shoulder. Pull out the knife. Buicko, who was severely injured, fell under him, struggling to withdraw the dagger from his waist, stabbed into Han's belly in a panic, and the blood soon soaked both of them.

Hahaha laughed, biting his head fiercely on Buicko's neck, Buicko screamed, dropped his dagger and tried to push him away.

After biting, Han kept shaking his head, then raised his head, and bite Buickot's neck into a blood hole. The throat was bitten, and the blood rushed out from the wound. Buicko's chest was violently undulating, and he seemed to want to breathe smoothly. The air flowed into the mouth and then came out of the wound, blowing blood bubbles one by one.



After the pikemen rushed into the Buicko's team, they began to squeeze forward with the most effective formation. After the melee, the Opulian's weapon advantage was reduced indefinitely, and there were people who slaughtered together.

As the Black Flag's counterattack entered the Opru's team, the Opru began to defeat. This close-killing often relies on a morale that has never been seen before. Obviously, the Opulians do not have such morale. The soldiers of the Black Flag Army and the soldiers of the East Xinjiang Green Forest Road were waving their weapons frantically and venting their hatred.

A Chinese team with no uniform dress came in from the flanks and completely penetrated the Opul array at no cost ~ ~ and then rushed towards the giant siege beasts, these people's hands They were carrying a can, and they didn't know what was in the can.

The Opulians who pushed the siege beasts began to run away. They had no weapons and could only escape.

The reinforcements sent by the rear team Lyman fired from a distance, and a large number of Han people fell together with the Opru.

"Red Eyebrow Army!"

A green forest-born Henkel screamed and broke a canister full of fire oil in his hand on the siege beast. Behind him, more soldiers spilled fire oil on the siege beast, and then someone set off with a fire break. Many oil tanks were thrown high, and the fire immediately rose up.

Opulu soldiers on the huge siege beasts howled wildly, someone jumped from a height and immediately broke his leg. There is also a lot of fire oil on the siege beasts. These Opulu people originally wanted to use the wind to set fire to the Black Banner Army camp. As a result, the fire burned up, and soon ignited the oil and powder they carried.

The Opulu, who wanted to attack the Han people by fire, was buried in a sea of ​​fire.

Watch the world of hegemony to Changfeng.

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