Conquer the World

Chapter 222: 1 day dead

Chapter 222 Life and Death

The pain in the lower abdomen this time was much stronger than in previous times, so strong that Fang Jie had no room for resistance. He had previously thought about what would happen to him if this pain suddenly came while fighting someone? The answer can only be death.

Later, Fang Jie did not experience this pain for a long time. He thought he would never come again and was grateful.

However, the pain was so intense that he fell to **** before passing out.

Fang Xie still clearly remembers that when he came to Changan City, he asked Mu Xiaoyao what kind of feeling he had while practicing halfway. Mu Xiaoyao's answer was pain. Every improvement in strength will bring a physical torment. But when the strength reaches a certain level, the pain becomes minimal. But it often hurts once. That is a special treatment for practitioners. Fang Jie is puzzled. How can such wasteless firewood also experience pain?

Moreover, it is much more intense than the kind of internal energy that the practitioner has experienced to temper the body.

Fang Xie is a person with enough perseverance. It has been difficult for him to mourn without experiencing these pains. If you change to someone else, I'm afraid the reaction will be much stronger.

While holding down the bookshelf, Fang Xie even thought that fortunately, he was not face to face with the enemy at this time, otherwise he would be dead. And when he fell, he almost used the only remaining controllable power to make himself fall in the direction of Marilyn. He had noticed that she was there and knew that she would definitely help herself.

Calm down to this point, perhaps has become terrible.

When Fang Xie woke up, he smelled a familiar smell, so he knew that Shen Qingfan was beside him. He slowly opened his eyes, but found that this place was not his own shop, but the dormitory of Yanwuyuan. And the woman sitting on the side holding his hand was a real fan.

He tried to sit up without success, with no energy on his body.

The weakness of the body was beyond the imagination of Fang Jie, and the consequences of this severe pain far exceeded the previous several times. Without experiencing such intense pain, it is impossible to understand Fang Jie's feelings at this time. He even had the illusion that the whole body was no longer his own. He issued a command to move his fingers, but his fingers did not react at all.

This feeling is that Fang Jie thinks that his head is himself, and the rest of the rest are not his own.

The legs were there, but couldn't move.

There is no hand to move.

The proof that he felt alive was that his visual hearing and smell were still there.

Not even feeling. He smelled the scent of Shen Qingfan's body, but he couldn't feel Shen Qingfan holding his hand. So as soon as he opened his eyes, Fang Jie knew that he was bad this time, and his heart couldn't help sinking.

And the thing that made him a little bit more solid was that he could still speak.

There are two women besides him in the room, the other is female professor Qiu Yu. He first glanced at Shen Qingfan, then turned to Qiu Yu for help. The heavy expression on Qiu Yu's face made the bad feeling in his heart clearer and stronger. Then, a surging sorrow poured into Fang Xie's heart, making it almost impossible for him to control.

After so much, struggling for so long.

This is the end of myself?

He didn't dare to think about the life he could only lie in bed in the future, it would be better to die.

Seeing him waking up, Qiu Yu went to the bed and sat down. He reached out and squeezed his veins, and then shook his head helplessly after a while: "You should be a dead person right now."

This sentence made Fang Xie's heart sink to the bottom.


He heard his hoarse voice, with fear and anxiety in his voice.

"You have no pulse"

Qiu Yu's tone was a little heavy: "Since Ma Lilian came to me with your back, I found that you had no pulse. According to common sense, you should have died long ago. I have just heard that you have no heartbeat. You Do n’t ask me why this is so, because I have n’t found a reasonable explanation. It ’s not just me, but I ’m afraid no one in the world has encountered such a strange thing. ”

"But you don't have to be sad."

Qiu Yu managed the hair hanging down from his forehead, and his eyes were tired again: "Because you haven't died, as long as you don't die, there is hope."

Fang Jie looked at Shen Qingfan, and found that there was sadness in her eyes as well.

He wanted to cry, to growl and shout. But after all, he just smiled bitterly and closed his eyes. He didn't want to talk and didn't want to hear anything again. No one can appreciate his sorrow at this time, this feeling really turned into a wasteful man is so strong. It's so strong that he even asks himself, why aren't you dead?

"I'll think of a way."

Qiu Yu got up.

She looked at Fang Xie seriously and said, "I didn't even give up. Why did you give up?"

Having said this, she turned and went out.

Shen Qingfan shook Fang Xie's hand, the meaning in his eyes was very complicated. Distressed, sad, painful. She leaned down, her cheek pressed against the back of Fang Jie's hand: "Professor Qiu was right, she never gave up trying to save you. Why did you give up? Here is Yanwuyuan, there must be a way to know what happened . "

"Professor Qiu asked the student named Ma Lilian to come to my shop and ask me to guard you at Yanwuyuan. She may be worried that someone might hurt you while you have no ability to protect yourself for the time being. I was going to follow you. You just didn't want to. I'm not here yet? "

She made herself smile, and then said softly, "Actually, you can lie lazily for a few days."

Fang Jie murmured: "Just temporary?"

"Sure it is."

Shen Qingfan nodded, rubbing the back of Fangjie's hands with her cheeks: "Relax ... I'll be there anyway. Before you were in Fan Gu for three years, it was a small waist and a big dog. They were guarding you I am guarding a fake you, but I still guard very hard. Now they are not there, and finally I am guarding you. This room is you and my world. If anyone wants to walk in and hurt you, I killed him ... no matter who it was. "

The corners of Fang Xie's eyes were wet, and a tear dropped.

In the night, Professor Qiu Yu quickly walked into the library.

She told herself that she could find a way, she could.

There are vast books in the library, and she has an oil lamp in her hand.

This night, maybe all three will be sleepless.



When the sun slowly climbed across the tall city walls of Chang'an from the east, Shen Qingfan hit the water to help Fang wash his face and clean his hands. Fang Xie, who had not slept overnight, pretended to wake up from deep sleep, and he had calmed down, and he did not forget to give Shen Qing a clean smile. Shen Qingfan also smiled and looked so beautiful.

When she went out and poured water, she saw a girl holding a food container in her hand, not far away. Ma Lilian stood there in a hurry, perhaps hesitating to come over. So she beckoned, then took the food box and said thank you very sincerely.

This is the first time Shen Qingfan said thank you.

Ma Lilian shook her head and said, "He saved me twice, and it saved my life."

Then she left without turning back.

Shen Qingfan looked at the girl's back, and suddenly felt envious. She went back to the house, fed Fang Jie and drank a bowl of rice porridge, and ate a vegetarian bun. Fang Xie seemed to have a good appetite, and her sadness and despair were gone in her eyes. But he couldn't hide Shen Qingfan, who knew he was just trying to make her better.

"Relax, I won't give up."

Fang Jie smiled and said, "Heaven will descend to the people of Sri Lanka, he must first strain his muscles and hungry his skin ... I'll be another kind of tempering, maybe I can stand on my own after an hour. Get up and hug you around the house. "

"It takes a few laps, not one."

Shen Qingfan said with a smile.

Fang Jie said, "Yes, it takes a few turns."

Shen Qingfan fed Fang Jie and drank the water, then sat down beside him: "Would you like to sleep a little longer? If you fall asleep, an hour will soon pass."

"I like waiting for surprises."

Fang explained.

Shen Qing fan said: "Then we will wait together, an hour, very short."

The two of them were telling lies very seriously, both hoping to lie to each other. But this lie is too idiotic, and they both understand that it is just a lunatic dream. Shen Qingfan tried Fang Jie's hand many times and still couldn't find his pulse. She pressed it against his chest and didn't feel his heartbeat.

This is a totally unreasonable thing, not even the most learned and experienced doctors have ever heard of.

Shen Qingfan smiled and nodded: "I will accompany you and wait for the surprise to come."


He seemed very happy.

Shen Qingfan said softly, "Do you remember, I once told you that I wanted to have a child for you?"

"Remember, I'll do it after an hour."

Fang Jie answered seriously.

Shen Qingfan nodded his head vigorously, his smile was bright and sweet: "If you have a child, let's not let him practice well? Let him be a useless scholar, and if he can't get his name, be a teacher. Find a quiet A small village, has a lifetime without a fight. Then we have to choose a qualified wife for him. It doesn't need to be too beautiful, but it must be virtuous. "

"You didn't say that last time."

Fang Xie protested: "The last time you said you wanted him to be a playboy, teach him how to seduce a big yellow girl!"

Shen Qing fan poked his lips: "I can't regret it? There is a big yellow lady who is always thinking of your life-saving grace, should I invite her in now?"

"Haha, you are jealous!"

Fang Xie smiled proudly.

Then his smile suddenly stiffened, his face changed a bit, and a wow of blood spit out. The blood was illuminated by the sunlight passing through the window, reflecting a strange color, so bright and red. Most of the blood sprayed on the Shen Fan, but she did not dodge.

She reached out her hand in a panic to help him wipe the corners of her mouth, and she was always calm and calm. The blood remained along the gap between her fingers, and it was hot to her hands and to her heart.

"It's not even an hour yet ..."

Fang Jie is still laughing ~ ~ The smile is gradually stiff.

He closed his eyes slowly, his vision blurred. Shen Qingfan was mad like trying to stop him from closing his eyes, but only saw Fang Jie's eyes turned gray.


She let out a sorrowful sorrow, and the room was instantly swept by a storm. The windows and seats were all cracked, and the walls and floor were covered with sword marks.

Qiu Yu, who had not slept in the library all night to check the classics, happened to be at the door, and when he heard the sorrow of Shen Qingfan, his face changed immediately. She rushed into the room like a wind, and pinched Fang Jie's wrist. She tried to find a hint of life, but her heart sank gradually.

She opened her eyelids and found that the eyes were gray.

"How could this be?"

She murmured, then sat down suddenly.

At the moment she let go, no one noticed the flash of redness in Fang Jie's eyes.

After a while, Dean Zhou suddenly appeared outside the door. But he didn't walk in, just looked at Fang Xie outside the door and sighed heavily. The sigh was full of regrets and surprises, and even he couldn't imagine how such a brilliant young man would fall so early. Many people say that Fang Jie is a waste that cannot be practiced, but he has always believed that this boy has a brilliant future.


He turned and left, his back depressed.

When the body of Dean Zhou disappeared, when Qiu Yu got up and planned to cover the quilt for Fang Xie. In the eyes of Shen Qingfan, the murderous spirit overflowed, and he muttered a sentence when I went to send all your enemies to **** first to be slaves for you. Just when Ma Lilian knelt down and cried outside the door.

Fang Xie's eyes suddenly opened, and the red mang appeared!

PS: I don't seem to write the feeling of surprise after despair, but I still want to earnestly ask for a red ticket.

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