Conquer the World

Chapter 285: Angry

Chapter 285 is angry

Ye Jinnan took a sip of tea and laughed: "In short, you just need to remember that this person's identity is by no means as simple as it seems. We have specially ordered it before we came. If you encounter this solution, observe it. I I heard that Major General had some holidays with him in Chang'an. It was due to the major general's loss, but you should understand ... With the court's dependence on the general, if Fang Jie is really a deputy with no background in the border army, will the court not stand On the major general side? "

"Have a holiday with Major General?"

Lu Ou frowned: "Why are you polite to him in this case. I still say that, this is also in the capital, looking at the past, all of them are wastes with high eyes. If it is placed in Yongzhou ..."

"To shut up!"

Ye Jinnandao: "I promised to bring you here, not for you to cause trouble. In Yongzhou, or even the whole southwest, because you are a left-winger, anyone will give you face, so it will make you more proud and lofty. You are from the general's guard position, and the general also has a lot of pampering to you, but you don't think that the world is only as big as Yongzhou! If you do something extraordinary, you will cause trouble for the general, and you do n’t need the general law. I'll be able to hit you! "

Lu Ou's face changed, Nana didn't know what to say.

Ye Jinnan's tone changed mildly: "When you were young, you were born with the generals and worked with the generals. The generals acted aggressively, so you can learn everything from the generals. But you should know the depth. The generals are domineering because the generals want to guard the entire southwest of the Great Sui Dynasty. They are not tough. Those officials in the local areas will be convinced? Those barbarians will be afraid? But if you bring this temper to the emperor capital, then you are totally wrong ... … The general ca n’t disregard His Majesty ’s will. Why do you think I ’m the first in the world? ”

"The general is number one in the world ..."

Lu Ouxi replied.

"Neither is the general!"

Ye Jinnan said: "You must always remember, Your Majesty is! Just as you just said, if you are heard by outsiders and participate in it, you can cause trouble for the general!"

"I ... I remember it?"

Lu Ou sighed: "Just feeling aggrieved, a small ranger general can pose in front of me."

"I said, Fang Xie is by no means a simple person. We came here just right, and the capital just happened to be settled by the prince ... Prince Yi made a mess and took the breath away to win over the adults in the court. It was when I was murderous that what annoyed the emperor was good? The rewards of other meritorious officials did not come down. Only Fang Xie was promoted directly from a student of Yanwuyuan to a Wupin Ranger general, plus a first rank Viscount ... For so many years of Li Suiguo, have you ever heard anyone have such an encounter? "

"Tomorrow we will invite guests in Red Sleeve. In all likelihood, Fang Jie will not come."

Ye Jinnan sighed slightly: "You should have heard a sentence. The person who can't offend the most is Tianzi Jin serving the Prime Minister butler, because their words can affect the judgment of the Heavenly Son or Prime Minister. The solution is His Majesty's mission to the southwest It is enough to show that His Majesty valued him. If you offended this person because of your inappropriate words, what would he say before His Majesty, wouldn't the general's wish fail?

"If you think about it, if the long princess can really become a major general, then the status of the general will naturally be enhanced. But if you are reckless and let Fang Jie say something before the grandmother, what do you think is bad for the general? Will the general admit you to be wanton? "

"What then?"

Hearing Ye Jinnan's words, Lu Ou's face also changed.

"I'll visit Fangjie tonight."

Ye Jinnan was silent for a while and said, "You have to think about what gifts to give."

"This is a trivial matter."

Lu Ou approached Ye Jinnan and asked, "When will the big event be done?"

Ye Jinnan frowned, glaring at Lu Gu and said, "I have my own arrangements. If you say such things casually, don't blame me for not feeling the same."

Lu Ou took a sip and drank the tea in the cup: "This is not allowed, it is not allowed, this trip is uncomfortable. You think it is here, I want to go out."

"where are you going?"

Asked Ye Jinnan.

Lu Ou said: "I heard that the girls in the red sleeves are all beautiful, especially those who are more fairy-like. Since we arrived in Chang'an, I have no reason to look at them."

"Do not cause trouble."

Ye Jinnan explained.

Lu Ou said: "You can rest assured that I am not a three-year-old child but I have to look for someone to take care of it. Even if my heart is dull to listen to a song and watch a dance, what else can happen? If you go to the solution at night, I will not follow. I got back from the Red Sleeve and I went straight to the post. I'm disgusted to see that guy now.

Ye Jinnan ordered a few more words and sent two relatives to follow the landing gull. He was really uneasy about this land gull, and he couldn't really do anything to land gull as he said. Lu Ou has been working with the general since he was a child. Later, he naturally became a relative of the general. The general liked the simple and forthright nature of Lu Ou, plus he and the major general Luo Wen had been good friends since childhood, so it was inevitable.

In the southwest, everyone knows that Yongzhou is best known for sons and dogs.

The son refers to Luo Wen, the only son of the general. This man is clever, but he is too arrogant. In Yongzhou, there are no people in his eyes. Although they are not arrogant, they often do some speechless things. And this land gull is a mastiff under Luo Wen. Rowan let him bite, and he immediately rushed to bite. But because of this loyalty, both the general and major general liked him very much.

Although Ye Jinnan was a Sipinlang general, he did not dare to really treat Lu Ou.



Because of Prince Yi's chaos, the Yanwu Academy has not taught normally. After all, many of the students were involved. On the day of Prince Yi's rebellion, the students of Yanwuyuan were ordered to defend Taiji Temple. In fact, they were immediately supervised by the guards at Onai.

Fang Xie went to Yanwuyuan, but he and Qiu Yu privately learned how to control the vitality of heaven and earth. Today, the tooth named Lu Ou delays a lot of time in the future. It does n’t make sense to see the hour and then go to Yanwuyuan. Fang Jie first went to Dongba Street and looked at Red Sleeve. Look at the old sister-in-law.

Since these days, he and the old sister-in-law have rarely come together. Fang Xie felt later respect for the old man from the beginning, and it took more than a year to change over. To tell the truth, when the old sister-in-law was in Fan Gu, the other side did not like the solution. Who would have thought that after they arrived in Changan, they actually had the status of master and apprentice.

When Fang Jie went halfway, he bought a pack of braised pork and a few pots of old wine. No hurry, just walk to the side of Red Sleeve. Although the rebellion has not passed for a long time, and the streets are still talking about it, the people's faces are not dignified. When talking about it, their faces are mostly disdainful. It seemed to them that Prince Yi's rebellion was just a joke.

Ordinary people, no one thought about how much the rebellion had brought to the court during the Sui Dynasty. They will not speculate, because of the loss of this rebellion. In their opinion, those officials who threatened the rebellion in the court should naturally be killed, and their family members were not necessarily innocent. Perhaps the people will sympathize with the families of the rebels, but few people think about whether they should or shouldn't.

From their point of view, there is nothing wrong with dying a group of officials in the court, and soon there will be many new recruits. Who would think about how the rebellion would more or less touch the interests of those big family members, and how would they bargain with the court in order to protect their own interests?

The emperor will make concessions or stand firm.

Fang Xie looked at the emotions on the street, and suddenly a stun was born in her heart. Yeah ... the people are just talking about it in a more exciting story, because the rebellion hasn't changed their lives at all. They do what they should do every day as usual, and will not affect themselves because of Prince Yi's affairs.

Thinking of this, Fang Jie couldn't help but think, if the foreign enemy invades Chang'an, will the people still behave in such a non-concernable manner?

When thinking of this, Fang Jie couldn't help but shook his head and shook off his confused thoughts.

I ca n’t do my best to be loyal to this country, or to shed the last drop of blood to protect this country. What ’s the point of thinking about the minds of the people?

Fang Xie laughed at himself and asked himself, are you really ready to be a Sui? Are you ... really a Sui?

He couldn't give himself an answer, because the answer was hidden somewhere waiting for him to dig.

But Fang Jie determined one thing, that is, when he had to make a choice, he would never stand on the opposite side of Da Sui. He may not die for the Yang family, or put himself to death for this Chang'an city. But he also won't do anything to hurt this country. He may ... just not ready to be a typical Sui. Or maybe he was an atypical Sui man throughout his life ~ ~ He looked up and saw the new green that had been spit on the weeping willow on the side of the road. Looking at the willow branch swaying in the wind, I suddenly thought, maybe I just thought it was too complicated. As he told the emperor, Da Sui is a towering tree. It is impossible without a tapeworm. When the tapeworm is slaughtered, it may hurt its bones and bones, but as soon as it is spring, a piece of paper will still spit out. Tender green.

Just give Da Sui some time and the wound will heal itself. Leaving a scar is not necessarily a bad thing, at least it can make people remember the pain they once had.

For example, the northwest.

Thinking on such a side, he returned to East Twenty-Three Street without knowing it. The red sleeve stroke was at the other end of the street. It was not too far away from Fang Xie's shop.

When walking to Red Sleeve, Fang Jie was suddenly attracted by a chaotic noise. He looked up and saw that there were many people gathered at the door of Red Sleeve, and they all looked around to look inside.

Fang Xie said for a moment, who said so blindly that he dared to come to trouble in the red sleeve move?

He walked over quickly and heard someone in the red sleeves yelling a few meters away: "A bunch of bitches, moms are all pretending to be saints? Fuck! I want you to give you faces, really Qing Gao is a dancing girl singer? Joke! Then **** with Lao Tzu, and Hugh blame Lao Tzu to tear down your broken building! "

"When the sister-in-law wants to set up a prince's arch, I'll go to you-mum-forcing! Isn't it just touching a sao-cheap bitch? Do you want money? Okay, let's talk about sleeping you guys What is the cost of it? Lao Tzu gave her face to jump out and gave her face, she said she was not at home ... damn, I thought Lao Tzu was bullied? Changchun City even dare to look down on me, do you know who I am? ! "

When Fang Jie heard these words, he was really angry.

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