Conquer the World

Chapter 549: Angel of the gods

(Our position on the monthly ticket list has not been suppressed. I seem to see the hope of changing postures with Xia Hua Niang. Let's push down the crazy sword giant first, and then push Xia Hua Niang, don't be shy, okay?)

Chapter 549 The Angel of the Gods

In early April, the climate on the prairie was already good, and people wanted to yell at the blue sky, the new green had covered the grass, and the oncoming wind galloping on the prairie seemed to be able to wash people's hearts. Refreshing. Standing on a high **** and looking into the distance, the green grass and the blue sky at the far end of the line of sight are in one place.

The white lion walked chaotically on the grass, ignoring the fearful performance of the warhorses behind him. Fang Jie found that the biggest advantage of this mount is not only that it runs faster than the best warhorses, but also because it has thick hair, it feels particularly comfortable. Naturally, riding a lion cannot install a saddle, and even if this proud beast is willing to install a saddle, it will make it look nondescript.

Chen Qianshan, Lu Fenghou, Xia Hou Baichuan, Chen Dingnan, Liu Xuri, Zhuge Wudi, the six generals relying heavily on the six parties, each with five thousand cavalry divided into six roads and set off early in the morning. He drove north vigorously, leaving about 30,000 people in the camp, almost all of whom were newly recruited in the past few months and still needed training. Sun Kaidao and several generals stayed behind, and now the total strength of the Black Flag Army is almost 70,000, which is nearly 20,000 more than the original.

The breeze came from the opposite side, and it felt very comfortable to flick on the cheek. This is a good time to send troops. On the prairie, even if there is no war, the Meng Yuan court will hold a large-scale hunting every year in April or May. Meng Yuan Khan personally leads the team, and hundreds of thousands of wolves ride. A place to hunt.

This is the Mongolian tradition, in order to keep the wolf cavalry fighting.

The Black Flag Army under Fang Xie spent more than half a year from infantry to cavalry. In the past six months, the soldiers have trained extremely hard, even if they can't do the bow-and-horse like a wolf ride, at least they are already familiar with how to use a knife on a horse's back to open a bow. Fang Xie also never thought that the soldiers of the Black Flag Army would become elite light riders in only half a year, which was totally inconsistent with the actual requirements.

The team headed north all the way, and the closest target was also 1,200 miles away.

The northern barbarians came out of the nest, entered the grassland from the far north of Langru Mountain, and invaded the Mengyuan Sele Banner.

The scale of the Sele Banner is much larger than that of the Mandu Banner. Wang Ting's war on the Daxue Mountain didn't begin long. The number of cavalry is no less than 30,000. So when the Barbarians first invaded, the people of Sele Banner did not feel scared.

Thirty thousand wolves ride on the grassland, and they will not be defeated even in the face of 100,000 northern barbarians. The original war was always dominated by the Mengyuan people, and the wolf cavalry of the Sele Banner even regarded the war against the northern barbarians as hunting. The northern barbarians, wearing leather robes and holding sticks of stone and wooden sticks, were no different from the beasts in the eyes of wolf cavalry.

When more than 100,000 northern barbarians arrived at the Sele Banner, they were killed by the wolf cavalry in the first battle. These northern barbarians were not used to the way of the large corps. There was almost no tacit understanding among the various tribes of the northern barbarians, so they were defeated by the Great Sui Dynasty.

The northern barbarians didn't know much about Meng Yuan. In their opinion, the elite frontier of Da Sui was the evil star. As the saying goes, those who are ignorant are fearless. It is because of their ignorance that these people dared to break into the prairie. They thought it would be smooth sailing, but in the first war they lost more than 30,000 people, and the team was defeated before the war.

But later, the number of northern barbarians entering the grassland increased, and the wolf cavalry of the Sele Banner felt a headache. Because although these northern barbarians do not understand what is called warfare and tactics, their fighting consciousness is entirely the experience accumulated from hunting. But the biggest advantage of these people is that they are all fighters. The northern barbarians who survived in a bad environment, the boys over ten years old took the stone axe to go hunting with their fathers and fight fierce beasts.

Even the women of the northern barbarians are courageous. They rushed over and over. Although there was no formation method at all, their brutal killing intention was the biggest weapon.

Although the wolf cavalry has never suffered, the speed at which its troops are consumed is also worrying.

Later, after hundreds of thousands of northern barbarians poured into the Sele Banner, the grassland was like a locust plague. The whereabouts of the North Barbarians can be described by the grass. They don't know how to maintain the grasslands, they only carry out destructive looting. When a small tribe is breached, the shepherd will be killed, regardless of gender. The obtained cattle, sheep, horses and horses will be evenly distributed by the northern barbarians under the auspices of the leader. This lifestyle is a symbol of uncivilized culture.

They don't think that steeds are inedible.

As long as it is meat, it is a kind of food in their eyes.

The most important point is that the status of women in the northern barbarians is much higher than that of men. All the chores in the tribe are done by men, and the choice of affairs is made by the most respected women in the tribe. Unless there are very special circumstances, the leaders of all the northern tribes are women.

Men don't find it shameful to be summoned by women.

Fang Xie's understanding of the northern barbarians mostly came from Zhang Kuang. Zhang Kuang was a northern frontier. He lived in the northern barbarian tribes for a few years. After understanding the composition of the northern barbarians, he led the Great Sui Frontiers to slaughter more than a dozen small tribes of the northern barbarians in a war and killed at least five More than a million people.

Later, after meeting Yan Chongde, Fang Xie knew more about the Barbarians.

The northern barbarians did fall behind, as can be seen from their main weapon or stone tool. But it was such a group of backward people who drove herders from Sele Banner from their homeland. Of course, if Thaler did not leave with 80,000 fine riders, hundreds of thousands of North Barbarians would not be a concern.

In the spring, more than one million North Barbarians had settled in Sele Banner, and then continued their invasion on a large scale.

Kokotaimeng probably never thought that the powerful empire he ruled would one day be occupied by such a large group of uncivilized barbarians. For the disaster that Meng Yuan is suffering now, Khan Wan Yanyong, who is close to the northern Liaoning area, naturally will not care about it. He is happy to see such a situation.

And these northern barbarians definitely did not expect that the Black Flag Army would take them as the first training target.



The northern barbarian who had just captured a small tribe was still in great excitement, and they found that the grassland was just heaven. Because they live in a very tired and remote place, they don't know much about the outside world. And because of their barbarity, even Dongchu businessmen who claim to be able to do business anywhere in the world are unwilling to deal with them. Therefore, the most intuitive impression of the North Barbarians on the outside world is that the empire called Da Sui had a group of terrible soldiers.

Dasui's garrison was wearing thick leather armor, holding a sharp long crossbow, a crossbow, and a dazzling array of formations. Every time he confronted the Sui people, the northern barbarians had never tasted victory.

Later, a man who claimed to be a messenger of the gods arrived in Beiman, relying on a strong cultivation to make the King of the North Man to his special respect, obedient and obedient. This man showed an amazing spell in front of the King of the Barbara, and made everyone who saw it fear and respect.

The King of the Barbarians called this man a divine messenger.

The envoy brought good news to the northern barbarians. He said that in the west there is a grassland like heaven. The people there are very rich, and most importantly, the people there are weak. He said to the King of the North Barbarian, you are next to a powerful empire like Da Sui, it is too difficult to survive, you must change your place to live. If you can cross the mountains, the rich grassland is your new home.

The King of the Barbarians ordered all the tribes to march with almost no hesitation. No, they moved.

When they arrived on the grassland, they found out that God's saying was true. There are cows and sheep everywhere, so fat. And unlike the fierce prey that the northern barbarians face every day, those cattle and sheep are almost meek just waiting for them to be slaughtered. And the beef and mutton are exceptionally sweet and fatty, much better than the wild animals they hunt on weekdays.

This backward nation has never eaten beef and mutton!

The grassland with cattle and sheep everywhere is really paradise for them.

In order to stay in heaven, they confessed their blood and died. In fact, at the beginning, when the war was not going well, the 30,000 wolf cavalry of the Sele Banner made Beiman's life fearful. After seeing the fierce combat power of the wolf rider, the North Man King once gave birth to his retreat. They had never seen an army on horseback, and the wind-like speed made them unable to cope.

But the ambassador told them that there were only so many cavalrymen. As long as the cavalrymen were killed, no one could stop the northern barbarians from becoming the master of the steppe. He said to King Beiman, you are the king who rules millions, don't you want to be a prairie who rules ten times more than your people?

Although the northern barbarians are backward, they are not small in power.

With the help of ambassadors, after dozens of killings, the northern barbarians finally forced the herders who colored Leqi to start migrating, and the small herdsmen clans were unable to resist the attack of millions of northern barbarians.

Another small tribe with thousands of people was slaughtered by the northern barbarians, and the leader of the northern barbarians, Ligud, shouted happily. He took 30,000 North Barbarians southward, and occupied the pasture for at least five hundred miles without any resistance along the way. Those herders abandoned the cattle and sheep and fled, which was a dreamlike thing.

"A **** is a man sent by God to guide us."

Liguda exclaimed: "How can we know that there is such a paradise without God?"

The barbarians under his cheers immediately cheered, and it seemed that the respect for the ambassador was stronger than that for the king of the barbarians. As the soldiers cheered, there was a mighty crowd in the distance, headed by the mysterious man who was turned into a **** by the northern barbarians. Look at his costume, but it is a typical Central Plains Confucian shirt. It looks like he's about forty years old, with a bookish air of words and deeds.

If there is a Han Chinese here, you will definitely see that this person must have some origin. The average Han family cannot cultivate such a demeanor.

"I see God!"

Under Liguda's leadership, all the northern barbarians knelt down to salute the Han.

"Get up all"

The Han man sorted out his clothes and seemed to hate that dust would fall on the clothes after the horse was stretched. It seems that although he is no longer young, he is still a very handsome man. Unlike others, he had no weapons and no carrying bag, only a book and a pot of wine. Hanging on the side of the saddle, within reach.

Behind him were about three hundred cavalrymen, wearing black iron armor, pulled down to reveal their eyes, and looked particularly fierce. These people were called by the northern barbarians to the servants of the gods, and they followed the gods to the north. The cold breath from these people made the Barbarians afraid to provoke them.

"You did a good job ~ ~ The pretty king is also very satisfied with your performance."

God waved his hand to signal that they all got up and said lightly, "Leave half of the loot for your own enjoyment and half for the King."


Liguda leaned respectfully.

"You camp here tonight, and I have to rush to Helimu's team. There are some troubles there, and the herders' resistance is a bit strong."

God made a look at Liguda and said, "Remember, as I taught you before, leave someone outside to guard at night, understand?"


Liguda nodded vigorously: "I'll do what you say!"

In his opinion, everything God said was the will of the gods, without question.

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