Conquer the World

Chapter 554: Borrowing troops from the north

Chapter 554 Borrowing Troops from Beiman

The northern barbarians began to gather south in mid-April. About half of them moved towards Keqin Banner, no less than 500,000. The barbarian march did not have any rules and restrictions. They crowded together and walked, and they looked quite imposing in the distance. It just seemed a little worse when I was near. After seeing the ragged clothes, the mighty taste changed immediately. If they do n’t have some machete in their hands, it ’s just a stone stick. It will be considered a refugee.

The backwardness of the North Barbarians is comprehensive. Although it is close to the Da Sui, where culture is extremely prosperous, because of isolation, they cannot learn anything advanced. The Sui people could not let them learn, and the North Barbarians themselves might not consider themselves to be backwards.

In any case, the scale of hundreds of thousands of people marching together is spectacular enough.

The King of the North was sitting on her stone bed, and the stone bed was on a huge ox cart, pulling ten cattle. Beibei Wang sitting on a ox cart seems to enjoy this slightly bumpy movement. In the past, she was always carried by people. There was no such thing as a car in Beibei's concept.

After leaving the original and closed place, their eyes widened. This is progress. They learned to drive, they knew that cattle, sheep, horses and horses can be raised. They realized that adding some condiments to the food would make the food more delicious. The door to another world.

No matter what the purpose of Mr. Xie, no matter how many people the North Barbarians will die in this migration, this incident will have a profound impact on the North Barbarians. Because coming out, their development will quickly catch up with the times. Perhaps the large-scale war for the Mongolian Yuan people will make the country fall behind, and the continuous chaos for Da Sui will destroy the culture, but for the North Barbarians, every experience they have is a gain.

Because before that, they had nothing. Because there is no, even if the process is tortured and painful, it is a gain. Human civilization seems to be faltering along this path. The progress of each civilization always has a layer of flesh and blood on the way.

Already the northern barbarians had climbed up on horseback, and although they were not able to control the warhorses, they were extremely happy because of that. They do not install saddles, but their adaptability is very strong, and their bare horsebacks are not difficult to conquer. They started putting prairie man's leather armor on their tattered clothes, and began to discard their stone weapons in favor of sharper iron.

The King of the Barbara watched his people march with excitement on their faces while talking, and then looked at some of the gods on the horse who looked a little distant on the horse.

She touched the gold rod around her, which was given to her after the messenger came. God said that the gold rod represented the power given by the **** and the approval of the god. She likes this golden and bright thing, especially more than the not-so-beautiful stone crown above her head.

Then she remembered the words that the ambassador said yesterday.

"I came to the tribe of the northern barbarians on behalf of the gods. On behalf of the gods, I blessed the crown on your head and gave you a golden rod that symbolizes rights. These are all given to you by me instead of the gods. The gods have also given me greater rights. If you cannot be a faithful servant of the gods, then I will take off your crown and put it on someone else's head. "

The thought of the Northern Barbarian's body trembled when he thought of these words.

Fear flashed in her eyes.

"Let's stop to rest another 80 miles south."

Mr. Xie turned back and said to King Beiman: "When you get there, the Han team is not far away, and then the team is waiting there. Those Han troops are limited, and maybe they dare not go to war and will turn around and escape. If so, Beiman King The territory you ruled has expanded a lot. I think you can now send someone back and let all the northern barbarians come to the grassland. At that time, you will become the owner of this vast grassland. One day, maybe in the future, maybe Take a powerful army across the mountains to the Central Plains and continue to conquer. "

Bei Man Wang smiled, full of respect for Mr. Xie.

"Everything obeys God's arrangement."

She said humblely.

Mr. Xie nodded with satisfaction, then pointed forward with his hand: "Look, on this endless grassland, as long as the war is over, all will be cattle and sheep, and all the people of the Northern Barbara will wear new clothes. Shoes, riding on war horses and running here, you will start a new life, which you have never thought of before. This is the will of the gods, and it is something I give you. It all comes from my favor, you want Keep this in mind, so be grateful and be convinced that my words are good for you, so I don't want anyone to doubt what I say. "

"Will not"

The King of the Barbarians lowered his head and put his hands on his chest: "Respectable God, including me, the Barbarians are your servants."

Mr. Xie laughed, with some pride in his eyes.

At this moment, there was suddenly a whining horn sound at the front. There was no regularity. Mr. Xie's face changed immediately after hearing it. He taught to the Barbarians to warn with horns. The Barbarians did not understand the meaning of the horn sound. They only knew they were in danger and they went to blow.

"You met the enemy ahead!"

A cavalry in iron armor and a mask said to Mr. Xie.

Mr. Xie nodded and glanced at Beibei Wang and commanded: "Don't let the team spread, I didn't expect you to be smarter and learn the things I taught you, but I hope you can remember what you just said, if you can't Be absolutely obedient to my words, and the person sitting on this stone bed tomorrow will never be you again. "

After speaking, Mr. Xie dashed forward and rushed out. He carried hundreds of riders behind him and rushed out towards the front.

King Beiman sat there with a dull look, and after a while, she suddenly grabbed the gold rod and held it in her arms, holding it so tightly.



Mr. Xie has a headache and a headache.

These northern barbarians are simply too stupid. He deliberately explained before leaving. The team in front of the path must be at least twenty miles away from the team behind. In this way, once the front team is in danger, they can give the back team enough time to prepare, but now ... the north barbarian who explores the front and the back team do not know when they will be back together again. Both sides of the flanking march also returned to the line, and the sheep moved forward as well.

Therefore, when the raid came, these northern barbarians did not know what to do.

What's more, they came from the Han people they feared.

Chen Dingnan and Xiahou Baichuan each took 5,000 light riders, and under the orders of Fang Xie defeated the two teams of the northern barbarians and cleared up hidden dangers for the main attacking army behind. But after Chen Dingnan and Xiahou Baichuan arrived, they discovered that the North Barbarians had messed up their own team. Before leaving, Mr. Xie said that he dried his mouth to keep them in the formation, and at this time it became a loose sand early.

So Chen Dingnan and Xia Hou Baichuan took two teams of cavalry and began to scramble back and forth on the flanks of the northern barbarians. The team cut back and forth on both sides of the northern barbarians like the wind, and every time they passed by, they would tear the northern barbarians' team severely. The northern barbarian who could not use the bow and arrow seemed helpless in the face of the massacre where the cavalry could keep the distance. Once they rushed through, the **** cavalry immediately pulled away again.

The North Barbarian team was like a bloated man, wearing many clothes. The black flag cavalry ’s tactics of embarrassment on the periphery are like taking off the clothes of this person one by one. Although this consumption is slow, it can strike the North Barbarians in the heart even more. heavy. Because the northern barbarians will find sadly, they can only be killed but there is no way for the enemy to give their lives.

The northern barbarians who just learned to climb on horseback are in a hurry, they cannot control the war horse to do it according to their own ideas.

Fang Xie was on a high **** about three miles away from the northern barbarians and observed the war situation in the distance with a thousand miles of eyes.

The first thing that Mr. Xie did not expect was that the Black Flag would move so fast that it would continue to move northward all the night, moving at least a hundred miles north of the battle site he expected. Even though the North Barbarians went south more than half a million people this time, they only became passive once they met.

The second thing I didn't expect was that the **** solution would use such a shameless tactic.

With only 10,000 people used by the Black Flag Army, the northern barbarians struggled.

"Throwing stones!"

Mr. Xie's entourage screamed loudly while riding a horse back and forth. Although the northern barbarian civilization lags behind, their bodies are exceptionally strong. Maybe God is really fair. It did not give the North Barbarians a very intelligent mind, but gave them an absolutely strong physique.

The long-range attack method of these northern barbarians was to throw stones, and they did so when hunting.

Fist-sized stones they can easily throw away dozens of meters away.

The cavalry's queue was disturbed, and Chen Dingnan and Xiahou Baichuan rearranged the formation.

Fang Xie, standing on the high slope, turned back and instructed: "Slogan, let Chen Dingnan and Xiahou Baichuan lead the team around the Northern Barbarians, and force the Northern Barbarians' team to shrink back. Chen Qianshan, you take 5,000 people to detour The North Barbarians went to the back team. After Chen Dingnan and Xiahou Baichuan's team crossed, the attention of the North Barbarians would be loose for a moment. You immediately rushed up with the team. Remember, do n’t get stuck and kill. Come, our main purpose is to train our troops. It's not worth losing one more person. "


Chen Qianshan responded and turned to leave with the team.

"Lu Fenghou"

"Subordinates are here!"

"You are behind Chen Qianshan. After Chen Qianshan smashed for a while, you immediately brought your soldiers back up. Your two teams alternated back and forth, taking turns to attack as if you were punching your arms. Do n’t hit other places, just hit the northern barbarians. Back team. I'm watching here. Once the Northern Barbarians have shifted their defense focus to the back team, I will let someone give you instructions. "


Lu Fenghou took his fist with his fist.

"Liu Xuri, Zhuge Wuyi!"

Fang Xie cried.

"Subordinates are here!"

Liu Xuri and Zhuge Wudi immediately stepped forward.

"The two of you are joined together, and my 10,000 cavalry is also handed over to you two. When Chen Qianshan and Lu Fenghou smashed them in the Northern Barbarians, the Northern Barbarians shifted their focus to the rear teams. The two of you looked at my banner order, and brought 20,000 cavalry in the front of the northern barbarian and gave me a fierce hole. This battle, I want to test the resilience of your soldiers and horses, if you cooperate well ~ ~ This battle will inevitably be a complete victory. If the cooperation is not good and the troops are lost, blame our military method for being ruthless! "


The two men clenched their heads neatly: "The general will rest assured that his subordinates will live up to the instructions of the general!"

"go with"

Fang Xie waved his hands and said, "After this battle, we should go back."

Wan Yan Yunshu stood beside him looking at the mountain, and asked sadly, "You and Mr. Xie have only met once, why have you become an enemy who can only raise a knife at each other?"

Fang Xie reached out and held Wan Yunshu's hand, saying softly: "Some people have always been good to you, no matter how you think about it, you can't think of anything bad about him. So you trust and respect him very much, but What you do n’t know is that everything he does to you is just to prepare for the final punch. He appeared to take advantage of you, but it took a long time to make everyone believe him. You're a good selfless person ... but the more you do, the more harm you get, doesn't it? "

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