Conquer the World

Chapter 565: Wang Xiang

(Still on the fourth day of the monthly ticket list! Come on with some more power!)

Chapter 565 Wangxiang

When the convoy left Gyeonggi-do, Luo Weiran looked at the court officials guarding the official road and could not help but sigh. Now people in Gyeonggi-do want to go out a little easier. They can let go of some money. They want to come in, unless they are sent by the court to communicate or send messengers, or no one can enter. All the official roads outside Gyeonggi-do were blocked, and it was said that they were arresting Meng Yuan spies who had mixed in Gyeonggi-do. In fact, it was to prevent the news that the outside had collapsed in Gyeonggi-do.

Now the emperor is not in the middle of the dynasty, and the prince is very young. Once Gyeonggi Province follows the chaos, the situation will be difficult to control.

"That's it?"

Luo Weiran said in a stunned way: "I do n’t know how much wealth I have left Gyeonggi Province, but it's that easy."

Wu Yi smiled and said, "I'm not a wanted man in the court. Why can't I go out without a portrait to catch the sea? Now there are few people in the court thinking about me. The first thing is to be busy dispatching people to meet the emperor. The second was busy blinding the people to block the news, and the third was busy preparing the emperor to immediately take over the throne, and at this time no one has any thoughts.

"Prince's succession ..."

Luo Weiran said: "In fact, this throne does not matter. I went out and took a turn a while ago. I heard that four governors have announced that they will no longer accept court restraints and no longer recognize court statutes. They use the suspicion that the prince has already The reason for being abducted by Xu Xiaogong and others is reasonable. "


Wu Yidao corrected the figures that Luo Weiran said: "I just got the news yesterday that there are six in the south, two in the southeast, and one in the northeast. This is not even three in the northwest and four in the southwest. More than half of those who are not affected by the imperial court order ... the northeast roads are still stable, but soon, don't forget that there is still a king in the northeast who is not very willing. If the emperor has an accident in the northwest, the news of the crash will come once , The Northeast will not be safe. "

"In addition, General Jiangnan Six Guards elected Pang Ba as the leader and announced the establishment of the escort. He has issued a slogan saying what to protect the country and to rebel. He assisted the prince and even the emperor omitted it directly. But the rebels they were going to attack were not Luo Yao in the southwest is not a king of Gaokai in the northwest, but Xu Xiaogong and Liu Enjing in Chang'an City. "

Luo Weiran drank the wine in the glass, and his eyes were sad. "I never thought of it before, I would actually see the day when such a powerful empire was falling apart. I thought that Da Sui would continue to flourish, another one. One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, or even a thousand years. "

"I never thought about it."

Wu Yidao said indifferently: "But sometimes you have to think about what you think. Maybe you think how I changed so fast and why I didn't find it difficult at all. That's because I have been doing how to escape being emperor from the beginning. Preparations for killing. From the day I really made the goods through the sky, I knew the emperor would kill me sooner or later. And because I have the goods through the sky, I have many things that I am better than others. You know it earlier, and really speaking, it may be earlier than the commander of your inner guard. "

Luo Weiran nodded, and he did not deny this.

He has never underestimated the ability of businessmen, let alone a businessman like Wu Yidao.

"I just didn't expect that you would choose him in the end."

Luo Weiran said: "In any case, it doesn't seem to be wise to press the net worth on him. This world is chaotic. There will be countless heroes and tree roots everywhere. You just choose how you want. A guy with such a shallow foundation? And how do you know that he will definitely go this way? "

Wu Yixiao smiled: "Since he bought the dilapidated yard in Changan City and converted it into a workshop, I knew he would go down this road sooner or later. Perhaps he was only out of a worry when he built that workshop. , But there is no doubt that he prepared not too late, and prepared more than anyone. "

"What does this have to do with that tailor workshop?"

Luo Weiran asked.

"The relationship is too big."

Wu Yidao took out a long wooden box from behind and handed it to Luo Weiran, about one meter long. Luo Weiran reached out and took it over. He opened his eyes and looked surprised: "What is this?"

Wu Yidao drew a short cormorant from his cuff and put it on the table, saying, "The first time he saw this thing in Prince Yi's house, he moved his heart. But then he was sent to Jiangnan by the emperor, so He gave a piece of this thing to my daughter Yinyu and brought it back to Beijing. Before that, he asked me to let Dongchu's merchants invite a few craftsmen who would make this thing from the other side of the sea, and recruited many Apprentice. The workshop in Chang'an City is only a garment on the surface. In fact, it is studying how to improve this thing. "

"His so big fanfare was that the red sleeves were displayed in beautiful clothes at the expedition ceremony. It was not that he thought that making clothes would make a lot of money, just to hide people's eyes. This trick was very beautiful and even the emperor had no doubt. Since the beginning of the day, the workshop has been rushing to make long crickets, which is more powerful than short crickets and has a longer range, but the production is limited, and all the things I need are from the hands of Dongchu merchants. Bought, so there are not many, only a few hundred people can be equipped. But ... I have moved the workshop to Huangyang Road, and it won't take long to resume production. "

Luo Weiran was startled and looked at the long whisper in his hand and murmured: "He started to prepare for rebellion so early?"

"Do not"

Wu Yi said indifferently: "I said just now that when he first prepared this thing, he may not be in order to rebel, it is only a worry about the future, so he will prepare it. He is not sure how it will be used, but he knows it must be It will be used. That guy ... but a stranger who always prepares for the future wherever he goes. He made two glasses in Yongzhou trustee, one for Pei Yan and one for the emperor. "

"Then he sent the craftsman who would make glasses to the Chang'an City Workshop, and then began to make clairvoyances ... The two glasses dedicated to the emperor and Pei Yan were just his blindfold. You know this. How much does the pair of glasses sell in Changan City? One pair of 320 silvers is not allowed to bargain! The emperor and Pei Yan both thought he was just greedy for money. The first pair of glasses was only for the emperor and Pei Yan to ventilate. In fact, it was to cover up his job in the workshop. The purpose of making clairvoyance. "

Luo Weiran stunned for a long time, then sighed longly: "He is really a strange ..."

"More than that."

Wu Yi laughed: "He declared to go out from the beginning, he and Mrs. Xi negotiated, and the money made by the garment business was shared with him by Red Sleeve. In this way, the silver money account was taken by Red Sleeve. And the red sleeve move quietly transferred all the silver outside Gyeonggi-do. If I hadn't gone to find my mother, I would have hidden it. "

Luo Weiran was silent for a while, and then said very seriously: "He is not alien, he is a pervert!"

Wu Yi nodded his head: "Yeah ... that's why I chose him. I like this metamorphosis that can look far back. Besides, I have a daughter ... you should know that I keep Yinyu a little There is no way. She fancy the silly boy, can I help others to end up on the battlefield with that silly boy? "

After Luo Weiran nodded for a moment, he laughed and said, "Yes, let's talk, that's the point."




Hexi Road

It was another day of slaughter. The body on the west bank of Luoshui was covered with a thick layer. The body became denser from a hundred and fifty steps away from the river. When the river was near, the color of the earth was no longer visible. Blood and water slowly flowed from below the corpse, and finally merged into the river. The river was about two meters wide. The water was red, and it did not restore its original color for a long time.

The fierce red flag was dropped on the ground, covered with holes shot by feather arrows.

Several crows flew down from a tree in the distance, pecking at the eyes of the dead.

A few hundred meters away from the shore, the soldiers who retreated for the last time today were supporting each other and walking back. They seemed to have lost the strength to walk, everyone looked expressionless, and had no luck for the rest of his life after the robbery. Because they all know that death may only be a matter of day and night.

The rebel navy blocked the river. Archers standing on the big ship could easily cover the river bank. They could only rush forward against the arrow rain, and then fell to the ground without accident. The pontoon bridge that was built in the beginning has been crushed by the sailor's ship, and it is becoming more and more unrealistic to want to cross the river. Only once, more than a thousand warriors familiar with water came to the other side and tried to **** some of the 蜈蚣 Clippers back but were found by the rebels. Without support, the team of more than a thousand people persisted for two hours. It wasn't until dawn that the last person fell.

Before they set off, the emperor trembled before them and promised not to abandon them. However, while they were fighting alone on the East Bank, their colleagues in the West Bank could only watch but could not help. Soldiers in the West Bank are crying, soldiers in the East Bank are bleeding.

The reason why they did not surrender was because they felt that the emperor would never give up because he said that he would not abandon them, thinking that it was the emperor, the emperor who said nothing.

In the golden light of the rising sun, they still waved their swords and shouted. From time to time in the slaughter, look back, hoping that the companion has already appeared behind him.

But no.

Lishui's team had not been able to bring reinforcements until the last one, because the reinforcements were blocked by the rebel sailors in the West Bank. All night, the soldiers in the West Bank did not give up the rescue, but too many people died, but they still could not cross such a wide and wide river. The body was paved on the east bank and also on the west bank.

When the last soldier on the East Bank looked down at the West Bank, all the soldiers on the West Bank fell to their knees, bleeding with tears.

That day, the emperor looked at the scene in a wheelchair, silent.

Another day of the offensive finally came to an end when the sun was tilted westward, and the soldiers dragged their legs back to the camp. The strategy of the rebels was not to take the initiative, but they would never let them cross the river. In this day-to-day killing, people have become numb in death.

A general sat down on the stone, and took the iron helmet off a bit, and tossed aside. The blood stained his long hair, dripping along the hair.

"General, bandage it."

The soldier approached and ripped off his shirt, but there was no medicine for it.

"You don't have to fight again ... you are a woman after all."

The soldier's voice was a little trembling, then he helped the general to untie the armour, the clothes inside had been soaked with blood, the wound was on the shoulder, and a feather arrow was still inserted there. The soldier cut her clothes with a knife, but there should only be blood on her skin that was supposed to be white and tender.

"Will go back."

She lowered her head, pulled out the dagger, put it in her mouth and bite it ~ ~ When the arrow was pulled out from the shoulder, the sound of friction between teeth and dagger made the heart hurt.

"Really able to go back?"

The soldiers bandaged and said, "No one believes that they can go back ... General, you listen, someone on the other side is starting to sing again."

She pursed the **** spit from her mouth and listened to the songs sung by the rebel soldiers on the other side.

It was the most widely sung song by the people in Hebei. It was called Wangxiang.

"I heard that two more generals from Yanwuyuan died yesterday."

The soldiers hesitated, and did not continue.

Suddenly she picked up the dagger and engraved a horse in her left arm: "If someone is dead and collected, at least people will know who I am."

The blood ran down and burned her heart.

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