Conquer the World

Chapter 659: Sword 4 and 9 boxes

(The monthly ticket is coming to the hegemony)

Chapter 659 Sword Four and Nine Boxes

The first seat of Shenlutang in Buddhism is not a first-class figure, either by status or generation. There are four heavenly deities under the Ming king, and there are many guardians under the four heavenly deities. The first seat is under the protection of law, and Shenlutang is only the second among the first.

However, the first seat of Shenlutang has been a first-class practitioner.

To be in charge of Shenlutang, if there is no amazing practice, it will not be enough to convince everyone. Buddhist disciples are afraid of Shenlutang as a tiger. One is that Shenlutang is very strict. Once in, it is basically like walking through hell, and people who can still live can experience a steel bar. The second reason is that the first seat of Shenlutang had the power to kill and kill it, and the disciples below the vice seat made mistakes. The first seat of Shenlutang can be directly disposed of without asking the king.

Therefore, many Buddhism disciples want to enter Shenlutang after breaking their heads. Although they have entered the Jingyitang in accordance with the truth, they are eligible to become the senior level of the Buddhism. When working in Shenlutang, who did the Buddhist disciples meet with respect? What good are all stuffed in lest those who offend Shenlutang be offended.

The first seat of the previous Shenlutang was on the day Yang Qi and Xiang Qingniu entered Dalun Temple, but Yang Qi beheaded with a sword across seven halls. After that, King Dalun Ming was seriously injured and escaped. Closed in the dungeon, the Dalun Temple was badly damaged, so the vice seat successfully took over the first seat.

But this does not mean that he is weak.

We must know that those who can achieve the vice seat in Shenlutang are almost not weaker than the first one.

Such a highly respected monk in Dalun Temple was actually cursed by Xiao Yijiu. However, in terms of seniority, since Xiao Yijiu was the previous Taoist respecter, he was the founder of a school of ancestors anyway, even if he was compared with Dalun Mingwang. Therefore, in terms of status, Xiao Yijiu is one generation higher than the first one.

"Xiao Yijiu, I respect you as a ..."

Before the first word of Shenlutang was finished, Xiao Yijiu waved his hand lazily to stop: "Can't you fight?"

The first face of Shenlutang changed, and then took a step back: "The King of Ming said that there are many sinners in the world, and they should be taught by the Dharma to be good. Turn out the anger of the King Kong, drop the demon and slay the demon, and purify all sentient beings. "

He reached out and drew a circle in front of his chest: "Today I will take you the demon of the Central Plains to Dalun Temple and suppress the daily prayers and prayers under the pagoda."

The circle on his chest expanded outwards, and instantly became a prison with a diameter of three meters. This is a prison composed of pure heaven and earth vitality. Once trapped in it, it will be suppressed by vitality. He pushed forward with both hands, and the prison flew towards Xiao Yijiu. At the same time, the vitality of the heavens and the earth within 30 meters of the circle was quickly evacuated from the air, and poured into the prison like water flowing down into the depression.

This prison was strange and bizarre, constantly absorbing the vitality of the heavens and the earth within a few dozen meters, like a bottomless pit. In this way, even if the opponent is a great practitioner, the vitality of the world around the body is evacuated by the prison, and it cannot be used. It seems that this trick is flat, but it is extremely vicious.

Pay at the bottom of the kettle.

The reason why the great practitioners have extraordinary strength is because they can control far more heaven and earth vitality than ordinary practitioners. The clever woman is difficult to cook without rice, and the surrounding vitality is sucked by the prisoner. Lost a strong dependence.

Xiao Yijiu did not move, still sitting there. The vitality prison, which had a diameter of three meters, covered him, and then slowly shrank. That was the first time that Shenlutang was compressing the vitality of the world. The smaller it became, the greater the pressure on those in the prison.


A monk in a red robe standing behind Shenlutang picked out: "When I was in Daxue Mountain, this man's fierce name didn't know how outrageous it was. It was a mere word of mouth when I saw it today. The villain is nothing. The Han people of the Central Plains have always been verbal, and it is rare to have the real ability. Once the first Brahma prison traps the other party, it is almost impossible for the other party to think of it! "

"Teacher should not be lazy."

Another old monk in red robe said, "You must have forgotten Yang Qi's sword ..."

"He's not Yang Qi!"

The old monk sneered before: "Where are there so many Yang Qi in the world, the number of Han people in the Central Plains is in the hundreds of millions, isn't only one Yang Qi a headache? Brother, you are too high on those Han people. Does Yang Qi need to walk alone so many times? "

"You can't be too relieved, since this person can naturally be regarded as a Taoist respect."

Another old monk in the red robe frowned very tightly: "He doesn't dodge or dodge, or he is seriously injured, just a bluff ... or ..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Yijiu slowly stood up in Brahma prison.

Looked up at the sky.

"My brother and Dalun Ming met at Dalun Temple that day. Although I was not present, I was just outside the temple. He used the sword of Master to break the magic and lead the thunder to destroy the 12th reincarnation of Dalun Ming ... Only then did I understand how much difference I had with him. But his sword also opened a door for me, letting me see what the real meaning of the sword was. "

Xiao Yijiu said to himself, then the **** of his right index finger was folded into a sword, pointing to the sky.

"Jian Yin Tian Lei"

As soon as this sentence came out, the sky was dark.

A sword came out, and the sky changed.

In the sky, there were several thunderbolts that flew away from the thick clouds. For example, Jinlong looked down from the sky. The thunderbolt hovered for a while and suddenly turned into a sword. Several dragons blew from the sky. They were still far away in the clouds, but they were instantaneous. Then, a sword slashed at the Brahma prison, and with a click, the prison collapsed, and the vitality of the world shook like a hurricane.


Xiao Yijiu muttered two words, and then pointed at the three old monks like a sword. Those thunderbolts twisted like dragons, and rushed towards the three old monks.

"Sword two, sword three, sword four."

Xiao Yijiu made three consecutive sentences, so there were only three coke-like bodies on the ground. The three old monks who can also take pride in Dalun Temple were chopped to death by Jianyi without blinking. In particular, the red-robed monk who had been indifferent to Xiao Yijiu in the past was split into countless pieces, scattered all over the ground, with a skull intact. Because the sword is too fast and ruthless, there is still a sense of consciousness when others fall.

In his last look at the world, the four lightning bolts circled Xiao Yijiu, sounding like a dragon.


Sword intention dispersed.

Xiao Yijiu sighed longly: "Master can lead sword twelve, but I can only lead sword four ..."

In the distance, the savage king knelt down and shook his knees after seeing this scene, worshiping on the ground. Behind her, countless barbarians fell on their knees, throwing themselves to the ground.

Xiao Yijiu turned to look at them, with a little smile in his eyes: "Master, when you left me here with the barbarians, I can guess your intention. With these barbarians, the Yuan people want to go east There is an additional wall in Central Plains. I will make this wall stronger and do not insult your trust. "



After foaming grease came out of the room, he whispered and explained something. And in the room behind her, as if all life had been evacuated, she sat paralyzed in a chair and turned into a puddle of mud. She did not know what kind of suffering she had just experienced. Even Luo Yao's highly respected people seem to have lost three souls and seven souls.

When Fang Jie talked with Mo Ningzhi, he deliberately distanced himself from the crowd. So no one knows what Mo Ningzhi said to him, just as Mulberry called him aside and whispered a lot, only two people know.

"Thank you"

Fang Xie clenched his fist at Mo Ningzhi: "Anyway, you helped me."

Mo Ningzhi's good-looking curved eyebrows raised up, the face was impeccable. Fang Jie's experience is not bad, but if it comes to appearance, of the women he has seen, only Mulberry and Mo Ningzhi are equally divided. The beauty of Shen Qingfan lies in calmness, the beauty of Mu Xiaoyao lies in gentleness, the beauty of Wan Yan Yunshu lies in simplicity, and the beauty of moisturizing fat is beyond words.

"Not the first time to help you."

Mo Ningzhi smiled slightly, the temptation between the eyebrows made people tremble. If it is an ordinary man, the unsettled person says that he must have bowed down before her, but his life is obedient.

"When was the last time?"

Fang Xie asked after clearing his mind.

"Three years, don't count as help?"

Frost asked.


Fang Jie nodded.

"Then thank you again."

He says.

"You don't have to ... I help you because I will kill you harder once I help you. So I don't mind helping you a few times, and I will be more satisfied when I kill you."

Mo Ningzhi was still laughing, and the words in his soft voice were so harsh but not cold.

Fang Xie shrugged: "There are so many people who want to kill me, you have to wait in line."

"How long will it take?"

Frost asked.

Fang Xiegang was about to answer, but Mo Ningzhi smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't matter how long it takes, I should live longer than you. And the more threats you have experienced, the harder it is to kill. And the more you don't It ’s good to kill, the more interested I get. So ... do n’t die in the hands of others. ”

With that said, she turned and walked away.

Since Luo Yao led troops to leave Yongzhou, people in this city seem to be deliberately forgetting to obliterate the traces left by Luo Yao. People even celebrated Luo Yao's departure, although people looked forward to Luo Yao's return when the Tatars invaded. But people's hearts are always contradictory. They are expecting and hating, thinking that if Luo Yao had killed the Dai people too hard these years, the revenge of the Dai people would not be so strong.

The same is true in Luofu.

After Luo Yao left, Chu's demobilized most of the servants in the house, each person sent a large sum of money, but he did not hesitate. The remaining men were banned by her, and never allowed to clean the three-story wooden building where Luo Yao lived.

Fang Xie asked everyone to go back to the camp first, and explained that Chen Xiaoru took someone to bring everything he brought from Suzakushan, and then walked alone to the three-story wooden building. Looking at the building that has been a little rundown for only a few years now, Fang Jie suddenly remembered that the last time he came in, he killed the messenger of Li Yuanshan with one stroke. At that time he thought he was shooting fast enough and suddenly, and now he can't help thinking that he is childish and ridiculous. If Luo Yao wanted to, he could stop him by raising his fingers at that time.

He even killed him.

"Yang Qi is dead, King Dalun Ming is dead, Father Wan is dead, the four deities of Buddha are dead, and the flag bearers in the Central Plains are also dead ... each of them had their own before I came. Life, but there doesn't seem to be too much intersection. After the ego came, the overwhelming practitioners died.

Fang Xie looked up at the sky: "Although none of these people died in my hands, they could not be separated from me. You asked me to come here just to watch them die? So can it be understood that I was on I ca n’t hang it, it must be Luo Yao? It ’s because I ’m not the type of cow-pulling overhaul ... ”

Fang Xie smiled at himself and looked at the sky and asked, "You asked me to come, wouldn't you really let me watch all the practitioners in this world die?"

After this sentence, Fang Jie stunned.

It's just that he hasn't had time to think about it ~ ~ Chen Xiaoru has brought a team of Xiaoqi riding schools to bring everything he brought from Suzakushan. Nine mouthfuls of big boxes, each one seemed so heavy. Taking a sip of four sturdy Snappy schools, it still doesn't look easy.

"Go back."

Fang Xie waved his hand: "From now on, no one will be allowed to walk into this yard without my order."

Fang Xie looked at the nine large boxes: "Send someone to tell Chen Dingnan that Xiahou Baichuan and Liu Xuri immediately sent troops to seal the homes of all the officials in the city, and no one was allowed in or out. Select the best arrangement from the Xiaoqi School Which family broke out one by one and killed one. Tune 10,000 fine rides outside the house 300 steps to live outside, to ensure that even a bird can not get through. If the house is in trouble, then demolish the house. But, No one is allowed within three hundred steps. "

"I have already known the masters of Daozong from Leshan in Qing Dynasty, and they will assist you. If I come out of this courtyard two days later and immediately slaughter all the families in Yongzhou City, no one will be allowed to stay."

Fang Jie knew that even if he could walk out of the courtyard two days later, he didn't know what would happen to him. At that time, anyone who wanted to kill himself would jump out? How could he give those people the slightest chance?

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