Conquer the World

Chapter 665: Mirror ant poison

(It's Chinese New Year, all kinds of things, walking relatives, watching friends, updates can't be kept at a fixed time, sorry!)

Chapter 665 Mirror Ant Poison

Luo Yao knew that his appearance was ugly, and it was definitely uglier than the Chinese character. But he didn't know how ugly it was, because he didn't have time to look in the mirror.

And these words really ruined his mood. When he entered the city, he saw the fierce and fierce soldiers of the Black Flag Army, and began to pick up the slowness of the other party's solution and regarded it as his opponent. Entering the study and entering the secret path to see the silk threads under Fang Jiebu, he began to pay attention to this opponent.

But these words are too ugly.

The meaning of these words is too much.

"Do you know I'm here to kill you?"

Luo Yao said to himself gently, then shook his head.

The secret room was actually empty. When Fang Xie came in, he thought Luo Yao would prepare something to capture the flesh, but after entering, Fang Xie found that there was nothing here. Then Fang Jie understood one thing. The reason why King Dalun Ming wanted to capture the body of the Buddha in the closet of Dalun Temple was not because there was anything indispensable in the closet, but because there was the support of King Dalun Ming there. For thousands of years.

In Yongzhou City, Luo Yao has been bred for thirty years.

The secret room is not empty now, with nine large boxes.

Luo Yao was familiar with Pingshangdao, Yongzhou, Luofu, and this room, so he knew Fang had nothing to hide beyond the nine large boxes. In front of Luo Yao was a question of one of nine choices, but he didn't know what punishment he would do if he did wrong.

Definitely more than just deducting points.

Luo Yao thinks that he understands Fang Xie's character. He knows that Fang Xie must do a lot to prepare for this day. There must be something very threatening in these nine large boxes. Luo Yao is seriously injured now. If he is intact Luo Yao, he probably doesn't care what the box is. It is impossible for Fang Xie to put the big king Ming into the box, nor can Wanxing be put into the box.

So Luo Yao was fearless.

But now it's different. Luo Yao knows how much he hurt. The wounds left by the Iron Armor General's elder sister on him were fatal enough to be replaced by an ordinary overhaul. Although Luo Yao is still alive, Xiu Wei has greatly reduced. He didn't know how the big round Ming Wang was embarrassed. In fact, what happened to the two really had some similarities. In the end, it was all broken.

Luo Yao still kept at least a part of the body, but the big round Ming Wang was left with a group of souls by Yang Qi's sword ten.

The unfortunate part of King Dalun Ming is that Yang Qi is immortal behind him. He had already found a solution, but at the last moment was spelled out by Yang Qi. Fortunately for Luo Yao, the iron armored general was unable to leave Chang'an City for the time being. So no one came to interfere with him, and no one fight with him.

One of nine

When Luo Yao was outside the wooden building, he actually felt a person's breath. He was sure that the solution was in the back room, so he praised himself with a good spirit.

But now, he locked the mouthful of the box, but ... was afraid to open it.

Will Fang Jie find him so easily?

Luo Yao can give himself a positive answer, absolutely not!

Therefore, a large box with a breath is definitely not a solution.

Luo Yao sat down on his knees and looked at the big box of breath. He exquisitely controlled the vitality of the world to perceive the person in the box. He felt it quietly for five minutes without moving. Then he determined who the person was in the box, and determined it over and over again. A woman who has a skin relationship with him, he can't remember that breath.

Although weak, her is hers.

So Luo Yao hated it.

Somewhat angry.

Fang Xie grabbed Amosa and put her in one of the large boxes. If Luo Yao didn't perceive it carefully, he might smash the box with one punch, and then he would watch his woman lying inside. At that time, Luo Yao's mind would be turbulent, and his alertness would be relaxed. Then that moment was the best time for Fang Jie to release his hand.

Thinking of this, Luo Yao could not help but shook his head.

Fang Xie is indeed a smart person.

very smart.

He knows how to make the most of what can be used.

The aura box is filled with Amosa, so the solution must be in the other eight boxes. Now Luo Yao himself has removed one wrong answer, and there are still eight left, but it seems that the difficulty has not decreased a little. One of these eight boxes contains a solution, and the other seven ... what will it be?

Luo Yao did not immediately open the box, but continued to control the vitality of the world to perceive the other eight boxes one by one. Then he determined that there were dead things in the eight-box, and there was no vitality. As long as he is alive, he must feel the existence of breath. But no signs of the existence of these eight boxes were returned, so Luo Yao seemed to have only one way left.

Out of the box

"You must know that I was injured and the realm has fallen, so I thought of such a method, hiding in one of the boxes, and as soon as I went out of the box, you suddenly attacked. Way, because you're sure I will definitely unpack it. "

As Roya spoke, his eyes swept across the eight boxes.

"Every bite in these boxes may hide something very threatening. I know you must have prepared a lot, and all the means must be surprising."

"And you are sure that I dare not smash the box too hard, because what I want is you intact, you know I don't want to destroy your body, because that is also my body, so the way you think of it really makes I have a headache. If I am not injured, I can precisely control the fire and burn the large box without destroying the contents, but now I really can't control the fire with such precision. No doubt your The news is accurate and well informed. "

Fang Jie stood up and walked slowly to the first big box: "So, you are ready to attack me at any time, I will open the box."



Luo Yao took a deep breath, and then he could see the bubbles in the chest and abdomen wounds burst and burst. His lungs were pierced, but he took deep breaths not to breathe, but to calm himself.

A layer of golden karma appeared in front of Luo Yao, forming a translucent fire wall. Nothing can penetrate through, as long as it touches the flame it will burn out. After the fire wall appeared, Luo Yao reached out and turned over. This hand was terribly terrible. There was one piece of flesh skin, and the bones were looming.

With the flip of his wrist, the lid of the first big box creaked open. At this moment, Luo Yao felt his heart beating fiercely as if to squeeze out of the wound. It was just an illusion, because his heart was long gone.

The lid was lifted by the inner strength.

Nothing comes out.

very quiet.

Luo Yao frowned slightly, because the silence was beyond his expectation. Before opening the box, many thoughts flashed through his mind. The box might make gunpowder, and he knew how powerful gunpowder was. He didn't know anything about the other side of the interpretation, Suzakushan's side has been developing firearms he still knows. So he thought from the beginning that the box must be full of gunpowder.

But no.

Luo Yao stumbled slightly, then took a subconscious step forward.

He looked down at what was in the box.

In the box was ... a skeleton with half of his face on his face!

So ugly!

Half of the brain is bare, no hair and no flesh, half of the nose has nostrils, half of the nose only has holes! The eyes have been okay, and the eye in the other eye socket without eyebrows and eyelids is still moving!

Even if he was Luo Yao, he was still taken aback by this thing!

He punched it subconsciously and clicked, the box was broken, and the skull was broken.

Then Luo Yao froze.

It's not a skeleton, it's just a mirror.

Just one side ... the mirror!


After smashing the mirror, Luo Yao shouted suddenly. In the hole in the skull, he could see his brain shaking!

He was scared by himself.

Frightened by his appearance.

Since Changan City defeated, he ran all the way to the southwest. He knew that he was badly injured, but he didn't expect to be hurt like this! Where does he still look like at this time? Ugly, embarrassed and dirty, where is the look of Luo Yao? He looks like a beggar, a corpse!

Just when he was about to go crazy, he suddenly understood and took a quick step back.

He did the trick.

Fang Jie is to let him see himself.

Because of this, Luo Yao found himself so nervous!

A mirror, and himself in the mirror, almost scared him crazy!

He suddenly came to his senses and was on alert. There is no doubt that the moment just now was a good time to sneak in on him. Because he is really distracted, if he is a major practitioner, this instant distraction is enough to give a fatal blow.

But there was no attack.

Luo Yao frowned, some did not understand the purpose of the solution.

Is it just to scare him? Just for disgusting him?

Just then, he suddenly felt something strange under his feet.

He stepped back quickly and looked down to find that the ground didn't even know when it was full of ants. This is not an ordinary ant. It looks as long as a small finger joint and is very stout. Luo Yao kept staring at the mirror and didn't notice that the box he had broken was actually a mezzanine, and the mezzanine was full of these ants.

When Luo Yao looked down, he found that there were countless ants crawling towards him, and the speed was fast. And these ants seemed to have been instructed. Luo Yao took a step back, and they immediately rushed up again. It's like an army with strict discipline.

Luo Yao suddenly understood.

It is a wall of mystery.

When he fell, he found the sharp silk threads, and then propped his hands against the wall of the escutcheon and burned them with karma. Something had to be smeared on the wall by Fang Jie, and he stuck to his hand when he supported it. And the signal this thing gives those ants is that this is a big piece of food! So after the ants came out of the mezzanine, they immediately crawled towards him crazy.

Luo Yao's eyes were stunned, and the karma appeared again. The ants were devoured by karma and soon burned to death.

In Zizi's voice ~ ~ one ant after another became angry.


Is qi

So Luo Yao's face changed again!

Well calculated!

The ants were poisoned, but Luo Yao didn't know what the poison was, but this poison must be volatilized when it encounters fire! Otherwise the ants would have been poisoned long ago. As the ants were all burned to death by the karma, the rising gas became more and more dense! A small mass of gas mixed together, forming a smoke that began to invade the entire chamber.

Where the poisonous gas passed, even the walls made a gurgling noise. Imagine how strong the poison was!

Luo Yao swept with one hand, and the karma rushed forward.

The golden flame can burn out even the inner energy, and the poison gas can naturally. However, Luo Yao was really deterred by the method of Fang Jie. This method seemed inaccessible and could not hurt Luo Yao, but it was very effective, at least ... he made Luo Yao's nerves tighten continuously!

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