Conquer the World

Chapter 731: Miss your star

Chapter 731 The Star I Miss You

With my eyes open for a long time, I adapted to the darkness of the night. When the sun in one's heart is falling, even when standing in the daytime bathed in sunlight, you cannot see the light. In fact, most of the time people are not afraid of the dark of the night, but lack of hope and sustenance.

Fang Xie sat on the Jinshuihe broken bridge and looked up at the sky, always trying to find the star he always felt special.

Fang Xie likes to look up at the sky at night, not just because he feels that there is something in the sky watching him silently, but because he wants to find the star he once existed. The world does not have anything close to the historical knowledge he has learned, so he has been wondering if this is the planet he once lived.

If not, can you find it in the vast night sky yourself?

Is anyone on that planet missing his head?

Quiet night thinking

Lifting the neck and taking a sip of wine, Fang Jie lifted the jug to pay respect to the moon.

Good luck

Some things are not forgotten because of happiness, because when you think of these things, you can never be happy. Fang Jie often heard an adult tell him when he was very young, that stars are distant relatives looking at your eyes. When you look up at the night sky and find that there are stars blinking at you, she is thinking of you.

I miss you

Fang Jie rubbed his eyes and smiled at the sky. He was like a fool, thinking that the smile displayed in this way would be seen by anyone he wanted.

This kind of laughter, except for himself, was afraid that nobody understood. The wine in the jug drank quickly, and Fang Jie threw the jug into the Jinshui River, but couldn't leave the concern in his heart. Compared with the previous feelings, the feelings in this world are not substitutes, and some feelings cannot be replaced.

It seemed that he felt the master's mood, opened his eyes in chaos and looked at Fang Xie, and then stunned Fang Xie with his huge head. Fang Jie rubbed his chaotic forehead and said softly that you don't know who I was thinking, but the person I was thinking would know that I was thinking of her.

But what is the use?

The sky is so deep, it seems like a vast ocean, separated, after all, it is still separated.

There was a slight rustle in the distance, and Fang Jie looked back at the south bank of the river and put away the thought that could not be spoken to anyone. He patted the chaotic neck, and the chaos leaped away. A mile away, Kirin and Nie Xiaoju and Fangjie's five hundred soldiers were waiting there. As soon as the white lion appeared, they knew it was coming.

The ten battalions wearing bright light armor stood astutely under the broken bridge. The broken bridge blocked the moonlight. In the shadows, they could clearly see that many people on the Henan bank were approaching, but the people on the Henan bank saw it Can't reach them under the broken bridge. At this time, the solution that lay down along the **** of the broken bridge did not seem to care about the enemy who had reached the river. He still looked at the sky, and seemed to be telling something in his eyes.

However, such a complaint was never heard.

Unexplainable pain is really painful.

Fang Xie was lying on the broken bridge, and he was not allowed to go to see what he was preparing to the south of the river bank. Listening to the sound, it should be that many people carried a very heavy thing to the river, and then there was the sound of rattling water. This section of the Jinshui River is the narrowest place, only a dozen meters. It is not difficult to build a floating bridge on the river bank in advance. When Da Sui attacked Nan Chen, officials from the Da Sui Ministry of Industry accompanied him, and he used this pre-built pontoon when crossing the water.

The Nanchen Army, who had thought that the Sui Army would send people to piling down the river to build a pontoon, saw a group of brave men who carried the pontoon that had been made and rushed into the water, then straightened the arrow with the arrow rain.

At that time, the shortest pontoon was 100 meters long.

The Nanyan Army only needs to build a pontoon of more than ten meters in length. People with excellent water traction pulled the pontoon so that it would not be washed away by the water. The sound of the water clapping sounded not far from Fang Jie, and then there was a heavy gasp. Obviously the people who came first were also tired.

Fang Xie didn't manage it at all, still lying on the broken bridge and watching the sky. Beneath the broken bridge, standing in the shadow was a sharp and unmoving battalion. They covered the dreary Damo knife with a cloth cover, staring coldly at the Nanyan soldiers who were crossing the river under the floating bridge under the moonlight.

Then Fang Xie heard a strange sound.

It was as if a heavy carriage had run over the pontoon, but the Nanyan army who came to Dingyuan City sneaked into the heavy carriage to do something. He looked sideways. Under the moonlight, there was indeed a horse pulling a strange car across the pontoon. Others may not recognize what it is, but Fangjie's eyes changed when he saw it at first sight.

Following the horse-drawn carriage crossed the bridge, there were several people in apparently different costumes from the Nanyan soldiers. It looks taller and doesn't wear the livery of the Nanyan Army.

What Fang Xie didn't expect was that he had this thing in Qingyuan City.

There were many Nanyan troops who wanted to attack Dingyuan City, but only one came. The night is the best barrier to shield people's minds, and also the best barrier to shadows. Fang Xie was lying on the broken bridge, but no one found him. Nan Yan's army began to gather by the river, and the carriage was driven to the front of the line.

I could hear those people in different costumes talking lowly, but Fang Jie didn't understand a word.

However, Fang Xie heard a few minutes from it.

So he smiled and said that I was in a bad mood. You have come to the wrong time.



In the night

Suddenly, two piercing sword lights exploded, just as two lightnings fell in the night sky. The two elites of the battalion suddenly jumped from under the bridge, and the big knife in their hands shook open the cloth cover and chopped down on the pontoon fiercely. With a click, the pontoon was split open by a knife. Before the Nanyan soldiers on the pontoon had reflected, more than ten people rushed out from under the broken bridge, and the ten-handed Da Mo knife chopped up and chopped. The pontoon did not insist. How long, the part on the river bank was cut off.

With a squeak, the disconnected pontoon moved to the side along the water flow, and the soldiers on the pontoon shouted in panic, lying on the pontoon trying to find a sense of security. However, most of the soldiers fell from the top due to the sudden instability caused by the sudden shock, slamming down the river and rushing down the river.

This happened so suddenly, the Nanyan army did not even think that people were hidden under the broken bridge.

Before they could calm their minds from panic, a fire suddenly burned from their team, the fire suddenly appeared, and then quickly spread out. It didn't take long for at least a dozen people to be engulfed by the inexplicable fire. . And the fire looked so weird that it couldn't go out even if it was rolling on the ground. And the soldiers who rescued in the past only touched a little, and the flames burned as if spiritual.

For a moment, dozens of people were caught in the flames.

It was also at this time that the Nanyan soldiers who had crossed the river saw a person standing on the broken bridge, wearing a black robe, which was completely integrated with the night. But why are those eyes so cold?

The Nanyan soldiers who saw this man all had the illusion that they were being spotted by the flood wild beast. It was a fear that spread out of my heart and could not be controlled.

There were probably more than a thousand Nanyan troops who crossed the river, and subsequent people were stopped by the current on the south bank.

They watched the fire burn, but didn't know how the fire came.

Then they saw a man leaping from the broken bridge like an eagle, holding a long knife that spit fire in his hand.

In the dark night, the burning long sword was so amazing.

That night-like person rushed into Nanyan's army with a hot and cruel knife in his hand, and no one could understand his mood at this time. The depression brought about by his thoughts seemed to have turned into murderous. Everyone near him was involved in hell. The long sword trembled, and the flame attached to the long sword extended out three meters, it looked as if he was holding a three-meter-long fire dragon.

The fire knife swept across, a dozen people were cut off, and the flame quickly drowned the body.

Fang Xie seemed crazy, waving a fire knife and rushing through the crowd of the Nanyan army. None of the Nanyan soldiers who stopped in front of him ran away, no matter whether they were resisting or turning around. Dozens of well-trained officers who crossed the river rushed forward daringly, and one face was slaughtered by the long knife that fell into the magic path.

The corpse knives were layered one layer after another, while the fire knives continued to fall.

"The general seems to be wrong!"

Chungu took another nine elites from the battalion to form a battle line to kill in the crowd, and she looked at the fearless general who had no reason in her heart. The solution in this night seemed to become another person, and let out the violent and oppressive feelings in his heart.

Every time the three-meter-long fire knife slashed, a person fell.

A Nanyan soldier ran back in panic, his back was swept by the hot blade, and the running body cracked from the waist, and the lower body ran out two steps before falling, and the upper body that had fallen to the ground had already fallen Landed. The **** viscera was hurled out of the body, and it quickly smelt a scorching smell after being consumed by the flames.


I don't know who shouted first, and when he dropped his weapon, he turned around and ran away. The Nanyan army, who had not yet figured out what happened, was scattered and forced to flee.

"Past! The general seems to be lost in blood!"

Aunt Chun screamed and took the camp to move quickly towards Fang Xie. On the battlefield, there are often people who are fascinated by blood and become a lunatic, only to know that they keep killing people. In the end, it will either be exhausted and die, or it will be difficult to restore the mind. If no one wakes him up from that state as soon as possible, the second half of his life will be a waste even if he is alive.

But Fang Jie knew that he was not fascinated by blood at all.

He was just ... a little bit of pain.



The sound of crickets came from a distance, which was unique to the fire crickets. In the middle of the night, a few small meteors quickly moved towards Fang Jie's side, and the lead bomb left straight marks in the air. Fang Xie's knife turned in front of them, and in the sound of Ding-Dang-Dang, the lead bullets flew out, and several Nanyan soldiers immediately fell down in wailing.

Fang Xie saw the place where the fire broke out, and kicked his feet, his body bouncing like a shell, and then fell heavily in front of those foreigners ~ ~ In those terrified blond foreigners In his eyes, Fang Xie split the first two people apart, his head rolled away on the ground, and he saw it very clearly because of the fire.

Like seeing the devil, the remaining three or four foreigners howled at almost the same time, turned and ran.

At this time, the sound of the horse's hoof went from far to near.

Kirin and Nie Xiaoju came with the cavalry.



The Nanyan army on the Henan bank did not dare to shoot arrows, because it was also their companion who shot and killed Yu Jian. They watched the burning figure roaming in the line of nearly a thousand people, but no one could resist. When the cavalry came from a distance, the Yan army on the south bank had to retreat because they knew that the companions who had crossed the river were gone, and the gods could not save them.

Fang Xie retracted the flames on the exposed knife, and was a little tired to sit down by the broken bridge.

He looked up at the sky, but still couldn't find the star.

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