Conquer the World

Chapter 794: Minglu

Chapter 794 Ming Road

Fang Xie had a recliner outside the Yingmen of Daying, he was lying on it and squinting in the sun. The weather is already hot, and only the morning sun is most comfortable. The breeze sent a rare refreshment throughout the day, and the temperature of the rising sun made the skin breathe in a big mouth.

It was the third day of Dali City, and Fang Jie didn't seem to have attacked the city yet. The generals below called for battles every time they ordered them. Fang Jie only said that he was not in a hurry, and the generals did not know when he was going to start the siege. Someone asked Wu Yidao, Wu Yixiao smiled and said that the steamed bun was already in the pot, and had to wait until it was cooked before removing the lid.

Everyone still does n’t know well, when is it?

Several war horses screamed in the distance, and the knight on the horse jumped away from the distance, walked quickly to Fang Jiesheng, and the head was obviously different from the Han, with yellow hair and blue eyes and high nose. Wearing Hanfu looks a little unkind.

"Master, I've seen it."

The person who came is Andrew who arrived at Daying last night. The Ross nationality has become accustomed to living in the Central Plains. He speaks Chinese more and more fluently. He wiped the sweat on his forehead, his expression was a little clear.

"The subordinates have observed the artillery on the city wall. The shape is larger than that cast in our workshop, and the gun chamber is also larger. It is estimated that the range is farther than our artillery. Because of non-compliance, the artillery shells seized. No, if you want to use the improved shells, the artillery ca n’t be cast before. You have to recast the mold. I will take apart the artillery we seized to see what the structure is different. ”

"The former can't be wasted."

Fang Jie frowned slightly. He had already thought of such a result, and it was unavoidable that he felt a pity. The power of the artillery is more important than the explosive power and range. The artillery cast by the Black Flag Army Workshop is not as good as the artillery of the Opulu Empire. If it engages in the future, it will inevitably be at a disadvantage.

"It can't be used against foreigners, but it can be used against other enemies."

The enemies in the future, at least not foreigners in a short time.

Andrew nodded: "I'm not in a hurry to re-shape, and my subordinates plan to take it apart to see if there is any place where the artillery of the Opulu Empire can be improved. Running behind the Opulu Empire, if you can think of improved methods before putting it into production, at least you will not be dropped by the enemy too much. And in our factory, the molds ca n’t be changed at will once they are shaped. So in the short In time ... at least for a few years, the artillery of the Opulu Empire will be what it is now, without major changes. "

"After the artillery was formed, the main research direction was the improvement of the artillery shell. Before it can be said that the artillery shell can be sent farther, what can be done is to maximize the power of the artillery shell."

Andrew said: "It is undeniable that the firearm equipment of the Opulu Empire is more advanced than that of the Principality of Ross. The firearm factory of the Principality of Ross has not been improved for many years. Even with the same power, the range gap is enough to cause a fatal blow. If the opponent's range is one kilometer, and we are 800 meters, the distance of two hundred meters can fill in countless lives. "

"However, if there are only these artillery in Dali City, it will not be enough to stop the army from attacking the city."

Andrew concluded: "The power of the artillery is far superior to the slinger, but now the Dasui slinger has reached the ultimate in manufacturing technology. I have seen the largest slinger in the army, which requires two hundred people to operate. It ’s only two or three miles to be able to send thousands of pounds of rock. This range is almost the same as the artillery of the Opulu Empire, and it is even slightly stronger. "

Fang Jie said: "However, there are only three such huge catapults in the army."

Such a huge stone throwing vehicle is extremely difficult to manufacture, and it is too large to transport. It only requires two hundred people to complete the operation. It is not easy to transport it to the battlefield and install it.

Andrew said: "Three are enough. The subordinates have observed it. In order to ensure stability, the artillery on Dali City is fixed. That is to say, it can only be adjusted up and down. It is difficult to adjust left and right. For defensive infantry warfare, The impact of the raid was great, but it was not able to strike the enemy with precision. In the next moment, the dead corners of the enemy's artillery were found out, and then the three giant stone throwers were enough to make the wall messy. "

Fang Jie nodded: "You can arrange it. In addition, you can interrogate those foreigners who catch you. I will let the people at Xiaoqiang School assist you. Not only the artillery manufacturing process, but also the Opulu Empire is It is not intended to send troops to the Central Plains. "

"Subordinates understand!"

Andrew nodded.

"How much do you know about the Opulu Empire?"

Fang Xie asked.

The name of this empire had not given Fang Jie so much attention, so Fang Jie did not ask Andrew about this. It now appears that this ambitious empire has the intention to use force at this end of the ocean.

"The subordinates don't know much."

Andrew thought for a while and said, "The Emperor of the Opulu Empire was called Peter Lehmann, and he was called Lehmann the Great. When he succeeded, the territory of the Opulu Empire was not one-third the size of the Aegean Empire because of its national strength. It is not powerful, and the Opul Empire can only be regarded as a third-rate country on the continent on the other side of the sea. "

"But this person is particularly intelligent and cold-hearted. It is said that he inherited the emperor's throne after poisoning his father and elder brother. The first thing after he succeeded was to kill both his younger brother and elder brother's family. Then he promoted his close friends to become his most important ministers. In the next few years, he gradually withdrew the empire's army from those archduke marquis and then trained himself. "

"On the day of Lantern Festival ... Lantern Festival is like the Spring Festival in Central Plains. It is the most peaceful day. According to convention, Lantern Festival is a day for the people to relax and enjoy themselves. It is not allowed to start a war. But Lehman The emperor apparently had no respect for the emperor. On the day of the Lantern Festival, he fought against his neighbors and swallowed two hundred miles westward. Then, when the enemy did not respond, he hit the capitals of the neighbors in one breath, and then tricked the neighbors with tricks. The emperor left the city to negotiate and kill him. "

"It only took two months for him to destroy his neighbors. Since then, the Opulu Empire has begun a constant aggression. The Emperor Lehman knew how to use tactics. He formed alliances with distant countries and sent a lot of money and money. Beautiful women, constantly attacking neighboring countries. Under this differentiation, it only took him three years to double the territory of the Opul Empire, which is larger than the largest Aegean Empire. "

"The Emperor Lehman was a cruel man. He squeezed the people in the occupied land as if he squeezed oranges to obtain juice, and used all the harvest to equip the army. On the prosperity of the country, the Aegean Empire was comparable to three Ops Lu, but on the strength of force, Opru is worth three Aegeans. "

Andrew sighed: "Opru Empire is like a deformed giant, with strong arms enough to move huge weapons."

Fang Xie suddenly thought of the madman who had waged a world war in his previous life.

"When he came down to the Central Plains, the Opulu Empire was at war with the Aegean Empire. In order to numb people in the Aegean Empire, the Lehman Emperor submitted the credentials to the Aegean Empire and expressed his willingness to surrender at the feet of the Aegean Empire. He was also willing to dedicate half of the gains from each war to the Aegean Empire, so that the emperors and nobles of the Aegean Empire were blinded by that huge benefit. "

"Until the army of the Opulu Empire broke into the Aegean Empire, those nobles were still arguing about how to divide the gold and silver jewellery presented by the Opulu Empire. The Lehmann was a man who was good at using gold as a weapon, often It is easier to defeat the enemy than his army. "

Andrew said in a stunned voice: "So, until the army of the Apulian Empire had invaded the two principalities of the Aegean Empire, the emperor of the Aegean Empire was still refuting the messenger who called for help, accusing him of deliberately destroying the Aegean Empire and Op. Pure friendship between the Lu Empire. "

He spread his hand: "In this case, how could the Aegean Empire be undefeated? Although the war was not over when it came down, everyone knows that the Aegean Empire will sooner or later die."

Fang Xie nodded, remembering Peter Lehman's name in his heart.

"Master, when does Dali attack?"

Andrew asked.

"Wait a little longer."

Fang Xie's eyes drifted to Dali City: "Give them some more time."



Dali City

The closest street to the Royal Palace is called Shengchang Street. There are not many ordinary people who can live on this street. Although this place is not as large as the earth and gold on the south street of Taiji Hall in Chang'an City of Sui Dynasty, and the money is not necessarily available, it is not a place that ordinary people can extravagantly request.

Prime Minister's Mansion is located east of Shengchang Avenue, and it takes less than half an hour to walk from the Royal Palace.

As the most powerful Zhu family in the Nanyan families, not only has absolute power in the local area, but also one of the families in Dali City that can affect Murong Shame. Zhu Zhijian was able to sit firmly in the prime minister's seat for so many years, but it is not just that he is an official.

Sandalwood was burning in the living room, and the smell penetrated into a person's nose as if it could be directly in his head. It is said that this fragrance has a soothing effect. In fact, it is only because it is expensive enough that it will be chosen by rich people.

The man sitting in front of Zhu Chijian is still very young and should be the first time to undertake such an important task alone, so it seems a little unnatural.

Zhu Chi couldn't help but smile after looking at him: "I have to admire the Zhen Guogong, having a young and courageous man like you is a matter of pride in itself. I can't understand how you are It's hard to understand how you have the courage to walk into my house when you enter Dali City. "

"How old are you?"

he asks.

The young man answered: "Nineteen"

Zhu Chijian said for a moment: "At the age of nineteen, I can take on such a big task ... Zhen Guogong really dares to use people."

The young man smiled: "Zhen Guogong is only twenty years old."

Zhu Chijian found that although this young man was somewhat unnatural, this unnaturalness was not cramping, nor was it worried, nor was it timid, but ... excited?

"You're not afraid that I will take you down with an order? As long as I beckon, the outside guards will rush in ~ ~ I don't believe you can torture and beat all of you who have mixed in. It is difficult to continue the calculation of Zhenguo Gong? "

The young man poked his lips: "There is a seven-step distance between you and me. For the confidentiality of this conversation, you let all your followers go out. If you order to arrest me, people outside need to run at least fifteen steps. I kill you half as fast as they did. The town gonggong said that what you need to do is only need to be measured. Is it a loss? I'm just a small person. You are the prime minister of Nanyan. If I can fight to death You must not be a loss. "

He smiled: "What's more, if you want to catch me, why wait till now?"

Zhu Jijian couldn't help but praise it: "If the people of the Black Flag Army of the town government are as courageous as you, then very few people can really match it."

"You are wrong."

The young man laughed, "How could it be like me? Most of them are better than me."

Zhu Chijian was a little surprised: "Let's say, what the town's grandfather asked you to do."

The young man said, "Show me the way to the prime minister ... the clear way."

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