“Your Honor!”

“Lord Cornelia!”

“Her Royal Highness!”

Floating battleship in the bridge.

Cornelia’s knights saw their master suddenly appear on the opposite side of the video, and their mood instantly sank to the bottom.

After a brief pause, Cornelia quickly rushed towards Lin Ziqin.

Although she didn’t know exactly how she had suddenly appeared here.

But it’s also an opportunity!

Now as long as she can catch the person in front of her, she can force him to let go of his sister!

Unfortunately, the idea is very full, but the reality is very bone.


Lin Ziqin gave a soft finger, and a curtain of light rose from the ground, trapping Cornelia in it.


In the light curtain, Cornelia’s body could not move, maintaining a flying movement.

It looks pretty funny.

Like a toad!

“What the hell do you want to do?”

Cornelia gritted her teeth, eager to bite Lin Ziqin to death.

If her eyes could also kill people, she had already killed Lin Ziqin a thousand and eight hundred times!

But she knew she had lost.

“Now I have led the Britannia Army out of District 11 as you commanded!” You should have let my sister go! ”

“If you don’t think that’s enough, I can keep my men going back a thousand nautical miles!”

“As long as you can let my sister go.”

At this moment, Cornelia was no longer as tough as before, and there was a slight pleading in her words.

“Your two sisters have such a good relationship, it’s really enviable.”

Lin Ziqin walked step by step to Cornelia, and when he was only thirty centimeters away from her, he stopped.

This woman actually had such a good smell of perfume.

Well, I don’t know what brand it is, but I can buy some for C.C. them.

“Unfortunately, I can’t grant your request.”

“Are you going to repent? Are you still a man?! ”


Lin Ziqin smiled: “Oh, I have never agreed to your conditions, it has always been your own brain to make up, this is not a remorse.” ”

Cornelia thought about it carefully and saw that the man had indeed not acceded to his request.

When she asked to release her sister, she led the troops out of District 11, and the other party did not nod.

Just said ‘very good and good’!

At the thought of this, Cornelia’s body trembled with anger.

I was being tricked!

“You bastard!”

“Let go of Her Royal Highness!”

“Otherwise we will immediately counterattack District 11!”

Cornelia’s knights were also choked by the gas.

Lin Ziqin glanced at the knights on the other side of the video and said in a cold voice, “When I talk to your master, do you bother you dog legs to shut up? ”

As soon as these words came out, the floating battleship bridge was instantly stunned.

Only the angry expression on their faces shows that their hearts are not at peace.

After drinking some not-so-good dog legs, Lin Ziqin once again set his sights on Connelle.

“From now on, you and your sister are my hostages, and now order your gang of dog-legged men to take people out of District 11 and not set foot on this land again.”

“Otherwise I’ll kill you and your sister together.”

Lin Ziqin’s opening mouth and closing his mouth with a dog’s leg were about to drive those knights crazy.

They are the royal knights of Britania, the Holy Spirit!

When have you suffered such a disgrace?

No one has ever dared to insult them so much!

Cornelia gritted her teeth and said, “I want to see my sister first!” ”

She lost, outright.

Now the only thing she prayed for was that her sister was okay.

“As you wish.”

Lin Ziqin made a look at Xiao Ai, who shot out a curtain of light from the mechanical eyeball.

In the light curtain, it is the figure of Euphymia.

At the moment she was sitting on the bed with her hands on her thighs, while next to her was comforting her Nanali and Emperor Kaguraya.

Nanali is here?

Could it be that she was also arrested?

A thought flashed through Cornelia’s mind.

But she didn’t care much.

Now that he and his sister are in a difficult situation, where do they have the heart to take care of other things.

“Well, your sister has seen it, now it’s your turn.”

Lin Ziqin waved his hand and closed the light curtain.

Taking a deep breath, Cornelia said to his men across the screen, “Retreat, leave District 11, don’t step into this land without my orders!” ”

“Obey orders!”


Naked shame!

As a knight, he failed to protect his master.

Now that the master is being held hostage, they have no choice but to compromise in the face of the enemy’s demands!

Originally, the knights they had previously mocked the Three Princes were wastes and did not protect their masters well.

Now it’s your turn!

What’s even more ironic is that their master is right across from them, but there is no way to save her!

Now, they are the same bunch of crap that they once called themselves!

“Don’t make me wait too long, or your master will die.”

Lin Ziqin dropped a sentence and waved his hand to end the video communication.


At this time, the knight commander Gilbert could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, and punched through the screen in front of him.

A scorched smell of green smoke mixed with electronic parts entered the nostrils of everyone.

“Captain, are we, are we really going to listen to that bastard?”

Gilbert calmed the anger in his heart, pushed the frame of his glasses, and said, “We have no choice but to do it?” ”

The crowd fell silent.

“Still can’t get in touch with China?”


“Hey, retreat.”




Lin Ziqin snapped his fingers again and released Cornelia from his confinement.

This time Cornelia learned wisely and didn’t do anything.

Because she knows that even if she does it, she can’t change the current reality.

“Little love, send this woman to Euphemia’s side as well.”

Keep their sisters together, he’s so kind!

“Obey orders!”

Cornelia was teleported away in an instant.

Lin Ziqin immediately contacted Lu Luxiu.

“What’s going on over there?”

Lu Luxiu replied: “The plan is going well, most of the area has been controlled by us. ”

“Then take back all the area as soon as possible!”



On the coast.

Karen sat in the cockpit of the BT7274, staring dead at the boats on the coastline.

“I didn’t expect the commander to really do it without a single soldier to take the entire neon from Britannia’s hands!”

three days of summer promotion, charge 100 to get 500 VIP coupons!

snap up immediately (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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