Cornelia’s sudden surrender surprised Lin Ziqin.

At the same time, he also looked at Cornelia with admiration.

Obviously a cold queen, but so concerned about her subordinates.

She may not be a good person, but she is definitely a good sister and a good leader!

“Please give me a chance! I must persuade them to join the Resistance! ”

Seeing that Lin Ziqin had not spoken for a long time, Conelia mistakenly thought that Lin Ziqin did not agree and almost fell to his knees.

But at this moment, Lin Ziqin threw a communication device to her.

“Well, I’ll give you another chance, and hopefully don’t let me down.”

Without saying a word, Lin Ziqin turned and left, leaving Cornelia standing where she was.

She looked down at the communicator in her hand, and her hands couldn’t help but clench a few points.

“It will work!”

Cornelia was confident.

Because her men are loyal to her alone!


“Is this man a member of the Resistance?”

Schunezel followed Loyd to a laboratory.

I saw that across the bulletproof glass, there was a woman wearing a strange combat uniform.

Loyd held up his glasses and replied, “Yes, her combat uniform has the symbol of the Resistance Army.” ”

“So what’s going on with her now?”

“Being unconscious, it should resonate with the Code relic.”

Schunezer frowned.

“How is this possible? She is neither the owner of the Code nor the person of ability, just an ordinary person, how can the Code relics resonate with her? ”

“And that’s why I brought her to this lab!”

Loyd is a researcher, and for him, the lying rebel soldier in front of him is worth studying!

Whether it was herself or the combat suit she was wearing.

Especially the latter.

His current equipment could not even analyze what kind of material this combat suit was made of!

And no scan can penetrate the suit!

If it weren’t for the obvious heaving of the other person’s chest, he would have wondered if the person was dead.

Sure enough, the Resistance had the most advanced technology in the world!

It must be studied carefully!

Schonezel seemed to capture the curiosity in Loyd’s eyes, “You seem to be interested in this rebel?” ”

“Of course! From her, I may be able to find the real reason why the Resistance’s technology is strong! ”

Loyd rubbed his hands and couldn’t wait to start studying the rebel.

Is technology strong?

Oh, it’s just a bunch of rebels, what advanced technology is there to speak of?

Loyd did not notice that the Schonezer beside him had a look of contempt on his face after listening to his words, but he was quickly hidden.

He didn’t see the strength of the Resistance firsthand, and everything he knew about it was from other people or videos.

But none of that was enough for him to really understand the Resistance.

“I won’t stand in the way of what you want to do to this rebel, but the only thing I ask for is to find out why she resonates with the Code Relic!”

“Obey orders!”

Immediately after Schonezel left, Loyd entered the other side of the bulletproof glass with his subordinate, Seiel Kirmi.

“Cecier, come and undress this woman.”

Sehir was also a woman, and it was only fitting that she should be on the job.

Although he is an enemy, Loyd’s bottom line as a human being still has it.

Sehir stepped on his high heels and came to Karen’s side, ready to take off his combat uniform.

However, she looked left and right, but she could not find the solution point.

“What’s wrong?” Boyd asked.

Sehir’s index finger tapped his lips, and his willow eyebrows twisted into a clump, tilting his head in a variety of styles.

“I didn’t find the untie point and couldn’t take off this combat suit.”

“How is this possible? How did she get into this dress without untying it? ”

Loyd did not believe in evil and came forward to check it out for himself.

However, he soon accepted the reality as well.

There really isn’t a cracking point!

“Forget it, bring the knife, and since you can’t untie it, cut it open.”

As long as you move carefully, don’t hurt the equipment on this combat suit.

Slightly damaged elsewhere is still very valuable for research.

Sehir heard this and handed the knife to Loyd.

But when he cut the suit with a knife, he found that no matter how he cut it, he couldn’t cut it!

“Do you want me to give you a sharper knife?”

Sehir also thought the knife wasn’t sharp enough.

Lloyd exclaimed, “No! Give me a magnifying glass! ”

Seeing that he was so excited, Sehill knew that he must have found something, and hurriedly handed him the magnifying glass next to him.

Lloyd continued to cut Karen’s combat suit while looking at the incision with a magnifying glass.

“Sure enough, I wasn’t dazzled! It’s amazing, it’s just amazing! ”

Loyd cried out with excitement as if he had discovered a new continent.

“What did you find?” Sehir asked curiously.

Rather than answer, Loyd handed the magnifying glass to Sehir.

“See for yourself!”

Sehir took a closer look, and the scene in front of her made her eyes widen.

I saw the densely packed little black dots on the combat suit moving.

Whenever the suit is cut a little gap, these dense little black dots will fill it!

No wonder I just cut it for so long!

It turned out to be because of these small black dots.

“But what are these little black dots?”

These dense, small black dots give Sehir goosebumps as they squirm, like a swarm of bugs.

Loyd said excitedly, “That should be a nanorobot!” ”


Cecil was shocked.

As a researcher, she naturally knows what nanorobots are.

In fact, she and Loyd have also studied nanorobots.

Unfortunately, it failed in the end because of various technical problems.

They believe that in order to develop nanorobots, technology needs to develop for at least another fifty years!

“I didn’t expect that the rebels had even studied nanorobots, and I really wanted to join them!” Lloyd was both excited and angry.

If only I were a member of the Resistance.

Sehir was shocked when he heard this, and looked around carefully before anyone else was relieved.

“Lord Loyd, it is better to say less of this kind of thing, and be careful that the partition wall has ears.”

“What are you afraid of, what do you hear, they won’t do anything with me.”

Lloyd didn’t care.

He continued to study the Iron Trainer combat suit.

However, at this moment, a siren suddenly sounded throughout the experimental base!

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