What's more conspicuous is...

The overall look and feel of this plane is very tall, with a transparent ‘round bead’ inlaid in the center of its breastplate, and there are no obvious long-range weapons.

Putting aside some differences in details and different engines, this MS is like the 00Q Quantum Gundam in the theater version of "Gundam 00".

"I... my goodness... I never thought that you would develop a mobile suit specifically for me, uncle, and I really like this body..."

After seeing the true face of her special machine, Nova said with excitement, and she couldn't help walking towards her special machine.

"Haha." William also smiled quietly, turned to face Nova's special machine, and explained quietly:

"'Thunder' is the code name of your special mobile suit. It is an improved model based on my special machine."

With that said, William walked slowly to Nova's side, raised his hand to the ‘ball’ in the center of the thunder breastplate and said:

"The device that looks like a glass bead is the latest sensor crystal developed by Honeycomb. The main response to the crowd is your psionics."

Upon hearing this, Nova asked in doubt: "Are we psychics?"

"That's right." Serena, who had been quiet at this time, walked slowly to William's side and continued to explain for her boss:

"The previous neural connection system can strengthen the connection between the driver and the body, and then give full play to the maximum combat power of the driver and the body.

For example, the neural connection between the boss and Master Ivan can speed up the divine body to a speed that our naked eyes cannot catch.

And Miss Xia’s White Raven is also based on this neural connection system, which expands her thoughts to the White Raven’s body, thereby increasing her ‘magic’ ability.

However, the psychic energy of the psionicist is relatively special, and the ordinary nerve connection system cannot withstand the psychic erosion of the psychic.

As of a year ago, only Miss Terra's HEU combat uniform had a psychic crystal that can amplify psionic energy.

Due to cost and usage restrictions, the company was unable to mass-produce this kind of psychoactive crystal.

However, Honeycomb’s R&D team finally improved this artificial crystal, which can guarantee mass production at an acceptable cost.

Therefore, the transformation of the biochemical armor is on the agenda, and the boss also ordered a special ‘psionic body’ for you, Miss Terra.

This is the thunder in front of us. "

"Psionic body...Thunder..." Nova murmured, and then thanked William sincerely:

"Thank you, uncle, with the help of Thunder, I can also assist the fleet in the'naval battle.'"

"Haha." William smiled again, and raised his hand to pat Nova's head gently, saying kindly:

"I'm not grateful for this. Your father and I are very good friends, and Russell has a close relationship with your Tyra family.

So I’m an elder, it’s nothing to give you a ‘small’ gift to your junior, besides..."

As William said, she turned her head and glanced at Xia, who was standing not far away, and kept quiet all the time, saying with a little profound meaning:

"Besides, if Xia is only given a white crow, then my side is somewhat eccentric."

"Eccentric?" (x2)

Both Nova and Shia were taken aback.

However, Nova was the first to react to William's meaning, and a shy flush appeared on her cheeks, and she whispered again:

"Thank you... Uncle..."

"..." As the older Xia, she also reacted after seeing Nova's demeanor, and she was also shy.

"Hahaha! What's the matter? If you two juniors can perform brilliantly in the raid battle, I will help you get Ivan.

Remember, the premise is a dazzling performance, such as summoning thousands of skeletons, or creating a psionic storm in the universe, um...

I don't need to remind you again. "

"Yes, don't worry, uncle!"


Both Nova and Shia responded.

"Hahaha! Good!"

William also unconsciously used Andre's laughter, seemingly satisfied with the two'daughters-in-law'.


Time: October 21, 2026.

Universe: The Corinthian Prier Galaxy.

This galaxy belongs to one of the galaxies at the extreme edge of the Milky Way, and the number of ‘neighbor’ galaxies is far less than that of the solar system, and it seems a bit desolate.

The star of this galaxy is a red dwarf with a small size and a large number of suns, a surface temperature of less than 3000 degrees, and a very dim light.

It seems that this red dwarf star will eventually become a dark, cooling and shrinking death star ‘soon’.

This also proves that the Corinthian Prier galaxy has existed for much longer than the solar system.

The planets in this galaxy are also generally small. There are four terrestrial planets smaller than Mercury but larger than the moon, and there are no giant gaseous planets at all.

However, in the third orbit of a galaxy, it is indeed a standard round sphere, which is obviously different from other terrestrial planets.

It does not belong to the four terrestrial planets, but is an "alien" of this star system, and seems to be forcibly occupying this orbit.

It is about 3,000 kilometers in diameter. There are turbid oceans or lakes of various sizes on the surface, and the atmosphere is also a turbid earthy yellow, as if it has suffered severe environmental damage.

This is the Forerunner’s artificial celestial body-Shield World, code-named 0459.

And at a distance of about 0.5 ETM in this shield world, is the super giant purple mushroom of the Star Alliance, the city of fraternity.

From a distance, the city of fraternity and the shield world look like the moon and the earth in the solar system.

Moreover, these two artifacts are the remnants left by the Forerunner. It can be seen that the forerunner technology at the time was enough to be called "Gods" by the Star Alliance.

At this time, the city of Fraternity was protected layer by layer by more than 1,500 warships of the "Invincible" fleet, and the remaining more than 1,000 ships of the fleet were in the low-Earth orbit of the shield world.


The battleship group located in the low-Earth orbit of the Shield World was divided into two groups ~www.ltnovel.com~. In the battle against each other, the city of Fraternity and the ‘Invincible’ fleet in the distance were also supporting the offensive.

The hundreds of warships that were attacked, their appearance was dilapidated, and they also exuded an earthy-yellow atmosphere similar to the shield world, as if they had been corrupted by some kind of creature.

Then the answer is ready to come out, it is the Flood.

Shield World 0459 is exactly the shield world in "Halo Wars 1", and there are still a few flood demon and flood demon spores on the surface of this shield world.

It seems that the arrival of the city of fraternity and the ‘invincible’ fleet gave these floods the opportunity to multiply quickly.

Judging from the current behavior of the Flood Demon that can infect Star Alliance battleships and can also fight in a unified manner, the Flood Demon on the surface of the shield world should have evolved a primitive corpse brain beast.

If given a certain amount of time to this primitive corpse-brain beast, it can develop into a existence that has a strong sense of logic and combat power.

Huh——! (X31)

At this moment, on the edge of the Corinthian Prier galaxy, thirty-one warships of all kinds ‘flashed’.

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