Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 721: "Bring the Ark Home"

As Serena said, she stretched out her left hand to hold the indexer, and the pupils also emitted a faint blue light, trying to use the authority of the indexer to control the Ark from a distance.

Since Serena is an artificial intelligence created by the human brain, coupled with a prosthetic body with certain physiological functions, the indexer can determine that Serena is also a ‘recycler’, or a human being.

Just looking at the indexer in Serena's left hand, it began to emit a faint green light.

It seems that Serena successfully controlled the indexer, and the Ark carried out a long-distance control, and the Ark carried out an all-round scan to ensure that there were no remaining spores or cells of the Flood Demon.

Not for a long time.

"Boss..." Serena's pupils returned to normal and reported to William Hui: "As Yuanji said, there was no response from the Flood on the Ark."

"Very good." William nodded lightly and continued to order: "Since it is confirmed that the Ark is clean, it is time to bring it back to the solar system.


William said, turning his head to look at Halsey on his left hand, and asked a little embarrassingly:

"However, the size of the Ark is too large, and it is impossible to return it directly to the earth's low-Earth orbit, and the earth may become its satellite by then.

So Catherine, which part of the galaxy do you think is best to teleport the Ark to? "

"Hum... let me think about it."

Halsey did not give William a direct answer, but reached out and manipulated it on the touch screen, causing the center console to call up a 3D holographic thumbnail of the solar system.

Then Halsey raised her left hand, squeezed her pointed chin, slightly squinted her eyes and thought.

After only half a minute, Halsey ended the thinking movements she had learned from William, and said quietly to William:

"Let the Ark be in the orbit of Jupiter, and the position is completely opposite to Jupiter, and the speed is adjusted to the same as Jupiter.

In this way, not only Jupiter can become the earth's natural defense, the Ark can also use its powerful gravitational force to attract various meteorites, comets and asteroids to the earth. "

Now that Halsey gave a clear plan, William naturally took her point of view as the mainstay, and then lightly nodded at Halsey, and then ordered Serena:

"Selena, as Catherine said, activate the Ark's portal and let the Ark go to the orbit of Jupiter in the solar system."

"Yes, boss."

Serena still obeyed William's orders so carefully, the double pupils and the indexer in her hand began to emit light, controlling the Ark already occupied by humans.

Upon seeing this.

William and Halsey, the quality couple, turned to face the huge porthole at the end of the bridge.

Through the porthole, the husband and wife can clearly see the tip area of ​​the petal-like structure of the Ark, and a blue light beam is shot out toward the top of the Ark.

The radius of this beam alone is far longer than the 20-kilometer-long Star Destroyer flagship. Its radius is about 50 kilometers. A total of eight beams converge at the center point tens of thousands of kilometers above the Ark.


At a glance, a faint blue sphere with a diameter of at least 150,000 kilometers appeared directly above the ark and in the eyes of everyone inside the bridge.

"My God... that's just a portal, more than ten times bigger than our earth..."

"! Athena..."

"In my lifetime, it's worth seeing such a miracle..."

After seeing the giant portal of 150,000 kilometers in size, many crew members in the bridge were involuntarily sighed.

After all, this kind of man-made cosmic spectacle was put on the human race more than 20 years ago.

Now, the Ark has been controlled by mankind to be able to create such a marvelous man-made celestial body.

Immediately afterwards.

The giant Ark did not move as slowly as everyone imagined, but entered the portal very quickly, and went to the orbit of Jupiter in the solar system in an instant.

Huh again~——! A little bit.

The faint blue celestial portal, which was more than 100,000 kilometers away, dissipated in an instant, and the cosmic realm nearby recovered as before, leaving only the Milky Way galaxy ‘not far away’ emitting bright stars.

Seeing this scene.

William turned his head to look at Carmen not far away, and whispered his command: "Captain Ibanez, it's time for us to return to Earth."

"Yes, boss."

Following William's order, Carmen also began to command the crew to make the Star Destroyer turn the bow and drive towards the portal that had been ‘open’ to the rear.


Serena, who had returned to normal, took the initiative to control six dreadnought warships without William's prompts and orders, and followed the Star Destroyer to the always-open portal.


Time: February 10, 2027.

Kenyan local time: 12:12.

Location: Over the outskirts of Mombasa.

The forerunner ruins on the outskirts of the city have always been activated, and the portal ‘sphere’ that emits a faint blue light over the suburbs has also existed in the sky above Mombasa for several days.

This peculiar sight naturally attracted people from all over the earth and even the colonies of the solar system to come and watch.

Africa, which was not too developed in the first place, has temporarily become a tourist destination like "Eleventh" and "May 1st" because of the giant ruins on the outskirts of Mombasa and the sphere-like portals.

The economy has grown rapidly.

This also increased the pressure on Andre who was stationed on the earth.

Africa is not a good place. Even the current Umbrella and UNSC still have not been able to completely eliminate the terrorists, pirates and rebels in Africa.

After all, these people are no different from ordinary people on the bright side, but as soon as they turn back to the house, they can immediately pick up the copycat version of the Pulse series rifle and become the above-mentioned dangerous element.

Therefore, during the period when William led the troops out of the galaxy, Andre needed to monitor the anomalous phenomena in the solar system and dispatched manpower to Africa to maintain law and order.


Just as there were tens of thousands of passengers on the outskirts of Mombasa, watching the portal above the suburbs, the flagship of the Star Destroyer class and six dreadnought warships teleported back into the earth's atmosphere.


Seeing the strongest battleship of mankind, there are six dreadnought battleships comparable to the endless suddenly the onlookers in the suburbs and in the city boil.

at the same time.

Inside the bridge of the Star Destroyer class.

Standing on the second floor of the bridge, William saw the crowd of people below through the porthole, and his facial muscles couldn't help but twitch a few times.


Really a curious species.

It is said that curiosity kills cats, and I am afraid that curiosity will also kill humans.

On the other side of the portal not long ago, there were still a large number of Flood Demon fleets.

Forget it.

William didn't think about the trivial matters anymore. Instead, he whispered to Serena, who was still behind the center console:

"Selena, close the portal on the outskirts of Mombasa, and then control the six dreadnought warships to form a matrix to open the portal and take us to the location of the Ark."

"Yes, boss."

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