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Chapter 109 Remarks on the launch

This book will be on the shelves at 0:00 on August 1st (tomorrow).

Due to system delays, the specific update time will be around 0:15.

This book is my best one so far. I must be grateful to the countless book friends who have accompanied me so far, and to my editor [Starry Night] who has always believed in me.

As for the next remarks

I guess people don’t want to hear my stories, they just want to hear some real stories.

For example, add more updates or something.

But old readers who have followed my previous works should know that my coding speed has always been very slow.

especially this book

Writing this book required a lot of forensic and criminal investigation knowledge, and I was a complete layman.

In order to be able to write decently, I have to study by myself while coding, and look up papers while reading books.

When writing a case, it often takes more time to look up information than to code.

No way, I really can't get up quickly.

If you insist on coding a few more chapters, it will definitely have an impact on the quality.

So, I really can’t promise to add more updates or anything like that.

But in order to repay everyone's support, I can guarantee that there will be ten updates on the shelves.

(Actually, I, a disabled coder, have not prepared these ten updates yet. I will work hard today. Even if I cannot send out 10 updates on the 1st, I will definitely make up for it on the 2nd)

For me, an old salted fish who has never had more than 5 updates on the shelves, this wave is really hard_(:з」∠)_

The first order result is really important, I hope you can support me a lot. Thanks(ω)

Please give me monthly tickets and first order~

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