Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 129 Master of Hidden Weapons

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely tense.

The air and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

"Oops, Mr. Lin is in danger!" Mao Lilan subconsciously wanted to rush forward.

But the distance between the two sides is quite far, and her sprint speed may not be as fast as the enemy's gun draw speed.

As for the telegraph pole that was used as a "hidden weapon", because she used too much force just now, she knocked the person over and then rolled away far away. Now she can't pick it up at all.

So, if we give up attacking and turn our thoughts to saving people,

With her speed, she might be able to knock Lin Xinyi down in time, allowing him to dodge the first bullet.

But what about after being knocked down? What to do if you get shot again?

She herself is physically strong and might be able to barely dodge pistol bullets.

But this does not mean that she can perfectly protect a man and a child who is like a burden from the enemy's pistol fire.

"No, I can't do it at all." Mao Lilan's expression became a little pale.

Lin Xinyi, who was about to face the gun, was extremely nervous.

It was just a thought to lift Conan up as a shield. He is a decent character, so naturally he can't really do it.

Then, next, he has to face a problem by himself:

What should we do when faced with the gunpoint of a gangster?

As a martial arts master, Lin Xinyi can responsibly say:

Seven steps away, the gun is fast.

Within seven steps, the gun is still fast.

Therefore, except for a few masters who can dodge 30 bullets in a row when extremely angry,

When you see the enemy preparing to draw a gun and kill someone, the best way is to raise your hands and surrender faster than the soldiers of the Republic of China and the basketball boys of the NBA.

And if you encounter a situation like this where there is no chance of surrender, then quickly find a bunker nearby and hide.

But now the parking lot was empty and there was no cover to be found.

In this case, there is only one last option

"Shot from the front!"

Of course Lin Xinyi didn't have a gun.

But he has a "hidden weapon" hidden on his body, which can make up for his lack of attack distance.

Before the enemy could fully raise the gun, he had less than half a second to launch the "hidden weapon" and confront the enemy head-on.

If the enemy's gun was faster and more accurate, he would be the one who died.

If his hidden weapon was allowed to hit first, it would be the dealer who would be defeated.

"I didn't expect this day to come so soon."

Lin Xinyi finally encountered his first life-or-death battle after discovering that the world was not normal.

He held his breath and concentrated, secretly channeling his inner energy, and pushed the dynamic vision that he had gradually strengthened after "cultivating immortality" to the extreme.

At this moment, everything seems to be playing in slow motion:

While the enemy quickly raised his gun, Lin Xinyi's wrist trembled slightly, and a thin needle slid from the cuff to his fingertip.

The enemy's finger slowly pulled the trigger, and Lin Xinyi also secretly activated his Qi to quickly launch the fine needle at his fingertips.

And in the end, it was Lin Xinyi who had meritorious deeds who was one step faster.

The thin needle cut through the air quickly, as fast as a phantom.

The enemy had just raised the muzzle of his gun and aimed it at Lin Xinyi, but the trigger had not yet been fully pulled.

The thin needle came through the air like a stream of light, and struck the inside of his exposed wrist with incomparable precision.

That’s where the ulnar nerve in your arm is located.

It's the same as hitting the "numb tendon" on the inside of the elbow. If you stab it here, it will immediately paralyze the palm of your hand.

"Ah!" The dealer cried out in pain, and sure enough, his hand loosened and the muzzle of the gun tilted down.

He tried hard to raise the gun and pull the trigger, but found that his palm was completely unresponsive.

"Run!" Lin Xinyi made a decisive decision.

The enemy has temporarily numbed one hand, but still has the other.

If he reacted quickly enough and changed his hand to pick up the gun in time, they might still be hit by bullets before they could rush in front of the enemy.

But it was a bit reluctant to sprint forward, but it was enough to turn around and escape.

Lin Xinyi mentioned Conan without hesitation, called Mao Lilan, turned around and fled to the library.

Mao Lilan's reaction was also extremely fast.

She simply imitated Lin Xinyi's way of carrying Conan, and carried Lin Xinyi and Conan together.

Although Lin Xinyi had "???" written all over his face, he had to admit that

Only Mao Lilan was left in charge of escaping, and the three of them escaped faster.

In just a few breaths, they successfully slipped through the library door and hid behind the cover of the wall.


The dealer behind him shouted in anger.

He changed his hand to hold a gun, followed closely behind Lin Xinyi and others, and followed in with murderous intent.

Lin Xinyi and others had already escaped into the reading room next to them in time.

The dealer became more and more furious and embarrassed, and like a bull, he chased after Lin Xinyi and others, playing hide and seek with them.

"Oops, there's a dead end ahead!"

Not long after running, Mao Lilan led Lin Xinyi and Conan into a dead end.

The footsteps of the vicious attacker behind him were getting closer and closer.

"no solution anymore"

Mao Lilan's heart sank, and then she put Lin Xinyi and Conan down without hesitation.

Then, she turned her head and faced the dealer who had chased her here.

The situation has reached the most critical moment, and Mao Lilan has to take the initiative to go to the front line and face the gangster's gun.

She was betting that she could use the "bullet dodging" skill that had not been tested yet.

It was a dangerous gamble, but she had no choice.

Because she has been forced into a desperate situation, and behind her is the person she needs to protect.

Mao Lilan pursed her lips tightly, forcing herself to forget the fear of death and concentrate on facing the enemy.

And just then she discovered

The fierce enemy who was chasing us here unexpectedly

His face was pale, his limbs were stiff, his body was shaking, and then he fell to the ground.

"Huh?" Mao Lilan, who was ready to die just now, couldn't help but be confused: "Why did he fall?"

"It seems to have taken effect." Lin Xinyi sighed with relief.

"Mr. Lin, is that you?"

Mao Lilan was surprised at first, then happy, and then her eyes showed admiration:

"You, you just used that injection to paralyze the enemy's entire body?"

"That's amazing! Is this the legendary 'flying needle pricking' point in the Chinese martial arts practiced by Mr. Lin?"

Seeing this precise, elegant and unpredictable kung fu, Mao Lilan was truly impressed.

"Well" Lin Xinyi's expression was extremely subtle:

What flying acupuncture points?

This little girl hasn't noticed yet, he just threw it

In fact, was it the poisonous needle containing tetrodotoxin that was seized from Yuda last time?

Because the court only needs the poisonous needle with Mrs. Yuda's blood as physical evidence, and Mrs. Yuda herself is still alive and can identify Yuda as the murderer.

The case was firmly established, and the few remaining useless poison needles were thrown into the forensics department's evidence storage room to gather dust.

But Lin Xinyi simply used his power for personal gain and put these poisonous needles in his pocket.

Of course he didn't take these poisonous needles to harm others, but for self-defense.

As an undercover agent who may be in danger at any time, he is a little afraid that he will encounter powerful enemies like Kyogoku Makoto and Mao Lilan - when the time comes that he cannot compete with martial arts and is not proficient in marksmanship, he will have to fight with Qi Men's hidden weapons.

The deadly blowfish poisonous needle is an excellent weapon that can help him defeat the strong with the weak.

Of course, in order to be more flexible and convenient to use

Lin Xinyi had actually lowered the dose of pufferfish venom in the poison needle in advance to make it less deadly.

What he really used as a fatal weapon was APTX4869.

He now carries several APTX4869 capsules with him at all times. If the situation is really bad enough that he must kill someone, he will add some APTX4869 powder to the venom of the poisonous needle.

There is still a chance of rescue if someone is pricked by a pufferfish poison needle, and there are many cases of successful rescue. But if he is pricked by a poisonous needle with the appropriate dose of APTX4869, judging from Miyano Shiho's experimental records, even gods may not be able to save him.

With these two poisons at his side, Lin Xinyi would dare to go up and wrestle with a "superhuman" opponent.

However, he did not expect

The hidden weapon that he specially prepared for the strong, appeared for the first time, and was actually used on such a low-ranking prostitute.

Tetrodotoxin is a typical sodium ion channel blocker that can quickly bind to sodium ion channel receptors on the cell membrane surfaces of muscles and nerve cells, eventually causing muscle and nerve paralysis -

After he returned to the company with Miyano Shiho last time, he specially asked her to learn biology.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi now also understands the toxicology and mechanism of action of tetrodotoxin:

This time the poison needle pierced the guy's wrist, which was equivalent to an intramuscular injection.

The toxin enters the muscle tissue fluid and immediately causes muscle paralysis near the wrist.

Then it enters the capillary network and merges into the wrist vein, and then flows to the whole body along with the blood circulation.

And Na Aihui was just in a state of excitement and intense exercise, which greatly accelerated the blood circulation and promoted the circulation and effect of toxins.

By now, it didn't take long for this kid's muscles to become paralyzed and he couldn't even stand up.

"How was it? How did it feel?"

Lin Xinyi did not explain this knowledge, but crossed Mao Lilan and stood in front of the enemy who had fallen to the ground with an expression of indifference:

"Do you feel that your muscles are paralyzed, you have difficulty breathing, and your body is gradually losing consciousness?"

"you you"

The guy's expression was extremely frightened.

Because the cerebral cortex has a protective wall called the blood-brain barrier, it prevents many chemicals from entering the brain, including tetrodotoxin.

Therefore, the brain of a person poisoned by tetrodotoxin will always remain awake during the poisoning.

They could only watch as their bodies lost consciousness, their breathing gradually stopped, and they clearly felt that their lives were coming to an end step by step.

This feeling is absolutely terrifying, extremely shocking, and can bring huge psychological pressure to people.

At this moment, the dealer completely collapsed:

"What the hell did you do to me?!"

"Is this Chinese martial arts?"

Because Lin Xinyi had no popular knowledge, and Mao Lilan brought the topic to martial arts, this guy actually believed it.

Immediately afterwards, he tried hard to mobilize his gradually paralyzed respiratory muscles, struggling to breathe more air.

On the other hand, he turned pale again and begged in a horrified tone:

"Save me, save me"

"Since it's Chinese martial arts, there should be an antidote, right?!"

I don’t know if it’s because he’s watched too many foreign martial arts movies, but this guy even thought of antidotes.

"Hmph!" Lin Xinyi snorted coldly.

Seeing the other party's appearance of collapse and fear, he simply tried his best to imitate the protagonist in the advertisement.

He opened the corners of his mouth, smiled, and put on the posture of a worldly expert and the most powerful son-in-law:

"That's right, what you hit is the secret Taiyi needle of my Lin family!"

“If you don’t get the antidote in ten minutes, Jesus can’t save you, I said so!”

"So, if you want to survive"

"It depends on whether you have something exciting to say!"

There was almost no waiting. Under the terrifying psychological pressure caused by tetrodotoxin, Lin Xinyi immediately heard the answer he wanted:

"I have great news! I have great news!!"

It’s another sleepless night. The last update is up today. From now on, I can just worry about doing the second update. I’m trying to adjust my schedule back (╯▽╰)

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