Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 296 Become a disciple with Ye

Director Tsunoda could only surrender.

The half-ton brown bear had already given up resistance and was sitting on the COS pet hamster. It would not make any sense if he continued to resist.

The officers swarmed up and grabbed the gun from his waist and handcuffed him.

Feeling the cold touch on his wrist, Director Tsunoda came to his senses from his confusion and despair.

He glared at Lin Xinyi viciously and roared in a hysterical voice:

"I'm not convinced"

"My technique is obviously flawless."

"You, you actually defeated me with this cheating method!"

Director Tsunoda is very proud of his wisdom.

And the way he shows his wisdom and turns his wisdom into "pleasure" is to kill people.

His killing techniques were so perfect that his incompetent colleagues and superiors could not even see that the victim did not die accidentally.

And even if a smart person like Lin Xinyi could figure out something was wrong, they couldn't find any evidence to prove that he committed murder.

He remains invincible.

No one can surpass his wisdom.

"You think you're smart?!"

"You think you are superior to others, so you should be superior to others?"

Lin Xinyi looked at Director Tsunoda coldly:

It's not like he hasn't seen this kind of thinking before.

Many pleasure criminals who commit unreasonable murders have similar abnormal psychology.

For example, there have been cases in reality where murderers took advantage of their profession as medical staff to secretly kill patients admitted to hospitals.

His idea is that he is smarter and superior to others, so he should have the power to decide to kill others.

Director Tsunoda is almost the same.

"But you're just a stupid lunatic."

"What is the perfect way to kill someone?"

"You can kill those victims not because they are inferior to you, but because you have a gun in your hand."

"The reason why they can continue to commit crimes without being discovered is simply because the scenic area lacks security monitoring facilities, and the police have not paid enough attention to 'accidental' incidents all year round."

"And you yourself are still among the ranks of law enforcement officers, using your position to cover up your crimes."

"Can these be proof of your wisdom?"

"You are just a rat who took advantage of this imperfect system, a coward who bullies the weak and is complacent at the same time!"

Lin Xinyi was already furious:

"You can't prove anything by doing these things. It can only prove how ugly and evil a law enforcer can do after he has fallen!"

"Stop immersing yourself in fantasy—"

"You have always been a blaming loser."

“Even if it’s ‘rotting and moldy in this ravine’ like you said, it’s polluting the natural environment!”

"You, you" Director Tsunoda's sensitive heart was deeply hurt.

He was so angry that his face turned red and veins popped out on his forehead, but in the end he still couldn't hold back a word.

The expressions of the Osaka policemen on the side were also solemn:

The "imperfect system" that Lin Xin criticized in his words was taken advantage of by the murderer, and he was referring to the Osaka Prefectural Police.

The local police have been trying to save trouble from top to bottom all year round. They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the word "accident" and hastily closed the case without any investigation - not to mention the autopsy, and even the photos of the scene were not carefully taken and preserved.

It is precisely because of such a big loophole that serial killers who use "accidents" to make a fuss appear, leading to such tragedies today.

"You don't deserve to be a police officer."

Lin Xinyi said this to Director Kakuda.

But it seemed like all the Osaka police officers present said it.

Unknowingly, under that inexplicable sense of shame, they all more or less recalled their responsibilities as police officers.

"Take him away!"

"I hope this kind of case won't happen again in the future."

Lin Xinyi sighed lightly and brought the case to an end.

Director Tsunoda was handcuffed down the mountain.

After Mr. Brown Bear honestly accepted Lin Xinyi's minimally invasive surgery to remove the warhead, he was released back into the forest on the spot.

Originally, according to the rules, this kind of wild animal with a history of attacking humans should be "harmlessly disposed of".

But since today's scene, that big brown bear weighing several hundred kilograms has started to tremble whenever it sees humans.

Judging from the way it behaves in front of humans, sitting down and letting it masturbate, it really doesn't seem like it is likely to attack humans again.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi arranged to release the brown bear back into the forest.

Mr. Xiong burst into tears when we parted.

Especially, seeing Miss Ye and Miss Maori waving goodbye, it even subconsciously shrank its head and ran into the mountains as if running for its life.

After completing this work of releasing animals, the sun gradually sets in the west.

The large police force had already escorted the prisoners away, while Lin Xinyi and others went down the mountain alone, preparing to drive the Hattori family's car back to the city just like when they came.

"Mr. Lin, thanks to you this time."

"If it weren't for the knowledge you taught me, I'm afraid we wouldn't have discovered that it was not an accident."

On the way down the mountain, Hattori Heiji sighed repeatedly.

After experiencing today's case, he became more aware of the importance of criminal science and technology.

If he hadn't mastered that scientific knowledge, even an extremely intelligent detective would not have been able to reconstruct the circumstances of the crime from the footprints and corpses.

"I still have a lot to learn."

Hattori Heiji realized his shortcomings.

Unknowingly, he also had more respect and enthusiasm for Lin Xinyi, a teacher who was only a few years older than him.

On the way down the mountain, he stayed close to Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan, reviewing today's investigation process with his teacher and senior sister, and asking for more knowledge about criminal science and technology.

As for the lost, depressed, complicated and tangled eyes behind him, Hattori Heiji never even paid attention to them.

Until about to go down the mountain

"Mr. Lin!"

Toyama and Ye, who had followed the crowd silently before, finally stood up uncontrollably.

She forcefully interrupted the discussion between Lin Xinyi and his disciples.

Under the doubtful gazes of everyone, Miss He and Ye walked up to Lin Xinyi hesitantly, clenching her fists and pursed her lips, as if she had made some difficult decision:

"Mr. Lin, Lin"

"Please accept me as your disciple!"

"Huh?!" Hattori Heiji was the first to react.

He almost subconsciously looked up at his childhood sweetheart and blurted out:

"You want to be a forensic doctor too? Are you kidding me?"

"He Ye, aren't you most afraid of seeing corpses?"

"Also, don't you like criminal investigation reasoning at all?"

"Uncle Yuanshan wanted to train you to be a police officer when you grew up, but you didn't show any interest."

Hattori Heiji's eyes were full of doubts:

"Why are you now."

"Suddenly did you remember becoming your teacher to Mr. Lin?"

"I" Yuan Shan and Ye were struggling to say anything.

She decided to take Lin Xinyi as her disciple, of course it was not because she suddenly fell in love with criminal investigation and reasoning.

She just wanted to take this opportunity to find a common topic with a dull guy, so as to subtly make the relationship further.

But how could she have the nerve to say such words.

"Why are you asking, why are you asking this?"

"Don't worry about my reasons, the reasons are not important."

"Anyway, I just want to learn criminal science technology from Mr. Lin."

Miss Heye replied hesitantly.

She tried to forcefully remove the topic, but before Hattori Heiji could ask the question, Lin Xinyi said seriously:

"No, Miss Ye, the reason is very important."

"If you want to choose forensic medicine or trace inspection as a career, then I must first understand why you want to embark on this path."

"Because this is a life-long decision."

"And it's not an easy road."

Lin Xinyi's attitude was extremely serious.

In order to reduce his future work pressure, he naturally wants to promote criminal science and technology and cultivate more professional talents.

But this major is not easy to work in. If you don’t have firm determination, you may not be able to continue.

He did not hesitate when recruiting Asai Narumi and Hattori Heiji before because one of them is a doctor and the other is a detective. Both of them have sufficient medical foundation and criminal investigation foundation, so they are very suitable for this job.

Although Mao Lilan was a complete rookie at the beginning, at least she had seen many corpses and developed her courage.

But even so, Lin Xinyi carefully tested her several times, and only after making sure that her belief was firm enough that she would not be dissuaded, he safely regarded her as an official disciple.

As for distant mountains and leaves

Just looking at the bodies she saw dozens of meters away at the bottom of the cliff, she was so frightened that she screamed with a harsh soprano voice.

Lin Xinyi knew that this little girl was not suitable to be a forensic doctor or a trace examiner.

She hangs out with famous detectives every day. She must have seen a lot of dead people since she was a child, and she is actually afraid of corpses.

“If you don’t have a strong enough reason, you will definitely back off when you actually embark on this path.”

"So, before I accept you as my disciple."

"I want to hear why you want to be a medical examiner."

Lin Xinyi asked in a serious tone.

Hattori Heiji also cast a curious look.

He and Miss Ye's expression became more tangled.

"I, I" she lowered her head and mumbled, unable to come up with a suitable reason.

But Lin Xinyi roughly understood what he said:

"If you are looking for a man to fall in love with, I advise you to calm down first."

He warned coldly.

"Hey, hey?!" Yuan Shan and Ye's cheeks turned red: "How did you know?"

"Cough cough cough"

She almost lost her excitement and revealed what was in her heart.

Feiyun's cheeks were dyed red. She was usually carefree and lowered her head shyly, looking a little delicate and cute:

"It's not convenient to say these words in front of everyone."

"Mr. Lin, can we go to the woods and have a chat alone."

Miss He Ye said in that voice as thin as a mosquito.

"Okay." Lin Xin nodded and did not refuse.

He naturally followed Yuan Shanheye, preparing to go to the woods next to the mountain road to have a heart-to-heart talk with this young girl in love who came to be his apprentice when her brain was hot.

The two of them quickly disappeared into the woods side by side and disappeared from everyone.

Everyone looked normal.

Only Hattori Heiji had a strange expression and his eyes were shocked.

"Talk about, fall in love?"

"Does He Ye Ta already have someone he likes?"

Hattori Heiji murmured to himself in disbelief:

That expression seemed to reveal some earth-shattering secret:

"No wonder she suddenly wants to study forensic medicine."

"The person she likes must also like criminal investigation and reasoning, so she wants to use this method to get closer to him!"

"Well" everyone's eyes became a little subtle.

Mao Lilan sighed helplessly:

This hopeless guy is finally coming to his senses.

Before, Yuan Shan and Ye almost explicitly invited him on a date but had no response.

Now that the truth has been revealed to this extent by Lin Xin in one sentence, no matter how slow he is, he should understand what Miss Ye is thinking now, right?

That's what Miss Maori was thinking in her heart

Hattori Heiji's pupils shrank, his eyes condensed, and Sherlock Holmes mode instantly turned on:

"I like criminal investigation and reasoning. I have nothing in common with He Ye, but we are very close to him."

"He Ye likes this person."

"Who could it be?!"

The second update was completely torn down and rewritten later_(:з」∠)_

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