Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 391 Cautious Big Brother

"Is that guy trying to exonerate himself?"

After being reminded by Lin Xinyi, Belmod quietly recalled:

During the previous shooting confrontation outside the woods, the only ones who popped up from the woods and let them see their faces were the fat and thin brothers.

And these two younger brothers are all dead now.

As for the big brother who was supposed to lead the charge with his younger brother, he hid behind the tree from beginning to end and was not in a hurry to show his face.

Later, when Belmod fired and the two younger brothers were defeated one after another, he did not dare to show up.

"Has this guy been thinking about leaving a way out for himself from the very beginning?"

Belmode was a little surprised:

"In order to give myself a chance to escape, I killed my two younger brothers without hesitation."

"This kind of ruthless and cruel guy is quite suitable for being in the organization."

"It seems that I have underestimated him."

"Yes." Lin Xinyi's tone became more solemn: "This guy is very cautious."

"During the previous confrontation outside the woods, he did not show up and did not shoot."

"Later, when the fat man with short hair was executed, the so-called 'big brother' didn't seem to do it himself."

Although they did not witness the scene of the fat man with short hair being shot, they could still tell from the conversation that they could vaguely hear at the time:

The eldest brother just gave the order to kill and silence him. The person who actually shot and killed was the thin man with the watermelon head.

The eldest brother never fired a gun from beginning to end, and there was no blood on his hands.

Naturally, there will be no shooting residue on the body, allowing people to detect gun smoke reactions.

The fat man with short hair and the thin man with watermelon head were both dead, and he had never shown his face in front of everyone.

This means that the witnesses who can report this eldest brother are gone.

As for physical evidence

"There's blood on this suit jacket."

"It should be that he got it from the skinny man with the watermelon head when he killed him."

"This bloody suit could have been a strong piece of physical evidence, but it was already set on fire by that 'big brother'."

Lin Xinyi looked at the tattered coat that he rescued from the fire, his eyes became more serious:

"I'm afraid this is just the beginning."

"He used those little tricks to slow us down and buy himself more time."

"During this period, he will definitely continue to act and find ways to destroy other physical evidence that may point to him."

Belmod read the solemnity in his words.

With the intention of sharing Lin Xinyi's worries, she tried to ask:

"Can't this piece of clothing be used as evidence? I think it's not completely burned, and a large part of it is still intact."

"It probably won't work."

Lin Xinyi shook his head helplessly:

This coat was stained with large blood stains. As long as the blood was identified through DNA as belonging to the dead thin man with a watermelon head, it could be proven that it was the clothes the murderer wore when he killed.

If the skin flakes left by the murderer can be extracted from this piece of clothing, then this blood-stained clothing will become irrefutable evidence pointing to the identity of the murderer.

The problem is that this is a coat.

"It is indeed easy to extract skin exfoliated cells that can be used as evidence from the clothes worn by people."

"But this is only limited to shirts, T-shirts, underwear and underwear, which are close-fitting clothing that comes in direct contact with the skin."

"And the murderer was wearing this suit jacket, and he would definitely be wearing a shirt underneath."

"The area of ​​direct contact between the coat and the skin is very limited."

"If you want to extract exfoliated skin cells for identification, you have to find them from the cuffs and collar, the two places that can directly contact and rub with the skin."

"As for other parts of this coat, the probability of collecting dander is very low."

As he said that, Lin Xinyi glanced at the coat helplessly:

Although most of the fabric did survive the fire, the most critical cuffs and collar had been burned to the point where not even ashes were left.

The appraisal value of this blood coat is obviously not great anymore.

It is almost impossible to use it as conclusive evidence.

"It's really troublesome."

Belmode frowned slightly, complained and muttered:

"If we really can't find any evidence, we might as well shoot him to death."

"He is not the only one who can use this trick."

Lin Xinyi: "."

A trace of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I'm just kidding."

Belmode smiled helplessly:

Ever since Lin Xinyi lost his memory, it was as if he had gained a new life and unknowingly turned into a good person.

Being a good person is hard enough.

But it was precisely because Lin Xinyi had changed that she felt the same warmth from him as "Miss Angel".

"I'll help you, your way."

Belmode sighed softly, then took Caesar's dog leash and took him to look for the footprints left by the big brother when he escaped.

She took on the task of finding a traceable source of the smell.

As long as they find the guy's footprints and let Caesar smell his residual scent, they can quickly continue tracking.

And Lin Xinyi was not idle either.

He seized the time and began to carefully observe the shape of the blood stains on the broken bloody clothes, as well as the various traces on the ground at the scene.

"This piece of vegetation has extensive lodging."

"This is the first scene of the crime."

"After the thin man was killed, the murderer deliberately moved the body to the nearby tree and leaned against it to deceive our eyes."

Lin Xinyi tried to initially restore the scene at the time of the crime:

"There was a lot of blood on the arm of the corpse, but that was a gunshot wound caused by Belmode and had nothing to do with the murderer."

"However, the blood was stained on the murderer's suit jacket during the struggle, leaving a special blood stain of great investigative value."

"As for the real cause of death of this thin man"

He quietly approached the body again.

The corpse's face was bruised and swollen, and the fingernail beds were cyanotic. These are typical symptoms of suffocation.

There were visible strangulation marks on the neck of the corpse, and there were obvious signs of bleeding on the muscles on both sides of the neck.

This shows that he was strangled to death by the murderer, and the murderer was very strong and his movements were extremely rough, so he left such obvious strangulation marks.

"Strangle the neck with both hands, so there will be no third hand to restrain the deceased's hands."

"So there were no restraint wounds on the deceased's hands, and during the struggle, he could touch the murderer's coat with his hands, leaving large wipe-like blood stains on it."


Lin Xinyi put on the gloves he carried with him, raised the palm of the deceased, and examined the nails of the corpse:

"There's no murderer's dander in your fingernails."

Generally, when the deceased's hands are unrestrained, during the period of struggle of the deceased, it is very possible to scratch the murderer and leave skin flakes in the fingernails.

If so, the case would be easier to handle.

But in this case, the murderer wore a thick suit jacket and had less exposed skin, making it difficult to be caught.

Before he was killed, the deceased had lost a lot of blood due to a gunshot wound. His body was a little weak and he did not resist fiercely enough to cause any damage to the murderer.

Therefore, this avenue of investigation was also blocked.

"The corpse smells foul"

"Did you become incontinent when you were about to suffocate?"

When a person suffocates, the body is extremely hypoxic, the function of the nervous system decreases, the function of the rectal and bladder sphincter decreases, and the proper closing function is lost.

When there is a lot of accumulation and pressure in the rectum or bladder, incontinence is more likely to occur.

Therefore, people who die of suffocation often don't look good when they die.

Not only are the faces bruised and the eyes protruding, but they may also die in their own excrement.

The smell is repulsive, but for forensic scientists, the deceased's excrement can also be valuable evidence that can provide clues.

Lin Xinyi turned the body over without disdain, took off his pants, and observed the specific location of the distribution of excrement.

This can help him restore the body position of the deceased at the time of the murder in his mind, thereby more clearly restoring the entire crime scene.

"Well it's really disgusting."

Belmode didn't know when, but he had brought Caesar back here:

"Thank you for being able to endure it."

She covered her nose in disgust and moved her eyes away.

Caesar, who was wagging his tail next to him, this big dog with a sense of smell many times more sensitive than humans, almost lost his appetite.

"This is my job, I can't bear it."

Lin Xinyi answered Belmode's emotion calmly.

A pair of eyes were still firmly fixed on the disgusting corpse.

"You" Belmod sighed with a complicated expression: "You are really becoming more and more like a policeman."

Even though he had been with Lin Xinyi for a while, Belmod was still a little uncomfortable hearing such police-like positive words coming from his mouth.

She knew this man had changed.

And she quite likes this change.

There was no other way, so Belmod could only shrug helplessly and whispered:

"Come on, boy, Caesar has tracked that guy's scent."

"If we want to catch this criminal, we have to set out as soon as possible."

Belmod unknowingly began to speak like a policeman.

She had to admit that she was gradually led astray by Lin Xinyi:

"If you're lucky, you might find some evidence that he didn't have time to destroy."

"Okay." Lin Xin nodded.

He tidied up the body a little and made it lie flat on the ground. Then he stood up, took off his gloves, turned to Belmode and said:

"Come on, let's find that bastard."

"Huh?" Belmod raised his eyebrows slightly.

She is very good at catching emotions and reading other people's minds.

So she could naturally see that Lin Xinyi's mood at this moment had become lighter than before.

"Did you find a clue?" Belmode asked curiously.

“So be it”

Lin Xinyi's answer was ambiguous, but his tone was still firm:

"A wise man will make mistakes every time he thinks."

"No matter how cautious a person is, he will always leave traces inadvertently."

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