Corrupted Nation

Chapter 221: Banquet

This six-star siege is a merchant. The merchant from the storehouse came again, and she not only brought goods, but also zombies. Chef Ma Hun threw down the spatula, hunter Lin Wu threw down Xiaowai, and the two shot and killed.

According to the spirit of the meeting, the choice of goods for merchants has not been finalized yet, because they all went to play mahjong. Originally, everyone tended to wash away the clothes, but as soon as today's update came out, Shanna's status was immediately sublimated. She is the shield that protects people from stepping on the sewing machine. In addition, as a tailor, she can mend clothes.

Maya thought about this during the battle, and she found that as the game was updated step by step in a realistic direction, the importance of logistics personnel was increasing day by day. Inventory shadow personnel, doctors, farmers, tailors, chefs, engineers. Half-baked hunters, noise-reducing sound-proofing technology, and unindustrious lichen herbalists.

It's not that fighters are not important, Suguang requires every player not only to be a professional survivor, but also a qualified fighter.

Is the earth's super city unfinished? Think about it is not impossible. After the immigrant spaceship set off, Shuguang discovered that the siege was unfinished, so he began to develop into a realistic game to cultivate people's ability to survive. No, no, if this is the case, Suguang will not launch a training room to impart various professional knowledge.

Maya has made a decision, she has decided to wash away her command. Saying this in the headset, everyone remained silent and concentrated on killing zombies, which meant that everyone agreed with Maya's decision.

However, if you want to sacrifice, others may not be willing to ask for it.

Today is a female merchant who sells combat medicine, but she does not sell trade skill books and reset skill books. The main weapons are pistols, including the powerful Sand Eagle and the silent small pistol. The plug-in is mainly a campfire, which can be used for cooking, boiling water, etc.

At the same time, the merchant also sold an item that made everyone in the shadows excited: the outpost card. 20 units of outpost cards.

Lin Wu's first thought: "Is Shuguang spying on us?" Shadow members discussed buying trade books, but the trade books were gone. It was discussed that the outpost card was needed, and the outpost card came, but it was very expensive. This is not aimless. Similar things have happened to Bluestar before. As long as you carry a virtual personal computer and download an app, the app can monitor your conversations and recommend similar products or videos to you.

Until a few hundred years ago, a prosecutor named Meixia joined forces with prosecutors from various regions to arrest all major shareholders and executives of APP who did such things on Blue Star. The charge was gang theft. The Internet is not a place outside the law, and eavesdropping on other people's information is theft for profit.

"This is common sense." Stone replied. However, Suguang only monitors and collects information, and does not interfere with human life. When there are anti-human incidents, human beings can seek help from the dawn. If the requirements are met, relevant information can be extracted after Sugon Appraisal agrees. Otherwise, human beings will not be able to find any information collected by Suguang.

You can't buy 20 units of outpost cards even if you sell everything. After Maya decided to wash away the command science and did not see the trade and reset books, everyone fell into a tangle again, should they just buy combat medicine? What if the combat medicine is bought today, and the merchant sells trade and reset skill books tomorrow? What if you don't buy combat medicine today, and don't sell combat medicine in the future?

The hateful randomness made everyone scratch their heads, so everyone looked at Lin Wu, who was full of determination. Lin Wu simply replied: "Don't you want combat medicine? Buy it." If you want a toothbrush, just buy it. Don't think about buying toothpaste to send a toothbrush, and don't think about tomorrow's discount at the mall. It's me who wants to buy a toothbrush today, not tomorrow, and I don't want to buy toothpaste. Although I can live until tomorrow, although I will buy toothpaste sooner or later, these are not the scope of my thinking. My thinking is to want a toothbrush.

Is it right? Of course, there is nothing wrong with small things, but what if it is a car worth 100,000 yuan? If you buy it tomorrow, you may get a 20% discount. Would you still buy it today? For Shadow, the trade decision was not to buy a toothbrush, but to buy a car.

Stone makes a decision as a leader: "Buy." He is a businessman, and a bird in the hand is better than many in the forest. Instead of betting on the uncertainty of the future, it is better to spend more money to reduce risks, and it is safe to pocket. Only in the future will there be combat medicine, recharge books, and trade books, and today's decision is wrong. In addition, buying one day earlier and enjoying it one day earlier is also a reflection of the value of the product.

So 40 serum needles were exchanged for combat medicine. In view of Cui Yu's importance, she will be completely transferred to the internal staff, and the price of her death is too great.

After the system update, does Combat Medicine still have such a high value? The Shadow wasn't even discussed. Medicine is a life-saving skill, and strengthening medicine means increasing living space. After the update, the only visually visible adjustment is the removal of the Fracture Bandage and the replacement of the Splint Pack. Very simple two boards and a circle of gauze.

The merchant woman also sells a skill book that requires 4 units of sewing. It is speculated that sewing is a rare professional skill. Ordinary players can only step on the sewing machine without sewing? No, just like cooking, players can make their own clothes. Make cloth from rags, make tools such as needles and scissors, and process the cloth to make a piece of clothing. Similar to the chef profession, the clothes made by a good tailor are more beautiful than the system clothes, but they are also time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Sending off the businesswoman, the sun is setting, too many things happened today. Even though he had dug a lot of oysters, Lin Wu still drove a group of people to dig oysters. Lin Wu's method of driving people away is: "Maya, if you really can't complete the bet, forget it."

Maya tasted the meaning of Lin Wu's words: "Next time you lose the bet, you can fish for fish, right?"

"Haha, how can you think so?" Seeing that he was exposed, Lin Wu could only laugh dryly.

Maya greeted everyone: "We are only one hour away. Everyone works hard and helps each other. Certain people must not fall into the truth."

Everyone agreed together, but Shitou said weakly: "It's not a bet against Lin Wu." If they bet against Lin Wu, their momentum is right. In fact, they are also rivals in the future Mahjong night. The result of the 8 people strictly keeping the bet can only be that everyone will be injured in the future. For example, why do I have to increase the number of oysters to 150 kg? Of course, I wanted to use the special relationship between Xiaodao and Xuedan to harm everyone. Unexpectedly, Lin Wu, who was as smart as a thief, immediately saw the problem.

Because of Shitou's association, Shitou asked a question at the oyster dinner tonight: "Lin Wu, is he smart or not?"

Lin Wu objected: "I'm still here."

Shitou said, "One topic every day, are there more than two people who oppose tonight's topic?"

Everyone replied: "No." Everyone was very interested in the discussion, had a meeting to eat, and by the way teased Lin Wu for revenge.

Peanut first throws a brick to attract jade: "Childhood has no direct relationship with IQ. Personally, Lin Wu is pure shameless. Because his shamelessness can break through our imagination, so he appears smart."

Lin Wu: "No."

Peanut said: "Let me ask a question. You are living alone in the wild. You are very hungry. You have a fish cage to catch fish, but there is no bait. At this time, you have three options. 1: Use branches to dig the ground, and dig worms as bait. But The land is dry, so you may not be able to dig the worms. 2: Put the empty fish cage directly into the river. 3: Cut your own flesh to make bait. 4: Other ways.”

Lin Wu said: "Use poop as bait."

Everyone spit! Peanut turned to ask everyone: "Do you know that poop can be used as bait?"

Half of them nodded, and half were unsure. Peanut asked Lin Wu: "Are you sure poop can be used as bait?"

Lin Wu: "Not sure, but it is the least needed thing I can provide, and it has a lot of weight. I think I can try it."

"You're disgusting." Hearing the heavy weight, everyone booed, Shana couldn't hold back, took the oyster in one hand, and knocked Lin Wu on the back with the other.

Peanut said: "As a wild survival enthusiast, I can definitely say that Lin Wu's operation is correct. But Lin Wu himself is not sure, or even knows that this is the right choice, but he can think of it. If this is smart , that's smart."

Xiaodao: "I disagree, I think Lin Wu is not smart, but adaptable."

Lin Wu: "Why am I not happy at all?"

Xiaodao smiled and said: "Ask a question and answer within 5 seconds. It must be the correct answer. What is 17 multiplied by 17. 5..."

Lin Wu: "Shana."

Shanna: "289."

Lin Wu: "289."

There are three ways to eat instant noodles, the first is to soak in boiling water, the second is to dry noodles, and the third is to call mother.

Xiaodao proved his idea with facts.

Shi Shi said, "I don't agree."

Lin Wu raised his thumb: "As expected of the leader."

Shitou said: "I think Lin Wu is just stupid, it's just luck."

Lin Wu: "Old man, do you want to try eating oysters with your nostrils?"

Shitou didn't quarrel with Lin Wu, and asked, "What's your idea of ​​entering the main body of the game?"

Lin Wu: "Run fast."

Stone asked, "What is the truth?"


Maya said at the same time: "The fact is that you basically don't run much, and you use your agility to carry out assassinations. You use your sensitive body more as an offensive weapon than to escape. Your choice violates your nature. Your nature is confrontation. Rather than running away. So your skills are mostly fighting, not running for your life."

Lin Wu nodded: "It's better for Maya to speak." At least it shows that he has the spirit of resistance.

Xue Dan said: "I think Lin Wu is bold and careful."

There was booing.

Xue Dan said: "I'm serious, he dares to go to any dangerous place, and he has won so many first kills. Boldness is the basic condition."

"Are you careful?" Xiaodao asked.

Xue Dan thought for a while: "I added it temporarily, the idiom is better."

Xiaodao: "It translates to recklessness and luck."

Xuedan smiled sweetly: "Your ability to express is better."

"Hey!" Lin Wu stopped the romantic atmosphere.

Shana: "I think everyone agrees with luck, and Lin Wu doesn't agree, either?"

Lin Wu said: "The main reason is that I worked hard enough. Of course, I don't deny that there is a little bit of luck."

Shana said: "I think what Xuedan said is right. Lin Wu is very careful and sensitive, and can easily feel the emotional changes of people around him. He can be regarded as a person who thinks with emotion."

Lin Wu thought for a while and asked, "Didn't you praise me?"

Shanna nodded: "No."

On the same front as Lin Wu, there is only Su Shi who also did not dig oysters. Su Shi came to the rescue and said: "Lin Wu has the ability to affect the atmosphere of the team, and also has the ability to influence the direction of the team's development."

"Oh?" Everyone asked, including Lin Wu.

Su Shidao: "For example, today, he forced everyone to fulfill the bet. Others couldn't do it, and they were too embarrassed to do it. Another example is today, he made a series of tasks, and everyone was forced to follow along. Up and down."

Lin Wu: "Old Su, you have betrayed."

Su Shi smiled and said, "It feels so good to stand with the people. I can eat raw oysters, and I won't be criticized."

The atmosphere is good so far, everyone is most worried about Maya. Maya spoke very seriously, and she might ruin the atmosphere once she opened her mouth.

After Cuiyu and others downplayed it, Maya finally expressed her opinion: "Lin Wu has imagination, but he can't be said to be very smart. He has his own views on things, even death, so he keeps taking risks. Poor self-discipline. He has the spirit to study the things he is interested in, and he doesn't care about the things he is not interested in at all. It is an uncontrollable unstable factor in the team, which is easy to surprise everyone, and can also scare everyone at any time."

As everyone thought, there was a second of silence after Maya finished speaking, and Lin Wu applauded: "Okay, well said."

Maya was taken aback: "It's not all about complimenting you."

Lin Wu said: "You can praise me in person, which means that I am so good that you can't help but want to praise me in person."

Maya got goosebumps all over her body and asked, "What about the criticism part?"

Lin Wu said: "You want to attract my attention. Because when everyone praises me in unison, I only pay attention to those who criticize me." A pile of oyster shells flew from all directions.

Lin Wu held his head to resist: "Don't throw your face, don't throw it, don't, don't...I'll tell you a big secret."

Everyone stopped waiting, Lin Wu was brewing, Shana saw through it at a glance: "He is making up."

"No, it's not." Lin Wu said, "Small knife..."

Everyone is serious, Lin Wu: "The knife is super cute." As an upright person, I really can't make any news for a while.

Seeing that everyone was dissatisfied, Lin Wu stood up and asked, "Whoever disagrees, raise your hand."

Xiaodao also stood up and nodded again and again, Shitou sighed: "This is what Xiaodao said about adaptability."

The oyster banquet came to an end amidst laughter and laughter. In the oyster banquet, Lin Wu was not the main character of the audience. Horse Soul and Cui Yu all became the focus for a time. With Lin Wu controlling the atmosphere and Shi Shi controlling the rhythm, everyone is satisfied with tonight's party. So I decided to come to mahjong night once a week, which means I have one day off every week.

It is not very difficult to make life rich in the environment of the end of the world, but the most rare thing is to be able to maintain an optimistic atmosphere in the environment of the end of the world. All of this cannot be done by Lin Wu alone. Stone made a life-oriented decision, and Maya led the team to be more efficient and complete the work more safely. Everyone is conscientious and does their own thing well. This made the shadow glow with an overall upward momentum.

Until today, Shadow has withstood updates and tests time after time. In order to carry out the spirit of Shadow, before disbanding, Stone made a request: "For Shadow, the most important thing is people, not people's skills. No matter how powerful people gather together, if they lack cohesion, they will have nothing to do. Kill each other. No matter how weak people gather together, as long as there is cohesion, they can see the future."

Lin Wu was about to leave, but saw Shitou nagging: "If you fart, let it go, I'm in a hurry to go home and sleep."

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