Corrupted Nation

Chapter 326 Defense 2

While eating instant noodles, Maya asked about the agent's transportation situation.

Lin Meng explained: "Every city, whether it is a county or a big city, has a fortress airport. We use points to buy air tickets, and we can go to the airport and take a plane to any city. But the air tickets are only for agents, you can't use them, otherwise I can buy two for you, it doesn’t require many points.”

The agents gained most of their points from ammunition, mainly because they consumed too much. In addition to food, they can purchase fine delicacies. Gasoline is also considered a relatively luxury commodity for them.

Lin Wu: "Will you give us a ride tomorrow?"

Lin Meng: "I can send you off, but which way do you want to go? There is a landslide in front of Highway 88, and cars can't pass. If you take the county road, I can't guarantee that you will reach Fantasy City safely, and I have never been to Fantasy City. .Actually, I have never been to Beicheng."

Beicheng is a large area with dense zombies. If you don't take Route 88, you have to go through the city. The Ring Road can be said to be the only option, but there are many scrapped cars on the Ring Road. Many sections of the road are slow and there is a danger of being surrounded at any time. Another way is to take the sewer, but comparing the area of ​​Zuoxian County and Beicheng, even if you don't get lost, you can't get out without walking for several days.

Safety first, Maya said: "Continue to take Highway 88. The road sign shows that it is only 300 kilometers away from Fantasy City." In the past three weeks, Linma has walked half of the distance.

Lin Meng nodded: "I will take you to the landslide tomorrow."

Lin Wu said: "Hey, there's no way you can fool around. It doesn't make any difference whether you want your safe house or not."

Lin Meng disagreed and said: "This is my home, the home of the game, and I will stick to it."

Maya said: "We are not in a hurry, so we can try to help you pass the second level of defense mission."

Lin Wu was startled: "Isn't it possible?" This girl didn't have many points left, so she had to stick the bullets herself to help her with the defense mission.

"Yes." Lin Meng said excitedly: "Ordinary players can help us with the mission."

Maya said: "What is the second defense mission?"

Lin Mengdao: "I don't know. There is only one mission location. Once you arrive at the mission location, you will start the second defense mission. The system will give you a few minutes to prepare."

Maya: "Where?"

Lin Meng looked at the system mission description and said: "The road is a rural road about two kilometers away from us."

"How can we defend this?" There is no geographical advantage at all.

Lin Meng didn't mind: "Let's go and take a look tomorrow. If we can keep it, we will keep it. If we can't, I will die."

After saying that, Lin Meng thought about something, looked at Lin Wu and said, "I have no intention of doubting your moral character, do you understand? If you can, don't steal my things after I die."

Lin Wu said disdainfully: "Little girl, what kind of equipment do you think we have on us that can be compared to yours?"

Lin Meng looked at Lin Wu and muttered: "You want the coat."

Lin Wu took out his coat from his backpack and threw it to Lin Meng: "Give it back to you."

Maya Yuanchang: "After eating, let's take stock of the weapons and equipment, and head to the trail at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon." At two o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Wu's small attack can make up for two rockets.

After dinner, Maya and Lin Meng went to the safe house to inventory bullets. Maya came back half an hour later. Lin Wu was drinking tea, motioned for Maya to sit down, and asked, "Why do you want to help her?"

Maya said: "A person who can work hard in the face of lack of supplies and hope must have a positive attitude towards life. I think not only me, but you are also willing to help her once."

Lin Wu said: "No, no, I will help only if she asks me for help. If she doesn't ask, I won't take the initiative to help."

Maya: "I knew, so I spoke."

"Ha, what a funny joke. Do you have a crush on her?"

Maya did not deny: "I admire her very much. She can maintain herself in an environment where resources are scarce and hope is lacking. If you have read her book, she has never thought about giving up or buying a plane ticket to join other agents. She wants to What she wants is how to survive with limited resources and live better. As an agent, her survival time has nothing to do with points."

Lin Wu: "She is not capable of doing tasks independently."

"Yes, what I admire is her persistence and optimistic attitude towards life." Not her ability.

"alright, you win."

"And you?"

Lin Wu pointed at himself: "Me? I didn't expect to scare her like that. I'll help if I can. Helping her clear away some of the shadows in her childhood can be considered a meritorious deed."

Maya stood up: "While night falls, I will go around the defensive position. I don't believe that the dawn will let Lin Meng guard the entire road."

Lin Wu asked, "Should I go too?"

Maya said: "If you wanted to go, you would stand up and ask this question."

Since everyone said that, Lin Wu said cheerfully: "Be careful on the road. Goodbye."

The total area of ​​the tent dormitory is about sixteen square meters, and the area for two people is eight square meters each. There were no beds in the dormitory, just layers of stuff on the floor. First of all, there is the entire red carpet in the dormitory, which is so soft that you can lie on it directly. On the carpet was laid a light green blanket that was two meters long and one and a half meters wide, then a quilt of the same size, and finally a quilt. There is no specific cold resistance value after entering hardcore mode, but Lin Wu is convinced that as long as he does not leave the bed, no matter how cold it is outside, he will not freeze to death.

The exterior walls of the dormitory are made of very light board materials, and the sound insulation effect after the system is added is super strong. There was also a partition between the beds. Lin Wu didn't like the doorless design of the dormitory. Instead, there was a thick curtain that couldn't be locked. Daredevils can break into the dormitory directly.

The dormitory is pretty good. The kitchen and production room don't even have external walls. They are completely open facilities, lacking privacy, and every move can be seen by others.

There are many products worth 20,000 points in the train event. After using it so far, Lin Wu still feels that the tent is the most valuable. At least in the dark night, it can provide myself with a warm shelter in the wilderness.

When Lin Wu was rolling around on the ground holding Xiaowai, Maya's voice came from the headset: "Call Lin Wu."

"I am here!"

Maya said: "I have arrived at the defense point. There are no buildings, hills or lakes nearby, just a three-meter-wide sandy road. The road is covered with reeds and shrubs on both sides. It is three meters away from the road and every 15 meters. There's a tree. It seems like the attack came from these hidden places."

Lin Wu said: "You walk forward again."

After a while, Maya said: "On the left is a wetland, covered with water plants. The average height of the water plants is nearly two meters. On the right is a sparse forest. It seems right, it should be an escort mission." Escorting something or someone through a dangerous zone .

Lin Wu asked: "Is the attacker a zombie or an NPC?"

Maya replied: "If it is an NPC, you can only surrender. The estimated escort distance is about 5 kilometers. I will come back first."

As he spoke, the alarm sounded, and the countdown to the 3-star siege began. The threat level before three stars rose very quickly. Three or four people in an ordinary base could reach two stars in one or two days without firing, and three stars in more than a week. The tent camp obviously did not calculate the threat value when it was folded, and it took half a month to reach three stars.

Defending the city with 3 stars shouldn't be too easy for Lin Ma. However, Maya still borrowed two metal melee weapons from Lin Meng, using only the bullets she could spare. The siege ended in four minutes, and Lin Wu returned the weapon. Since it was Lin Wu who returned the weapon, Lin Meng did not dare to be polite and put away the weapon immediately, hoping that Lin Wu would leave quickly.

Being alone in a room with Lin Wu, Lin Meng felt seriously insecure. Not to mention Lin Wu's true character, he is a person who can snatch shrimp cookies from girls.

After the interlude, it was a quiet night. The tent base invited breakfast the next morning. Lin Wu made scones without cheese using flour, and put dried meat, tomatoes, etc. on top. The taste was good.

At half past seven, the tent was packed up and Maya went to the river to fish. Lin Wu took Xiaowai out for hunting and harvested some food for lunch.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the three arrived at the defense point.

According to the task prompt, after the three people waited at the defense point for two minutes, a worshiper NPC appeared in front of the three people and took three steps to bow. He was the defense target. The task is to safely deliver worshipers to the leisure farm, a distance of 5 kilometers.

Lin Wu's idea was to knock the worshipers unconscious and transport them away, but the two girls opposed it together. After being beaten by Shuguang, they thought that Shuguang would not just sit idly by. So the trio started the escort mission according to Maya's arrangement.

Maya stepped forward and Lin Meng pulled behind. Lin Wu, as the leading soldier, took Xiao Wai and sneaked through the bushes on the right side.

The worshipers walked very slowly, one by one with five steps, and even Maya became anxious after seeing them. After walking less than a hundred meters, there was a ding-dong sound, and a card fell from the place where the worshipers had thrown their heads. The card was suspended in the air. Lin Meng reached out and touched it and reported: "Oh, I got 50 points."

After saying this, Maya turned to the left, and a zombie rushed out from the water plants. The gun was almost pressed against its head and shot. The zombie was hit by a headshot and rushed towards Maya. Maya stepped aside. In front and behind, zombies emerged from the water plants. Maya and Lin Meng retreated to the right side of the road, giving themselves enough time to react. They kept turning the rifles in their hands, killing zombies one after another.

In comparison, Lin Meng's combat literacy was much lower than Maya's. He emptied a magazine first, took a pistol and shot continuously, barely killing a zombie. After Maya emptied the magazine, she immediately put on the pistol. Holding the pistol with both hands, she advanced instead of retreating, hitting targets at an average distance of less than 3 meters with headshots, and assisted Lin Meng to stabilize the situation.

On the other side, Lin Wu was holding a burst of Silencer and shooting zombies hiding in the woods. These zombies either relied on trees or stood staggering on the spot, waiting for the group of worshipers to make a sound before rushing out of the woods.

At first, the lurking Lin Wu harvested all the way smoothly, but the concealment of this area was too high. The crouching Lin Wu took two steps forward and collided with a zombie in the reeds. Due to the sideways impact, Lin Wu was scratched hard. It wasn't over yet. He was holding a long spear and was unable to fight back effectively for a while. When the brave Xiao Wai saw his beloved master in danger, he immediately jumped up and butted his head. The zombie lost its balance and swayed a few steps to the left. Lin Wu took the opportunity to shoot it in the head.

"If the enemy is not detected, you will be deducted one point." Lin Wu continued to move forward. Of course this is no wonder Xiaowai, the woods are connected to the reeds, and there are zombies hiding everywhere. What's even more abominable is Bursting, who uses bushes to hide his belly and trees to hide his head, and then suddenly runs down from the woods. Lin Wu, who was changing the magazine, turned around, picked up Xiaowai with one hand and ran away.

Lin Wu ran in front, and Bao Sang chased after him. After more than ten meters, Bao Sang ran out of endurance and fell, exploding a poisonous cloud. Lin Wu had already run out of the range of the poison cloud. Lin Wu stood on the road with his hands on his hips and panted, while Xiao Wai stuck out his tongue, as if to express that he was also very tired.

Lin Wu looked back and saw that Lin Meng and the others were still a hundred meters away. Lin Wu said through the headset: "No need to do it, they are all zombies."

Before Maya had time to answer, the zombies in the wetland on the left began a second wave of attacks. After walking 250 meters, Maya used 30 rifle bullets and 15 pistol bullets. Facing intensive waves of attacks, cold weapons simply cannot withstand it. She could only pray that she wouldn't meet Kuang Meng. The zombies just ran out of the grass, and Kuang Meng could pounce and attack directly. On the contrary, Big Mac is not that scary. With its size, it has been discovered long ago.

The defense mission of the fortress agent is indeed abnormal.

But the Mayan dictionary doesn’t have the idiom to give up halfway: “Continue.”

After speaking, Maya added: "Safety first, if injured, withdraw from the mission."

With a snap, a zombie who wanted to attack Lin Wu rushed out of the wetland and stepped on the animal trap. Lin Wu immediately changed to a pistol. Sure enough, what followed was the impact of ten zombies. Seeing this, Maya said: "Lin Meng, go to Lin Wu and help him guard the wetland on the left." As long as the front team kills enough zombies, the pressure on the back team can be greatly reduced.

Lin Meng ran to Lin Wu to cover, and Lin Wu took the opportunity to fly the drone. He could no longer save it.

After the drone took off and scanned, the distribution map of the zombies was displayed intuitively. Lin Wu said: "Maya, ten meters ahead, two on the left."

"Copy that." Maya: "Advance."

Lin Wu stretched out his hand: "Pistol bullets."

Lin Meng hurriedly traded a hundred rounds of pistol bullets, while Lin Wu looked at the distribution map and launched an active attack, killing the zombies hiding in the reeds and woods that were waiting to attack one by one. However, Lin Wu only cleared the right side and did not dare to go to the left side. There was a wetland, a world of mud and water, and he would sink directly to the bottom if he was not careful.

This unfortunate task was naturally left to Lin Meng, and Lin Wu commanded: "Four meters ahead, on the left, there are three zombies."

Lin Meng walked through the reeds and entered the wetland. The view from this position was relatively wide, and he successfully killed three zombies. As she walked forward, the mud beneath her feet sucked in, and Lin Meng's entire body was smacked into the muddy water.

Lin Wu was shocked when he heard the noise: "What's going on? Big Mac?"

Lin Meng hurriedly wiped the mud on his face: "No, no, I fell."

"Oh, this movement is a bit loud." It wasn't that Lin Wu was overdoing it. According to his idea, even if he fell, he could hold it up with his hands. He definitely couldn't make such a loud noise and splash mud and water on the road.

Lin Meng was very confused. Go to the road, the view is affected by reeds. Go to the wetlands, the action is tough. So Lin Meng came up with a compromise idea and shuttled between the wetlands and the reeds on the road. After drilling for dozens of meters and killing five wetland zombies, Lin Meng returned to the road. Dozens of bloody cuts were cut by sharp reeds on the exposed parts of his body. The bleeding wounds were not deep and were all self-healing wounds, but the streaks of blood hung on his face and arms, which looked quite scary.

Lin Wu drilled the reeds from the woods back to the road and changed bullets for the two pistols. He turned around and saw Lin Meng, and couldn't help being shocked: "Who are you? Oh, you, what did you do? Kissed Kuang Meng ?”

This man was so annoying, Lin Mengdang didn't hear him and concentrated on guarding his left side. Lin Wu glanced at Lin Meng suspiciously, then turned around and charged into the woods again with his bullets loaded. As soon as Lin Wu left, Lin Meng continued to dig into the reeds. Although it was bleeding and painful, taking the path of the reeds was the most effective means of attack and defense.

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