Corrupted Nation

Chapter 380 Work

The next job is to move, remove all the wooden furniture, and clear the tables before moving. The Jeep is not a pickup truck, and the table must be removed. Maya and Xiaodao moved the table to the front entrance. As long as the movement outside was not too loud, it would not disturb the zombies inside.

Lin Meng turned to carpentry, using a saw to cut the tables and chairs into sizes. Then he moved the cut tables and chairs into the trunk of the car and transported the stones to the base. Su Shi was waiting in the small square with an ax in his left hand and a crowbar in his right hand. It has been a long time since it opened, and it finally welcomed its first batch of customers.

Maya and the others came back with the car. Now let's start dividing the classes. Shana, Xue Dan and Lin Wu are in a group, and at night, Maya, Lin Meng and Xiao Dao are in a group.

After grouping into groups, Lin Wu and the other three had a small meeting, took a small amount of firewood to the office building by car, and lit a small bonfire in the lobby of the office building.

Lin Wu stood opposite the right passage and flicked the slingshot in his hand. The pebbles hit the ground and bounced into the dark passage. Lin Wu heard some movement inside and flicked another pebble. Finally a zombie walked out of the passage. On the left and right sides of the passage, Shana and Xue Dan each took blunt instruments and knocked the zombies to death.

The second one came out and saw Lin Wu first. It locked onto Lin Wu and was about to run when it was knocked to death by Sha Dan.

Shana listened intently to what was going on inside, and gestured to Lin Wu. Lin Wu coughed, and the two zombies hiding by the passage ran out. One was knocked to death by Sha Dan, and the other was taken down by Lin Wu's non-system wind thorn. .

Shana made a tiger roaring motion, stretched out four fingers, and faced Lin Wu with the back of her hand: fiercely, four meters away. Then Shana made another eye-rolling expression, stretched out three fingers, and faced Lin Wu with the palm of her hand: three zombies.

These are the zombies attracted by the previous movement, but they missed the point and are still in the passage.

This is Shana's strategy for Calabash to save Grandpa. First, prepare an escape route. Once you hear a big noise, immediately get into the car and run away. Then divide them and kill them, attracting the zombies with the sound of killing them. Although the efficiency is not as good as Maya and others, it is better in safety and it is a cost-free business.

After killing another wave, Shana modified her tactics and handed the slingshot to Xue Dan. A zombie came out of the passage. Lin Wu, who was leaning against the wall, executed him with a dagger. Then Shana hit Lin Wu on the back of his hand with a stick.

Lin Wu opened his mouth wide and held the zombie body with one hand, taking painkillers with the other, and then glared at Shana, who was busy making an apologetic expression.

Lin Wu let go of the zombie corpse and handed the dagger to his left hand. The corpse fell to the ground and attracted a new zombie, a ferocious one. In order to prevent it from falling after being stabbed, Lin Wu strangled its neck with his injured right hand and stabbed it twice in the head. The process was easier than killing a chicken. A zombie that came out violently had its head crushed by Shana.

After an hour of assembly line work, Lin Wu's hand injury healed on its own thanks to the help of the entry, and he could no longer seduce zombies. The three of them took flashlights and entered the passage. Unexpectedly, they saw the Night Demon at the end of the passage for the first time. The Night Demon snorted into the bathroom on the left.

There is only one company on the right side of the right aisle, and there is only one restroom on the left side of the right aisle at the end of the aisle. Lin Wu and Shana were leaning against the wall to guard the bathroom door. Xue Dan continued to tease. There were not many zombies left in the bathroom, and they were all killed in a short time. Lin Wu summoned Xiao Wai, who was dazed at the gate, and went into the bathroom alone to chat with Night Demon. After a while, the matter was over, and he also got a weapon design drawing.

Mace, its lethality is close to full value, and the required materials are wooden sticks and nails. Lin Wu originally planned to trade it to Shana, but with a look from Shana, Lin Wu gave the design to Xuedan. Xuedan thanked silently.

The biggest problem for Shadow is the cold resistance value. Although the cold wave has not yet come this month, several people with a cold resistance value of only 50 points are freezing. The main manifestations are cold toes and numb fingers. Because of the assistance of system skills, the monster spawning action has not changed, but the body will inevitably feel uncomfortable.

Hunger and cold are mankind's first enemies. Everyone else was insisting, and no one wanted to explain their situation first. The heartless Lin Wu and the informal Maya did not consider this issue until Shitou couldn't bear the cold and contacted Maya. His suit jacket has a lower cold resistance value.

At this time, the first floor of the office building was basically cleaned up, and both Xuedan and Shana said they would finish their work for a while first. Busy with zombies, cutting and moving, by four o'clock in the afternoon, Shadow completely cleared the first floor of the office building. Everything that can be moved has been moved, including printers, paintings on the walls, curtains, and vases.

The good news is that there's a lot of added fuel. Bad news: These fuels are not nearly as efficient as splitting firewood. Through comprehensive calculations, Shana believes that the firewood obtained by completely cleaning a five-story office building can be burned for 8 days. Based on the comprehensive statistics of the safe house time redeemed by fuel, if there is no cold wave, we should be able to last until the end of the season.

But there is definitely a cold wave, and not only does it exist, it is also an ultra-low temperature of minus 71.2 degrees Celsius. So in addition to the five-story office building, fuel had to be found. Basically, the fuel is indoors, and almost all indoor environments are not much different from office buildings.

Shana suggested: "Go to the park and cut down trees."

Maya objected: "The park is open on all sides, not to mention the cold wind that lowers the body temperature, how can we prevent the Night Stalker?" Indoors, lighting a fire at the intersection or hanging a flashlight can prevent the Night Stalker from passing through the intersection.

"We don't have much time. The cold wave may hit at any time." Maya said: "Lin Meng is responsible for driving. Lin Wu and I are on duty to evacuate the second floor tonight."

Lin Wu said: "The third floor can also be evacuated together."

"Let's go then." Maya put down the dishes.

Lin Meng was busy picking up the food, and Lin Wu said, "Wait a minute, I haven't finished eating yet."

Maya: "I'll wait for you outside."

The second floor of the office building gained more than the first floor. Perhaps it was because the boss on the second floor liked reading. Lin Ma had to move just a few books on the shelves three times. Books are a beacon in the civilized era, but they are chopping wood in the apocalyptic era.

At night, due to the outdoor street lighting, it is easier to establish a safe zone. After all, the only person who can truly threaten Linma's safety is the Night Stalker. Xiao Wai was assigned to Maya to help Maya defend against the night demon. As long as Lin Wu holds the gun in his left hand and is ready to lock his head at any time, Night Demon can't touch him.

After two shifts and two days of hard work, Shadow evacuated the entire office building. During the process, many people were injured, with no life-threatening injuries.

In the early morning of the fourth day of March, the system broadcast: The strongest cold wave in history will arrive at 8 a.m. tomorrow and last for at least half a month. Players are advised to keep warm and beware of colds.

It was breakfast time. After listening to the radio, Maya said: "There is nothing we can do. Lin Wu, Lin Meng, let's go outside the town."

Shitou said: "The three of you stayed up all night last night, why don't you take a rest first?"

"It's okay." Tiangangma said: "Get ready after dinner, bring enough bullets, efficiency first."

Shana nodded: "Let's take advantage of today to stock up on more fish. You guys should be careful."

"Yeah." Maya put the food bowl into the pot and went downstairs to prepare. Lin Wu and Lin Meng took a few bites and went downstairs.

Maya changed the license plate, Lin Wu got out of the car with two horses and asked: "Do you want to close the tent?"

Maya glanced sideways at the tent: "If you don't close it, if we can't come back before the cold wave comes, we won't be able to survive even with a tent." There is a lack of food and there is no way to go out.

Lin Wu said: "Actually, we don't have to cut down trees. We still have things to burn."

"What?" Maya asked, "Are you talking about the wooden boards that seal the door? They are not resistant to burning."

"No, I'm talking about Lin Meng. With her 60 kilograms, she should be able to burn for half a day. After resurrection, she will burn for another half day. After resurrection..."

Lin Meng interrupted angrily: "I don't have 60 kilograms, okay?"

Lin Wuxiao, if you weren't angry, what I said would be meaningless.

Maya stood up: "Get in the car."

Cars flowed smoothly through the town. When they exited the checkpoint and reached the ramp, there was half a meter of snow in front of them.

The three of them got out of the car, and Maya arranged: "Don't go out of the pass. Lin Wu, you are responsible for the north, and I am responsible for the south. Lin Meng, you stay behind."

After making arrangements, we set off and brought the logging tools. The forest fog covered the Phantom. The Phantom walked relatively easily in the snow and had little impact on it. On the other hand, the sand atrocities were more difficult to carry out, but it was rare for it to be put to use after reforming the evil, so it was still very hard to work.

Where is Xiaowai? Lin Wu stopped his horse and turned around. A small crooked head emerged from the snow, and then submerged into the snow. Lin Wu, who was very familiar with it, knew it was playing at a glance and called it to follow. Xiao Wai jumped in and out of the snow, leaving holes one after another.

Lin Wu's target was a tree on the side of the road that a person could barely hold. His tools were an ax and a saw. It wasn't that Lin Wu wanted to choose it, there was really no other smaller tree. Although it was a polar night, the visibility was pretty good because of the moon reflecting on the snow.

Chop, chop, chop, chop... rest, drink water, discuss the snow scene with Xiao Wai, chop, chop, chop, chop... rest, and bully the phantom with Xiao Wai. Chop, chop, chop... The big guy finally fell down and lay on the side of the road. And this is only the first step of the whole work.

The second step is to cut off all the branches, bundle the thin branches and put them on Phantom's back, then lead Phantom and walk two kilometers to the car.

The third step is to split the thick branches, process them slightly, and send them to the car in batches. Phantom is still very kind and can't bear to see his master walking, so he insists on coming to Linwu.

"If you don't agree, just say it. Do you really not object?" So Lin Wu went up, unable to refuse the warm welcome. Xiao Wai was still jumping in the snow.

It was already noon when he came back after three deliveries. Lin Wu sat on the tree and ate a can. Next came the hardest work. He had to saw the big tree into several sections, then split it all into four large pieces, and transport it through the phantom N times. It is estimated that this tree is enough to keep the shadow burning for three or four days.

Shi Shi sent a condolence message: "How is it?" He chatted privately with Lin Wu.

Lin Wu smiled bitterly: "I'm a little unsure, my body is strong but my mind is weak."

Shitou: "If it doesn't work, forget it." He knows the workload of processing the main body. On the first day of winter, the wood is usually cut into two or three pieces and put on a pickup truck to be transported back. The processing difficulty is very low. Although Lin Wu is a sales champion, he rarely participates in this kind of work and his proficiency is almost zero.

"We have to fix this tree no matter what."

Lin Wu started sawing the wood, cutting the ten-meter-long tree into seven sections. Then he used an ax to drive two iron drills into the wood one after another, and finally broke the first piece of wood into two halves with great effort. At this time, more than three hours had passed since the call with Shitou, and it was already 3 p.m. point. Lin Wu split the two halves of wood, tied the four pieces of wood and placed them on Phantom, and went to deliver the wood with Phantom and Xiaowai. It was already past four in the afternoon when I got back.

When Lin Wu came back from this trip, he saw Maya who was breaking firewood. Maya glanced at him and said, "I just finished four trees. I figured I didn't have time to cut down the fifth tree, so I came over to take a look."

"Four?" was struck.

Maya couldn't help but smile when she saw his expression: "You idiot, why do you have to cut down the tree? Can't you just saw the trunk?"

Lin Wu replied: "Because I know it's wrong to cut corners."

"What you say makes sense. Main-stem firewood is more resistant to burning, but it takes a lot of time and energy to handle." Maya said, "Don't just stand around, come and help."

"Xiao Wai, as my plenipotentiary representative, go over and help right now."

Xiao Wai was very obedient and jumped in front of Maya. Maya touched Xiao Wai's head and said, "Be good, stay far away to avoid accidental injury."

The two of them were working faster. Compared to Lin Wu, who had no fingers in the spring water, Maya's work efficiency was much higher than that of Lin Wu. Even the bundled wooden blocks were stronger than Lin Wu. While Lin Wu was riding a phantom to lead Sandstorm to deliver goods, Maya continued to work.

At about 8 o'clock in the evening, there was only one last trip left. Lin Wu, Shuang Ma and Yi Gou returned to the work place, only to see Maya sitting on the log, and the snow on the ground was dyed red. When I asked, I found out that Maya had hit her foot with the axe. The shoes are dark energy shoes, and the damaged areas will be repaired, but the feet are not good. If you lose a few fingers, you will lose a few fingers. You can only send them back to the hospital and rely on the extremely powerful hospital bed to solve the problem.

Lin Wu picked up Maya and carried her to the sandstorm with difficulty, giving her a small half bottle of painkillers.

Maya said: "Take away the remaining firewood."

Lin Wu: "You're already like this, why are you still cleaning up?"

Maya said: "I am like this, but you are not like this, you can still deal with it."

"Okay." Lin Wu spent 20 minutes processing the last wood, got on his horse, and left with Xiao Wai and Maya.

Lin Wu said: "Today I did all the hard work that I need to do in my life."

Maya said: "Before immigrating, did you think you didn't need to do manual work?"

Lin Wu: "Yes."

Maya said: "Suppose your wife is sick and you have two children. What should you do if you need money?" The pay for manual labor in Blue Star is very high, slightly higher than the median. Countless people have called on Sugon to relax control over robots, but this call violates Sugon's original agreement. Dawning has two major prerequisites for dispatching robots. First, this work is very important and is a major issue related to human survival. Second, humans engage in this type of work at extremely high risk.

Lin Wu: "First of all, my wife does not need to pay for medical treatment. Secondly, my children can contact welfare agencies. Instead of suffering with me, it is better to grow up happily with everyone. I have never been a parent, but I have to raise my children by myself. Doesn't that harm the children? On the contrary It is better to leave it to an experienced public institution. The living conditions and other aspects are superior to mine."

Maya asked: "What if life on earth is terrible? And you don't get the points for financial freedom."

Lin Wu said: "I am not a person who is blind to money. I prefer to do something I want to do. I think money is not important. What is important is whether you can live the life you want. To be honest, don't Speaking of physical work, sometimes I don’t want to do mental work either. Unless..."

"Unless you are interested, as long as you are interested, you are willing to do any job." Maya said: "For example, going out to log wood in this weather."

Lin Wu seemed to change the topic and said: "Although no one said it, Shana must bear some responsibility for this matter. But compared to last year, I think Shana has made great progress and she has done a good job."

Maya said: "The past two months have been difficult. Shana's mood has not been high. I am very satisfied with the status quo. The reason no one mentioned is tolerance. The collective tolerance of adults is the cornerstone of maintaining collective stability." Everyone has it. Shortcomings, Lin Wu and Maya are no exception.

There is a saying: Don't find faults in your friends, but look for the advantages in strangers. In fact, just the opposite is true. Many parents will find fault with their children and praise the advantages of other people's children. Many couples do not see the advantages of their spouses, but only the shortcomings of each other. They always like to compare the advantages of others with the shortcomings of their own spouse.

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