Corrupted Nation

Chapter 425 Bandit Group

Shana became the first mother in the shadows. She got a clutch of six newborn pheasants a few days ago. Currently, the six little pheasants are already covered with down and are very cute. Pheasants have no relatives, but they can't stand Shana's company and manual feeding. As a result, these pheasants especially like to follow Shana and are not afraid of Lin Wu and others.

In order to combat the high temperature, two tarpaulins were pulled up from the back of the car to make a pergola, and the indoor coal stove kitchen and dining room were moved out. But you can only have breakfast and dinner. You can also take a break at noon, grab a commercial fan or a homemade fan, and fan yourself while sweating.

On day 48, a seven-meter hanging ladder made of several ropes was made. The hanging ladder is lowered along the bridge. Lin Wu grabbed the rope and went down, drilling into the arch hole formed by the arched steel frame under the railway bridge. Compared to the bridge deck, the arch hole could be called a paradise. The arch hole is nearly 5 meters wide, which is close to the width of the railway bridge deck, 1.5 meters wide and 1.5 meters high. You cannot stand, you can only sit or lie down.

But this is not Lin Wu’s exclusive place to enjoy the cool air. Because the area of ​​the bridge tunnel is limited, ten people at the railway bridge base were divided into three groups and took turns to go down to enjoy the cool air from nine o’clock in the day to six o’clock in the evening. Enjoying the cool air is not for fun, but as an order, because three people suffered from heat stroke on D46, and five people suffered from heat stroke on D47. Among them, the idiot Lin Meng still suffered from severe heat stroke. He was pulled to the waterfall by a trolley and was thrown into the downstream water for an hour before he recovered. .

Why not escape the heat at a waterfall? 2.5 kilometers, 5 kilometers round trip, walking under the hot sun is not a good choice.

Maya and Shana were sitting in the pergola, sweating profusely, calculating the supply reserves. The current food was enough to support the 180-day challenge, and the water should be no problem. Considering the severe cold in winter, there is a gap in coal, but it is not large. There is a large fuel shortage for electricity. Considering the shelf life of diesel and gasoline, it is not too late to collect it in autumn. Basic medicines are well stocked. The firearms were in good condition, relatively short of bullets, both for rifles and pistols.

Theoretically, if there are no changes, the team can easily complete the 180-day challenge mission. Theoretically speaking, players who can survive until now basically don't have much pressure to survive.

Of course, Dawn will not let players be stress-free, so it began to release daily tasks. Daily tasks are refreshed every day, and there is no time limit for tasks. Only after completing one task can you take on the second task, and tasks will be released based on the player's current area. Points will be obtained when tasks are completed. One function of points is to generate tasks, which has been explained before. Suppose you need the serum, but True Hardcore doesn't have it, you can use points to generate tasks. The more points you invest, the lower the difficulty of the task.

There is also a simple and crude function. Each task will receive 1% of the total game points, which is related to the total points of wealth distribution.

At eight o'clock in the morning on day D50, the first batch of tasks came out. There were a total of five tasks in the railway bridge area. The first task: deliver 100 kilograms of coal to an abandoned logging camp in the mountains. The total distance is 10 kilometers and the altitude difference is 400 meters. Don't say that you are not strong enough, but the difficulty of transportation is not something that ordinary people can complete. Difficulty level S.

Second task: Go to the LTL freight car to find a specified item. Difficulty level S.

The third task: Kill 50 zombies. In the case of a team, the last one to kill shall prevail. Difficulty level A.

The fourth task: donate 50 boxes of instant noodles, which is about 10% of the total instant noodles in the base. The difficulty level is E.

The fifth task: reduce 5 kilograms of weight, how difficult is it? class.

Each task has detailed instructions and causes and consequences, such as ensuring production, caring for children, being brave, being generous and selfless, and frugally.

After watching the mission railway bridge, people were wailing. Dawn seemed to give five options, but in fact there was only one option, and that was to lose weight. People who have gone to the toilet before 8 o'clock are the most miserable, and people who drink three glasses of water before 8 o'clock are the happiest.

Xiao Wu and Xiao Wen were obviously bewitched by Shuguang. They were not curious about the so-called tasks, nor did they ask questions. They were only curious about the player's behavior.

Why don't you eat? lose weight. Why lose weight? Mission requirements. oh……

It's very perfunctory. Perhaps this is Shuguang's way of protecting its CPU to prevent players from tossing NPCs and causing downtime.

Lin Wu was undoubtedly the lucky one again. At four o'clock this morning, he rolled up his bed and went to sleep in the arbor. Feeling hungry, he endured it in his sleep. At seven o'clock in the morning, he, who was in charge of breakfast, boiled water again and brewed two pots of tea, throwing a few tea leaves into a large pot. He felt that the remaining tea was a waste. He was hungry and didn't want to eat instant noodles, so he drank half the pot of water in one go.

At eight o'clock, he weighed 70 kilograms. By nine o'clock, after going to the toilet, his weight dropped to 68 kilograms. Lin Meng sighed that good things come to bad people. Her situation was the opposite. She went to the toilet before eight o'clock, ate two packs of instant noodles and a ball of wild vegetables, and her weight reached 75 kilograms. By nine o'clock in the morning, she still weighed 75 kilograms. .

Some are happy and some are sad. Everyone's starting point is different, and everyone's talent is different. This only determines the upper limit of their achievements. Effort and methods are the basic elements to achieve goals.

Maya started the devil training. She said that Cairou had mentioned two tires before, so she dragged the two tires and walked step by step towards Huacao's house with enough water under the scorching sun. On the way, she would do a set of push-ups and hit one The boxing set made everyone look ashamed. But against all odds, Maya never planned to have a feast at the Hua Cai Meat House: plump porcupine meat. There is a saying that it is better to skip one meal than to practice hard for two hours.

Dieting is the choice of most people, after all, everyone has developed resistance to instant noodles.

Lin Wu gave Lin Meng an idea. She could complete the task as long as she cut off one of her legs. A bit of ridicule inspired Lin Meng's desire to win, and she decided to run. It went well at first, but after running for one kilometer, I felt my blood sugar was unstable, so I quickly returned to the base. Since the person giving the injection was under the bridge, she ate four energy bars to stabilize her blood sugar when she was panicking. Hypoglycemia is one of the more common acute complications of diabetes. In severe cases, it can be fatal. However, it is not caused by diabetes, but caused by the treatment of diabetes. Excessive insulin and excessive exercise are the two main reasons.

Xuedan, Xiaodao and Su Shi's weight loss method is to drink water and only drink water without eating. So in the afternoon, the three of them actually developed a certain liking for instant noodles.

Shana chose the Ghost Crying Wolf Howling diet and stood by the bridge singing at the top of her lungs. It is said that when singing bel canto, many muscles in the body move accordingly. I don’t know if the effect is good or not, but the noise level is still recognized by everyone.

Lin Wu's weight loss method was Lin Wu's weight loss method. He first asked Xiao Wu to cut his hair, cut off all the nails on his hands and feet, and then polish off the dead skin on his heels. This way he lost a full 0.1 kilogram. Xiaowen provided Lin Wu with his own weight loss experience. After all, the topic of weight loss can be regarded as a topic exclusive to women.

The quick way to lose weight is to give up carbohydrates, such as instant noodles. Never believe that being vegetarian can help you lose weight. The secret to losing weight is to go to bed hungry.

Lin Wu liked Xiaowen's valuable experience very much, so he went to the pergola to rest.

At the end of the day, most people achieved good results, and some people expected to complete the task tomorrow. But plans can't keep up with changes. Maya made a pot of soup using a large piece of porcupine leg meat she brought back from the vegetable store. She cooked the instant noodles and put them into a bowl. Then she poured the purine-rich soup into the bowl and added some chili peppers. With minced garlic, one sip will make you want to stop eating.

Lin Wu sat on a chair to the side and turned to Lin Meng, "I didn't expect that she would be the most evil person."

Lin Mengdao: "She will cook tonight."

Lin Wu: "What?"

Lin Meng: "Tonight's meal exceeds the meal for the previous seven days."

Lin Wu: "So what?"

Lin Meng: "Then will you eat it or not?"

Lin Wu was confused: "Not eating seems like a waste of food. Wasting food in the doomsday era will be punished by God."

While they were talking, Knife and Shitou had already scooped up two bowls of noodles, poured them with broth and sprinkled with chopped green onions. They looked so good that the dieters kept swallowing their saliva.

Maya explained: "Without a refrigerator, the food cannot be preserved. And they can't finish it, so they can't throw it away, right?"

In the end, no one could resist the temptation and everyone ate at least one bowl of noodles.

While eating noodles and chatting, a voice came from the radio that had been playing music: "Good evening, everyone, this is the Veterans Shelter." The Veterans Shelter only releases recruitment announcements every few hours, and the music is nice. The two bases are relatively close and have better sound quality, so the channel of the veteran base is turned on in the base every day.

Veterans Base: "Two hours ago, the Veterans Club was attacked by thugs at the Beicheng shelter in the southwest of Beicheng. Six of the seven people in the shelter died on the spot. The last person, who was seriously injured, called us via satellite phone to warn us that Be careful. Given his injuries, there should be no chance of survival."

Veterans Base: "According to him, there were seven attackers in total, riding four motorcycles. One of them claimed to be the leader of the bandit group, named Nightmare."

Nightmare forced a confession from the injured, and Little White Rabbit immediately intervened in the matter, deciding that the injured must answer Nightmare's questions, which the veteran base did not know. The Veterans Base only knows that Nightmare obtained the password to the Veterans Club through forced confession.

Xiao Wu explained before that the Veterans Club is a building used for the physical and psychological rehabilitation of retired soldiers. The two basement floors of the club are entertainment venues, with the second floor being a shooting range. Houtian City is a gun-free city, and weapons and ammunition at the shooting range are strictly managed. There is a vault on the second underground floor of the Veterans Club, which contains various firearms and a large amount of ammunition.

Personnel from the Veterans Base took some weapons and ammunition from the vault and captured the Lower Logistics Park. There is still a large amount of arms left in the vault.

The vault is guarded by active-duty soldiers. This was done because of previous incidents in which veterans had stolen firearms from the vault. Soldiers on duty work in the vault, and staff must go through certain procedures before entering the vault. If there are no soldiers on duty, a key and password are required to open the vault.

The password is the most important. If you enter the wrong password three times, the vault will be locked, and the vault manufacturer will need to send an engineer to unlock it. Keys do not have this limitation. Nightmare attacked the Beicheng base and obviously took a fancy to this batch of arms.

From the perspective of armed forces, the east base has the strongest armed forces, including aircraft and artillery. The second level is the SWAT training and dispatch base. This base was patronized by the East Base for the first time. At that time, they just did not want weapons to flow into the society. Then there is the police station, which mostly contains pistols and a small number of other firearms. On D2, most of the weapons have been distributed or have been taken away by survivors.

The only arms treasure left in the entire Houtian City is the Veterans Club.

The Veterans Club has released its satellite phone number and will thank anyone who eliminates the bandits and is willing to provide a material reward.

Lin Wu: "At least Nightmare still has credibility. He didn't execute the injured after getting the password."

Maya said: "My view is exactly the opposite of yours. He just hopes that the injured will contact the veteran base with radio, and the veteran base will spread terror. Think about it, from the attack on the logistics park of the East Base to this North City operation, Nightmare wants everyone to know him. This kind of behavior must be crazy in normal times, but in the end of the world, his terror is no less than the plague."

Maya: "Let me give you an example. The bandits arrived nearby and sent people to our base to tell us that they wanted half of the instant noodles. Do you think we should give them to them?"

Lin Wu: "Of course not, who is afraid of who?"

Maya said: "Yes, we don't give them because we are not afraid of them. We have weapons and we have combat experience. In fact, nightmares will only sneak attack us and will not threaten us openly. But, what about other bases? There are no weapons, or What about the bases that lack weapons?”

Lin Meng said on the side: "Fortunately they can't do some bad things."

Lin Wu was shocked: "Little girl, why is your brain so yellow?"

Lin Meng was stunned: "I said they can't enslave us. What's wrong?"

Lin Wu: "It's okay." Haha, damn girl.

After two songs of music, the veteran base broadcast again: "Sorry to disturb everyone again. We just received a call from the survivor base in West City. They did not broadcast. The other party told us that the bandit group looted their base yesterday. , took away most of the water and not much food, and asked the base to move out of the northwest area of ​​​​Xicheng within 24 hours. Two people were killed during the period. The survivor base has been moved to the University Station of the subway station. If there is a University Station Nearby bases, I hope you can help them tide over this difficulty."

Shana and Maya immediately studied the map. From this information, it can be seen that the area where nightmares operate is between the North City and the West City, using the ring road to attack and plunder. The survivor base they drove away is located in the northwest of West City. The Beicheng base they attacked was southwest of Beicheng. It is basically certain that the nightmare's activity range is the northwest section of the Ring Road.

This area is very large. In addition to the ring road, there are large urban buildings, dense suburban houses, and sparse manors in the suburbs.

The Veterans Base is located in the southwest of Xicheng, slightly close to the center of Xicheng, and ten kilometers away from the railway bridge base. The railway bridge base is located at the westernmost end of Xicheng, slightly to the north. Both bases are outside the Nightmare's range of activity.

The satellite phone rang, and Maya put it on speakerphone: "Hi."

"Hi." Nightmare said, "Did you listen to the radio?"

Maya: "Nightmare?"

Nightmare: "You have to kill him, otherwise he might become the strongest agent in the fortress."

Maya: "Your scores are great."

Nightmare said: "He has gathered a group of desperadoes around him and has a large number of firearms, bullets, body armor, drones and other supplies. If you look at today's mission, with such resources, he can complete multiple missions in a day."

Lin Wu said: "Are you not in a hurry? Completing a hundred tasks will only double the score." Each task adds 1% to the total points.

Nightmare sighed: "Please keep that idiot away."

Lin Wu was angry: "You..."

Lin Meng interrupted in Lin Wu's ear: "You made a wrong calculation."


Lin Mengdao: "It will double after 70 times, and it will become more and more terrible."

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