Corrupted Nation

Chapter 435 Stepping in

At high tide, the Western Peninsula is only 100 meters wide and connected to the mainland. There are two roads passing in each direction. There are no vehicles on the road now because the road to the Western Peninsula has been blocked by cars.

On the land side is the beautiful scenery of the Haihe River. The turbid river water enters the sea, and a beautiful line appears at the junction. On the other side of the river is a three-kilometer-long cross-sea railway bridge. This bridge has a history of a hundred years. Cars pass on the upper level and trains pass on the lower level. An earthquake occurred decades ago, and cars were prohibited from entering the bridge. Later, people changed the river course, repaired the land, and built the current highway on the new land.

The cross-sea railway bridge is not high because the sea water is not deep. Whenever the tide goes out, land will be exposed under the railway bridge. It is a good place to catch the sea during weekend vacation in Houtian City.

Standing on the railway bridge, you can see from a distance that the Western Peninsula, which is only five square kilometers in size, is full of people. The crowds are most concentrated in the north, which is the only dock in the Western Peninsula and is also the temporary base of the federal navy.

Entering the Western Peninsula, there were immediately more people. Lin Wu's appearance did not attract anyone's attention. What attracted people's attention was that he was acting alone. Lin Wu was very polite, looking for a kind person to ask, and told him that he was looking for his sister, and thus collected a lot of information.

The Navy's daily carrying capacity is 500 people. This does not mean that there is no higher carrying capacity, but the temporary shelter on the desert island can only accommodate a certain number of people every day, and 500 people is actually over the limit. After all, there is now a zombie virus outbreak all over the world, and no one has much energy to care about the refugees in a place in the day after tomorrow.

After arriving at the Western Peninsula, you need to go to the pier to get a printed number plate and queue up to board the boat according to the number plate. There is only one boat per day, and each boat carries 500 people. It is easy to calculate the day you want to board the boat. The hard currency in the Western Peninsula is this number plate. The closer the number plate is to boarding, the more valuable it is.

There are currently more than 100,000 people stranded in the Western Peninsula. They can barely survive with the food delivered by the navy every day. Even so, many people use force to seize resources, causing many people to die of malnutrition.

Someone saw Maya, three others, and a fat man going to the navy station. Lin Wu arrived at the naval station according to the route guided by the other party.

There is a large crane inside the naval station, and the walls are built with containers outside. Only a five-meter-wide door is left, and armed soldiers are dispatched to guard it.

From a distance, I saw the words on the container: Non-resident personnel are not allowed to enter or exit at will. However, there were hundreds of people gathered at the gate of the navy station. Upon inquiry, they learned that they were here to apply for a job as corpse carriers. They will put the bodies of people or zombies who died on the peninsula onto trucks, drive the trucks to the small dock inside the naval station, and then put the bodies on the ships. The ships will go out to sea for a collective burial at sea for the victims.

Once you apply successfully, you can receive food and water for three people every day, which is a good job during the endless waiting period.

As soon as Lin Wu approached the gate, a guard immediately stepped forward and reminded: "Please do not cross the yellow line."

Lin Wu said: "I'm here to see a friend. My friend sent VIPs here yesterday morning."

The guard replied: "I don't know."

Lin Wu said: "Can you please ask me? VIP is a banker. He is missing an ear and has a good background."

The guard replied: "I don't know him."

Lin Wu looked inside for a while and saw that there were not many soldiers. I have heard from previous inquiries that the naval base basically has no control over the affairs of the Western Peninsula. They are only responsible for the order of boarding ships and maintaining the security of the three food distribution points. Unless someone does something bad in front of them, they will consider whether to intervene based on the situation. Therefore, although the naval base has a high status in the Western Peninsula, it has a bad reputation among the refugees.

There is a group of mountains in the middle of the Western Peninsula, and there is a road around the island along the coast. Some refugees live along the road. Although this road has fewer resources, naval vehicles pass by from time to time, and the security level is slightly higher. However, food and water basically have to be distributed by the naval base.

Some refugees got boat tickets and entered the mountains in search of food and water while waiting in line, slowly forming into groups. Without any judicial intervention, the area was very chaotic and even robbery gangs appeared.

Lin Wu learned this information from a refugee while queuing up for food in a roadside parking lot. After collecting the basic information, Lin Wu took out his mobile phone, which had Maya's photo on it. Lin Wu asked in the team: "Hello, have you seen this person?"

I asked all the time but they all said no, until a woman looked at the photo and subconsciously looked to the side. There were five middle-aged men sitting on the ground with a mat, playing cards, and then shook their heads at Lin Wu: "No."

Lin Wu held a few energy bars from his pocket and secretly placed them in the woman's hands. The woman glanced at her and asked Lin Wu to move in front of her. She whispered in Lin Wu's ear: "Your sister and the other two girls were with us yesterday. They go into the mountains. These people are bad people. If they find that you have supplies, or even just like your clothes and shoes, they will use deception to achieve their goals."

Lin Wu asked in a low voice: "Where have they gone?"

The woman glanced sideways. This is a parking lot with a path leading to the mountain. The woman said: "I only saw them walking in with two people. I don't know where they went. I took the food and went to the next food distribution point." queue."


When Lin Wu was about to leave, the woman stopped him and said, "If you don't have a place to stay, walk one kilometer along the road. There is a tent covered with a red plastic sheet on the roadside. That is my home."

"Thank you." Lin Wu left the team, walked 20 meters away, and asked the young people: "Hello, do you know where there is a doctor? I am from the survivor base, and I am looking for a doctor here."

A man looked at Lin Wu for a while and asked, "Are you looking for a doctor?"

"Yes, it is best to be a surgeon and understand herbal medicine."

The man glanced at the soldiers stationed at the food distribution point and said, "My cousin is a doctor. What kind of base are you in?"

Lin Wu replied: "Starlight Base."

"I heard." Man B on the other side replied, "Take him to meet your cousin."

Man A threw away the poker and stood up. Man C said, "I'll go too, see if I can make some money."

"Let's go this way." Man A explained as he walked: "My cousin charges for medical treatment, which means he also charges some money for food. A short walk along the road, there is a temporary tribe inside, and my cousin lives in it."

Lin Wu asked curiously: "Tribe? What do they eat?"

Man A replied: "At first there were prey, then we fished for fish and shrimp in the ditch, then we ate wild vegetables, and now we have started to eat leaves. It's just about surviving. If you can survive it until you get on the boat, you will be saved."

Lin Wu continued to ask: "How long does it take to wait in line now?"

Man C replied: "At least four months, but it depends on the situation. For occupations such as agriculture, animal husbandry, and architects, you can get a yellow card, you can jump in line, and you may leave in a few days."

Lin Wu asked: "What about the doctor?"

Man A replied: "The doctors are not very good. There is no shortage of doctors on the isolation island, but there is a main shortage of medicines. Without medicines, doctors can't do anything. Don't you plan to leave? How is life in the city?"

Questions and answers, questions and answers, the atmosphere was very harmonious. Soon the group of people walked into the depths of the woods. Lin Wu saw the smoke rising from the fire. Looking up, he could see the roof of a rest pavilion.

Lin Wu took out his cell phone and stopped: "By the way, have you seen my sister?"

A and B stretched their heads to look at the mobile phone screen, and then their expressions changed drastically. When the phone fell to the ground, Lin Wu touched it with his toes, pulled out a dagger with his left hand and pierced Man C's throat, and pointed the pistol at Man A's head: "Is it there or not?" Lin Wu took action immediately when he found their base camp. He already had something in his heart. The consciousness of dying in battle. Since he lost Maya and Lin Meng, he didn't want to go back alive.

Man C's hand grabbing Lin Wu's shoulder became weaker and weaker, blood stained his body red, and then he fell to the ground. Man A hurriedly said: "Brother, don't worry, your sister is fine."

"Where are they?" Lin Wu glanced at the pavilion. It was a hundred meters away. He didn't know how many people there were, but it didn't matter how many people there were.

Man A said: "They killed two of us."

Lin Wu: "I don't care how many of you die, where are they?"

Man A said: "They were taken away by the navy."

Yesterday, Lin Meng and Maya, accompanied by red clothes, interviewed several doctors but were not satisfied. During the visit, they were deceived into the pavilion tribe. Before she could drink the flavored tea, Maya felt something was wrong and immediately pulled out her gun to force a few people with good intentions to fight. However, Lin Meng did not expect that Maya would take action, pull out her gun and kill two of them, scaring the others to immediately beg for mercy. There are no doctors in their tribe at all.

In addition to queuing up to get food, they also look for new refugees entering the peninsula, trick them into plundering them, and then kill them. Some people wander around during the day, looking for targets. For example, some refugees feel insecure and like to hoard food. Then at night, they would visit the refugee. The Huandao Road near the parking lot belongs to their territory.

The pavilion robbers also took the belts, watches, diamonds, etc. they obtained and traded them at the naval base. As mentioned before, the world order was relatively stable two years before the zombie virus broke out, so these items still had a certain value.

Lin Meng and Maya left the Pavilion tribe. But unexpectedly, the gangsters in the pavilion reported to the naval base that refugees were armed with guns and killing people. This is something the naval base cannot tolerate. Because owning guns not only means you can rob refugees, but also threatens the safety of naval soldiers. So the Navy sent two Humvees to find Lin Ma. Maya and Lin Meng had no choice but to surrender. They were handcuffed and sent to the naval base.

Man A told Lin Wu that there was a prison in the naval base. It was not big, covering an area of ​​only more than 200 square meters, and had two floors. The prison was originally an annex of the Western Peninsula Tourism Management Office. After the prison was put into use, it was full within three days. The naval base is extremely troubled by this. Killing him will definitely not work. They represent the official government. And the trial was pointless because there was no other prison to send to, and these prisoners had to be fed.

So we let them go if we could, and the naval base no longer paid attention to the security issues on the island. The prison can be said to exist in name only. Man A assured Lin Wu that his sister would be released after being locked up for a week. Lin Wu expressed disbelief. Seeing Lin Wu's fierceness, Man A hurriedly said that in this kind of murder case, the prisoner could live for at least a few days, and then sentenced the prisoner to death through a simple trial.

Just as humans cannot tolerate man-eating beasts, prisons cannot tolerate murderers.

Lin Wu asked about the situation at the naval base again. Man A said that he didn't know much and wanted to ask the people in the pavilion. Lin Wu saw that he was no longer of use, so he regarded the man as a zombie and quickly stabbed the man in the head with the dagger. But a living person's skull was much harder than Lin Wu thought, so he didn't even insert it. So Lin Wu had no choice but to shoot him to death. By the time the gang in the gazebo heard the sound and came out, Lin Wu had already thrown down the two bodies and left.

Lin Wu was sitting among the refugees not far from the naval base, observing the naval base through the gate. As a good citizen, I have only sneaked into a military base in the game. Although this is also a game, it is really scary.

The entire naval base is made up of three layers of containers. There are only two exits, one is the gate and the other is the small dock. The small pier extends down from the steps and is a 20-meter-long cement road connected to the sea with a water depth of 3 meters. There is almost no possibility of breakthrough.

There is a soldier on each side of the gate. There is a straight barricade placed in front of the gate. When a car enters or exits, the guards will remove one end of the barricade. Sandbags were placed on top of the container near the two guards, and a heavy machine gun was mounted.

The overall feel of the naval base is similar to the hardcore mode of doomsday fortress, the container fortress.

Lin Wu turned to the side, and the three-layer container was tightly connected. There were lights and searchlights placed on the top, and a patrol soldier walked back and forth on the top. The bottom of the container is a three-meter-wide trench, and a circle of razor wire is arranged outside the trench.

Lin Wu then turned to the side near the seaside. There was no barbed wire fence here, but there was a ten-meter-high cliff.

The only way is to climb from the bottom of the cliff to the top of the container, where there is a patrol soldier and lights. However, the lights are located at the small pier, and the patrol soldiers also focus on walking around the small pier. So there is a blind spot above the cliff.

Think of the base as a rectangle, with the gate in the middle on the left. There are trenches and barbed wire on top. The small dock is in the lower right corner, and the breakthrough point Lin Wu found is in the lower left corner.

After figuring out the terrain, Lin Wu returned to the entrance of the naval base. At about five o'clock in the evening, five refugees came out of the base. They were workers at the base. Lin Wu stared at one of them and followed him for about five hundred meters to the tent he set up on the side of Huandao Road.

People were coming and going outside the tent, and Lin Wu followed the man into the tent. Lured by the five cans, the man took the pen and paper from Lin Wu's hand and drew a map of the internal topography of the naval base.

The prison is located on the right side of the rectangle, on the fourth floor of the base office building, in the upper right corner of the rectangle. This is where the main personnel gather, including the command, deployment and living areas. To the left of the base office building is the arms warehouse. On the left side of the small dock is the daily supplies warehouse.

The man thought Lin Wu was going to steal something, so he focused on the location and situation of the warehouse.

On the left side of the rectangle is a parking lot where dozens of vehicles such as Hummers and trucks are parked. Below the parking lot is a fuel warehouse. On the right side of the rectangle are two helicopter parking areas. One helicopter is parked all year round and mostly flies between the base and the offshore mothership.

Lin Wu took inventory of his food, left enough for dinner and midnight snacks, and gave the rest of the food to the man. When Lin Wu was about to leave, the man seemed touched by Lin Wu's actions and said, "Brother, tonight's password is Ocean versus Cake."

"Is there any password?" Isn't this method an antique from the Second World War?

"Because the conditions of the temporary base are limited, passwords will be used to verify identities at night. Of course, you need a base soldier's uniform before you can verify the passwords."

“Where can I get costumes?”

"Inside the base."


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