COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 1054: figure out what belief is

, the fastest updated COS Osamu Dazai, I entered the latest chapter of the Conan crew!

"The higher-ups are very dissatisfied with Mr. Furuya's behavior this time..." Kazami Yuya continued.

"...What does the higher-ups want me to do?" Jiang Gu Ling's voice was very soft, as soft as the movement of a wandering soul.

"The instruction I received is... Bourbon must not reveal his identity, you must find a way not to be suspected by the organization..." Kazami Yuya said in a deep tone.

If possible, he certainly didn't want to watch Shuji Tsushima die.

The reporter is innocent, and Shuji Tsushima is also innocent.

But the organization focused on Shuji Tsushima.

For the good of the country, it is worth giving up a man....

"...If I kill Shuji Tsushima in order to win the trust of the organization..." Rei Fuguya's voice was shaky and erratic.

"During the undercover period, everything you did... was permitted." Kazami Yuya replied.

"What about after it's over? If I'm no longer an undercover agent..." Jiang Gu Ling's voice seemed to be smiling, but he couldn't hear it after listening carefully.

"Mr. Furuya, you are the best undercover agent in our zero team." Kazami Yuya said so.

Regarding the ending of the undercover agent, one should also be aware of it.

In order to guard against undercover being assimilated by evil, after the undercover mission is over, the undercover can no longer engage in the profession of public security.

There may even be a probationary period.

Investigate whether the undercover can still integrate into the normal social environment.

There are always a small number of undercover agents who can achieve a good death.

The greatest possibility for the undercover agent's real name to be revealed is...the undercover agent died in the line of duty, rather than the undercover mission ending with honor.

"You are our only hope, the hope to destroy the organization... for the faith." Kazami Yuya continued.

"I see." Jiang Gu Ling replied in a low voice.

Then hung up the phone.

Kazami Yuya called again to report the situation to the higher-level person in charge.

"Mr. Jiang Gu promised that he would find a way to remedy this impulsive behavior..."

"He will find a way to dispel the suspicion of the organization..."

"I believe Mr. Jiang Gu..." he said to the person on the other side of the phone.

"I see, I will remind him." I don't know what was said on the other side, Kazami Yuya replied.

The mocking and contemptuous expression on Bourbon's face who hung up the phone on the other side didn't even bother to restrain himself.

"Those idiots." His tone was harsh and arrogant, and he didn't know who he was talking about.

"Conviction...I don't have such a thing." Bourbon said dismissively.

"As a public security officer, you want to kill me to show your loyalty to the criminal organization..." Shuji Tsushima said slowly from the side.

"It sounds really helpless." He seemed to feel the same sorrow for this difficult undercover career.

"Come on, I'm ready. In order not to expose your undercover identity, I will be killed by you voluntarily..." Shuji Tsushima opened his arms, with a posture of neck-throwing, obviously it was a sad scene, his expression But full of anticipation and eagerness to try.

"Come on, kill me quickly, and then bring my body back to the organization, so that my identity will not be suspected." He urged impatiently.

Bourbon dismissed this statement, and even asked contemptuously: "And then you were sieved by bullets from all directions on the road?"

If he really did something to Kayo...

No, it should be said that he couldn't do anything to Kayo at all, it was a whole-hearted resistance.

It was as if he could only prostrate in front of Kayo, bow his head obediently, but could not resist.

He couldn't even bring himself to resist.

Faced with the situation where someone speaks disrespectfully or takes action against Kayo, there will be a wave of unreasonable anger spontaneously, wanting to burn the disrespectful guy to death.

This is very strange.

But he couldn't even think about why it happened like this.

"But if we don't do this, our Mr. Jiang Gu will be suspected by the organization, hunted down, and then abandoned by the police." The boy's eyes were full of compassion.

Bourbon didn't want to cooperate with the other party's performance, but said with a speechless face: "Isn't this a plan that has been arranged long ago? By the way, who is responsible for chasing me? They won't take the opportunity to retaliate against me, right?"

Listening to his tone and looking at his expression, it is not difficult to see that he clearly understands that he has offended many people.

"I haven't decided yet, but I'm very generous. Leave the right of choice to yourself, isn't it good?" Shuji Tsushima said quite naturally.

"Then I choose..." Bourbon thought for a while and fell silent.

It is really difficult to find a few people who have a good relationship with Bourbon in the organization.

Scotland is not allowed, the other party must stay with Kayo.

Tiamali and Peno? Peno is a researcher, and Tiamali spends most of his time with him.

Chianti and Cohen? That crazy woman in Chianti might really shoot him in the process of chasing him.

Chablis is also a researcher…

Laphroaig couldn't show up, and the other party was stared at by the FBI.

Bourbon had to admit that he probably had no so-called friends in the organization except Scotland.

"Can't you think of it? Hey... The popularity of the first place is so bad, is this the loneliness of the first place?" Shuji Tsushima smiled mockingly.

First place·Poor popularity·Bourbon:…

"It doesn't matter, you can choose whatever you want anyway." The blond man leaned back on the sofa, as if he didn't care about anything.

"Then Wisp and Chianti, the two of them will be very happy." Shuji Tsushima relaxed and cheerfully made a decision as if he had considered it long ago.

Then he showed an emotional expression: "In addition to Negroni and Bronx, four people chased and killed one, which is enough to show how much the organization attaches importance to you."

Bourbon twitched his lips.

Four members of the codename chased and killed him, which was indeed enough to save face.

Although he didn't want this kind of face.

But as long as he thinks that he will be able to get rid of his undercover status soon, and he will no longer have to maintain the habit of being an undercover agent in the future, this will make him happy.

"Being beaten to the brink of death by the organized people, the rescue police chose to retreat after seeing this, and was later abandoned by the police..." Shuji Tsushima continued to sort out the plot.

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"I stubbornly supported my dilapidated body and went to the underground black doctor."

"The Tsushima family's bodyguard who had just rescued Shuji Tsushima disappeared. The Tsushima family spent a lot of money to find the other party, and finally got the news from the intelligence dealer Game and found the person."

"And Shuji Tsushima, who is a detective, quickly analyzed the other person's experience and true identity after seeing his missing bodyguard..." Shuji Tsushima nodded, thinking that his script was excellent. .

"Is it very reasonable? Very consistent with the logic and cause of the incident?" Shuji Tsushima asked Bourbon and Scotland for approval.

"Indeed, it's reasonable." Scotland nodded.

"So the organization suspected my identity and deliberately chased me to see if I could attract the support of the police. In fact, someone was waiting in ambush, and after the police found out, they quickly chose to evacuate?" Bourbon himself filled in the blank information .

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