COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 1068: Another day without a good title

Latest URL: On the other side, Subaru was sitting on the sofa in the apartment, with his hands clasped into fists against his forehead.

And his cell phone was on the coffee table.

On the side of the phone, there are a few flimsy identification results.

"The identification results show that you and Sora Sakai are related by blood, and he may be your missing brother." The phone on the coffee table made a sound.

"I saw it." Akai Shuichi's voice could not hear any emotion, but was a little low.

"...He may have been controlled by the organization, what are you going to do next?" James Black on the other end of the phone asked after a moment of silence.

"I will catch him, and hand it over to the FBI to remove his brainwashing status, if it can be removed." Akai Shuichi said calmly.

"We will try our best to find a way to get rid of it, but you have to be prepared that you can't get rid of it." James Black said.

Brainwashing is not an easy task, and getting rid of brainwashing is even more difficult.

And once the brainwashed people get rid of the brainwashing state, they may suffer even more.

"I know." Akai Shuichi raised his head and sighed.

"If it can't be lifted... let him be protected by the FBI." He replied.

In other words, he has been guarded and imprisoned all the time.

After all, it is impossible to release the other party to continue working for the organization.

"Shuji Tsushima and the others are back, let's talk later." Akai Shuichi found a reason and hung up the phone.

Then he stared at the appraisal report on the coffee table without saying a word.

After a long time, he let out a breath, stood up with a smile on his face, and walked to the balcony.

Shuji Tsushima went out with the man named Midorikawa Muru. He guessed that they were going to see Bourbon or Sora Sakai, so he was followed by them.


In the tenth minute of tracking, his colleagues lost track of him.

Better to be lost than dead.

Akai Hideichi could only comfort himself in this way.

And now, Shuji Tsushima and the others came back by themselves.

Should he tell Shuji Tsushima about this and ask him for help?

No, this matter...cannot let Shuji Tsushima and others know.

He can only chat with Sora Sakai in private, even if the other party doesn't listen, it doesn't matter, just catch the other party.

He stood on the balcony overlooking the vehicles below, and did not leave the balcony until he lost sight of his target.

"Shuichi Akai's appraisal results should have come out." Scotland took off his suit jacket, unbuttoned two buttons and sat on the sofa to ask.

The results of the dna test can be released on the same day, even if all the time spent on the fbi side is counted, it can be released today.

"Probably, I don't know." Shuji Tsushima lazily said.

"I'm a little curious about his mood and expression at the moment, and I really want to see it." Scotland said with some regret.

"I don't see any expression." Shuji Tsushima waved his hand.

"If his expression was so easy to see, he wouldn't have been able to stay in the organization for so long, and he would have been discovered on the first day." The black-haired, kite-eyed boy's tone seemed to be praising him.

He doesn't hate nice people, nor does he like them.

He doesn't hate bad guys, and he doesn't like bad guys, even if he is a bad guy himself.

"That's true." Scotland nodded in agreement, and felt very sorry that he couldn't see such a scene.

"I'm looking forward to what he will do next." Scotland said with a gentle smile.

Sora Sakai, who is related to the organization, is his younger brother. What will Hideichi Akai do? If you don't do anything and keep killing the opponent, you're done? Or imprison the other party in the name of protection?

No matter which direction it goes, it is very exciting.

After all, no matter what Sora Sakai thought, it was impossible to be imprisoned willingly.

Can they bring Haneda Hideyoshi back to his memory? This is the most critical.

"Do you want the last one left to be Hideyoshi Haneda or Sora Sakai?" Scotland thought of this and asked Shuji Tsushima.

"Hideyoshi Haneda." Shuji Tsushima answered without hesitation.

"It's not Sora Sakai... But this answer seems to be more in line with your style..." Scotland thought for a while, then nodded.

"Because it's more painful for people who remember everything clearly and are still alive. Only Haneda Hideyoshi is left, and he will live in pain for the rest of his life." Shuji Tsushima bent his eyes and smiled cheerfully.

"But Sakai Sora... he won't feel guilty and painful for what he has done." When Sakai Sora was mentioned, his cheeks puffed up as if he was a little dissatisfied.

If the rest is Haneda Hideyoshi who knows about the existence of Sora Sakai and what the other party has done, then the other party will definitely break down when faced with an irreparable tragedy that has already happened.

You will live with pain for the rest of your life.

"But in that case, there will be another dog that clings to the tissue and won't let go." Scotland hinted with unknown meaning.

"Is there such a person missing in the organization?" Tsushima Shuji looked puzzled.

There have never been fewer people whose families have been destroyed and their wives separated because of the organization.

It's a criminal organization after all.

"But although I very much hope that Haneda Hideyoshi can stay... But whether he can do it or not depends on him."

"The potential of human beings is unlimited, and many chess games have been overturned by humans." Shuji Tsushima said casually.

In myths and legends all over the world, there are never a few stories about the chess game being overturned by human sabotage plans.

Known as the race that can perform miracles most.

So can Haneda Hideyoshi perform miracles?

"Although I've been disappointed once..." Shuji Tsushima sighed.

When Sakai Sora killed Miyamoto Yumi, he still wanted to see the other party perform telepathy and love instincts like the plot of a TV series or manga.

It turned out... everything went well.

Sora Sakai killed Miyamoto Yumi and didn't remember anything.

Sure enough, it is still difficult to see this kind of plot in the real world.

"The heartbeat is a little fast, the brain waves are stable, and the blood pressure is a little bit high...but so far they are still within the normal range." Chablis carefully stared at the evidence of Sora Sakai in the experimental while recording.

The effect of the medicine is different for everyone, and you need to pay attention to it at all times to avoid accidents where people die suddenly if they are not careful.

"We need to stabilize the memory... Peno's hyperamnesia has already made Laphroaig's memory very strong... If it continues to stabilize, Laphroaig will have those memories as soon as he closes his eyes." Chablis shook his head.

But this has nothing to do with him, he just needs to record the data.

After all, Laphroaig is just a dispensable experimental subject for him.

He opened the experimental cabin, and white mist filled the air. The red-haired young man lay in the pale green liquid, sleeping peacefully with his eyes closed.

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The wounds on his body have disappeared.

"Come on, hold on and don't die." He put the memory-making helmet on the other party.

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