COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 234: They say the boss is a lunatic

"Because I have participated." The boy sitting on the hospital bed said casually.

"Is that so..." Scotland was silent for a moment.

Is it the same for the game of kings that Kaa participated in?

Watching a group of people kill each other and finally die...

"I'm not a pervert." Tsushima Shuji glanced at Scotland and Bourbon, who were crazy in their hearts.

"I'm not the same as those perverts who call themselves kings." The tone was helpless.

"Then you..." The expression on Scotland's face gradually became complicated.

"My identity in the game should be a toy." Tsushima Shuji casually threw the puzzle aside and ate an apple.

"The king is the player, and the commoner is the toy."

"Three hundred toys, thirty kings."

"Each king can take one survivor."

"The other two hundred and seventy people will die." Tsushima Shuji said calmly.

It seems that it is not the life and death of hundreds of people.

"Then... Kaa, are you one of the thirty survivors?" Scotland asked again.

"No." The boy shook his head.

Then why are you... still alive?

Not the king, nor the words of one of the thirty survivors...

"I'm the only survivor." The boy said in a flat tone.

But it made Scotland's expression more complicated.

"Only one person who participated in the game of kings, whether it was a player or a toy, survived."

Three hundred toys, thirty king players, and bodyguards for each king.

Add up to more than 400 people.

All but one player and toy died.

"You're both a king and a toy?" asked Bourbon, sitting up.

After all, the only survivor...

"Only one player and toy survived, that is to say, two people survived. Survivor is the name of the toy." Tsushima Shuji seemed to feel helpless, and his tone was very melancholy.

"That player..." Who is it?

Bourbon was about to ask again.

"Ah--" Tsushima Shuji swallowed an apple in one bite.

Obviously don't care about his appearance.

Bourbon: ...then I shut up?

"How old were you when you played, Kaa?" Scotland asked.

"Eight years old." Tsushima Shuji blinked.

It seems that on the eighth birthday, the adoptive father said that he had prepared a big gift for Tsushima Shuji.

As a result, Shuji Tsushima woke up and was locked in a cage.

Along with two hundred and ninety-nine other people.

Became one of the three hundred toys in that game of kings.

The young Shuji Tsushima: numbness.

A birthday present is something like this...

Even if you participate in the game, you should let the birthday star be the king, right?

And actually dare to invite that person to play with...

Who is so brave.

That one is a real lunatic who gets sick from time to time.

The young Tsushima Shuji was not afraid, but began to feel a headache for others.

Except for Tsushima Shuji who suddenly woke up and found himself participating in the game, everyone else basically participated voluntarily.

For the so-called sky-high bonus.

[In this game, there are no rules of respecting the old and loving the young. ]

In the end, however, they all died.

The one who was still a priest at the time led Shuji Tsushima out of the explosion.

"They shouldn't sit high up and look down at you, and they shouldn't stare at you like that." The man with long silver hair said mildly, and took off the black tape that tied his eyes.

Light amethyst eyes stared at the young Tsushima Shuji.

"You are my heir."

"In this world... no one can look down on you and take advantage of you."

"If there is, kill them all." His tone was still gentle, like communicating with believers in a church.

There is a casual arrogance and aloofness from the inside out.

"Including you." The young Tsushima Shuji nodded very calmly.

"Of course." The man responded without hesitation.

"If you kill me, you can inherit everything from me in advance..." The man even explained to him the benefits of killing him.

"No." The young Tsushima Shuji refused.

I just want to fish, I don't want to inherit everything from you.

The young Tsushima Shuji: I think you are getting more and more crazy.

It was obvious that the other party sent Shuji Tsushima to play, but because the other kings looked wrong, they simply killed everyone without saying a word.

He also encouraged Tsushima Shuji to kill him every day to usurp the throne.

Fourteen-year-old Tsushima Shuji shook his head.

The adoptive father is a lunatic, what can I do?

Although Mr. Mori is unscrupulous for the purpose, at least he is more normal than him.

"Kaor you..." How did you survive?

Scotland looked hesitant and wanted to ask the exit.

But gave up the answer.

"It's amazing." He smiled and praised.

In any case, it must be very difficult for the eight-year-old Kaor to survive in that game.

Tsushima Shuji didn't even need to look at Scotland to know what the other party was thinking.

No wonder he started thinking again.

Including bourbon on the other side too.

The two men were almost arguing with each other.

Although there is no sound~ hehe.

"Actually, I'm quite relaxed." Tsushima Shuji thought about it and told them.

Seriously nod.

It's really easy.

Because you can't die.

Moreover, the long-range weapons such as guns used by those people could not hit him at all.

Walked through the hail of bullets unscathed.

It's not a crushing advantage for others.

So Shuji Tsushima didn't hide at all, and the whole process was leisurely and content as if he was here to play.

But they don't believe in Scotland.

After all, an eight-year-old child, how strong can he be?

"...Have you heard of Hanozuka Kwangbang?" Tsushima Shuji decided to have a good chat with them.

"He was called a super destructive being stronger than an atomic bomb by the Japanese military ministry."

"Because I was woken up by the US special forces when I was sleeping, the regiment destroyed the special forces team."

"He is currently in the third year of high school." Tsushima Shuji said calmly.

Bourbon twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Humans are more dangerous than nuclear bombs?"

"You mean... are you stronger than him?" Bourbon asked.

"Of course." Tsushima Shuji nodded.

Although I didn't get into a fight with anyone.


There is always an inexplicable feeling that I can destroy the world.

"Don't look like you don't know anything." Tsushima Shuji waved his hand.

As the wine of the organization, you are so rude. /pointing.jpg

Isn't this kind of combat power normal in the world of Ke Xue?

Chopping buildings with bare hands, football blasting satellites...

Isn't it all basic? ! /righteous.jpg

Bourbon wiped his stiff and felt that he had nothing to say to Kaa.

"Do you think the raven will be caught?" Scotland asked.

Tsushima Shuji: ...Do you think the neon police are stronger than the fbi...

Or do you think the fbi is trash?

"In case the police invite detectives to continue their investigation..." Scotland said in a low tone.

Tsushima Shuji can't refuse, can he?

"Does it have anything to do with me?" Tsushima Shuji asked suspiciously.

"I'm just a sick child who is about to die." He said confidently.

"...That's right." Scotland nodded amusingly when he thought of the officer Mumu who had fled.


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