COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 267: Hello, Haibara-san.

"What's the matter with you, Haiyuan?" Ayumi looked at the other party and asked.

Haibara Ai seemed to have fallen into her own world.

"She looks frightened, is it because there are too many people?" Tsushima Shuji thought in a gentle voice.

This voice...! !

This voice! !

so similar!

that man...

That white devil - Osamu Dazai.

Has he found himself? Did he find it?

Hai Yuanai suddenly raised her head, her face full of horror.

What he saw was a black hooded sweater with two black cat ears on the hat.

Wearing a black mask, with a bandage around his right eye, he couldn't see his face clearly.

But the exposed left eye...

Those kite eyes...

Exactly the same as Osamu Dazai.

Edogawa Conan saw the girl who was very frightened at first, but the moment he looked up and saw Shuji Tsushima, he became calm.

"...Are you... going to kill me..." The expression was desperate.

"It's like killing my sister..." with the determination to die.

Edogawa Conan's eyes widened.

What does it mean…

He looked at Shuji Tsushima, and then at Haibara Ai, who was at your disposal and looked at death as if at home.

"What are you...what are you saying, Huiyuan..." He couldn't help but say.

Did she admit the wrong person? Who do you think of Tsushima? member of the organization?

Or... is Tsushima Shuji really a member of the organization?

In this case... Didn't he live under the supervision of the organization all the time? ! !

He couldn't help but look at Shuji Tsushima.

"...are you...talking to me?" The boy couldn't help but tilt his head.

The cat ears on the hat also crooked with his movements.

"But... I don't seem to have seen you before, little friend Haibara." He lifted his hat and looked puzzled.

"Why pretend..." Haibara Ai raised her eyes to see the other party, and stopped speaking.

Is this Dazai Osamu? no…

Obviously not the same person.

Compared to the elusive Dazai Osamu, the one in front of him seemed more emotional.

And... Haibara Ai used her eyes to measure the height, weight, hairstyle, and face shape of the other party.

It doesn't match Dazai's rule.

There was no bandage on Dazai's face either.


so similar.

If the other person's hairstyle changes, remove the bandage on the right eye...

that face...

Haibara Ai pieced together the complete face of Tsushima Shuji in his mind, and compared it with Dazai's.

The facial features in front of him still look immature, with baby fat, and his height is not too high.

When the baby fat receded and turned into an adult man, that face was 100% the same as Osamu Dazai.

"Your name." The girl with short brown hair said suddenly.

"Huh?" The boy tilted his head.

"Tsujima, Tsushima Shuji, it's our first meeting, hello, Haibara-kun." Although he was puzzled, he introduced himself patiently.

"Tsushima... Shuji?" Haibara Ai was lost in thought.

This boy...what is the relationship with Osamu Dazai?

Why does he look so similar to the other?

"Meow~, so Haibara-san can tell me what you just said?" Tsushima Shuji stretched out his hand, waved his hand like a lucky cat, and let out a meow in affirmation.

However, Haibara Ai was once again brought back to the nightmare scene by the cat meow of this familiar voice.

On that cruise ship, under Dazai Osamu's meow, Gin with a blank face drew his gun and killed the undercover agent who had infiltrated the ship.

"Haihara, what's wrong with you?" Edogawa Conan couldn't help saying.

"I'm sorry, Tsushima-bro, she likes to watch TV series, and she likes to learn lines from TV series..." Edogawa Conan explained loudly.

The appearance of Haiyuan seems to be mistaken.


"That's right." Tsushima Shuji nodded.

Tsushima Shuji: I did it on purpose~ Hey, I was scared~

He grabbed the primary school student.

"Is she the researcher who ran out of that organization?" whispered.

"Yeah, she seems to know someone who is very similar to you, do you have any impression?" Edogawa Conan said with an expressionless face.

"...My whole family is dead except me." Tsushima Shuji responded after a moment of silence, his voice low.

Edogawa Conan: ! ! Got it!

"I'm sorry—" he apologized as if at home.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter, if there is someone who is very similar to me... I would also like to meet." Tsushima Shuji waved his hand and said indifferently.

"Maybe there is a real resurrection of the dead?" His tone was even a little expectant.

Then he couldn't help laughing.

"Sorry, I think too much." He seemed to think he was ridiculous too.

[How can a person... come back from the dead]

"Tsushima..." Edogawa Conan looked at the other party who was smiling, but felt that the other party was surrounded by endless loneliness and despair.

Tsushima at that moment just now...

Who are you hoping to bring back from the dead?

"Tsushima, you seem to get along well with these children." Akashi Seijuro said mildly and reliably.

"After all, Tsushima is..." It's a kid.

Atobe Keigo put his hands around his shoulders and was about to speak, but he saw Shuji Tsushima's smile.



"...Children's innocence." He changed his words.

Atobe Keigo: I just can't bear to expose Tsushima's childishness!

It's just to save face for him in front of these little devils!

Tsushima Shuji nodded.

My age is minus the 1 in front, but I am only four years old, younger than elementary school students.

What's wrong with being childish!

"The TV shows that children watch now... are all this kind of murder?" Atobe Keigo rubbed his brows in a helpless tone.

"Ahahaha... It's just that Haiyuan likes to watch it, how about it, what Haiyuan just learned is very similar, right?" Edogawa Conan hurriedly laughed.

"It's really good at acting..." Akashi Seijuro nodded.

"In that case, should Haibara try to be a small actor?" Tsushima Shuji suddenly suggested.

Edogawa Conan: Hello—

What are you doing, Tsushima guy.

"She's someone who escaped from the organization. If she becomes an actor, her face will be exposed when the guys in the organization see it..." Edogawa Conan stood on tiptoe and asked next to Shuji Tsushima who was squatting.

"No need." Haiyuan Ai also shook her head and refused.

"It's such a pity." Tsushima Shuji said helplessly.

"Okay, watch the game..." He stood up, but suddenly fell backwards.

He was held by Akashi Seijuro and Atobe Keigo at the same time, and stood firm.

The originally dull eyes gradually I'm sorry, I suddenly stood up and felt a little dizzy. "He embarrassedly stretched out his fingers and scratched his face, apologetically.

"Be careful." Atobe Jingwu frowned.

Sure enough, an independent stand should be arranged.

At least you don't have to stand and watch.

"It's okay, it's okay." Tsushima Shuji waved his hand quickly.

"Standing and watching the game is also a memorable experience for me." He said with joy.

Edogawa Conan Dead Fisheye: This guy from Tsushima...

I feel like I'm showing off something.

On the other side, Haibara Ai silently watched Shuji Tsushima.

Even if the other party has already put on a hat.

This sickly young boy is visible to the naked eye...

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