COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 285: Tsushima: Hey, Conan, do you think I'm the murderer?

"I of COS Dazai Osamu got into the Conan crew (!

Under the unremitting efforts of Edogawa Conan.

Several other elementary school students also woke up.

After all... It took a while for Tsushima Shuji to clear the passage with the bodyguards.

In other words, the outside world is about to be bright.

Walking in the dark tunnel, there are still two bodyguards holding flashlights in front to open the way, and the two bodyguards in the back take care of the aftermath.

It's just that in the middle, in addition to Tsushima Shuji, there are five more elementary school students and one Dr. Agasa.

This time through the tunnel, the pupils felt a sense of security in their hearts.

Eating the food brought by the bodyguards (Shuji Tsushima didn't want to eat, let them pack)

Walking while chatting.

It ran into a dark shadow.

The next moment, the shadow saw a group of people and immediately turned around and ran.

"That guy—" Edogawa Conan chased after him.

The pupils followed suit.

Tsushima Shuji followed slowly with his bodyguards.

Followed to the end.

This passage leads to the hall of the castle.

And that black figure, the old lady, was dragged by the pupils' legs at the moment, but still struggled to climb up the passage.

As soon as she kicked her legs hard, she kicked the elementary school students who were pulling her legs to the ground.

Then three or two climbed up.

Edogawa Conan and other elementary school students quickly got up from the ground.

Also climbed up.

Tsushima Shuji also seemed to have a hard time climbing up.

Then he gasped slightly.

In the hall at the moment, the primary school students and the old lady are standing face to face, both of them are eyeing.

"It's so late, what are you all doing here?" The old lady asked tremblingly and kindly.

"Stop pretending, you old witch." Yuan Tai cursed.

The old lady's face twisted.

"Xiuzhi, when you were young, I was the most..." I love you the most.

"Aren't you bad at work? Old lady." Tsushima Shuji interrupted his words and said meaningfully.

"And... I only saw Mrs. Mamiya once when I was young." He said leisurely.

But when it comes to making connections, even if you only meet once, it can be said to be a hit-and-miss relationship.

The old lady's face twisted again.

"You can't catch me," she said, turning her back to the elementary school students, and rushing to the door to turn the mechanism on the wall.

"No one knows these secret passages better than me." She said wildly to herself.

"Don't you want the treasure you've been looking for for so many years?" Tsushima Shuji asked in a flat tone.

Without giving Edogawa Conan time to speak, he unlocked the password for the position of the chess piece in the courtyard in three or two times.

Edogawa Conan: ... numb.

"Turn that portrait..." Tsushima Shuji said while "Old Madam" did the same.

Turning the portrait reveals the stairs behind it.

"My treasure—" She rushed in ecstatically, muttering to herself as she crawled.

The crowd followed her and climbed up.

She can't care about other people at this moment, and her eyes are full of treasures at her fingertips.

The highest point is an empty platform.

Empty, nothing.

"Where's my treasure? Where is the treasure?" She looked around in disbelief.

"Why is there no treasure!!" She turned her head and said angrily.

"Isn't it written here?" Edogawa Conan pointed to the writing on the side.

"I voluntarily gave this castle and landscape to the first person who came here."

"This is the treasure." Edogawa Conan's tone was deep.

The fake old lady opened the wooden door of the skylight and saw the familiar building outside the window.

"...For such a treasure, I made myself look like an old woman..." she muttered to herself.

"To make yourself look so pathetic and ugly..." Tsushima Shuji stared at the man who collapsed to the ground.

"Sad... ugly?" She looked up slowly.

Meet the kite-colored eyes.

So she lowered her head again and stretched out her hands to look at her old skin.

Touched the same old cheek.

"...Master Tsushima..." Her eyes lost the will to live.

"Am I really... ugly?" The tone trembled.

"No doubt." Tsushima Shuji sighed and closed his eyes.

"Even looking at it, you will feel the ugliness of hurting your eyes..." She stood up.

"Living in prison as a sad and ugly old woman..." She took a few steps back.

"It's better... to die now." She jumped off the rooftop.

"Don't—" Edogawa Conan rushed up and tried to grab him.

However, one step behind.

His hands were stiffly stuck out of the window.

He turned to look at Tsushima Shuji.

The black-haired boy stared at the window, expressionless as if immersed in his own world.

After a long time, he looked back as if nothing had happened.

"Suicide." A look of indifference.

Edogawa Conan looked up at him.

But he saw nothing in his eyes, and his face was expressionless like a puppet.

"Conan, you said...Is this considered me...killed her?" He tilted his head and asked in an ethereal tone.

Edogawa Conan's complexion changed greatly.

I remembered the doctor who chose to commit suicide on Moon Shadow Island.

[The detective who drove the prisoner to a dead a murderer. ]

He always believed that he killed Dr. Chengshi himself.

And just today, he and Tsushima once again encountered the murderer's suicide.


Is it because Tsushima's sentence is ugly?

Tsushima... is he a murderer?

As it turns out, it doesn't count.

The police came to the scene.

The case ended with the murderer committing suicide.

The fire four years ago also found out the truth.

Dr. A Li and the elementary school students are also leaving.

"Although it still feels a little pity..." Mamiya Man sighed.

"But it's great to be able to find out who killed my mother." Mamiya Noble said with satisfaction.

"Welcome to play again next time." Mamiya Man said to the pupils.

"Are you going back, Shuji?" He turned to Tsushima Shuji.

"Ah, just happened to go back with them." Tsushima Shuji nodded.

"Then... your room will always be reserved for you. You are welcome to stay here at any time." Ma Gongman thought for a while.

"Okay." Tsushima Shuji smiled lightly.

Dr. A Li drove four elementary school students in a car.

Edogawa Conan got into the Tsushima family's car alone.

"Tsujima." The elementary school student said suddenly, sitting there with his head down.

"Ah." The boy rested his chin with one hand, looked out the window, and did not respond.

"Do you think... did you kill yourself?" Edogawa Conan asked with his head lowered.

The boy was silent.

He maintained his chin with one hand, looking out the window, motionless and silent.

"I see." Edogawa Conan said in an understanding tone.

Tsushima now... I'm afraid it's the same as himself, who watched Doctor Chengshi commit suicide on Moon Shadow Island.

"I don't care about the life and death of people who don't matter." Tsushima Shuji looked out the window and said casually.

I did it on purpose!

How does it feel to see a prisoner commit suicide in front of you again? Kudo-senpai~

"I see." Kudo Shin nodded.

He understood it all, Tsushima, as expected, he was just being hard-hearted and soft-hearted.

Although it seems that he doesn't care about the lives of other people, his heart must be very uncomfortable!

Tsushima Shuji looked out the window, at the blurred reflection of himself on the car window, the boy in the reflection seemed to laugh, but it seemed like it was just an illusion.

Tsushima Shuji: You're right? I'm just a soft-hearted boy.

I don't want her to die sure

But... heroes always have some regrets.

Although the death of such a murderer with little sympathy cannot be called regret at all...

Obviously the other party earned it.

But someone has to die, right?

I'm not interested in simple puzzle solving cases that have nothing to do with human life.

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