COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 296: Tsushima: First of all, you go to be beaten

"I of COS Dazai Osamu got into the Conan crew (!

The only people who eat seriously are Shuji Tsushima and Ritsu Maeda.

Senyuan Juren is feeling lost and depressed, not thinking about tea and rice, and forcing an attitude of indifference.

Michio Moriyuan's expression was serious, and his anger and anger were indistinguishable.

Moriyuan Yurie tries to coax Rebecca away from Tsushima Shuji.


"I'm not leaving—"

"He'll get hurt—"

Miss Cat meowed twice at Moriyuan Lily River.

Turn around and continue to post with the teenager.

Shuji Tsushima: Yes, that's it.

Speaking of which, Miss Cat, what do you know? Can you take care of my rich lady, Miss Cat, who has inherited hundreds of millions of properties?

Tsushima Shuji patted the cat's head and rubbed it quietly.

Of course, it seems that the cat is still actively rubbing him.

Tsushima Shuji: Miss Cat is an angel indeed—!

Maeda Ritsu, who was on the side, also saw this, and looked thoughtfully at his nominal cousin, the organization's Cahor.

Look at the slimy cat again.

I remembered the rumors circulating in the organization that Cahor likes to pick up dogs.

Maeda Ritsuya: Do you really like cats and dogs so much? Doubt.jpg

Moriyuan Qianxiong leaned on crutches and left with a deep back.

Butler Shigematsu followed him away with guilt in his eyes.

Yuji Sakurai and Katagiri looked at each other and lowered their heads.

Although... the atmosphere is awkward.


Everything has been said, and the future...will be better sooner.

Moriyuan Kikuto followed Tsushima Shuji all the way.

He couldn't help but want to speak, but he held back abruptly.

He looked at Ritsuya Maeda and wanted to talk to the other party, but was blocked by the other party's cold appearance and aura of refusing to communicate.

He looked at Tsushima Shuji again.

Although it didn't have the bright air-conditioning that Maeda Ritsu also had, he was still cold and taciturn.

Moriyuan Juren: Your cousins... don't you like to talk?

But... When I was analyzing the situation before, Shuji Tsushima said a lot...

Senyuan Juren: I don't understand.

Is it the taciturn personality that attracts women more?

Or... let me try too?

He imitated Maeda Ritsuya's appearance, and his face became cold.

I feel more handsome than Maeda Ritsuya himself.

He touched his chin and nodded affirmatively.

"What are you doing?" The person he imitated looked back at him.

"Ahahaha..." He immediately laughed awkwardly.

"It's nothing, nothing..." He frantically denied.

"By the way, how will we cooperate in the future?" Moriyuan Juren quickly changed the subject and asked.

He is also quite curious.

After all, the cousins ​​in front of him.

One is a famous genius in the business world, and the other is a noble son in the legal world.

It is said that the projects invested by Shuji Tsushima have never lost money, and every time they make a lot of money, making other companies envious and jealous.

As for Maeda Ritsuya, the noble son of the legal world...

His client has never lost a case.

Not once.

And the Maeda family's property is in his hands. Although he doesn't say that he makes a lot of money, he has never lost money.

Moriyuan Chrysanthemum: I'm so envious—

Teach me, my brothers—

Maeda Ritsuya and Tsushima Shuji, and Atobe Keigo and Akashi Seijuro, they are the most mentioned in the upper circles of neon society, their parent education Moriyuan Kikuto, their words are "Look at you. , how old are you, the child of the Atobe family, Tsushima family, Akashi family, Maeda family, younger than you, but already…”

By the way, Shuji Tsushima took over the Tsushima Club at the age of fourteen, Keigo Atobe started contacting the family business at the age of sixteen, and Seijuro Akashi started contacting at the age of eighteen.


They all handle it with ease now.

After letting Moriyuan Juren take over like this, the second generation who had various problems and lost money became even more depressed.


Morien Kikuto stared at Shuji Tsushima.

He hoped that the cooperation with Shuji Tsushima would make his reputation sound a little better.

At least not... that foolish young master who ruined his family's property...

Tsushima Shuji glanced at him.

"Brother Juren." He suddenly called out with a gentle smile.

"Ah? What's wrong?" Moriyuan Juren looked puzzled.

Some...bewildered by this smile.

next moment.

He heard Shuji Tsushima, who had a mild smile, say to him, "Did you tell Uncle Moriyuan what you did?"

Senyuan Juren: Do you need to ask? certainly…


"Then go tell him." Tsushima Shuji urged.

"Between the family, if you have anything to say, you should make it clear." He said earnestly.

"Let's come back and talk about cooperation after that." He didn't panic.

Senyuan Juren: Then I... went?

"Come on." Tsushima Shuji looked at him encouragingly.

Go now.

you don't go...

How to be beaten?

Senyuan Chrysanthemum gritted his teeth and left in a domineering manner.

The back has the air of Xiaoxiao and Yi Shuihan, and the strong man will never return once he leaves.

Moriyuan Juren came to Moriyuan Ganxiong's room.

Mr. Moriyuan had already changed into his pajamas and was about to go to sleep.

He heard his son knock on the door.


"What did you say?" Sen Yuan's expression stiffened.

"You make it clear, what have you done?" He said word by word.

"you you…"

"You..." He pressed his chest excitedly.

Unfilial son-! !

Under his gaze, Senyuan Juren knelt down without saying a word.

Tsushima Shuji taught him.

Kneel down first when indecisive.

"Dad, I..." He tried to explain for himself.

"Don't call me dad." Senyuan Master interrupted him.

The next moment, he picked up the crutches beside him.

Senyuan Chrysanthemum:…

"You just fooled him like that?" Maeda Ritsu also asked while sitting on the sofa.

"How can you say it's flickering." Tsushima Shuji retorted.

"It's obviously a persuasion for the sake of their father and son's feelings~" he said as if moved by himself.

Maeda Ritsu also lowered his head.

If... replace it with before today.

He really will believe it.

but now.

He would no longer believe a word of what his titular cousin said.

Moriyuan chrysanthemum is back.

The face looked unscathed.

There was no problem in walking.

Except the movement is a little slow.

Tsushima Shuji: I think...Little devil laughs.jpg

"You're back—Brother Juren~" He seemed to inadvertently threw his hand on the other's back.

next moment.

Moriyuan Chrysanthemum knelt down tremblingly.

He knelt down in front of Ritsuya Maeda, who was sitting on the sofa.

Ritsuya Maeda:…

The eyes of the gnashing Moriyuan Kiku people met.

He silently looked away.

"Uncle Moriyuan... It's really ruthless..." Tsushima retracted his and said with emotion as if nothing happened.

Senyuan Chrysanthemum:…

He held the coffee table with trembling hands, stood up, and sat on the sofa. He didn't dare to sit on the sofa, so he could only straighten his back.

"It's all settled." He wanted to show a smile that he could control, but it turned into a twisted smile.

Tsushima Shuji: It's so miserable—

I can only sleep on my stomach lately.

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