COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 298: 1 to watch the meteor shower/bushi

"I of COS Dazai Osamu got into the Conan crew (!

[Is Cahor's real name Shuji Tsushima? —vidal]

[how? Did that kid tell you? —gin (gin)]

Maeda Ritsu also looked at the answer, sitting in the study and slowly lowered his head.

Cahor got the code name earlier than he did.

Exactly how early, he didn't know.

Because the other party was not active in the country before.

Only recently returned to Neon.

Cahors has only recently become famous in the Neon Division.

It's mostly about how the other party is valued by the adult, or how terrible the means are.

As mysterious as Mr. Osamu Dazai.

That Dazai Osamu is obviously a member of the organization, but he doesn't even need a code name.

Everyone who had met Osamu Dazai said that he was a man who was incompatible with a crow.

Always wear a conspicuous white coat.

Maeda Ritsu also wanted to laugh.

Guys like them who work in the dark usually choose black clothes.

How could anyone wear such a conspicuous white to a mission?

But that Dazai Osamu's mission completion rate is 100%.

Never missed.

And Cahor's mission completion is also 100%.

Only Whiskey, Cahors, and... Dazai Osamu and Rye are the only ones who maintain a 100% mission in the organization.

Gin, Bourbon, Belmod, and their mission completion rates are also very high, but... more or less, they have experienced failures.

For example... After the rye defected, Bourbon and others took on the task of chasing him.

The result ended in failure.

According to Gin-senpai, it is said that a long time ago, he made a mistake that almost killed him.

So I hate the traitors and undercover agents of the organization.

Maeda Ritsu also thought about it and turned on the organization's mobile phone.

Found the leaderboard.

I ignored the list of looks, body and the like.

The developers of the internal apps in the organization are just like geeky geeks.

So many members don't show their faces, so what's the use of making a face value list.

And... Cahor and Osamu Dazai are tied for first place in the face value list.

There is no one below.

It's just the two of them on the list.

Vidal: I suspect this app was made by Cahors or Osamu Dazai.

He just clicked on the task completion rate list.

Each member code is followed by a number.

For example, Senior Gin, his name is followed by 99%

Vodka is 90%

And Vidal, has not yet qualified to enter the rankings.

Because he hasn't completed a hundred tasks yet.

Only code members who have completed one hundred tasks are eligible to join the list.

Otherwise... Vidal, who has completed 30 tasks, currently has a 100% success rate.

Wiedell didn't even dare to think about it.

[Yo~ You are still far from being on the list~] A bubble appeared on the phone screen.

[Keep working hard—] A sentence appeared in the bubble, accompanied by an emotionless mechanical sound.

Vidale: …

He had stopped thinking that his titular cousin was actually Cahors.

He only had a task in mind at the moment.

He silently opened the task lobby, ready to select tasks.

"I still have to learn more from Gin."

Maeda Ritsuya: Gin, a role model for the organization!

Vidal: I'm mad at myself! Brush tasks overnight!

Tsushima Shuji was once again bored.

He felt something slowly flow out of him.

Lie quietly with eyes closed.

"Click-" the door opened.

"It's so late... Is that kid Kao still taking a shower?" Amuro asked, looking at the dark living room and the only lit bathroom.

"Why is there no sound of water?" Lu Chuanwu frowned.

"That kid shouldn't..." Amuro's expression gradually became complicated.

"Bang bang bang -" Lu Chuan Wu had already gone up and knocked on the door.

"Kaa, are you in there?" he asked.

Amuro glanced at his friend, and then at the bathroom, which was brightly lit, but no sound came from it.

He crouched down and looked through the crack of the door.

In the trance, he seemed to see a red trace that spread.

He blinked.

The next moment, the door opened.

"'re back." The black-haired boy was neatly dressed, there was no trace of water on his body, and even the bathroom was refreshing without any moisture.

"What were you doing just now?" Amuro glanced at the bathroom floor.

A piece of snow white, clean.

Not the slightest trace.

Strange... did he read it wrong?

The red before...

"Don't ask so much, Bourbon is really noisy~" Tsushima Shuji closed his eyes and answered slowly.

"..." Amuro grabbed the boy's collar.

"Thank you so much for your concern—" he said with a smile.

On his face, it was clearly written that if you dare not thank you, you will be sharked.

"Ah—" Tsushima Shuji looked at him blankly.

"Please give the useless care to other people who need care-" he muttered nonchalantly.

Midorikawa, who was checking the bathroom, walked out and shook his head at Toru Amuro.

"Idiot Bourbon is about to let go, I'm going back to sleep." Tsushima Shuji tugged at his collar.

Amuro let go of his hand.

"Could it be that you didn't eat when we were away?" He opened the refrigerator, looked at the ingredients still full, and asked with a frown.

"That's not it~" Tsushima Shuji denied.

"I change places to eat every day," he said seriously.

Then he walked slowly back to the room.

Locked the door.

"What did you find?" Toru Amuro asked Midorikawa.

"Nothing." Lu Chuanwu shook his head.

The bathroom was clean, one used it at all.

"Strange..." Amuro frowned.

The red he saw...

Is it an illusion caused by being too tired to do tasks?

On the other side, Shuji Tsushima was lying in the dark room, looking at his wrist with his right hand raised, silently in a daze.

It was as if he saw the blood flowing all over the place gradually disappearing.

There was a faint light in the room.

The figure of that person appeared in the projection.

He was still wearing a snow-white suit, sitting on the sofa with a teacup.

Still can't see the part above the neck.

"Good evening, Xiuji." He put down the teacup without making a sound.

"Ah... good evening." Tsushima Shuji lowered his hands and sat up lazily.

"Are you bored?" the man asked, clasping his hands and crossing his fingers.

"Ah." Tsushima Shuji came to the desk and sat down, lying on the table in response.

"There will be a meteor shower this morning." He suddenly mentioned.

"Go and have a look," he said gently.

"Meteor shower...?" Tsushima Shuji tilted his head.

Obviously no celestial phenomenon has been detected...

"As long as you go to see Xiuzhi, there will be." The man slowly poured a cup of tea for himself and said calmly.

"I see." Tsushima Shuji sighed.

Get up and get ready to fight Bourbon and Scotland.

"Xiuzhi." The man stopped him.

The boy stood at the door, holding the door with one hand, while looking back.

"Have fun." The man seemed to have a deep and it seemed like it was just a simple blessing.

Tsushima Shuji opened the door.

next moment.

There was a cheerful knock on the door.

"Bang bang bang-"

"Bang bang bang-"

"Get up, get up—"

"Don't sleep-"

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