COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 402: Free Tool Man White Horse Detective

Amuro pondered the possibility of Kaa usurping the throne in his heart.

After thinking about it, I still think-

The probability is zero.

Kao didn't even bother to do tasks, and as a student he didn't go to school. As the president of Tsushima Club, most of the daily things were handled by Tanaka Butler.

As a private detective, his attitude towards commissions is also very capricious.

Most of the time trying various methods of suicide.

It's hard to imagine that the other party will usurp the throne...

Picture what? Taking over such a large organization, there must be a lot of things to manage.

At first glance, Kaa was not someone who would be willing to take charge.

On the other side, Shuji Tsushima was carefully choosing words and sentences to send emails to Hakuba Tan.

The content is roughly…

[I heard that you have also returned to China. I have seen the cases you solved. The difficulty is average and the number is average. Look at me, three cases a day. ]

[I've been a little bored recently. Would you like to find out who has solved more cases? ]

Of course, the last post must look more civilized and polite than this.

But essentially the meaning is the same.

Last signature - won your five hundred and sixty-one friends.

Not surprisingly.

Some of the cases in Tokyo can be handed over to Hakuba.

It's a pity that Kudo Shinichi ran away with Haibara Ai. As a detective, he actually went on strike!

Where did he put Kogoro Mori!

Mouri Kogoro, who was without Conan, returned to his old job.

Find cats and dogs to catch an affair.

Tsushima Shuji sighed and began to miss Kogoro Mori who was accompanied by Conan Edogawa.

At least if the case is thrown to the other party, Edogawa Conan can find the murderer.

The title of the savior of the police is indeed more suitable for Kudo Shinichi.


Edogawa Conan and Haibara Ai were running around, trying to draw out the people in the organization.

But since the memorial service that day, no one has watched them.

Tiamali went to Chablis's laboratory every day to urge each other.

Trinidad seemed to be stuck in idle time after giving Shirley a shot.

Peno followed Tiamari to block Chablis's door.

For this, Chablis complained a lot about the two of them.

It felt like they were interrupting his time for experiments.

Moreover, for the drugs developed by Miyano Atsushi and Miyano Shiho, he is still in a state of having just taken over.

It will take a long time to develop an antidote.

Known as a mad researcher, Chablis began an experiment of sleepless nights.

Although so far, there is no progress.

Havana, through the arrangement of Kenzo Zongshan, was successfully enrolled in Mihua Tedan Elementary School and became a transfer student of Class C in the first grade.

Kenzo Matsuyama must not know that Edogawa Conan's true identity is Kudo Shinichi, and his goal is to make Havana stare at Haibara Ai.


Edogawa Conan and Haibara Ai often stay together, and if Kenzo Matsuyama investigates carefully, he can almost find out the truth.

It's just that Edogawa Conan and Haibara Ai are still wandering, and Havana has not squatted on them.

And the gin and vodka that Edogawa Conan wants to bring out the most...

Jinjiu is too busy to take care of each other at all.


"When will Kudo-senpai be back..." Tsushima Shuji sighed sincerely.

When can we accept the facts and come back to continue to be the savior of the police?

Compared to a group of undercover organizations, it is more difficult to save the police who are righteous and trash...

"The white crow is moving again." Just as he was thinking, Amuro suddenly looked out of the car window and said.

Tsushima Shuji also raised his head and looked out the window.

A white crow appeared on the commercial building's advertising screen.

Figure of a man in a white suit with a crow mask.

"That's not necessarily a white crow..." Tsushima Shuji was bored, not interested at all.

White Crow maintains a live broadcast every three days or once a week, changing the way to judge the so-called sinners.

Tsushima Shuji didn't feel anything about it, and it was not bad to watch the white crow's performance when he had nothing to do.


Tsushima Shuji, who was a police consultant, couldn't watch the other party's performance.


Tsushima Shuji's phone lit up.

Someone called him.

The name of the contact displayed on the phone screen is Police Officer Mumu.

Tsushima Shuji: Ah, here we come.

Is it still time for me to vomit blood and go to the hospital in a coma?

Even the so-called stepping stones have been found for me...

Numerous thoughts came out of Tsushima Shuji's heart, and were swept away by himself.

"Forget it..." The young man sighed faintly.

"Mosimoxi, Officer Mumu?" The boy answered the phone.

"Brother Tsushima, that's it...Did you see it? The white crow is moving again..." Officer Mumu's voice came from the other side of the phone.

Shuji Tsushima: Yes, I'm watching with gusto at the self-directed and self-acted performances of those people.

After all, the screen is facing the car window.

"White crow?" The boy asked in a confused tone.

"Sorry, at the speed of Mr. Amuro, I don't have the rest of the energy to pay attention to the outside, wait a moment..." The boy was very polite.

"Mr. Amuro, stop the car," he said.

Toru Amuro, who had parked the car long ago:…

Midorikawa, the co-pilot:…

As early as when the figure of the white crow appeared on the screen outside, Toru Amuro had already stopped the car.

It's better to go to the street than to work for the police.

"Okay." Amuro raised his eyebrows.

"...I've seen it now, and it's really out of order." The young man nodded earnestly and said perfunctorily.

"Now I need you to help the police find where the white crow is..." Officer Mumu's voice was deep.

"The white crow has repeatedly killed people on a large-scale live broadcast, seriously provoking the police..." with anger.

"They must be brought to justice." And firm determination.

"Brother Tsushima, it's up to you!" He said to Tsushima Shuji.

Tsushima Shuji:  …

Toru Amuro and Midorikawa were expressionless and complicated.

"I see, I will meet you later." Tsushima Shuji was expressionless, but his voice sounded very polite.

The moment he hung up the phone, he silently rolled under the seat.

Try to hide yourself in it.

"Don't hide, the police are still waiting for you, consultant Tsushima... Pffhahahaha..." Amuro said with a reckless smile.

Tsushima Shuji:  …

His body was still hidden in the gap under the seat, and a head stuck out.

The kite-colored eyes were dull and quiet as if they were dead.

"It's so boring..." He silently stared out the window with his kite-colored eyes for a long time, his voice faint.

The phone that was lying aside lights up again.

This time it was a text message.

[I prepared an interesting gift for Shuji. ]

Tsushima Shuji was lying there, looking at the phone with a blank expression.

Interesting gift...

Then look forward to it.

"Let's go, go to Officer Mumu." He climbed out of the gap and patted his clothes while sitting, as if nothing had happened.

A text message appeared on the screen.

[did you see it? The White Crow is live streaming again, it's better to see who catches them first this time. - Detective White Horse]

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