COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 409: Shuji Tsushima: I really want to resign

"Want to come in and have a look? Conan." Tsushima Shuji sat in a wheelchair, smashed the camera and didn't leave, but stayed at the door just like that.

At this moment, he said softly to the outside.

After a while, Edogawa Conan walked in slowly with his skateboard in his arms.

"How do you know..." I'm here?

Edogawa Conan wanted to ask.

He chased Tsushima Shuji to the warehouse, and then hid outside to hear their analysis.

That white crow is a fake.

He wanted to put some small things on Tsushima Yuji's car, such as bugs...

However, unlike Gin's classic car, Tsushima Shuji's car could not be easily pried open.

So Edogawa Conan had to wait until Shuji Tsushima and the others set off, and follow them on a skateboard.

"I saw you at a glance in the rearview mirror." Tsushima Shuji spit out expressionlessly.

The elementary school student rampaged on his skateboard and almost caused a car accident. With such a big movement, did he think he was secretly stalking?

"Ahahaha..." Edogawa Conan embarrassedly hid the skateboard behind him, smirking and trying to get away with it.

"The white crow has escaped." The primary school student put away his smirk and said with a serious expression.

"Yeah, it's too late." Tsushima Shuji looked tired.

"Are there any clues left?" Edogawa Conan said, holding his skateboard over Shuji Tsushima, and went inside to check.

Then, he froze in place.

Frightened by the horror of the three bodies.

What followed was a surge of anger.

"How can he..." Edogawa Conan tightened his hands holding the skateboard.

"How can you do this..."

"Play with other people's lives at will..."

"Unforgivable." He clenched his hands into fists and gritted his teeth.

Other murderers kill with one blow, killing for the sole purpose of killing.

And the white crow...

But the purpose of making fun of this group of people is to kill.

Edogawa Conan can naturally see the white crow's thoughts from such a crime scene.

Cat-and-mouse teasing.

The high above seemed to give them a chance to live, but when they were full of hope, they told them that the chance to live was missed by them.

When these people died, the expressions on their faces were even full of relief and smugness.

"I'm dead, let's see how you torture me." During the live broadcast, the man who dug out his heart by himself smiled wildly. The next moment, he tilted his head and lost his breath.

The heart in his hand fell to the ground.

Just like the scene in front of you.

"The White Crow—"

"I will definitely catch you."

"Absolutely." Edogawa Conan's expression was fierce, with an overwhelming determination.

"Tsujima, help me." He calmed down and calmly said.

Tsushima Shuji: I actually asked for help...

You know, they don't even get this kind of treatment for gin.

It seems that he really wants to catch the white crow.

If you can't catch it, it will affect your mental state.

Why don't you catch a white crow next time?


The crow can "fly"~

"Okay." The black-haired boy said calmly.

Toru Amuro and Midorikawa glanced at Shuji Tsushima suspiciously.

He just cooperated with the other party to play the police, turned around and promised Kudo Shinichi to arrest the other party?

How fickle, Cahors.

After Edogawa Conan heard Shuji Tsushima's consent, he couldn't help feeling relieved.

I always feel that with Tsushima's help...

Can do anything.

Edogawa Conan calmed down and began to look for clues about the white crow left at the scene.


Nothing but blood on the ground, mouse tracks, fallen hearts, **** tools.

It was as if there were only three deceased figures in this case from beginning to end.

He found a white crow feather in the black horn in the corner.

Clean and pure white.

Every time a white crow commits a crime, such a crow feather is left on the scene.

Unscrupulously told everyone that the murderer was the white crow.

Edogawa Conan put away Crow Feather and continued to look for other suspicious clues.

"Officer Mumu will be here soon," Tsushima Shuji reminded.

Someone is said to have gone abroad.

If it appears suddenly...

Edogawa Conan, who was collecting clues, froze in place.

Continue to stay here to find clues - bumped into police officer Mumu - Xiaolan finds out that she has not left the country.

If you turn around and run...

Edogawa Conan thought for a while, then turned and left with Crow Feather.

"I'll leave it to you here." He said to Tsushima Shuji.

Tsushima Shuji: ...Actually, I'd rather give it to you.

you stay! Kudo Shinichi! /stretch out the hand to keep.jpg

"Where's Haibara-san?" Tsushima Shuji asked quietly behind Edogawa Conan.

Edogawa Conan: ! !

He quickly looked behind him, showing a very embarrassed expression.

he looks like…

I mourned the gray...


I vaguely remember that after seeing Shuji Tsushima and the others speeding away...

He threw the skateboard without saying a word, jumped off, and then…

Haibara Ai is now alone.

In case you meet someone from the organization...

"Oops, I have to find her." Edogawa Conan hurriedly ran away.

"..." Tsushima Shuji silently watched the back of the other party's departure.

After a while, the door to the room was closed.


"I also want to go woo woo woo..."

"I don't want to be a consultant anymore, the police are such **** QAQ..."

"I can't take it anymore at the age of fourteen..." He slipped out of the wheelchair with a snap, and cried while rolling on the ground.

Amuro glanced at the tumbling ground of the other party subconsciously.

Very good, very clean, even if the other party stands up after rolling, there will be no stains on his body.

that is…

As the other party rolled like this, the ground became cleaner and cleaner.

Clean enough to sparkle.

"Would you like to...get up first?" Lu Chuan persuaded without a good voice.

"Don't—!" The boy's rolling movements stopped.

"I'm going to strike! Strike!" He raised his head and shouted angrily.

"Who should be this consultant's identity!"

"A bunch of inhuman police adults woohoooooo..."

"Squeezing minors..." He continued to scold.

"When the police officer Mumu and the others arrive, seeing you like this..." Lu Chuanwu squatted on the ground, trying to reach out and pull the opponent's hand, but there was nowhere to place it.

"Who cares about them..." The tumbling teenager said in a bad The next moment, hurried footsteps sounded outside the door.

It sounded like the footsteps of a group of people running.

"Listen, they..." came.

Green Chuanwu lowered his head to the ground...

on the ground…

What about people?

What about the person who was just rolling on the ground and playing rascal?

Lv Chuan raised his head without a rush, only to see the boy who had just been a boyish rogue, now sitting quietly in a wheelchair, with a cold and melancholy look.

Midorikawa no: …

No matter how many times I watch it, I can't get used to the speed of Kaa's face changing.

"Open the door." Tsushima Shuji said coldly.

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