COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 413: Haruhiko Oba: Yes, I'm not alive

"I just whispered a little bit with Xiuzhi and blocked you."

As if aware of the doubts of Toru Domuro and Midorikawa, Haruhiko Oba glanced at them and explained with a smile.

"After all, in the game world, nothing is impossible, right?" He slowly shook his glass and raised his glass to the two of them.

"All in all, it's something that makes me feel too kind." Tsushima Shuji shook his head.

He made it clear that he didn't want to say anything to the two of them.

"Hmm..." Tsushima Shuji put on the face of a beautiful young man with white hair and purple eyes, a little thoughtful.

"Actually Bourbon and Scotland can also use the private message function..."

"Just click into the bottom column in the lower right corner of the control panel..." He seriously taught Amuro Toru and Midorikawa to use the whisper function.

Haruhiko Oba put down the glass and casually turned the ruby ​​ring on the thumb of his right hand.

Shuji was playing again, children just love to play.

Bourbon and Scotland are really suitable to play with Shuji.

These two combinations are the most suitable to play with Xiuzhi, and if they are alone, they are not suitable.

Gin is also very suitable to play with Shuji.

The eye for picking people is really good.

Shuji had a lot of fun with them.

And in the near future, they will all be the most useful subordinates to repair.

Although it's almost there now.

Have some more fun.

No matter what kind of game, what kind of gameplay...

It's... the only value left.

It's also... the best gift I can give.

He stared at the boy with an unpredictable smile.

The voices of the other two were heard.

"There really is a private message function..." Amuro tested it.

"Can they really not hear us?" While observing the expressions of Shuji Tsushima and Haruhiko Oba.

"The function of this game is quite complete..." While facing Green River Wudao.

Tsushima Shuji was lying on the bar, his shoulders trembling suspiciously.

"Kaor... Are you laughing?" Amuro said suspiciously.

Shouldn't this private message function be deceived?

Can Kaa actually hear it?

"Maybe... crying?" Midorikawa said after a moment of silence.

Because the two of them saw that when Kao was lying on the bar and his shoulders were shaking, Oba Haruhiko stood up, walked to the boy's side, cut off their eyes, and handed a handkerchief.

"You can still hand a handkerchief in the game... No, can you still shed tears in the game?" Amuro Tucao coldly complained.

"This is Kaa's game, can other games bleed?" Midorikawa asked.

"Did you forget about us... when we fought those bosses?"

In pursuit of reality, they filled up all their senses, so that when they were kicked and flew out by the gatekeeper BOSS, they felt the exact same pain of a broken rib as in reality.

And... he vomited blood one after another.

All in all, very real.

Since it's all so real, it's not impossible to cry, right?

"In the state of whispering, can't we hear them talking?" Amuro asked while looking at the extremely quiet side.

"It seems that it should be right." Green Chuan Wu analyzed.

"You will be discovered by them if you laugh again." Haruhiko Oba lowered his head and handed over the handkerchief, calmly and gently.

Tsushima Shuji raised his head silently, with a schadenfreude smile on his face.

"No, I'm crying." He took the handkerchief and tried to pretend to wipe away his tears, but he couldn't help laughing.

So he gave up.

Lie down on the bar in a self-defeating manner, laughing while constantly hammering the table top.

"Look, he's smiling." Amuro looked at Lu Chuan Wudao expressionlessly.

How could Kaa possibly cry...

And cried to the point of trembling.

Just thinking about it, Toru Amuro couldn't help shivering.

That picture is terrifying.

Toru Amuro: I can't accept / categorically refuse.jpg

"I see it." Lu Chuanwu touched his nose.

If they haven't seen it at this time, they all want to call themselves blind.

"It's really a family." Amuro said strangely.

At first, Haruhiko Oba wanted to cover Kaa.

Handing handkerchiefs to block their eyes.

Put on a gesture of knowing that Kaa was playing with them, but unconditionally cooperating.

It is indeed a family.

"Guru." Tsushima Shuji raised his head and poured all the liquid and ice in the glass into his mouth.

Frozen by the ice cubes, he shook his head, and an unreal sound came out of his mouth.

"Ah, it's indeed a family." Haruhiko Oba said indulgently.

Ice cubes don't taste good...

"Why don't you spit out the ice cubes and eat this?" He knocked on the bar, and a pile of colorful jelly-like things appeared on the table.

"Vodka jelly, whether it is mashed and poured into other alcohol or drinks, is very good." He pushed the jelly pile in front of Shuji Tsushima.

"Hey... Vodka..." Tsushima Shuji held a bucket and spit out the ice cubes in his mouth with his head down.


Then make a LastWord for gin and a colorful cocktail for vodka!

Let them know I'm a master bartender too!

As for how Gin will feel after seeing that glass of LastWord...

Tsushima Shuji: That's none of my business!

He slowly peeled off a few vodka jelly and ate it, then took out four more cups.

Start peeling the jelly.

Then mash.

Then peel another one in.

Then continue mashing.

After stacking four layers of different colors, he poured wine into it.

The cup of Bourbon pours Bourbon, the cup of Scotland pours Scotland, the cup of Cahors pours Cahors, the cup of Haruhiko Oba...

Tsushima Shuji fell into thought.

Which of the six base wines should be poured...

Gin, Vodka, Whiskey, Rum, Brandy, Tequila…

Ah, the agave is dead and the organization has no brandy yet…

"Just like you." Oba Haruhiko said aside.

So Shuji Tsushima poured tequila into the other's cup without hesitation.

Then poured a little lemon juice and put the lemon slices aside for decoration.

Haruhiko Oba's cup is ready.

"This is the result of my first time bartending, and it is an honor for you to taste it." Tsushima Shuji continued to add something to the other three glasses, while saying.

Amuro Toru and Midorikawa's expressionless expressions gradually became complicated.


Can I drink it?

On the plus side, at least Kaa didn't add those strange medicines to it...

Should... not die.

"You're done." Tsushima Shuji pushed the two cups to them respectively.

Saved a cup for myself, with a cheerful tone.

Toru Amuro and Midorikawa looked at the wine in front of them and fell silent.

At least Haruhiko Oba's wine still looks decent and has a name.

Kao's wine...

It looks really After all, there are four layers of vodka jelly of different colors.

It's... pretty dreamy.

They glanced at Haruhiko Oba, and the other party took a sip without changing their color, and showed an encouraging and admiring smile to Shuji Tsushima.

It seems okay.

Toru Amuro and Midorikawa raised wine glasses for no reason.

He closed his eyes and took a sip.

Then a similarly twisted smile appeared at the same time.

Tsushima Shuji looked sad.

It doesn't seem to die.

Just a regular glass of wine...


He lay down again bored.

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