COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 624: Conan: Should I admit my identity?

"Indeed." Edogawa Conan and Hattori Heiji both nodded in agreement.

After all, Tsushima is still a peripheral member who has not obtained a code name. It is impossible for the organization to let the peripheral members know too much information.

But the news that Gwangjin Island has revealed so far is scary enough.

"After talking about me, let's talk about you. How do you feel?" Tsushima Shuji asked the elementary school student.

"It's okay... The wound healed very successfully." Edogawa Conan said, covering his abdomen with one hand.

Here, he was shot.

While playing with the teenage detectives, I met a group of robbers who had killed their mates to hide their bodies, and was shot by one of them.

But compared to this wound...

more importantly…

"I feel that Xiaolan may..." Edogawa Conan lowered his eyes.

"No, it's not possible, she must know my identity." It was Kudo Shinichi's tone.

"Hey~ Could it be that you lost too much blood because of being shot, and then Ran found out about your blood type?" Tsushima Shuji rolled his eyes and made a bold guess.

"That's it." Edogawa Conan's voice was calm.

"The hospital's blood stock was insufficient, and Xiao Lan took the initiative to stand up and say that she and I have the same blood type."

"No one knows Edogawa Conan's blood type, but Kudo Shinichi's blood type is the same as Xiaolan."

"Xiao Lan... She's pretty sure that I have the same blood type as her." Edogawa Conan's tone was firm.

"I'm about to be discovered..." Tsushima Shuji laughed happily on the side.

"Why do you look so happy." Hattori Heiji complained.

"You should have been prepared long ago, a lie is a lie, and it will be exposed one day." Tsushima Shuji brought Qing Ming as a bystander.

"A lie at the beginning requires countless lies to fill the gap." Leng Dan reminded.

"I'm just..." Edogawa Conan lowered his head as he was told.

"I don't know how to tell Xiaolan."

"That guy is a guy who can't see other people's suffering and will cry because of other people's pain..."

"What do you want me to tell her?" Edogawa Conan looked melancholy.

"This is your business." Tsushima Shuji spread his hands.

"It is dangerous to know the organization, but it is equally dangerous to know nothing." The voice was low.

"Maybe... I should make it clear to her..." Edogawa Conan lay on the bed with a lonely look in his eyes.

"What are you three talking about? Two bodyguards are needed to guard the door?" Yuan Shan and Ye pushed open the doorway of the ward.

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"Talking about some boys' secrets?" Tsushima Shuji thought for a while.

All three of them are male.

What we just talked about were secrets that no one else should know.

It's called Boy's Secret, no problem.

"You still have a secret to hide from us? Come on, what are you talking about." Yuan Shan and Ye grabbed Hattori Heiji and said.

"There's nothing, that Tsushima guy is talking nonsense-" Hattori Heiji struggled.

"Hey~" Tsushima Shuji blinked.

Okay, I'm talking nonsense that you found out about this.

Really good.

"Speaking of which, it will be Didan's garden party in a few days. Tsushima-kun, Hattori and Kazuya, do you want to come and play?" Maurilan invited.

"Didan's garden party is about to start, does Miss Xiaolan have a performance?" Tsushima Shuji thought about it and asked.

It was Teiko's school festival before, but this time it was Tedan's garden party.

Speaking of which, some interesting things should happen at this garden party.

"Yes, I also have a show." Mao Lilan was stunned for a moment, and simply admitted.

"Of course, after all, Miss Xiaolan, you all came to Diguang to support me before~" Tsushima Shuji said affirmatively.

"Well, since Conan is fine, let's go first." He stood up.

"I'll bring you some specialty medicine in a while." He blinked at the elementary school student.

Edogawa Conan immediately understood that the so-called specialty medicine that Shuji Tsushima said was the medicine produced by the organization.

Tsushima he...

As a peripheral member, can you really get it?

Or, what he said before, the task that has not been completed today, is the so-called assessment task?

Maybe after today, Tsushima will become a code member?

"Okay." In reality, he replied obediently.

"Then, we will see you at the garden tour." Tsushima Shuji said goodbye to Maurilan and Yuan Shan and Ye.

left the ward.

The two figures guarding the door also left behind him.

"The bodyguards around Tsushima today have been replaced. The one wearing sunglasses seems to be Mr. Kana whom I met in Shizuoka not long ago." Maurilan looked at the backs of the three leaving.

"Because Mr. Kana is the champion of the boxing match, Tsushima-san turned him into a bodyguard," Edogawa Conan said unsurprisingly.

After all, when he was at the hotel, Shuji Tsushima asked Kanazuru if he wanted to be a bodyguard.

Kanakuru's answer at the time was... as long as the money is enough.

It seems that the salary offered by Tsushima is very satisfactory to the other party.

"That experiment..." Wei Que had a thoughtful expression on her face.

Isn't the child on the hospital bed the same child who seemed to be familiar with Kao from the hotel before?

Stocked test subjects…

Which experiment is the subject of?

"It's just an experimental subject of a drug The tone of the boy in the back seat is nonchalant.

"It's your fault that the blood stock is insufficient, Sebastian." He just said calmly.

"Oh, I really can't hide it from you." The black-haired, red-eyed man showed an elegant and dark smile.

No matter how you look at it, there is some evil spirit.

"I just want to add some fun to you." Sebastian looked like he was doing his duty.

"Presumably the other party is facing a tangled choice?"

"Do you just follow the trend and admit your identity? Or do you continue to tell new lies to cover up?"

"You'll be interested, right?" He looked like he was thinking from Shuji Tsushima's point of view.

"Someone will pull out new lies for him to cover up." Tsushima Shuji was expressionless and his eyes darkened.

"It doesn't matter how many times this choice is made, I also want to see how many lies can be pulled out in the end." He raised his mouth and said.

"Yes." The black-haired, red-eyed man said while driving.

After noticing Wei Que's gaze, she turned her head to look at the other side.

With an elegant and polite smile.

A finger stood in front of his mouth.

"Shh, it's a secret." He smiled.

Listening to the inexplicable exchange between the two, Wei Que, who was bewildered, did not close his eyes.

"I didn't hear anything." He put his hands on his shoulders and leaned back to sleep.

I always feel that the image of netizen Cahor is a bit different.

This is not the case when chatting online.

Weird kao, strange brandy.

Weird chat.

What blood stocks are out of stock, what lies.

These people speak the same language, why is it so difficult to understand?

Sure enough, I know too little information.

Wei Que sighed inwardly.

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