COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 646: Oda Kerry Min also: I am really short of money

"Are you okay? Shuji." Maeda Ritsu also showed a faint concern for Tsushima Shuji in front of outsiders.

"Well, it's nothing." Tsushima Shuji shook his head.

The atmosphere of the two people is harmonious, and they look like brothers and sisters.

"Come here, let me introduce you..." Moriyuan Kikuto embraced Odakiri Minya's shoulders and said to Tsushima Shuji.

"This is Oda Kerry Minya, his father is the chief of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department..."

"Don't mention the old man." Oda Kerry Min, who heard this introduction, also patted the hand of Moriyuan Kikuto on his shoulder with a grumpy tone.

Day by day, if you introduce yourself, just introduce yourself. Why do you have to mention the old man?

Is his identity only the son of the chief of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department?

My name is Odakiri Min also, not Odakiri Mino his son.

"I'm sorry, I forgot, but Xiuzhi won't care. Your father's identity is nothing to him..." Moriyuan Juren said in a good voice.

That is, to his friends.

If it were someone else, he would have already shown the temper of a young master.

But his explanation made Oda Kerry even more angry.

Although he doesn't like being introduced that this is xxx's son, he has great respect for Odakiri Toshiro.

I respect my excellent father, but I don't want to be the same as my father, and I don't want to be marked by the other side.

"Inspector Odakiri's words... I haven't seen it much before. I heard that he is a very good police officer." The black-haired and kite-eyed boy smiled, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

Oda Kerry also glanced at him from the eyes under the purple sunglasses, and accepted this statement.

"By the way, Min also likes rock music very much, and is a rock singer." Moriyuan Kikuto said to Tsushima Shuji.

"It is indeed a profession that can be seen at a glance." Tsushima Shuji said with a smile.

"Let's go, Ritsuya has prepared your room..." Moriyuan Kiku, Maeda Ritsuya and Oda Kerry Min also led the way.

Of course, he was walking in the middle alone, holding Maeda Ritsuya's shoulders with one hand, and Oda Kerry Minya's shoulders with the other.

As a good cousin in the eyes of everyone, the room that Ritsu Maeda also arranged for Shuji Tsushima is of course the presidential suite.

With two small rooms, the kind that can be used by bodyguards.

"We can go play after putting our things away. There is a shopping street here. When we are tired, we will go to the swimming pool to enjoy it...cough, cough..." Senyuan Juren was about to say that he would appreciate and appreciate the beautiful body. Suddenly, I remembered the age of Shuji Tsushima, so I stopped the topic abruptly.

"Admiring the design of the pool," he said awkwardly.

"Design?" The boy looked ignorant.

Isn't that how the pool is designed...

What can be appreciated.

Don't you just want to admire the way girls wear swimsuits.

What a dirty adult man.

Change the subject and find a better one.

"Yes, let's go, let's go..." Moriyuan Juren dragged Oda Kerry Min and ran away, for fear of being stopped and asked what the design of the swimming pool was to appreciate.

"Ah-vomit." Tsushima Shuji silently pretended to be vomiting after they left.

"You don't want to go to the pool to enjoy..." He looked at Maeda Ritsuya, Sebastian and Kanazuru with a meaningful expression.

"What's so good about that?" The black-haired man wearing silver thin-rimmed glasses had a cold voice and emotionless eyes.

Maeda Ritsuya, known as Iceberg, is only interested in work and tasks.

No other existence could attract his attention.

"He's the only one who thinks that way." Wei Que yawned.

Watching women by the pool? boring.

As a member of the organization, Wei Que has seen various bodies of men and women.

After all, the time to kill them is different, which means that their state will be different.

But after being turned into a corpse, nothing is different.

"I'm not interested in these." Sebastian, who always remembered to maintain the character design, said so.

"That's right, that's right, it's like being a member of the organization. Being single is the best! Falling in love is a waste of time on assignments!" Tsushima Shuji applauded.

Maeda Ritsu also nodded thoughtfully.

"Makes sense." He agreed.

Fortunately, I am not interested in these.

"Okay, that guy is waiting for you." Kanazuru stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and yawned.

I'm tired, I should sleep during the day.

Moriyuan Kiku and Oda Kerry Min are also typical rich young masters.

But there is a difference.

Oda Kerry Min is also not as rich as Moriyuan Kiku.

After all, the Moriyuan family is in business, and Oda Kerry Min is also in the police circle.

If there is no corruption... it is difficult to compete with the financial resources of doing business.

This also applies to shopping.

"This, this, this, except these don't, wrap everything for me." Moriyuan Juren's style of shopping.

"Come here, these are for you." He sent gifts to Tsushima Shuji and others one by one.

Especially for Oda Kerry Min, he stuffed the other party with something.

Oda Kerry Minya's face was full of habit.

Ever since he became a rebellious rock singer and didn't ask his family for money, he's lived a hard life.

In other words...

He is really short of money.

After the people of Moriyuan Juren found out, they tried various ways to send him things instead of sending money directly.

This is also the reason why even if Moriyuan Kikuto speaks, people want to beat him, but Oda Kerry Min can endure the other party until now.

Because Moriyuan Kiku and Maeda Ritsuya are rare, they are willing to reach out to help his friends after he and his family fell out.

The other fox friends have long since dispersed.

He didn't make much of a name for himself as a rock singer, and could only perform underground, or go to bars and the like.

"You can't use these things if you buy them. You have money and no place to spend them, right?" Oda Kerry also looked at Moriyuan Chrysanthemum and said humanely.

The other party bought a wall of sunglasses.

"You can wear it." Moriyuan Juren put on a new pair of sunglasses, looked in the mirror narcissistically, took a selfie, then changed another pair, changed his posture, and continued to take selfies.

"Hello, are you Mr. Moriyuan Kikuto who played the young master in "The Corner of the Castle - Love in the Shadows"?" A girl hesitantly came to him and asked.

"It's me, that's right." Senyuan Juren smiled confidently.

"Do you want to take a photo together?" He took the initiative to ask Shuji Tsushima and Oda Kirito were on the side, and they silently stayed away from each other.

""The Corner of the Castle - Lovers in the Shadows"...what the **** is this?" Oda Kerry Min was also puzzled.

"It's probably about a love affair that happened in a castle, unknown to people, and can't be seen in the light." Tsushima Shuji's eyes wandered and his tone guessed.

Anyway, he got the writer who wrote the script to write in that direction.

After that, Moriyuan Kiku and the other party contacted each other.

"...Dog blood drama?" Oda Kerry also said.

"Well... that's right." Tsushima Shuji nodded.

"...The dog blood drama that sounds disgusting from the name is actually watched..." Oda Kerry also had a chill on his face.

"Cough, maybe everyone likes it." Tsushima Shuji smiled.

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