COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 693: Brandy: The scheming wild dog

"Are you trying to abandon me? Young Master Xiuzhi." The black-haired, red-eyed man knelt down on one knee looking frightened and asked in a panicked tone.

"It's too exaggerated, Sebastian." Tsushima Shuji looked away and complained.

It's okay to pretend to be reluctant, it's really embarrassing to act so exaggerated.

And always get down on one knee or something...

It always brings back memories of Mr. Mori and when he was the leader.

"Is that so? I'll pay attention next time." Sebastian stood up and said with an elegant smile.

"However, can Bourbon and Scotland really take good care of you? They look..." The black-haired, red-eyed man looked at Bourbon and Scotland unpredictably.

"I can't even take care of myself." His voice sounded contemptuous and arrogant.

Bourbon and Scotland, who were suspected of not taking good care of themselves, looked unmoved.

"After all, when it comes to caring for people, we are still somewhat different from professional nanny." The blond man raised his voice, smiled provocatively, and had sharp eyes.

It's almost as if Brandy is a professional nanny.

"It's natural, after all, I'm a deacon who was born specifically to repair the young master. There is indeed a big difference between the two." The black-haired, red-eyed man was calm.

The two of them were clearly smiling, but the whole body was full of tit-for-tat, sword-drawn aura.

"Sure enough, he is called the number one in the housekeeping department, and he is really good at this." The black hair and blue eyes, the originally gentle appearance, is now a little gloomy because of the bloodless complexion and the dark circles under the eyes.

Of course, these did not affect his indifferent attitude, but rather, because of this, he looked even more indifferent.

The housekeeping department is the nickname given to the logistics department by some members of the code name.

After all, cleaners do everything, especially good at laying hands and finishing.

"Yeah, I can't compare to the two of you. You need to do such a dangerous task. You must have encountered a very powerful enemy last night, and you will be scarred by yourself. It's like..." The black-haired, red-eyed man's face With a smile and a polite tone.

"What about a wild dog who just fought with another kind." The words were not polite at all.

The indifferent aura around Bourbon and Scotland stagnated.

They don't know how to refute this.

Let's just say that they didn't encounter a powerful enemy. Their miserable appearance last night was seen by the other party, and it might have exposed their mental disorder and fought each other.

Speaking of encountering a powerful enemy, it seems that the two of them are weak.

So Bourbon and Scotland fell silent.

I chose to ignore this topic and avoid answering it.

"It looks like Brandy really wants to take care of you, we'd better leave." The blond man looked at Shuji Tsushima and changed the subject.

"Ultimate Chaos"

"After all... not to be loved." Said sarcastically.

Since someone wants to be a nanny, let them be the other party.

I have no interest in being a nanny.

"Hey~ No, come back~" the boy stretched his voice.

Like being malicious.

"You don't want Wei Que to become like you, do you?" The boy smiled, and the kite's left eye stared at them indifferently.

The suddenly mentioned Wei Que's eyes under the sunglasses made a circle around Tsushima Shuji, Bourbon and Scotland.

Becoming the same as Bourbon and Scotland?

In what way is it the same?

"I don't mind if the brandy becomes the same as us." The blond man glanced at Wei Que, heartbroken at the appearance of the other party's unawareness of danger.

Just like at the beginning, he also thought that Kaa was fine, but later...

"Sebastian's words... It's not the same as you, he won't refute any of my decisions at all." Tsushima Shuji sighed.

So it's boring.

Although that one would not object to his decision, but that one...

The way of thinking is far from normal, so the reactions given each time are actually quite interesting.

Sebastian's performance is completely the loyal dog of the sticky lake.

And he couldn't kill Shuji Tsushima.

Even if they are affected, they are happy to see it happen, and they are even afraid that they will not be affected deeply enough.

To have an attitude of disgust and rejection towards other affected people, no, not so much disgust and rejection as…

It's jealousy.

The deeper you are affected, the more obvious your expression will be, and the more crazy your spirit will be.

Sebastian believes that this group of affected people should be grateful for Dade's acceptance of influence, rather than self-conscious rejection.

All in all, it's pretty boring.

"Oh~" The blond man's expression was meaningful and thoughtful.

What Kao said...

Sure enough, this demon knew that he had a problem, and he even knew that he was the culprit who caused them.

As for the brandy being different from them, it won't refute each other...

Is it because they refuted the other party's decision that they...behaved so terribly?


Bourbon recalled carefully in his heart and found that he and Scotland had not refuted each other's decision.

At most just...

Decided to stay away from each Will this also be punished?

"I'm different from them. I'm 100% loyal to your dog." Sebastian bowed and said with an elegant smile.

"Really? Then you go and kill that one." Tsushima Shuji said expressionlessly.

Sebastian: …

"Even a 100% loyal dog can't do things that can't be done at all." The black-haired, red-eyed man said helplessly.

"You just want me to die." He said firmly.

"Wow, it was discovered." Tsushima Shuji said with expressionless surprise, full of perfunctory.

"If you really think so...there's nothing you can do." Sebastian knelt down on one knee and shook his head helplessly.

"If you want me to die, just say it." He said, took out a knife, pointed it at his chest, and stabbed it without hesitation.

"Cough...Are you still satisfied?" He spat out blood with an elegant smile on his face, and asked respectfully without changing his face.

Watching as Kao's words, Brandy began to commit suicide:  …

Brandy can no longer be described as a loyal dog, right? Is this a rabid dog?

In a word from Kao, if you say go to die, go to die?

"The carpet is dirty." Tsushima Shuji looked at the red blood stains on the white carpet, his voice was low and calm, and he was indifferent to Brandy's suicide.

"I'm very sorry, I'll clean it up." Sebastian pulled out the knife on his chest, the blood flowed faster, his eyebrows didn't wrinkle, and the smile on his face was very polite.

"Since you don't want me to stay, I will leave after cleaning." He stood up and said while looking for cleaning tools.

He turned a blind eye to the increasingly wide and darker red on the chest of his white shirt.

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