COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 751: Said that when the audience should do it

The witch gave Yuan Shan and Ye, the middle-aged man, and another lady the dugong arrow.

"Next, light up the light of bliss for them," the witch announced.

The two men squatting aside immediately lit fireworks.

"Wow~" Tsushima Shuji looked at the fireworks in the sky and made an exaggerated expression.

"It's surprisingly ordinary." He said without hesitation.

Unremarkable, unremarkable ordinary fireworks.

"Why do you keep complaining..." Bai Ma Tan touched the eagle on his shoulder.

It's really common, but don't say it so loudly.

The moment the fireworks burst into the air, the light illuminated the waterfall.

Also showed something.

The figure of a woman with fluttering hair appeared in the waterfall, swaying from side to side with the current.

Like a mermaid swimming upstream.

"Wow, I found the eucalyptus." Tsushima Shuji was very surprised.

Surprised to the point of falsehood.

Bai Ma opened his mouth and was about to speak.

"No reasoning, no discussion, from now on we are dumb, we have to believe in Senior Hattori." Tsushima Shuji said earnestly.

White Horse Tan closed his mouth.

Although he can't speak, he still needs to analyze in his mind.

No way, this is the detective's instinct after seeing the eucalyptus.

The brain is running fast.

What should you do if you find a dead person?

The Miko immediately announced the end of the ceremony and let the crowd disperse.

So there were only four people present, Shuji Tsushima, Hattori Heiji, Maori and his daughter, Toyama Kazuha, Edogawa Conan, and a few people who knew the deceased.


Hattori and one of the men who knew the deceased teamed up to bring the body down from the waterfall.

A rope was wrapped around the neck of the corpse, and at the other end of the rope was a stake.

Wooden stakes that were supposed to be fastened to the river bank.

Kogoro Mori developed his reasoning.

"It was an accident. The lady accidentally fell into the river, and then grabbed the rope in order to get ashore, but because the water flowed too fast, the stake fell off, so she was dropped on the stake in the waterfall. The rope was strangled to death." Kogoro Mori said.

Hakuba made a few gestures to Tsushima Shuji.

Sign Language.

Meaning: can I speak?

Tsushima Shuji shook his head with a bright smile.

The meaning is very obvious, no sign language is required, and it is clearly not possible.

White Horse Tan continued to make gestures, and pointed to Mouri Kogoro.

Meaning: Has this Mr. Maori reasoned this way all along?

Tsushima Shuji nodded with a serious expression.

White Horse Tan and Maori Kogoro have never met.

Otherwise, he can also see the reasoning that Maori Kogoro swore that the deceased was suicide.

Bai Ma Tan stopped making gestures, as if he was tired.

Tsushima Shuji started to make gestures.

He pointed to Mouri Kogoro and made several gestures.

There was surprise and understanding in Bai Ma Tan's eyes.

Tsushima Shuji gesture means: Mr. Mori used to be a policeman.

Detective Baima immediately remembered the police officers who said the deceased was suicide and died unexpectedly.

There was an unexpected feeling inside.

This similarity, it really used to be a policeman.

Why do the police change their careers to be detectives? It's almost like being an assistant to a detective.

White Horse sighed inwardly.

It's good for the police to fight.

I hope no one really believes each other's reasoning.

You should be able to trust Hattori-kun.

Detective White Horse thought so.

And Heiji Hattori, who was expected by him, did stand up to refute Kogoro Mouri's reasoning.

"But why did she go back to the forest above the waterfall? The ceremony was obviously held below." Hattori Heiji said.

"What you said makes sense." Kogoro Mori nodded.

"I think she is probably looking for the mermaid's grave," said a woman who was familiar with the deceased.

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Immediately afterwards, Shuji Tsushima and others heard a story about what happened on the island three years ago.

Mermaid Island only became famous three years ago.

Because a skeleton was found on the island.

A fire broke out in the warehouse of the shrine three years ago, and after the fire was extinguished, the bones were found in the ruins.

A skeleton with only the upper body and no legs.

Considered the corpse of an adult fish.

And Mermaid Island has since become famous.

stimulated the development of tourism.

"Because no one knew the true identity of the skeleton, the skeleton was buried at the shrine, and as a result..." The shrine maiden shook her head.

"As a result, many tourists came to rob the tomb, saying that the skeleton of the mermaid was also the material for making the elixir." The man who was familiar with the deceased took up the topic.

"So a year ago, my mother-in-law had the tomb secretly moved to the forest, but the exact location is not clear." The witch continued.

"The police can't arrive for the time being, so we can only find the murderer." Hattori said looking at the corpse.

"If he killed him, there must be something wrong with Shoumei who went to the forest at this time." The man who was familiar with the deceased held the corpse and said with his back to everyone.

"It's really cold, obviously my fiancee just died." The woman who won the lottery mocked.

"It's just the wishful thinking of the parents, and they are all dead." The man left with the corpse in his arms.

"Hey, did the two of you find anything?" Hattori Heiji crossed his shoulders with his hands and approached Shuji Tsushima and Hakuba to inquire.

Hakuba shook his head, and Tsushima Shuji also shook his head.

"No, you didn't find anything? No idea?" Hattori Heiji asked suspiciously.

Hakuba Tan and Tsushima Shuji still shook their heads in silence.

"Speak, you two, why don't you speak?" Hattori Heiji's face was full of incomprehension.

Why did you suddenly become dumb?

Hakuba started to raise his hand in desperation, pointed to Hattori Heiji and Mouri Kogoro, and gestured with sign language.

Hattori Heiji was stunned for a moment, then understood.

As a detective, there is still a lot to know.

The meaning of Baima Tan Sign Language is: We will not participate in this incident and leave it to you and Mr. Maori.

"It's fine if you don't participate...but why don't you even talk?" Hattori Heiji said in a strange tone.

White Horse Detective pointed to Tsushima Shuji and himself.

Compare a gesture.

"Bet? Who are you two betting on who can't resist reasoning first? Will you be a mute until the end of the case?"

Both Hakuba Tan and Tsushima Shuji nodded.

"You two... you're really boring." Hattori Heiji squinted and complained.

Whoever speaks first or something...

Are you two elementary school students?

But the two of them don't want to participate.

"The two of us are also invincible good partners, and we will definitely be able to break the eucalyptus, right? Mr. Kekeke Uncle." Hattori Heiji hurriedly changed his words under the gaze of the elementary school student's death.

The pupils looked away.

"What? You mean me? A good partner?" Kogoro Mori looked at Hattori Heiji blankly.

"What's the matter, we are both famous detectives, hahahahahaha..." Hattori Heiji laughed and changed the subject.

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