Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1262: Withdrawal-not proofread, after ten minutes or refresh

In the morning, the following morning, the news of the attack on Magus finally spread completely. Dory, who was working, heard the news and the receiver slipped directly from her hand.

She awoke quickly took the receiver, apologized for her rudeness, hung up the phone, and looked at the desktop and wrote half of the report for a long time.

To her, Magus was like her life's mentor, pulling her out of the muddled world, into an extraordinary world, and enjoying the charm of power.

He is a great person, a person admired, admired, and feared. For Dory, Magus' role is not just her boss, her mentor is as simple as her Admired people, secret lovers, worshippers, followers ...

She slowly raised her hands to cover her face, and her shoulders shook for a while, then she wiped the tears on her face, blinked and ensured that the tears in her eyes were squeezed out, and the emotional breakdown came quickly, go It's also fast.

She took out her makeup bag to make up a little, covered her makeup wet with tears, and then put on the phone.

She needs more information. Even she thinks that Magus, as the founder, leader, soul figure and the greatest leader of the New Party, should pay close attention to this matter and send someone to Celleville to ensure that Security issues.

As the deputy chairman of the New Party Committee, Dolly is the fourth "big man" in the party. It is best for her to visit Magus.

But when she was about to start dialing, the hand holding the phone seemed to be evacuated by some mysterious force. She couldn't bear the weight of the handset and put the handset back.

Some things, the initiative to propose, and the passive acceptance, the impact is absolutely different, can not be anxious, can't be anxious ...

The influence of this incident far exceeded people's imagination. On the morning of that day, there were various and large-scale marches across the country, demanding Xyleville to surrender the killer, the empire to severely punish Xyleville, and some even shouted The slogan of sending soldiers to Selivir, blood debt and blood compensation.

Xyleville's ambassador to the empire was leaked by the angry proletariat and the low-proletariat. From time to time, some people threw bricks at the embassy, ​​and the entire embassy's glass was completely smashed.

If it weren't for the Imperial Guard Zone to intervene and mobilize soldiers to protect these people, I am afraid the angry people would have rushed into the embassy and killed the Cyrels inside.

Magus is of great significance to the entire empire. Although many people are supporting the old party or they are not very concerned about politics, they also know that they can live today without the leadership of Magus. .

It was Magus who led everyone from post-war reconstruction to today's full takeoff, but this empire hero was attacked. Can this still be tolerated?

Even in the West, there were dinners ... No, it was a Labor Party parade.

No opposition party or newly-built party will miss any chance of being a hot spot. The attack on Magus is a terrible thing, but the new party's senior officials are happy to spend their flowers. They are motivated to organize Labour Party members around the world to The event held a series of events on the grounds, including exploring the bottom line of some hostile capitalists in some areas-a day of silence for the injury of the leader of the imperial magnate Magus, who was not going to work that day.

This excuse is not a real thing, but it is very useful. Capitalists in some areas have said that they will not accept blackmail from the Labor Party. However, some capitalists think that a one-day shutdown is not an unacceptable thing. Of course, some capitalists are After contributing a portion of its political contributions and promising some job indicators, the Labor Party canceled these shutdowns in silence.

In the west, the development of the Labor Party was once again under tremendous resistance. Those cowboys and farmers ate the fried chicken and drank fruit wine. The club manager was frightened and just prepared what to say, a cowboy stuffed an empty wooden plate In his arms, "Give me another one, I'm very fond of your fried chicken these days, it's so delicious!"

The club manager looked at the arm with his thick thighs, and after a simple comparison, he decided to give up talking to these savage westerners. He is a civilized person. After these people calm down, he will talk to them again.

This unlimited chicken and wine wine unlimited tasting event lasted for less than two hours and ended in a hurry, because the fried chicken was gone and the fruit wine was gone. At the same time, the cowboys and farmers who heard these news also patted their stomachs. Leaving, leaving only the club manager standing on the spot watching the mess, constantly wiping the glasses in his hand, has not left.

I ... it's really hard.

There have been protests in different ways throughout the empire, and the cabinet has harshly rebuked the nerd gunners and conspiracy planners, claiming that it will never compromise and will not mislead the small and medium-sized people.

For Du Lin, the gap between today and yesterday may be a little warmer.

The attack on Magus was not a bad thing, nor was it a good thing.

Dooling had clearly noticed that the biggest force in the New Party that prevented him from rising rapidly was the power of Magus.

The old man gave him the opportunity to help him stabilize his position on the political stage. He was very grateful to Magus, but when Magus became his resistance, except for the unwillingness and anger. .

In fact, sometimes this kind of emotion often appears to children. When their claims are rejected by adults, they will have this kind of emotion, and those adults and Magus use the same reason and say the same content. To make the same tone.

"In short, I do this for your own good. It doesn't matter if you don't understand. You just have to be obedient ..."

This is a disgusting feeling. Whether it was a child or now, what a human being most desires as a wise animal is to claim his rights freely, but he cannot get it for various reasons.

Some philosophers and others say that modern society is a distorted society, and nature cannot be released. Everyone lives in a cage. It is not wrong to say.

When you don't have the ability to change something, you can only follow the flow.

Magus has always not supported Doulin's idea of ​​completing the triple jump as soon as possible. He believes that Doulin will finish this session, and the next one will mature, and the whole person will become more mature in this world. Understood, it is the most suitable time to take the stage.

But he ignored one thing, and that is, according to his own ideas, it will be 15 years before Du Lin can reach that position. Will Du Lin agree with him after such a long time?

He did not consider this issue, but only consulted Du Lin's opinion symbolically, and then conveyed a message "you should do as I said" in various ways.

He may not say it in such a red fruit, but what he means is that he is not allowed to disobey. Even if Du Lin resists, in his opinion, it is just an unwilling but helpless struggle.

If nothing happens, it will be difficult for Doolin to complete his plan. Magus has too much influence within the New Party. Even if he resigns and quits his job, it can still affect the New Party Committee. All decisions.

Standing by the window and looking at the bustling street outside the window, Du Lin smoking a cigarette and thinking about things. If someone can put his ears against his chest, he can hear that his heartbeat is not only strong but fast.

This is a difficult decision. In fact, it is not so difficult for Magus to stay in Cyrillic forever. It only needs a bullet, a bomb or something more common.

You should know that it is very common to encounter all kinds of accidents this year. Even a foolproof warship, sometimes it will touch the reef and eventually disappear into the sea. But the only problem now is the ticket.

There is a "top club" ticket in the hands of Magus, that is the real ruling class of this empire. Without Magus's introduction, it is difficult for Doolin to integrate into that circle, and even the door cannot be reached.

You say you are the ruler, but other rulers do n’t admit it, which will be very embarrassing.

And the political legacy left by Magus will also be quickly divided up by these people, and the New Party may be replaced by other parties, such as the recently buzzing Imperial Party.

But he didn't do anything, and there was some unwillingness ... The thought of Magus restraining him made him hesitate and struggle.

In exchange for obedience, a promise made fifteen years later, or fight for it, gamble and wait for seven years to turn around, he must make a decision today, time will not wait.

On the other hand, Magus also just woke up from a coma, which has nothing to do with the injuries he suffered, purely because of his older age, reduced physical function, and the difficulty of resisting the effects of anesthetics.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw his wife smiling and handing a tea cup for himself. He squeezed a smile, but pushed the cup to the other side, and said in a husky voice, "Get me the phone first!"

In the first moment of the attack, Magus thought of a lot of things. The most uneasy thing was that someone planned to use his attack to make a fuss and stir up the political structure in the empire.

Once the politicians inside the empire begin to fall into each other again, this will affect the future of the empire!

The reason why the Yaoxing Empire has been able to emerge from the post-war shadow and create miracles so quickly in the past thirty years is actually related to the harmony and stability between the internal high-level.

No matter how the people below fight, they will not shake the fundamentals of a country and will not change the rise of a country. The really terrible thing is that high-level people also participate in such political struggles. That is the simplest way to destroy the foundation of a country The most direct and effective method.

The reason why the Yaoxing Empire changed from sun to moon was because the high-level struggle has become fierce, and the contradiction between the noble group and the royal family cannot be resolved. A series of things after Magus overthrew the feudal dynasty.

The current empire seems to be extremely strong and develops rapidly, but once it repeats the same old path, it will collapse in an instant like the previous empire.

So for Magus, who just woke up, the first thing is to call Kubar and let him spread the news. He is not only alive, but also very good!

The call finally got through after two transfers, and when Kubara's familiar voice sounded, Magus laughed. "Old man, it's me."

Coubar paused for a while before laughing, saying, "This is the best sound I've heard this year. I've sent someone over. Come back as soon as possible. It's not safe there!"

Many times people are willing to put Kubar next to Magus for comparison. He is often regarded as inferior to Magus in all aspects. Regardless of the policy platform, governance experience, means and even personal charm, In front of Magus, Kubar was almost useless.

However, this comparison is not fair, because the two of them do not need to compare ~ ~ Everyone is unique, and there is always someone who is better than someone who wants to die.

This kind of case-to-case comparison lacks authority and is of little value, but it is relatively fair if everyone compares them together.

In the eyes of people, Kubar is not very good, and has become one of the top few people!

He's just not as good as Magus, and that's all, because that person is too much, and he has been such a person for hundreds of years.

But compared with other people, he may not be worse than other people, and even most people can't compare with him.

He made clear the current situation in one sentence. The reason for picking up Magus is that once the news that Magus is okay, the killer may arrange a second attack, and this attack will definitely be more terrible. Be careful and really die.

For the safety of Magus, Kubar felt that it would be safest and most reliable to take him back immediately.

After all, in the empire, it is impossible to conceal the MI, to conceal the Security Council, and to conceal an attack on the leader of the Empire by the investigation of the Knights of the Rose.

They can't even see the target and they will be killed at the scene. When necessary, they will leave a live interrogation behind the scenes. This is their daily work for the three major intelligence agencies.

Magus thought about it and promised that adventure will have greater benefits, but sometimes adventure is not worth it. He does not need to use his life to gamble on an uncertain result. It is better to withdraw to China early, and then Began to clean up these people.

With Magus's nod, Kubar began to arrange for manpower to greet Magus back. Within ten minutes, military personnel had appeared around the hospital.

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