Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1295: Old Fox Treatment

After talking to a convenient person at the hospital, Kubar and the doctors and nurses began packing the room. They arranged Magus in a wheelchair and pushed him out of the room.

In the last second of leaving the room, he tried his best to control his body to watch the picture on TV, and there was a show related to Doolin-"Myth of Fortune".

After about forty minutes of driving, the wheelchair used to transport Magus was pushed into the laboratory, where he saw many "patients", some of whom even smiled at him kindly, and He greeted.

The entire laboratory was covered with transparent walls, which made Magus a little embarrassed. He didn't want to be surrounded by other people as animals in such transparent cages.

Perhaps it was considered that a former prime minister like Magus should not accept all-round observation without blind spots like other ordinary people, so they specially prepared an opaque house, but in order to ensure the safety of Magus and the development of his condition Can be quickly found and observed. This room will have two researchers, one male and one female. The youngest are already PhDs.

The laboratory attaches great importance to the arrival of Magus. After he arrived in his room, many instruments began to work. After more than 40 minutes of inspection, the person in charge of the laboratory believed that Magus His body and his current condition can begin to receive treatment.

"Her Majesty, your body is very healthy, and some elderly people do not have many diseases. I and all researchers agree that you can receive treatment now, and if you do not object, we will start later For you. "

The person in charge was a medical expert in his sixties. After speaking these words, he looked at Magus for a while, and after confirming that he had no objections, he made a few phone calls, and the nurse began to push the anesthetic into the normal saline.

With a burst of hallucinations and sleepiness, Magus quickly turned into an unconscious coma, and the laboratory began to heal.

In fact, the treatment process is very simple and short-lived. They will use a polymer fiber at the top, followed by a stainless steel needle tube inserted along Magus's nostril, and then injected in the prefrontal lobe.

When it comes to injection, it is actually just spraying the drug into the skull, and it does not involve the injection of brain tissue, which is obviously a murder.

Compared to other patients, Magus is not too guilty. Some people need to undergo craniotomy before receiving treatment, and leave a short window on the skull so that treatment procedures can be performed anytime, anywhere.

This method of opening windows in the brain is actually very dangerous. Any slight bacterial contamination can cause great damage. Even if the medical group provides a sterile ward for these volunteers, the human body itself is a bacterial production. The large workshops are constantly producing bacteria and excluding them from the body.

Therefore, Magus only needs to inject the prefrontal lobe instead of being less painful and troublesome, which is considered a fortune.

The first injection was very successful, everything was very normal except for a brief fluctuation of intracranial pressure. After the researchers left, the researchers left two special staff to observe and record the Magus response. These will also be important. Clinical data is preserved.

About four hours later, Magus woke up from his coma. The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and his facial expression returned to numbness, or his expression became expressionless.

After examining some data, the two observers wrote a sentence in the observation book-the subject had a short heart rate during the first time of waking, a significant increase in blood pressure, and no obvious features on the body surface Variety…….

Time always passes so quietly, at a glance, Magus has been in the laboratory for twenty days. These days, Kubar comes over every time, and reads the newspaper to Magus as before. Talk about what happened recently.

Magus' wife went to take care of Ophelia. There wasn't that much time to run back and forth, so sometimes Magus would be very deserted. To this end, Coubar sent him two TVs. One News, and the other one.

"Are there still no obvious signs of improvement?" Kubbar stayed in the room for a while and walked into the nearby office to talk to the person in charge about Magus' condition.

The person in charge was embarrassed to ignore this problem by cleaning his glasses. In fact, they have not seen an improvement in Magus' performance so far. He is still the same as before, and there is not much change in expression. , There is no clear subjective and correct ability to act.

This makes the person in charge a little embarrassed and annoyed at the same time. He doesn't believe that their research will only be successful in experiments on ordinary people, and it will not be useful to powerful people like Magus.

10,000 kinds of medical research for ordinary people are far less valuable and important than a medical research for powerful people!

In addition to paying ordinary researchers some money that they can afford, they ca n’t give more, but the wealthy are not the same. They can also give the research lab more money that they ca n’t get.

Once the drug is declared ineffective on Magus, it is likely to cause a series of problems. First, the imperial prime minister of Kubar will not be happy, and then some of the capital that has been sharpened will lose their protection to them. Do it.

Every year, many capitals want to enter the medical field, but they always have no chance to set foot in this already closed field. Whoever dares to reach out must face the siege of the five major medical groups at the same time. Something happened.

But once this treatment failure triggered some people's plans and lost their protection, those capitals would shred them and step on their bodies to enter the field.

So in any case, Magus must show a good side, even if he can't recover, but also be able to prove that the treatment he has received is effective for him.

"Her Koubar, in fact, the situation of H. Magus has changed significantly compared to before. Don't you notice that H. Magus' eyes have become more ... more agile recently?"

Kubard frowned for a moment, and looked at the person in charge with a little doubt, then shook his head slightly. "This is not enough. I need more and better changes. If there is any situation, notify me in time. I may not Will come over. "

The convening of the Imperial Parliament will take Kubar for several days, and it is sufficient to follow the normal process for about two days, but the problem is that there have been some changes in the Imperial Parliament.

The Emperor Party and the Labor Party both got some seats. By drawing members of the Imperial Parliament, they turned them into their own people. Then the Imperial Party and the Labor Party entered the Imperial Parliament and had voting rights.

It's just a terrible thing. In the past, this kind of power was limited to the New Party and the Old Party. If Magus or Kubar thinks that passing a resolution will bring more and better changes to the empire, there will never be any Questions were passed in full.

However, the change in the color of the seats in the parliament has made Kubar very worried about this. About one-quarter to one-third of the members of the parliament have been drawn away by the Imperial Party and the Labor Party, which has made the old and new parties very passive.

He needs to focus more on this matter in order to cope with the difficulties that are most likely to occur suddenly during the meeting.

The head of the laboratory nodded again and again to ensure that the speed of research and treatment will be accelerated, and then he sent Kubar to leave in person, and he made a decision.

Coubar's disappointment caused the person in charge to increase the dose of the drug to Magus during the evening treatment, which increased the dosage by 30%. This is obviously beyond the planned dose, but this is also no way out ~ www ~ You can't do nothing at all, and then let it go. What if the worst situation occurs?

As for whether there will be a problem in doing this, let Magus go to see God in advance. This is not within the consideration of the person in charge. As the authority of the Imperial Brain and the authority of the World Brain, there are no more individuals and organizations than them. Authoritative.

How to explain the damage and death of Magus, the answer they give is truth!

Even colds and falls can be fatal. Isn't it normal for this brain disease to have unexpected sudden death?

A little more than at night, Magus, who woke up from his coma, opened his eyes. The room in his eyes was a bit distorted, but still turned a little bit.

Anesthetics that mainly use Grimaceous Mushroom as the core material will not produce excessive sequelae. It is safer and more reliable than those chemical preparations, and will not have terrible consequences, except that some hallucinations will occur between the effects of the medicine. .

This is why the medical groups and a large number of interest groups pay special attention to Grimace Mushroom. This gadget brings a huge chain of benefits, so anyone who dares to touch these things will be killed by them.

Waking up, Magus was a little uncomfortable, his brain was uncomfortable, the things in front of him were slightly rotated, the lights in the room were off, the TV was still on, and the content on the screen began to repeat the daytime program.

The silent TV emits a faint light source, which makes the room look inexplicably eerie, and the two persons in charge of the observation also fell asleep on the deck chair beside it.

He rolled his eyes a few times, his fingers began to bounce slightly, and even in the end he was able to raise his forearm slowly.

But as one of the two observers woke up, Magus' eyes became stiff again.


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