Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1312: Choice of times

His Excellency the President looked at Du Lin, and looked at this young, somewhat over-the-top face, as if crossing the tunnel of time, that night, more than forty years ago, in the stables of the Timamont family under the dim light , Seeing that same young face.

"People don't respect the silent person. They only treat silence as a sign of cowardice. If you want people to face your eyes squarely and want them to be patient and listen to you, you have to let them Understand one thing-you need and deserve respect! "

Surrounded by the majority of young people, Magus was very confident. People looked at him with a touch of worship.

"This time, we played with a big ..."

His Excellency Mr. Chairman Yu returned to God, and when people reach a certain age, they will always remember the past inadvertently, because the past is their most precious asset and the most profound thing in their memory.

He looked at Du Lin's eyes slightly softly, and just as he was about to say something, the door was knocked.

After his permission, the housekeeper stood outside the door and asked if they needed to change a pot of tea for them.

In fact, the steward did not really want to change the tea for them, but only to remind His Excellency the Chairman in this innocuous way that the time he had set was up.

Before the door was opened for Du Lin, His Excellency the Chairman had instructed the housekeeper. Thirty-five minutes later, he had to inform himself, because at that time he did not intend to talk too much with Du Lin.

People have said that Doolin is the successor to Magus in politics and the marriage partner of the Timamont family. He can represent Magus on some issues. However, for His Excellency Chairman and Magus in the same era, the same As far as status is concerned, Du Lin's weight is still not enough.

He is still far from being able to prove his value politically. No matter how well he has done in the past, the positive political effects brought about by these well done have not affected these people. They and Dulin are on the political stage. It's not a group.

In addition, these people have already achieved fame and are in high positions. The results that Du Lin can achieve are very ordinary for them. There will always be people who can do what Du Lin can do. Even if they can't, the difference will not be too great.

This means that it is harder for Du Lin to get the recognition of these people. In addition to the influence of various human factors, not everyone hopes that Du Lin can prove his value in this circle urgently. .

So before, he only planned to give Du Lin thirty-five minutes, and then he would carefully consider the plan proposed by Holmes and Du Lin, and finally find out a more feasible one and delete the problematic part. It was then used in the current situation.

But what he didn't expect was that it took only thirty-five minutes for Doolin to convince him and convince him to choose Doolin's plan. It was almost impossible, but he did it.

The confident face only has calmness to the future, no slight fear and fear, and hidden a eager challenge. He is a arrogant, bold boy, but also exudes a convincing temperament and attitude.

The chairman shook his head, "No, go and inform our chefs, we need to add two people at night, and let Xiulis come back for dinner at night ..."

After he instructed him, the steward turned a little more glances at Durin when he turned around, and then began to complete the instructions of His Excellency the Chairman.

Xiulis is the grandson of His Excellency the Chairman and the first heir to the family. He is the eldest son of His Excellency's youngest son. He has now entered the political arena and is a member of Parliament in a small city next to Otis. Loud name.

In fact, everyone in the family knows that Xiulis will inevitably become the third generation of the family to carry the family banner. He became a member before the age of thirty. He may be the mayor when he is thirty-six. At about forty-four years old, he sought to become governor.

Even if he could not become the governor, with His Excellency the Chairman's status and prestige in the new party, even if he had retired at that time or even had met with God, it would not be a problem to mingle with a high-level party.

After running for one or two hours in the party, you can choose to jump out and find a place to be the governor, or continue to climb up. The Presidium of the New Party Committee is not impossible.

His Excellency the Chairman himself also valued this grandson. Now he called Shulis back for dinner and asked to add two people. He did not ask Du Lin to leave. There is no doubt that he wanted to stay at Du Lin for dinner and to repair him. Leiss introduced Doolin.

The steward has served His Excellency the Chairman for a lifetime, his father has served His Excellency for a lifetime, and he has become a member of this family.

Sometimes they look at the outside situation in different ways and methods than those of the Chairman and His Excellency. He thinks that Doolin is actually very good, capable, and tough, like the young Magus.

This is a good thing, at least even if Dulin can't do what Magus did, it will make the future of the family less confused.

After the steward left, His Excellency opened the invitation with a smile and said, "Stay here for dinner together. My chef's lamb leg is often mentioned even by Magus. You should try it. This is the most delicious practice of the Empire. The whole The empire can only be eaten here! "

He is a bit proud, because a chef feels proud of the craftsmanship, and of course it is true. In the past, Magus sometimes took the initiative to come for a dinner, because the craftsmanship of the chef added by the chairman is unique to the Empire. Share.

Important members of the aristocratic family, such as housekeepers, gardeners and cooks, are often domestic servants, and those who have served a certain aristocratic family for generations, even in modern times, these people still serve the aristocratic family.

It ’s just that today ’s society is a little different from what it used to be. In fact, this existing system is also experiencing the influence of the new era culture. Many young people are unwilling to serve large families. They ca n’t understand the ideas of their ancestors, so that some families have Started outsourcing chefs and gardeners.

This is especially evident in the south. The aristocracy in the south can be said to be the last group of feudal nobles in the empire's feudal system. Their heritage is shallower, their attraction to the servants in the family is weaker, and it is difficult to retain excellent people.

On the contrary, this situation is much better in the northern part of the empire. People are still used to calling the nobles of the past as noble masters, and the environment has not changed much.

Nowadays, the owners of a large number of companies or workshops under the banner of "Serving Nobles for Generations" in society are often founded by these young people who have left the noble family under the impact of the new era society.

They used this method to quickly withdraw money from the pockets of the middle class, and successfully led other people who were watching to leave the aristocracy and start their own businesses.

So everyone knows that the later, the composition of an aristocratic family will become thinner, but also the more pure.

After showing off his own chef's skills, the Chairman continued to ask, "I'm very interested in your plan, but there is also a small problem in it, how do you plan to make Bowers fall down and be able to Warn everyone without triggering a new storm? "

Bowers ’s identity is very special. Even if he is a leader of the New Party, he is also a leader of the New Party, even if he is unconscious and enterprising all the time.

He represents the face of the New Party in society and is a reflection of the value of the New Party. If something goes wrong, it is easy for people to associate what happened to him with the current situation of the New Party.

The Emperor Party will never miss such an opportunity. They will preach a small problem into a major problem affecting the empire. If the New Party fails to support it, it is likely to face a more troublesome situation.

He was curious about Doolin's method, and Bowers should not agree so easily to give up the power in his hands, even if this power is sometimes not effective.

Turin smiled a little stubbornly. Instead of answering this question immediately, he asked a new question, "We can talk about this later, Your Excellency, do you have any thoughts on the idea proposed by Dolly?"

His Excellency frowned and recalled for a while before asking, "You mean that I came to be the leader of the New Party?"

Du Lin nodded, removed Bowers and promoted the more authoritative and prestigious Chairman to become the leader. As a series of all key Dolly, he would naturally be pushed to the position of chairman of the committee, becoming the second in the party The chair.

When she becomes chairman, she will be vacated as a vice chairman, which is what Du Lin needs.

Once he becomes the vice chairman of the New Party Committee, the election campaign six years later has great potential to stand out and become the youngest prime minister of the empire.

As long as he sits in that position, this empire, this world, will be placed on the palm of his hands.

But having said that, the first step is to make room, the first step can not go on, and the rest of the nature need not be considered.

After thinking for a while, His Excellency teased with a smile, "It's attractive, but don't you think that Bowers is in that position better than me?"

Now that he has decided to recommend his grandson to Du Lin, His Excellency the Chairman would not mind saying a bit more. His meaning is actually very simple.

Now everyone knows that the conflict between Bowers and Durin always results from Bowers' concession, and this idiot is almost about to give up his party work, all day just thinking about gaining benefits for himself.

Such a person may be worthless at work, but for Du Lin, he has better control. He is a puppet, he doesn't care who is behind the line who is manipulating the line. He just wants to pack things. In the pocket.

Putting such a waste in the position of the leader of the New Party, and then knocking off His Excellency the Chairman as a goal, to promote Dory to take office, and Du Lin entered the Presidency, seems to have an advantage over choosing to take down His Excellency Mr. Bowers, It also has more reliable handling.

Du Lin laughed twice, and he took out a cigarette again, holding the cigarette holder back, pinching the cigarette holder on a platinum cigarette case, and compacting the shredded tobacco.

He held a cigarette, took out a lighter and lit a cigarette, took a breath, and spit it out again, "Because the New Party is not my springboard, this will be my career."

The expression on His Excellency's face was frozen for a moment, and became a little calm, a little dignified. He looked at Du Lin as if he wanted to see through the false face of this young man's face.

About half a minute or so, I don't know if he sees through, he nodded slightly, "well said, career, I like the word very much."

"More than forty years ago, Magus used this word to trick many of us into doing something stupid with him, and now a young man intends to use this word to trick me into making some important decisions, you guys ...", he somewhat Looking at Du Lin in suspicion, "Couldn't collude?"

After calming for a few seconds, they both laughed. This was obviously just a joke. His Excellency touched his chin and smiled, "It's really interesting to chat with you, it makes me feel very relaxed."

Du Lin laughed, "Because I'm honest, I never hide my true thoughts, although they often say it's shameless ..."

His self-mockery made His Excellency laugh a little louder, and the laughter gradually subsided. He nodded again and again, and finally patted the armrest of the chair. "Why not? We were able to create miracles before, I I believe we can do wonders now! "

The two immediately began to discuss the subsequent matters. His Excellency's preference for Dulin was not an instant decision. Magus had only a weak transfer for such a long time. He was very disappointed.

In fact, he also looks at some problems within the party, but it is difficult for him to do it now, because no matter where to start, it is not appropriate.

Do it for those who have found their next home and are about to leave?

Soon people will begin to spread some small news, such as the tyranny of the New Party party, there is no survival ground for civilians, prompting some civilian members to break away from the New Party.

Politics has never been clean, and it will not be clean in the future ~ ~ As long as he does, the people of the Emperor Party and even the Labour Party will launch public opinion to attack the New Party. For these people, they are the most What is not expected is the emergence of a New Party leader who can continue to serve for decades.

Before such people appeared, the best way was to annihilate the New Party in the process of revival.

If you do something about the middle and high levels, now the party is already frightened. Dory constantly interviews the middle and high levels to keep the turbulent situation only between the bottom and middle and lower levels, as well as some middle and lower levels.

The New Party Committee does not act on the hardest hit areas, but on those who have not yet made a choice, it will also exacerbate the speed of division of these people.

So no fight, no fight, this is not His Excellency the Chairman does nothing, but he has to take care of these in addition to looking at Bowers, and he is too old to take it alone.

He is not Magus. When he encounters a problem, he has the most suitable solution. He is just an ordinary person. He has the limit of visibility, so he must choose.


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