Cosma Empire

Chapter 141

Orlando is laughing a lot of times, it is difficult to see him angry, even if you degrade him, mock him, make him joke, he will keep a smile on his face. Will he show other expressions? Of course, when dealing with people whose status and status is not as good as him, he doesn’t laugh very much. It seems that his smile is only “open” to those who are in high society. But people who know him know that sometimes people who face the upper class will show other expressions.

For example, when he wants to go black, or when he feels embarrassed.

At this time, Orlando’s brows are tightly screwed together. To say who he wants to remove at Tenel is the little thing that Durin is. He always does not follow the rules, troubles himself, and almost pulls himself down twice. Of course, these are not important. What is important is that he dares to threaten himself with his family. This is unacceptable to Orlando, so he most wants to get rid of Durin, but he doesn’t dare to start.

The reason he didn’t dare to start was that he couldn’t bear the revenge after the defeat. He didn’t have the confidence to solve the Durin like a fox like a fox. Once he failed, he ran away, or let his cadres run away. Orlando is faced with the revenge of these mad mad storms.

Although he is the director of the regional police station, although he is a member of the maintenance order and the rules in Tenel City, he does not have any difference in essence from those who are homeless on the street. He is also a person, just a person. people. He didn’t have the skin to defend the bullets. Without one hand, he could lift the strength of the weapon to carry the platform. An explosion or even a bullet would kill his life.

So he didn’t dare to start with Durin, even if he had a perfect plan, he wouldn’t dare to do it in the end.

Durin can be a madman, gambling to determine the future, but his Orlando is definitely not a madman.

Now, he faces a tough choice. The maid of the mayor’s adult personally sent a note, and the contents of a few words on the note made Orlando somewhat unbearable. The mayor asked him to arrest Durin and the backbone of his fellow countrymen and send them to prison. The purpose of the mayor’s adult is to tell everyone that Heideller’s descendants of the traitor’s bloodline are squandering the blood of a traitor. Even if he wears luxurious clothes and lives in a magnificent house, he is still a traitor. It is not trustworthy.

On the other hand, I also want to warn Heideller in this way. Maybe he really has a lot of power and energy, but here is Tenel. He doesn’t count, the mayor said.

One thing that may seem simple to the mayor is that it has become a lot of trouble here in Orlando. The first thing to do is whether to start with Durin. This is a tough decision. If he chooses not to do it, he will certainly not offend Durin and will not be retaliated by Durin and his fellow countrymen, but he will offend the mayor. Obedience tools and disobedient tools can be selected with almost no brains. The mid-term election is just around the corner. At that time, the mayor will only have to say a few greetings, and Orlando may have to lose his hat.

Very difficult choice!

Is there a two-pronged way to get through this difficulty?

Orlando’s fists were smashed and stunned, and his eyes gradually showed a luster of lust. He hammered the table and made a decision.

He is going to see Durin.

As mentioned above, he does not like Durin, but living in this society, the mature performance is to hide your true preferences in the bottom of my heart, do not show it, you can not like everyone, but you can not let them know you If you don’t like them, you have to pretend that we are good friends, and then choose a secret way when necessary. From the back, give a knife to someone you don’t like, and you will feel more comfortable in a moment.

He doesn’t like Durin, but in this matter he needs the help of Durin.

He changed his police uniform in the lounge, put on a plainclothes, and then put on a hat to cover most of his appearance. Fortunately, the weather has cooled sharply at this time, and wearing a large windbreaker will not attract attention. He sneaked out from the back door of the police station. He is going to find Durin, then telling his own thoughts and giving a result that everyone can accept.

When Orlando turned around in the city to find Durin, it was already seven o’clock in the evening.

Karl wasn’t an easy-convincing old fogey. Even with Earnst’s companionship, it was for Durin’s hard work that finally made Karl choose to trust his words for the time being. He also invited the two to have dinner together and spent a hundred. .

A little bit of drunking, Durin, just got out of the car. A chunky chunky chunky guy wearing a trench coat and a hat came over the shadow of the road. The cool wind just happened, Durin was shivered, and the pistol was pulled out. I got the guy.

“Oh! It’s me! Orlando!”, Orlando quickly took off his hat and revealed his face. Durin gave him a look and put away his pistol.

“If you still appear this time, I will engrave on your tombstone, ‘This person died in the evening wearing a windbreaker and a hat!”, the people in the store have opened the store door, and Durin walks inside. While picking up the scarf, “How come you, dressed like this?”, if you look closely at Durin, you will find that his walking posture is a bit strange, and the twist is that you can’t walk straight.

In fact, Durin can’t drink alcohol, or he is not very good at drinking. Mr. Cosma’s drink is basically made by Mrs. Cosma with fruits that can’t be sold and can’t be eaten. When the alcohol is low, there is a strange smell of rotten fruit. The children in the family don’t like to drink. Naturally, there is no question about what the amount of alcohol is not. He can’t drink, but he still drinks. Dinner is a signal of peace. He needs to drink a little alcohol to set off the atmosphere. The three are not small people. The natural choice is also a high degree of wine. As a result, Durin drinks a little.

Orlando didn’t answer his words. Durin stopped and immediately moved toward the second floor. The two entered the room and Dufo stayed outside. He knew that the two must have something important to say, so no Durin told him that he would not. Will go in and will not let other people in.

Orlando directly threw the note to Durin, and Durin blinked his eyes and squinted at the words on the note and suddenly sweated. “Who is this for you?”

“Except for the mayor, there are not many people who can order me in this city.” Orlando hehe sneered and took a cigarette from the cigarette case on Durin’s desk to point it to himself.

Durin closed his eyes and leaned back. For a moment, he asked: “What are you going to do?” He didn’t ask you to catch nonsense like me. Since Orlando came here, he gave this note He sees, then it goes without saying that Orlando does not want to conflict with Durin.

Orlando talked about the ash. “I have a plan that everyone can accept, just don’t know if you dare to gamble.”

Then Orlando will tell his plan to Durin. In fact, it is not a great plan, but it is a thing of the old age. To put it bluntly, it is bullying. He will grab Durin and grab a few Guartians to identify them as the backbone of the fellowship, then sentence them to the mayor and send them to the district prison. On the way to the regional prison, he will release Durin and replace him with Durin to serve his sentence.

So the mayor gave him the task of his completion, and did not offend Durin, no one was offended.

Durin laughed aloud. Isn’t that the original Orlando’s move to Gothor? The result was eventually destroyed by him, but carefully looking back and thinking about it, this trick is low-level and looks “naive”, but it is extremely effective. If it wasn’t for Durin, who wanted to kill Gothor, maybe the disaster would have made Orlando and Gothor so mixed.

The only thing that makes Durin hesitant now is Orlando’s real idea. Once you are locked into the regional police station, Durin’s life is in the hands of Orlando, and he will lose all initiative. If Orlando suddenly turned his face at that time, it would really die in it. But if you don’t implement this plan, it means giving up all the business and foundation in Tenel City, going far away and starting again.

It is not Durin’s temperament, refused to go to other places, he can rise, can quickly have today’s status and everything, he must have put a lot of effort and hardship. More, it is a kind of luck that exists in the dark, and luck makes him have everything in the present. If you go to another place to start again, can you not be able to do it as it is now, the unfamiliar place of life and the congenital exclusion of the local people, maybe he left, he could not accomplish anything in his life.

It is also possible to create a higher glory, but who can say the standard?

He stared at Orlando, and Orlando calmly met his gaze. “I need to make sure that Orlando, otherwise I will choose other methods to protect myself.”

For Durin’s suspicion and distrust, Orlando didn’t care about it. If he was Durin, he wouldn’t easily hand over his life to someone else’s hand. “What do you want me to do?”

Durin put out a finger. “I don’t accept any restraint of torture, including handcuffs.” Then he put out a second finger. “I have two pistols on my body. I won’t take it.” Come out, but there must be…”, he extended a third finger…

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