Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1327: Injustice of life

Dooling in the TV picture looked a little embarrassed. His face was not very good, and he had heavy dark circles.

What was even more unexpected was that Ophelia was also on the show, holding the child and sitting on the sofa beside him.

At half past eight, basically all the families have finished their meals. When the family lays down or sits on the sofa and starts watching the show, this is a very special time.

The audience is only when the movie curiosity and patience of the day are the fullest, they will be very forgiving in all kinds of programs, even if the content of the program is not so good, but as long as there is one or two factors they like Is enough for them to finish the show.

"The Lawrence Talk at 8:30" is a channel's golden show at 8.30. It didn't start broadcasting for a long time, only a little more than a year, but the show attracted much attention due to the host's hosting style. .

It is said that the host, Lawrence, has been threatened with death more than once. Not only did he not close his stinking mouth, but he also increased his influence among the people.

Many people hope to be able to attend Lawrence's talk show. This show has a high degree of attention. As long as it is on, it can be considered a nickname.

But more people are hesitating and panicking. Sometimes when he shows on his show, he will not only be famous, but also ugly.

Du Lin appeared on such a program, and immediately raised the ratings to the limit. The TV staff stared at the dog for more than forty percent and continued to increase the ratings. I always felt that this was no longer the case. Surprise, but fright.

"Welcome everyone in front of the TV to come to our special talk show at 8 o'clock. As you can see, we have invited Mr. Du Lin, who has received the most attention recently, to participate in our program. Ms. Liya also appeared on the scene. Let us give them applause and encourage them to have the courage to participate in my show! ", Lawrence's words made the audience at the scene boil, and his little self-incrimination was also the highlight of his show.

Of course, what the audience likes more is that he often asks the guests who participate in the show to keep silent throughout the process, or even leaves the scene directly. This is the most amazing effect.

Du Lin always held Ophelia's hand in one hand. When the camera came over, he nodded slightly, glanced back at his wife and children, pursed his lips, and seemed to be hurt.

As if Lawrence didn't notice this, he directly asked people's concerns sharply, "Why resign?"

He is not as embarrassed as other hosts for a long time, saying some nonsense nonsense, and only mentioning a few questions that do not touch the guest's bottom line, he always fired directly.

He adjusted his sitting position a bit, his fingers clasped with dragons, his elbows pressed against the armrests on both sides of the sofa, and his body leaned forward slightly. "We all know that you are the successor designated by Mr. Magus, although many times you or Mag Mr. S. does not acknowledge this, but this is the fact. "

"For us ordinary people, the New Party should be like an enterprise formed in your family. Why did you announce that you want to withdraw from the New Party because it was lost to others in the political struggle, or is there some other reason? "

He hinted, "For example, some recent gossip reports that someone is framing you, but I don't think it's enough to allow a young hardliner like Du Lin to choose to concede, something must have happened that we don't know yet. What is it, say it! "

The audience in front of the TV set sat up straight for a moment, this is the charm of Lawrence talk show, he is not only dare to say that simple, if Du Lin's answer makes him dissatisfied, he will chase after him , Look for a flaw, and then attack it!

Du Lin was silent for about ten seconds. The live broadcast director gave him a lot of close-ups. He hesitated, hesitated, anxious, and sloppy. This made more people start to be nervous. What happened and made it impossible to fight. Do the fallen durins become like this?

About twenty seconds later, he shook his wife's hand, shook his head and said, "There is no other reason, but I lost, that's it ..."

Before he finished speaking, Lawrence interrupted his speech directly and rudely, "Lying! Mr. Durin, you lied, I remind you that you are deceiving me, deceiving the audience at the scene and in front of the TV. We I invite you to come here in the hope that I can talk to you about the truth, we don't want to listen to the boring lies of politicians! "

Those on-site audiences who watched the event lively stood up and waved their arms. Some also made gestures of contempt and ridicule, booing and occasionally swearing.

The audience in front of the TV also seemed to be infected, booing.

Holmes, who was watching the show, suddenly realized something, and his face became extremely ugly. If Du Lin really did that ... he couldn't imagine what would happen!

Magus, who was lying in the hospital, was watching the show. When he saw it, he was a little uneasy and went back. Doolin was like a conspiracy child. No one knew better than him how to play uncleanly. Games.

Holmes is indeed very helpful. He also has some supporters in Woodland and the party, but he mistakenly overestimates Dolin's bottom line and underestimates Dolin's shamelessness, so this time he lost.

To deal with people like Du Lin, we must fight with him upright and fight with him. Do not think about playing tricks and tricks, that is his strength, it is difficult to win him.

Even Magus himself, looking at the growing Doolin, feels that he may not win Dolin in a conspiracy and tactical battle. This little Gouri is not a thing. There is no limit to playing these , And dare to play anything, not afraid of accidents, let alone others.

Anyone who has a bit of a bottom line and a bit of social morality cannot win him.

Countless people are watching this show, and the TV group ’s ratings have exceeded 50%. The show started less than ten minutes and is slowly climbing.

At this time, Du Lin at the shooting site became a bit ugly to face Lawrence's unreserved positive rebuke. He seemed to be asked, like most of those who wanted to come to the heat, but became the victims of the show. politician.

Durin's silence didn't replace Lawrence's shut-up. Instead, he pressed further and asked, "Oh my God, the well-known empire's Mr. Durin was willing to humiliate and not tell the truth at this moment. Terrible truth, was someone killed, or did someone pay a heavy price for it? "

His smiley face was full of redness, forcing him to ask a person with social status and power like Dulin to bring him more pleasure than he imagined.

Although he knew from the beginning that this was a counterattack, a counterattack plan decided by Du Lin himself, and his talk show was only part of the plan, but this did not prevent him from keeping his position unchanged. Add more content to yourself.

A neurologist once wrote a serial killer, which is full of vulgar content, but there is an interesting main thread, that is, the target of serial killer killing is getting higher and higher in society.

The book used the words "the blood of the poor is smelly" and "I first discovered that the blood of the rich is actually sweet" and "the blood soaked with power and money carries a hint of milky sweetness "To describe the serial killer's killing line and behavior, it reflects a distorted but realistic value-the more humble the person, the more willing to see the rich and the right to have a misfortune and suffering!

Lawrence took a deep breath and voted for the first time in accordance with the program's voting session. Two choices appeared on the TV screen immediately. The first was to let Dulin tell the truth, and the second was to continue to the next topic.

One of the two features is also one of the features of the Lawrence talk show. More interaction with the audience will make the audience mistakenly believe that they have obtained real authority to embarrass the glorious dignitaries, thus gaining pleasure.

The audience in front of the TV picked up the remote control—a slap-shaped box connected by a thumb-thick wire to the box and the TV. The first-generation product already has this design, but the new-generation TV is in The design is a bit more elaborate, not as stupid as in previous generations.

Just press the green confirmation key or the red return key to vote, and the terminal data will be aggregated to a special counter of the local cable television group.

It does not have more functions, the only function is that it will work once every time an electronic pulse model is activated, and the last of the twelve wheels will rotate once.

When the mantissa wheel rotates ten times, the second wheel will rotate. This is a very simple counter. It does not have too special technology and invention, but it is a patented product.

That's right, the owner of the patented product of Science Island is still Du Lin ...

The voting time of ninety seconds was very short, and the staff quickly sent the results. Lawrence watched Du Lin showing the voting results in his hand. "Dulin is realistic. Now there are more than 30 million viewers hoping you can tell what it is. What really caused you to quit the New Party, we want the truth, not the lies. "

"You don't have to answer this question, but I believe it will not only disappoint me alone, but also disappoint more audiences!"

This is Lawrence's big killer. Few politicians can calmly face such a choice. In the end, they can only remain silent or leave.

There was a politician who started to pretend to be deaf and dumb sign language in an attempt to avoid forced interrogation. As a result, Lawrence invited the company's sign language announcer. After a few minutes of watching, the announcer left a bunch of dirty words and left The show has also become one of the pictures of the year.

Now, the choice has reappeared, the target is Doulin, and this is not an easy decision.

He had been looking back at Ophelia. The girl's eyes had some unspeakable changes, but these changes eventually became determined and encouraged. She took hold of Du Lin's hand and nodded.

Durin took a deep breath and looked at Lawrence, saying something that no one thought.

"I choose to tell the truth, maybe it doesn't make people feel excited or beautiful."

"Everyone has been young and understands the impulses of young people. I am not a saint in the mouth of people. I have made the same mistakes as many young people."

"Before meeting Ophelia and marrying her, I met another girl, had a brief relationship, and had a child ..."

The whole scene was about to explode into the sky. The audience at the scene stood up with red ears and red eyes, waving their limbs to express their inner shock. The audience in front of the TV also widened their eyes and listened carefully to every word in the TV. Make sure that you can clearly hear the tribe of celebrities.

Holmes slammed the coffee table, and the contents of the coffee table fluttered to the ground. He stood up with a pale face, grabbed the shelf on the side of the sofa for visiting the equipment, and smashed it on the TV.

Magus closed his eyes, he already knew the next story, and he could continue to rest comfortably for a while.

Odgar, always full of doubts, turned off the TV with a smile, and opened the window to welcome the beautiful sunshine outside.

Everyone showed a different attitude because of this. The muscles on Lawrence's face began to tremble uncontrollably. He couldn't imagine missing this show today and what kind of evaluation and achievements he would get!

Du Lin ignored these people and continued, "That girl and I have a child. I know I did something stupid, so I have been compensating her ..."

According to the so-called script or Taiben, Du Lin would tell the truth of the matter, but Lawrence suddenly interposed and asked Ophelia, "Ms. Ophelia, do you know these things, Do Lin and Other women have children, and I also want to know when you were dating, did he talk about these past, or what is happening? "

The already excited audience was even more excited, and Lawrence let them collectively arouse without a stand, never revealing such a glorious and decent surface of the wealthy, revealing the more popular things inside the rotten and smelly inside.

Ophelia glanced at Dorin, and Dorin looked at Lawrence calmly. She thought for a few seconds, then nodded expressly. "Every good boy always faces many choices. I Glad, Doolin chose me. "

Without a positive answer, it is enough to satisfy people's conjectures. Is there any substantial answer, Ophelia is very smart.

In Du Lin ’s eyes, she may be simple and cute, but she is a noble daughter of a large aristocratic family. She has received aristocratic elite education since she was a child. The indoctrination-like experience instillation will make her understand more than ordinary people. When should I say something?

Lawrence was a bit sorry, the girl answered too well, so that he did not have the opportunity to play further, he made a continue posture, let Du Lin continue to say.

Du Lin chuckled and continued, "Everyone knows that because Mr. Bowers is getting older, his body is getting worse than before, and after some unexpected short time, he can't get back to work."

"We need to make some changes, which also means that there are some new opportunities, and I, others, including Holmes, are competitors."

"Obviously, I have more advantages, but what was unexpected was that Holmes was forced to abduct my ex-girlfriend and her and my children to threaten me and force me to quit the New Party."

"He told me that if I didn't do that, he would not only announce our relationship to the community, but it would hurt that girl, and me and her children."

Turin turned to look at Ophelia, holding her hand tightly, and he looked a little excited.

The couple communicated through their eyes for a moment, and it seemed that Du Lin's mood had calmed down again. Then he continued to face the camera and said, "I'm very sorry for that girl, and even more sorry for that child. I can reject his threat, but I think being a person should have a conscience and a bottom line. "

His voice was getting louder and louder, and it seemed to become weak and full of power. "I don't want to hate myself one day after I grow old, in order to **** the power to destroy someone who once loved me Girl, and my life with her children. "

"Maybe I spend most of my life in selfishness, but at this moment, my conscience of choice, I just want to face them with courage and courage one day in the future, telling them that I do not have the power to step on horses. Give up your humanity. "

Du Lin stood up, and he became more and more powerful, so that Lawrence who had seen Taiben lost his language and thinking ability at this time. He could only stare duly at the dumb audience like the audience. forest.

He walked to the middle, stood under the light, stood in the spotlight where countless lights were focused, waved his arm, and said deeply but firmly, "Let him succeed, and he would be happy for him to win this victory with such a despicable method , But I believe I am the real winner. "

"All he gets is empty power. He will regret it later and be sad for it, but I won myself!"

"Yes, that's why I quit the New Party. I dare to say it here, because I have done something and I accept the punishment of time."

"But I do n’t regret what I do and my choice now ~ ~ Each of us has a unique life. We should not be dogmatically turned into puppets and be controlled by others. There should be a colorful life. "

"Whether happy, sad, joyful, sad, this is our choice and our life."

"Someone will take this as a scandal, I won't cover it, because this is my life, my past, and ...", his face finally revealed the real smile that appeared for the first time tonight, "This It's my life, my choices and the responsibilities I have to face. "

After a short silence, the scene broke out again, and everyone was convinced by the personality charm of Du Lin. These should be fatal scandals for politicians, but here in Du Lin, it turned into a kind of ... positive s things.

Whether it is the gods or God is sometimes unfair, some people are not only handsome, rich, have the right to have status, but also so arrogant that they can talk!

Too unfair! !! !!


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