Cosma Empire

Chapter 223

In the face of Juan’s silence, Durin is not urging. No matter which method he chooses, Durin has a way to get him to the final step. The only difference is the size of his loss. In the long wait, the car parked outside the largest bar in the first district. At this time, it was still dark for a long time. Although there were many guests in the bar, they were too quiet when it was crazy at night.

After getting off the bus, the two entered the second floor of the bar from the back door in the alley behind the bar. It was Juan’s office in the first district. He doesn’t usually come here because it is too noisy. He is getting older and can’t bear the atmosphere. He needs quiet and self-cultivation, not the following hormones that are overflowing.

After closing the door, the room gradually began to cool down. Although people have not invented a small air conditioner, there is already a mature means in the use of ice. There are not only ice in the mezzanine of the wall, but also a copper tube with water flowing in it. It constantly removes the heat in the room. The temperature inside is lower than the outdoor temperature by four or five degrees, which is enough to make people feel cool.

Juan looked at the crowded heads on the street outside the window. After a while, he bit his teeth and made up his mind. He looked at Durin and smiled and said Durin’s most satisfying answer. “I chose the first option. We set up a company to develop and then negotiate with the George family. I thought that this method actually has more. Operationality, as long as we stand firm together in the final negotiation process, they must respect our decision!”

After thinking about it for so long, Juan actually thought a lot, especially on East Coast Entertainment. Although it seems that he spent more than 41 million on actual investment, the shareholding is less than 30%. He wasn’t sure if Eric had a direct relationship with Durin. He had no evidence to prove it. He also arranged people to look for Eric. He had no choice until he got the evidence.

He saw this as a warning and a warning to him. It was precisely because of this warning that he finally made the decision to establish a company with Durin. He didn’t know if Durin would continue to make tricks if two people invested in East Coast Entertainment, he would rather establish the company’s respective investments, and would not be willing to bear the possible consequences of one in ten. And to do this he has more freedom, Durin’s efforts are of course the best result, but he does not work hard and does not drag his own legs, but can prove that he is the most suitable partner of the George family, why not choose this ?

Durin shrugged, did not show any dissatisfaction and complaints about this. “That line, I will arrange for people to proceed to the next step. So where do you want to start? We can’t repeat the investment in cinema construction in a certain area. This will cause unnecessary consumption.”

Even if Durin didn’t ask this question, Juan was also planning to propose it. He lightly smiled. “I plan to invest in 11 cities in the next state. You know, I am older, and I am not running too much. Any benefits, I hope you can understand.”

“Of course I can understand, then I will go a little further!”

After the two men negotiated for some of the following questions, Durin got up and said goodbye. At the moment when the door was closed, both of them were sighed in relief, and they all converged with a false smile on their faces.

Durin licked his lips and planned to go here, neither he nor Juan could have turned back.

In fact, when he knew that the George family planned to lay out the film circle, he had already abandoned his dream of becoming a film tycoon. The wealth and political power of the George family is that he and Juan can compete? To say a bad word, the other party only needs to say hello to Marcus, and Durin and Juan will not be able to buy it anywhere, no matter how much they pay! This is the worst guess. If the Georges want to ensure their absolute control in the film industry and make more intensive repetitive investments in the same area, Durin and Juan will simply Not the opponent of the other party.

So Durin gave up some unrealistic ideas, focused on how to make Juan bankrupt, and then took over his brewing workshops and bars, that was what he wanted most.

But before that, Durin had to do one thing.

After reaching out to the upper class, he found that money is really worthless. This sentence may be very contradictory, but the specific explanation is not so contradictory. When there is no money, maybe 12,000 is a big number, and can do a lot of things. After actually owning tens of millions of property, he discovered that the money could not do much. !

This is related to another situation, that is, the polarization of wealth. Some people say that the wealth of 95% on World is controlled by 5% people. Everyone wants to be the 5%, but in reality they may just be six percent, seven percent or even 10%. Xiao Yan. 30 million’s gold plus other money was unimaginable in Durin’s previous life.

However, at this point in his current stage, he discovered that the money is enough to make him a 5% in a city, but it is more difficult to become World’s 5%.

He needs money and needs more money, so he has a second step – continue to swindle money.

The intention of cheating money comes from Eric’s behavior, which makes Durin realize that people’s understanding of financial games at this time is still in a relatively primitive stage. He can use this method to fish, but only once or twice. . Once too many attempts will inevitably lead to social turmoil, exacerbate the contradictions between classes, and thus attract the attention of the top of the empire.

If Marcus personally opened the name of Durin, he had no other way than to escape Confederation, so he couldn’t get more, but he had to get enough money, which required Ritz Street to help him, and he I also want to thank Juan for everything he has done for him.

Before returning home, Durin called Albert and asked him to set up the manager as soon as possible. He also called Kevin, who had not been in contact for a long time.

Kevin was also very surprised when he received the call from Durin. At the same time, he was a little happy. People always couldn’t forget the poor friends in the past when they were developed. It’s not how much humanity and nostalgia they have. It’s purely a sense of vanity that shows off the poor friends and shows off their glory.

Unfortunately, Kevin’s happiness is doomed to be inconclusive, because he still does not have Durin rich.

“I am surprised that you can call me this. This shows that the Tenel area is also close to the infrastructure of the developed areas in infrastructure. At least you have a telephone line now?” Kevin’s words are full of The person wants to have a punch on his face, and it seems that he seems to praise the construction of the Tenel area. In fact, it is also a faint ridicule of the backwardness of the Tenel area.

Although this ridicule has nothing to do with Durin.

“I’m sorry, I am not at Tenel now, I am at Irian, and I am currently settled here. We are less likely to gossip, I have something to help you…”

“Wait a minute!”, Kevin’s voice in the microphone interrupted Durin’s next words, and then said that Durin really wanted to swear at him. “My current consultation fee for each hour is eight hundred, less than one. The hour is calculated in one hour. I will mail the payment slip to you. You should leave an address for me first.”

Durin was silent for a moment and couldn’t help but say, “You vampire, may Holy Light be with you!”

“Every day someone is jealous of me, but I think the way you are swearing is the most innovative. If you don’t want to accept this price, I can give you five minutes, we can talk about something else.”

“Okay, okay, is it 800? I will pay.” Durin couldn’t help but smile, and Kevin, who was on the other end of the phone, laughed. Both thought about the first time they met. In the scene, Durin would have said that smuggling is better than being a lawyer. At least lawyers robbery does not break the law, but smuggling is illegal. “Help me find someone. The people on Ritz Street know very well about finance and the company. It is better to have a lawyer. I am very familiar with the law and I am familiar with financial related laws. I want to hire them.”

“Year? Is there any need? Gender? I suggest you choose women because women are more meticulous about details. They may not be as good at men as they are, but I believe you will not let others replace you. Make a decision!”

“Do you believe it? If I have to pay a few hundred nonsense, I have to pay you eight hundred. Is your law firm still missing?”

“We don’t lie in illiteracy!”

“I promise that when I meet next time, I will kill you!”

“Is this intimidating to know? It is a thousand an hour now!”

Durin left the address and then talked with Kevin for a while. After all, eight hundred hours of consulting fees, he did not say a few words really a little loss. Although verbally complaining that Kevin is not human at all, Durin is willing to pay the money. He knows that Kevin has his own principles, and he also knows that this guy will get things done as long as he has collected the money. He prefers Kevin to do more, and does not want Kevin to avoid money.

Treating people like Kevin, using money to feed him is the best choice for himself.

In the process of chatting with Kevin, Albert has arrived, and Evan is also here. After Durin put down the phone, he waved and the two talents came in from outside the room.

This was the first time they entered Durin’s study, and was immediately attracted to the thousands of books on the entire wall behind him. Perhaps more, in short, it was very shocking.

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