Cosma Empire

Chapter 285

When three huge wooden boxes were sent to the manor, everyone was curious, and no one knew what this dun called “television” was. They vaguely remember that Durin seemed to say that he wanted to buy something back. Is this the case?

With the efforts of the porters, these three huge cockroaches were finally placed where Durin needed them. One in the living room may be the habit of the World in the dream, many people like to put the TV in the living room, so he also chose to do so. The second TV was placed in a newly-arranged room, which will be used as a “home theater”. As for the third TV, it was placed in the bathroom on the second floor. For this reason, Durin also made a waterproof glass. The cabinet is used to put a TV.

This world TV is a bit big, it comes with a solid wood base, and the TV is connected, it is estimated that there is at least one hundred kilograms. After sending the porters away, a group of people gathered in the living room, where they touched, touched them, and their eyes were curious about the TV.

Durin lightly coughed, then take the instructions, follow the process on the instructions to open a few buttons, and then put a roll of tape that has just been unpacked into the play tray. Then he went to the sofa and sat down, letting the big guys let go, don’t block his sight.

After a few snowflakes on the screen that protruded like a dead fisheye, the picture finally appeared. This is a movie from last year. The box office can only be said to be normal. The investor just returned. When the actor appeared on the TV, Durin heard the resentment of the people around him. It was incredible. Can such a small thing actually play a movie?

Durin feels a bit boring. This black and white TV has long been eliminated in the dream, replaced by a thinner and more functional TV. He just gave up and watched it for a while, and he didn’t turn off the TV, because everyone else was shrinking around the sofa and staring at the screen and occasionally there was something like interference.

Television is the top priority in the next step. Politicians always say that every citizen has equal power. There is no class in this new world. However, this kind of political propaganda is almost equivalent to fart. Don’t say Durin doesn’t believe it, many people don’t believe it, but some people believe it. This is the credit of public opinion. The newspaper trust headed by the George family always instills something at the right time for the middle class of this society, and they believe the politicians’ damn rhetoric.

The most important and most indispensable force in this country is the middle class.

The poor, the citizens of the bottom-level society do not know which party is better for ordinary people, more welfare, they only care whether they can find a job, can they let their families eat enough if they are full. They don’t care about politics, they don’t want to care, they don’t have a need at all.

Only middle-class families will pay attention to these things, they can eat and drink enough, and they can have more time and more money to make some good things for their own life, such as actively participating in political activities – election.

Before the election, they need to know who they can vote for. They also need to know whether the concept of governance will affect their lives after each candidate takes office. Where can they get this information?

It used to be a newspaper, so it might be a TV set in the future.

After all, there are too many word games hidden in the lines of text. Different things that can be interpreted by different moods are also Myriad Transformations. Where is the time to comment on the program? The host’s position with or without a position is enough to quickly shake their views. In the World in Durin’s dream, there is a magical place called the United States. When they elect the President, they are not considering which candidate. More useful to society and the country, but to see which President can spend more money for publicity.

If the act of top-up in a game that has been in contact with in the World is called 氪金, then that is the lowest level of gold, because the most advanced sheet metal is in the United States.

Public opinion plays a much greater role in politics, in current affairs, and in people’s lives than people think.

Mastering the intelligence network and illegal groups throughout the empire, and mastering the main political voice of the future, his social status and influence will be self-evident in the future. At that time, wealth was the least important thing!

When Verona came back at night, Dufo was already watching the fourth movie. The filmmaker soon joined the crowd watching TV and watched with keen interest pleasure. Technology by leaps and bounds is also changing the existing film industry while giving people more entertainment. When she chatted with the director for the past two days, the director talked about this. Last year, some loss-making movies are gradually starting to return, and it is not the box office and the surrounding area that allows them to return. It is this kind of player. tape.

Perhaps in the future, the box office of a movie’s total income is no longer the biggest income, these miniature tapes are.

Then the phone on the first floor rang, and Dove knew that it was Durin after answering the phone. After hanging up the phone, let Verona go up and Durin looked for him.

If it was the first time, maybe Verona still had some concerns. I could live here for a month, and I didn’t see Durin or anyone else who was worried about her. She settled down. She didn’t think that Durin was looking for her to roll sheets with her. There should be other things.

When the room was upstairs, the room door was open. Durin was sitting at the desk in the middle hall and writing something. She knocked on the door and Durin said, “Sit” without lifting her head, and then continued to write her own things. She suppressed her curiosity and did not walk over, sitting in a chair not far from the desk.

For a while, Durin licked his wrist before putting down the pen in his hand. He recorded his plan for the next period of time on the book. As for whether the book will be lost or not, will anyone follow this book? The plan was to take the chicken that belonged to his golden egg. He felt that it was impossible because he used Chinese characters.

Looking up at Verona, Durin laughed, resting on the back of the chair, like a chat, asked: “Do you see the player below?”, Verona nodded, Durin added: “What about movies? Is it almost finished?”

The film time of this period is not particularly long. About 80 minutes is a very standard time. Some movies will be shorter and some will be longer. The filming time of this film will not exceed 90 minutes, and the filming has entered the final end. Except for a part of the lens that needs to be re-shooted, it will end at least a week.

Verona nodded and said: “Next Monday should be almost over. I dare to thank you for your help. Otherwise, I can never be a heroine of a big production.” She saw this very well. Thorough, not that Durin needs her, but she needs Durin. Without Durin, he is still only a supporting actress. Even the supporting actress with a little more drama is hard to mix, and she has to face the choice she once had in Tenel.

Either drift with the flow or sink to the end.

“I have an idea.” Durin crossed his hands on the lower abdomen with his hands and fingers. “Do you see the female children below? I think they may be able to learn how to perform. I heard that there is no school specializing in performances. I I plan to set up a school like this in Irian to teach children with innate talent to learn to perform. You are the most actor in the performance I have ever seen, and I believe you will be a very good Teacher.”

“You teach the children to perform for me. If you have the right movie, you can also shoot, or invest by me. This is a rough idea for me. What do you think?”

Verona is not surprised by what Durin said. For now, if you want to learn to perform, there are only two places to go. One is the theaters everywhere, and the other is the production company.

Both have their own points, but they also have their own shortcomings.

Theatres generally only recruit young children, and it takes at least five to ten years, or even longer, to learn to perform there. Verona is an example. She was sent to the Tenel Opera House to study opera and stage dramas from a very young age. It took more than a decade. Even worse, most theaters will sign a contract with their parents. At least for the next ten years, children need to be boarded in the theater for closed management and learning, unless ta has no potential and innate talent.

As for the production company, it is more commercial. There is no age limit for learning performances in them, but it is necessary to sign a very strict contract. After the end of the study period, they must film the unpaid movies for the company. Get away. There are also provisions for breach of contract. Once you are carrying a job outside the production company, or you are away from company management, you will need to face breach of contract compensation.

As for a pure performance school?

not yet!

Verona had nothing to tangled with herself. After leaving Tenel, she spent more than half a year in the movie circle at Imperial Capital. In addition to the scammers and third-rate directors and producers who want to get her to bed, she is hard to get away with. There are always some people in this world who are better than you, more beautiful than you, and more than you are to sell everything. If there is not a rich man who wants to get her to bed, and she has no choice but to make an attempt. It is impossible for her to come here, and it is even less likely to be the heroine of the film.

For a woman, especially an actress, there are too many temptations in this circle, but there are more traps. There is no strong gold master to support himself behind the scenes, and it is difficult to walk in the film circle!

After a short consideration, Verona was nodded, “I agree.”

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